Vision Tek Ieee 2013 Dip Projects
Vision Tek Ieee 2013 Dip Projects
Vision Tek Ieee 2013 Dip Projects
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Wavelet Packet Spectrum for
Texture Analysis
AbstractThe paper derives a 2-Dimensional spectrum estimator from some recent results on
the statistical properties of wavelet packet coefficients of random processes. It provides an
analysis of the bias of this estimator with respect to the wavelet order. The paper also discusses
the performance of this wavelet based estimator, in comparison with the conventional 2-D
Fourier-based spectrum estimator on texture analysis and content based image retrieval. It
highlights the effectiveness of the wavelet based spectrum estimation.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Modeling Urban Scenes by MS algorithm
AbstractWe present an original multiview stereo reconstruction algorithm which allows the
3D-modeling of urban scenes as a combination of meshes and geometric primitives. The method
provides a compact model while preserving details: Irregular elements such as statues and
ornaments are described by meshes, whereas regular structures such as columns and walls are
described by primitives (planes, spheres, cylinders, cones, and tori). We adopt a two-step
strategy consisting first in segmenting the initial mesh based surface using a multi label Markov
Random Field-based model and second in sampling primitive and mesh components
simultaneously on the obtained partition by a Jump-Diffusion process. The quality of a
reconstruction is measured by a multi-object energy model which takes into account both photo-
consistency and semantic considerations (i.e., geometry and shape layout). The segmentation and
sampling steps are embedded into an iterative refinement procedure which provides an
increasingly accurate hybrid representation. Experimental results on complex urban structures
and large scenes are presented and compared to state-of-the-art multiview stereo meshing
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Fuzzy Based Image Resolution
AbstractWe propose a novel high-quality image zooming technique using fuzzy rule based
prediction framework. Our approach is based on the fundamental idea that a low-resolution (LR)
image patch could be generated from any of the many possible high-resolution (HR) image
patches. Therefore it would be natural to assign certain fuzzyness to each of the possibilities of
HR patches. We develop a prediction system that learns the LR-HR patch correspondence and
also the natural image patch prior from an external database. We do so by collecting a large
amount of the LR-HR natural image patch pairs from an existing database, grouping them into
different clusters and then generating fuzzy rules to get an efficient mapping from LR patch
space to HR patch space. Experimental results show the efficacy of our method over existing
state-of-art methods.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Active Contour-Based Visual Tracking
AbstractIn this paper, we present a framework for active contour-based visual tracking using
level sets. The main components of our framework include contour-based tracking initialization,
color-based contour evolution, adaptive shape based contour evolution for non-periodic motions,
dynamic shape-based contour evolution for periodic motions, and the handling of abrupt
motions. For the initialization of contour based tracking, we develop an optical flow-based
algorithm for automatically initializing contours at the first frame. For the color-based contour
evolution, Markov random field theory is used to measure correlations between values of
neighboring pixels for posterior probability estimation. For adaptive shape-based contour
evolution, the global shape information and the local color information are combined to
hierarchically evolve the contour, and a flexible shape updating model is constructed. For the
dynamic shape-based contour evolution, a shape mode transition matrix is learnt to characterize
the temporal correlations of object shapes. For the handling of abrupt motions, particle swarm
optimization is adopted to capture the global motion which is applied to the contour in the
current frame to produce an initial contour in the next frame.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Adaptive Fingerprint Image Enhancement
With Emphasis on Preprocessing of Data
AbstractThis article proposes several improvements to an adaptive fingerprint enhancement
method that is based on contextual filtering. The term adaptive implies that parameters of the
method are automatically adjusted based on the input fingerprint image. Five processing blocks
comprise the adaptive fingerprint enhancement method, where four of these blocks are updated
in our proposed system. Hence, the proposed overall system is novel. The four updated
Processing blocks are: 1) preprocessing; 2) global analysis; 3) local analysis; and 4) matched
filtering. In the preprocessing and local analysis blocks, a nonlinear dynamic range adjustment
method is used. In the global analysis and matched filtering blocks, different forms of order
statistical filters are applied. These processing blocks yield an improved and new adaptive
fingerprint image processing method. The performance of the updated processing blocks is
presented in the evaluation part of this paper. The algorithm is evaluated toward the NIST
developed NBIS software for fingerprint recognition on FVC databases.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Casual Stereoscopic Photo Authoring
AbstractStereoscopic 3D displays become more and more popular these years. However,
authoring high-quality stereoscopic 3D content remains challenging. In this paper, we present a
method for easy stereoscopic photo authoring with a regular (monocular) camera. Our method
takes two images or video frames using a monocular camera as input and transforms them into a
stereoscopic image pair that provides a pleasant viewing experience. The key technique of our
method is a perceptual-plausible image rectification algorithm that warps the input image pairs to
meet the stereoscopic geometric constraint while avoiding noticeable visual distortion. Our
method uses spatially-varying mesh-based image warps. Our warping method encodes a variety
of constraints to best meet the stereoscopic geometric constraint and minimize visual distortion.
Since each energy term is quadratic, our method eventually formulates the warping problem as
aquadratic energy minimization which is solved efficiently using a sparse linear solver. Our
method also allows both local and global adjustments of the disparities, an important property for
adapting resulting stereoscopic images to different viewing conditions. Our experiments
demonstrate that our spatially-varying warping technique can better support casual stereoscopic
photo authoring than existing methods and our results and user study show that our method can
effectively use casually-taken photos to create high-quality stereoscopic photos that deliver a
pleasant 3D viewing experience.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Edge-Aware Image Processing
This paper presents a novel approach to edge-aware image
manipulation. Our method processes a Gaussian pyramid from coarse to fine, and at each level,
applies a nonlinear filter bank to the neighborhood of each pixel. Outputs of these spatially-
varying filters are merged using global optimization. The optimization problem is solved using
an explicit mixed-domain (real space and DCT transform space) solution, which is efficient,
accurate, and easy-to-implement. We demonstrate applications of our method to a set of
problems, including detail and contrast manipulation, HDR compression, non-photo realistic
rendering, and haze removal.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Estimating Information from Image Colors:
An Application to Digital Cameras and
Natural Scenes
AbstractThe colors present in an image of a scene provide information about its constituent
elements. But the amount of information depends on the imaging conditions and on how
information is calculated. This work had two aims. The first was to derive explicitly estimators
of the information available and the information retrieved from the color values at each point in
images of a scene under different illuminations. The second was to apply these estimators to
simulations of images obtained with five sets of sensors used in digital cameras and with the
cone photoreceptors of the human eye. Estimates were obtained for 50 hyper spectral images of
natural scenes under daylight illuminants with correlated color temperatures 4,000, 6,500, and
25,000 K. Depending on the sensor set, the mean estimated information available across images
with the largest illumination difference varied from 15.5 to 18.0 bits and the mean estimated
information retrieved after optimal linear processing varied from 13.2 to 15.5 bits (each about 85
percent of the corresponding information available). With the best sensor set, 390 percent more
points could be identified per scene than with the worst. Capturing scene information from image
colors depends crucially on the choice of camera sensors.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image Representation and Processing
With Binary Partition Trees
AbstractThe optimal exploitation of the information provided by hyper spectral images
requires the development of advanced image-processing tools. This paper proposes the
construction and the processing of a new region-based hierarchical hyper spectral image
representation relying on the binary partition tree (BPT). This hierarchical region-based
representation can be interpreted as a set of hierarchical regions stored in a tree structure.
Hence, the BPT succeeds in presenting: 1) the decomposition of the image in terms of
coherent regions, and 2) the inclusion relations of the regions in the scene. Based on
region-merging techniques, the BPT construction is investigated by studying the
hyperspectral region models and the associated similarity metrics. Once the BPT is
constructed, the fixed tree structure allows implementing efficient and advanced
application- dependent techniques on it. The application dependent processing of BPT is
generally implemented through a specific pruning of the tree. In this paper, a pruning
strategy is proposed and discussed in a classification context. Experimental results on
various hyperspectral data sets demonstrate the interest and the good performances of the
BPT representation.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image Enhancement Using HSF
AbstractWe introduce the hypothesis selection filter (HSF) as a new approach for image
quality enhancement. We assume that a set of filters has been selected a priori to improve
the quality of a distorted image containing regions with different characteristics. At each
pixel, HSF uses a locally computed feature vector to predict the relative performance of the
filters in estimating the corresponding pixel intensity in the original undistorted image. The
prediction result then determines the proportion of each filter used to obtain the final
processed output. In this way, the HSF serves as a framework for combining the outputs of
a number of different user selected filters, each best suited for a different region of an
image. We formulate our scheme in a probabilistic framework where the HSF output is
obtained as the Bayesian minimum mean square error estimate of the original image.
Maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters are determined from an offline
fully unsupervised training procedure that is derived from the expectation-maximization
algorithm. To illustrate how to apply the HSF and to demonstrate its potential, we apply
our scheme as a post-processing step to improve the decoding quality of JPEG-encoded
document images. The scheme consistently improves the quality of the decoded image over
a variety of image content with different characteristics. We show that our scheme results
in quantitative improvements over several other state-of-the-art JPEG decoding methods.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image Interpolation With NAM
Sparse representation is proven to be a promising approach to image super-resolution,
where the low resolution (LR) image is usually modeled as the down-sampled version of its
high-resolution (HR) counterpart after blurring. When the blurring kernel is the Dirac delta
function, i.e., the LR image is directly down-sampled from its HR counterpart without
blurring, the super-resolution problem becomes an image interpolation problem. In such
cases, however, the conventional sparse representation models (SRM) become less
effective, because the data fidelity term fails to constrain the image local structures. In
natural images, fortunately, many nonlocal similar patches to a given patch could provide
nonlocal constraint to the local structure. In this paper, we incorporate the image nonlocal
self-similarity into SRM for image interpolation. More specifically, a nonlocal
autoregressive model (NARM) is proposed and taken as the data fidelity term in SRM. We
show that the NARM-induced sampling matrix is less coherent with the representation
dictionary, and consequently makes SRM more effective for image interpolation. Our
extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed NARM-based image
interpolation method can effectively reconstruct the edge structures and suppress the
jaggy/ringing artifacts, achieving the best image interpolation results so far in terms of
PSNR as well as perceptual quality metrics such as SSIM and FSIM.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
PCA based Image Noise Level Estimation
AbstractThe problem of blind noise level estimation arises in many image processing
applications, such as denoising, compression, and segmentation. In this paper, we propose
a new noise level estimation method on the basis of principal component analysis of image
blocks. We show that the noise variance can be estimated as the smallest eigenvalue of the
image block covariance matrix. Compared with 13 existing methods, the proposed
approach shows a good compromise between speed and accuracy. It is at least 15 times
faster than methods with similar accuracy, and it is at least two times more accurate than
other methods. Our method does not assume the existence of homogeneous areas in the
input image and, hence, can successfully process images containing only textures.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image Smoothing by Gradient
We present a new image editing method, particularly effective for sharpening major edges
by increasing the steepness of transition while eliminating a manageable degree of low-
amplitude structures. The seemingly contradictive effect is achieved in an optimization
framework making use of L0 gradient minimization, which can globally control how many
non-zero gradients are resulted in to approximate prominent structure in a sparsity-
control manner. Unlike other edge-preserving smoothing approaches, our method does not
depend on local features, but instead globally locates important edges. It, as a fundamental
tool, finds many applications and is particularly beneficial to edge extraction, clip-art JPEG
artifact removal, and non-photorealistic effect generation.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Tracking by 3D-DCT Compact
Visual tracking usually requires an object appearance model that is robust to changing
illumination, pose and other factors encountered in video. Many recent trackers utilize
appearance samples in previous frames to form the bases upon which the object
appearance model is built. This approach has the following limitations: (a) the bases are
data driven, so they can be easily corrupted; and (b) it is difficult to robustly update the
bases in challenging situations. In this paper, we construct an appearance model using the
3D discrete cosine transform (3D-DCT).
The 3D-DCT is based on a set of cosine basis functions, which are determined by the
dimensions of the 3D signal and thus independent of the input video data. In addition, the
3D-DCT can generate a compact energy spectrum whose high-frequency coefficients are
sparse if the appearance samples are similar. By discarding these high-frequency
coefficients, we simultaneously obtain a compact 3D-DCT based object representation and
a signal reconstruction-based similarity measure (reflecting the information loss from
signal reconstruction). To efficiently update the object representation, we propose an
incremental 3DDCT algorithm, which decomposes the 3D-DCT into successive operations
of the 2D discrete cosine transform (2D-DCT) and 1D discrete cosine transform (1D-DCT)
on the input video data. As a result, the incremental 3D-DCT algorithm only needs to
compute the 2D-DCT for newly added frames as well as the 1D-DCT along the third
dimension, which significantly reduces the computational complexity. Based on this
incremental 3D-DCT algorithm, we design a discriminative criterion to evaluate the
likelihood of a test sample belonging to the foreground object. We then embed the
discriminative criterion into a particle filtering framework for object state inference over
time. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Interactive image segmentation by region
Efficient and effective image segmentation is an important task in computer vision and
object recognition. Since fully automatic image segmentation is usually very hard for
natural images, interactive schemes with a few simple user inputs are good solutions. This
paper presents an region merging based interactive image segmentation method. The users
only need to roughly indicate the location and region of the object and background by using
strokes, which are called markers. A novel maximal-similarity based region merging
mechanism is proposed to guide the merging process with the help of markers. A region R
is merged with its adjacent region Q if Q has the highest similarity with Q among all Q's
adjacent regions. The proposed method automatically merges the regions that are initially
segmented by mean shift segmentation, and then effectively extracts the object contour by
labeling all the non-marker regions as either background or object. The region merging
process is adaptive to the image content and it does not need to set the similarity threshold
in advance. Extensive experiments are performed and the results show that the proposed
scheme can reliably extract the object contour from the complex background.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Mining Semantic Context Information for
Intelligent Video Surveillance of Traffic
AbstractAutomated visual surveillance systems are attracting extensive interest due to
public security. In this paper, we attempt to mine semantic context information including
object-specific context information and scene-specific context information (learned from
object-specific context information) to build an intelligent system with robust object
detection, tracking, and classification and abnormal event detection. By means of object-
specific context information, a co trained classifier, which takes advantage of the multi view
information of objects and reduces the number of labeling training samples, is learned to
classify objects into pedestrians or vehicles with high object classification performance. For
each kind of object, we learn its corresponding semantic scene specific context information:
motion pattern, width distribution, paths, and entry/exist points. Based on this
information, it is efficient to improve object detection and tracking and abnormal event
detection. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our semantic context
features for multiple real-world traffic scenes.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Modeling Natural Images Using Gated
AbstractThis paper describes a Markov Random Field for real-valued image modeling
that has two sets of latent variables. One set is used to gate the interactions between all
pairs of pixels while the second set determines the mean intensities of each pixel. This is a
powerful model with a conditional distribution over the input that is Gaussian with both
mean and covariance determined by the configuration of latent variables, which is unlike
previous models that were restricted to use Gaussians with either a fixed mean or a iagonal
covariance matrix. Thanks to the increased flexibility, this gated MRF can generate more
realistic samples after training on an unconstrained distribution of high-resolution natural
images. Furthermore, the latent variables of the model can be inferred efficiently and can
be used as very effective descriptors in recognition tasks. Both generation and
discrimination drastically improve as layers of binary latent variables are added to the
model, yielding a hierarchical model called a Deep Belief Network.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
High Dynamic Range Image
This paper presents a technique for reconstructing a high-quality high dynamic range
(HDR) image from a set of differently exposed and possibly blurred images taken with a
hand-held camera. Recovering an HDR image from differently exposed photographs has
become very popular. However, it often requires a tripod to keep the camera still when
taking photographs of different exposures. To ease the process, it is often preferred to use a
hand-held camera. This, however, leads to two problems, misaligned photographs and
blurred long-exposed photographs. To overcome these problems, this paper adapts an
alignment method and proposes a method for HDR reconstruction from possibly blurred
images. We use Bayesian framework to formulate the problem and apply a maximum
likelihood approach to iteratively perform blur kernel estimation, HDR image
reconstruction and camera curve recovery. When convergence, we simultaneously obtain
an HDR image with rich and clear structures, the camera response curve and blur kernels.
To show the effectiveness of our method, we test our method on both synthetic and real
Photographs. The proposed method compares favorably to two other related methods in
the experiments.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Pattern Masking Estimation in Image
AbstractA model of visual masking, which reveals the visibility of stimuli in the human
visual system (HVS), is useful in perceptual based image/video processing. The existing
visual masking function mainly takes luminance contrast into account, which always
overestimates the visibility threshold of the edge region and underestimates that of the
texture region. Recent research on visual perception indicates that the HVS is sensitive to
orderly regions which possess regular structures, and insensitive to disorderly regions
which possess uncertain structures. Therefore, structural uncertainty is another
determining factor on visual masking. In this paper, we introduce a novel pattern masking
function based on both luminance contrast and structural uncertainty. By mimicking the
internal generative mechanism of the HVS, a prediction model is firstly employed to
separate out the unpredictable uncertainty from an input image. And then, an improved
local binary pattern is introduced to compute the structural uncertainty. Finally, combining
luminance contrast with structural uncertainty, the pattern masking function is deduced.
Experimental result demonstrates that the proposed pattern masking function
outperforms the existing visual masking function. Furthermore, we extend the pattern
masking function to just noticeable difference (JND) estimation and introduce a novel pixel
domain JND model. Subjective viewing test confirms that the proposed JND model is more
consistent with the HVS than the existing JND models.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Real-time Object Tracking via ODFS
AbstractMost tracking-by-detection algorithms train discriminative classifiers to
separate target objects from their surrounding background. In this setting, noisy samples
are likely to be included when they are not properly sampled, thereby causing visual drift.
The multiple instance learning (MIL) learning paradigm has been recently applied to
alleviate this problem. However, important prior information of instance labels and the
most correct positive instance (i.e., the tracking result in the current frame) can be
exploited using a novel formulation much simpler than an MIL approach. In this paper, we
show that integrating such prior information into a supervised learning algorithm can
handle visual drift more effectively and efficiently than the existing MIL tracker. We
present an online discriminative feature selection algorithm which optimizes the objective
function in the steepest ascent direction with respect to the positive samples while in the
steepest descent direction with respect to the negative ones. Therefore, the trained
classifier directly couples its score with the importance of samples, leading to a more
robust and efficient tracker. Numerous experimental evaluations with state-of-the-art
algorithms on challenging sequences demonstrate the merits of the proposed algorithm.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Real-time Object Tracking via AFS
AbstractAdaptive tracking by detection has been widely studied with promising results.
The key idea of such trackers is how to train an online discriminative classifier which can
well separate object from its local background. The classifier is incrementally updated
using positive and negative samples extracted from the current frame around the detected
object location. However, if the detection is less accurate, the samples are likely to be less
accurately extracted, thereby leading to visual drift. Recently, the multiple instance
learning (MIL) based tracker has been proposed to solve these problems to some degree. It
puts samples into the positive and negative bags, and then selects some features with an
online boosting method via maximizing the bag likelihood function. Finally, the selected
features are combined for classification. However, in MIL tracker the features are selected
by a likelihood function, which can be less informative to tell the target from complex
background. Motivated by the active learning method, in this paper we propose an active
feature selection approach which is able to select more informative features than MIL
tracker by using the Fisher information criterion to measure the uncertainty of
classification model. More specifically, we propose an online boosting feature selection
approach via optimizing the Fisher information criterion, which can yield more robust and
efficient real-time object tracking performance. Experimental evaluations on challenging
sequences demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of the proposed tracker in
comparison with state-of-the-arts.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Rich Intrinsic Image Decomposition of
Outdoor Scenes from Multiple Views
AbstractIntrinsic images aim at separating an image into its reflectance and illumination
components to facilitate further analysis or manipulation. This separation is severely ill
posed and the most successful methods rely on user indications or precise geometry to
resolve the ambiguities inherent to this problem. In this paper, we propose a method to
estimate intrinsic images from multiple views of an outdoor scene without the need for
precise geometry and with a few manual steps to calibrate the input. We use multiview
stereo to automatically reconstruct a 3D point cloud of the scene. Although this point cloud
is sparse and incomplete, we show that it provides the necessary information to compute
plausible sky and indirect illumination at each 3D point. We then introduce an optimization
method to estimate sun visibility over the point cloud. This algorithm compensates for the
lack of accurate geometry and allows the extraction of precise shadows in the final image.
We finally propagate the information computed over the sparse point cloud to every pixel
in the photograph using image-guided propagation. Our propagation not only separates
reflectance from illumination, but also decomposes the illumination into a sun, sky, and
indirect layer. This rich decomposition allows novel image manipulations as demonstrated
by our results.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped
AbstractTone-mapping operators (TMOs) that convert high dynamic range (HDR) to low
dynamic range (LDR) images provide practically useful tools for the visualization of HDR
images on standard LDR displays. Different TMOs create different tone mapped images,
and a natural question is which one has the best quality. Without an appropriate quality
measure, different TMOs cannot be compared, and further improvement is directionless.
Subjective rating may be a reliable evaluation method, but it is expensive and time
consuming, and more importantly, is difficult to be embedded into optimization
frameworks. Here we propose an objective quality assessment algorithm for tonemapped
images by combining: 1) a multiscale signal fidelity measure on the basis of a modified
structural similarity index and 2) a naturalness measure on the basis of intensity statistics
of natural images. Validations using independent subject-rated image databases show good
correlations between subjective ranking score and the proposed tone-mapped image
quality index (TMQI). Furthermore, we demonstrate the extended applications of TMQI
using two examplesparameter tuning for TMOs and adaptive fusion of multiple tone-
mapped images.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Optical Flow Estimation of Images
Abstract The accuracy of optical flow estimation algorithms has been improving steadily
as evidenced by results on the Middlebury optical flow benchmark. The typical formulation,
however, has changed little since the work of Horn and Schunck. We attempt to uncover
what has made recent advances possible through a thorough analysis of how the objective
function, the optimization method, and modern implementation practices influence
accuracy. We discover that classical flow formulations perform surprisingly well when
combined with modern optimization and implementation techniques. One key
implementation detail is the median filtering of intermediate flow fields during
optimization. While this improves the robustness of classical methods it actually leads to
higher energy solutions, meaning that these methods are not optimizing the original
objective function. To understand the principles behind this phenomenon, we derive a new
objective function that formalizes the median filtering heuristic. This objective function
includes a non-local smoothness term that robustly integrates flow estimates over large
spatial neighborhoods. By modifying this new term to include information about flow and
image boundaries we develop a method that can better preserve motion details. To take
advantage of the trend towards video in widescreen format, we further introduce an
asymmetric pyramid downsampling scheme that enables the estimation of longer range
horizontal motions. The methods are evaluated on the Middlebury, MPI Sintel, and KITTI
datasets using the same parameter settings.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Salient Object Detection via LRMR
Salient object detection is not a pure low-level, bottom up process. Higher-level knowledge
is important even for task-independent image saliency. We propose a unified model to
incorporate traditional low-level features with higher-level guidance to detect salient
objects. In our model, an image is represented as a low-rank matrix plus sparse noises in a
certain feature space, where the non-salient regions (or background) can be explained by
the low-rank matrix, and the salient regions are indicated by the sparse noises. To ensure
the validity of this model, a linear transform for the feature space is introduced and needs
to be learned. Given an image, its low-level saliency is then extracted by identifying those
sparse noises when recovering the low-rank matrix. Furthermore, higher-level knowledge
is fused to compose a prior map, and is treated as a prior term in the objective function to
improve the performance. Extensive experiments show that our model can comfortably
achieves comparable performance to the existing methods even without the help from
high-level knowledge. The integration of top-down priors further improves the
performance and achieves the state-of-the-art. Moreover, the proposed model can be
considered as a prototype framework not only for general salient object detection, but also
for potential task-dependent saliency applications.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Active contours driven by local image
fitting energy
A new region-based active contour model that embeds the image local information is
proposed in this paper. By introducing the local image fitting(LIF) energy to extract the
local image information, our model is able to segment images with intensity in
homogeneities. Moreover, a novel method based on Gaussian filtering for variation all
levelset is proposed to regularize the level set function. It cannot only ensure the
smoothness of the level set function, but also eliminate the requirement to fre-initialization,
which is very computationally expensive. Experiments show that the proposed method
achieves similar results to the LBF (local binary fitting) energy model but it is much more
computationally efficient. In addition, our approach maintains the sub-pixel accuracy and
boundary regularization properties
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Active contours with global segmentation
A novel region-based active contour model (ACM) is proposed in this paper. It is
implemented with a special processing named Selective Binary and Gaussian Filtering
Regularized Level Set (SBGFRLS) method, which first selectively penalizes the level set
function to be binary, and then uses a Gaussian smoothing kernel to regularize it. The
advantages of our method are as follows. First, a new region-based signed pressure force
(SPF) function is proposed, which can efficiently stop the contours at weak or blurred
edges. Second, the exterior and interior boundaries can be automatically detected with the
initial contour being anywhere in the image. Third, the proposed ACM with SBGFRLS has
the property of selective local or global segmentation. It can segment not only the desired
object but also the other objects. Fourth, the level set function can be easily initialized with
a binary function, which is more efficient to construct than the widely used signed distance
function (SDF). The computational cost for traditional re-initialization can also be reduced.
Finally, the proposed algorithm can be efficiently implemented by the simple finite
difference scheme. Experiments on synthetic and real images demonstrate the advantages
of the proposed method over geodesic active contours (GAC) and ChanVese (CV) active
contours in terms of both efficiency and accuracy.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Analysis Operator Learning based
Image Reconstruction
Exploiting a priori known structural information lies at the core of many image
reconstruction methods that can be stated as inverse problems. The synthesis model,
which assumes that images can be decomposed into a linear combination of very few atoms
of some dictionary, is now a well established tool for the design of image reconstruction
algorithms. An interesting alternative is the analysis model, where the signal is multiplied
by an analysis operator and the outcome is assumed to be sparse. This approach has only
recently gained increasing interest. The quality of reconstruction methods based on an
analysis model severely depends on the right choice of the suitable operator.
In this work, we present an algorithm for learning an analysis operator from training
images. Our method is based on `p-norm minimization on the set of full rank matrices with
normalized columns. We carefully introduce the employed conjugate gradient method on
manifolds, and explain the underlying geometry of the constraints. Moreover, we compare
our approach to state-of-the-art methods for image denoising, inpainting, and single image
super-resolution. Our numerical results show competitive performance of our general
approach in all presented applications compared to the specialized state-of-the-art
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
De convolving Images Using Direction
Method of Multipliers
AbstractThe alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) has recently sparked
interest as a flexible and efficient optimization tool for imaging inverse problems, namely
deconvolution and reconstruction under non-smooth convex regularization. ADMM
achieves state-of-the-art speed by adopting a divide and conquer strategy, wherein a hard
problem is split into simpler, efficiently solvable sub-problems (e.g., using fast Fourier or
wavelet transforms, or simple proximity operators). In deconvolution, one of these sub-
problems involves a matrix inversion (i.e., solving a linear system), which can be done
efficiently (in the discrete Fourier domain) if the observation operator is circulant, i.e.,
under periodic boundary conditions. This paper extends ADMM-based image
deconvolution to the more realistic scenario of unknown boundary, where the observation
operator is modeled as the composition of a convolution (with arbitrary boundary
conditions) with a spatial mask that keeps only pixels that do not depend on the unknown
boundary. The proposed approach also handles, at no extra cost, problems that combine
the recovery of missing pixels (i.e., inpainting) with deconvolution. We show that the
resulting algorithms inherit the convergence guarantees of ADMM and illustrate its
performance on nonperiodic deblurring (with and without inpainting of interior pixels)
under total-variation and frame-based regularization.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Estimating Defocus Blur From A Single
Estimating the amount of blur in a given image is important for computer vision
applications. More specifically, the spatially varying defocus point-spread-functions (PSFs)
over an image reveal geometric information of the scene, and their estimate can also be
used to recover an all-in-focus image. A PSF for a defocus blur can be specified by a single
parameter indicating its scale. Most existing algorithms can only select an optimal blur
from a finite set of candidate PSFs for each pixel. Some of those methods require a coded
aperture filter inserted in the camera. In this paper, we present an algorithm estimating a
defocus scale map from a single image, which is applicable to conventional cameras. This
method is capable of measuring the probability of local defocus scale in the continuous
domain. It also takes smoothness and color edge information into consideration to generate
a coherent blur map indicating the amount of blur at each pixel. Simulated and real data
experiments illustrate excellent performance and its successful applications in
foreground/background segmentation.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Demosaicking of Noisy Bayer-Sampled
Color Images
This paper adapts the least-squares luma-chroma demultiplexing (LSLCD) demosaicking
methods to noisy Bayer color filter array (CFA) images. A model is presented for the noise
in white-balanced gamma-corrected CFA images. A method to estimate the noise level in
each of the red, green and blue color channels is then developed. Based on the estimated
noise parameters, one of a finite set of configurations adapted to a particular level of noise
is selected to demosaic the noisy data. The noise adaptive demosaicking scheme is called
LSLCD with noise estimation (LSLCD-NE). Experimental results demonstrate state-of-the-
art performance over a wide range of noise levels, with low computational complexity.
Many results with several algorithms, noise levels and images are presented on our
companion web site along with software to allow reproduction of our results.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Nonlinearity Detection in Hyper spectral
AbstractThis paper studies a nonlinear mixing model for hyperspectral image unmixing
and nonlinearity detection. The proposed model assumes that the pixel reflectances are
nonlinear functions of pure spectral components contaminated by an additive white
Gaussian noise. These nonlinear functions are approximated by polynomials leading to a
polynomial post-nonlinear mixing model. We have shown in a previous paper that the
parameters involved in the resulting model can be estimated using least squares methods.
A generalized likelihood ratio test based on the estimator of the nonlinearity parameter is
proposed to decide whether a pixel of the image results from the commonly used linear
mixing model or from a more general nonlinear mixing model. To compute the test statistic
associated with the nonlinearity detection, we propose to approximate the variance of the
estimated nonlinearity parameter by its constrained CramrRao bound. The performance
of the detection strategy is evaluated via simulations conducted on synthetic and real data.
More precisely, synthetic data have been generated according to the standard linear mixing
model and three nonlinear models from the literature. The real data investigated in this
study are extracted from the Cuprite image, which shows that some minerals seem to be
nonlinearly mixed in this image. Finally, it is interesting to note that the estimated
abundance maps obtained with the post-nonlinear mixing model are in good agreement
with results obtained in previous studies.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Robust Camera Pose and Focal Length Estimation
AbstractWe propose a novel approach for the estimation of the pose and focal length of
a camera from a set of 3D-to-2D point correspondences. Our method compares favorably to
competing approaches in that it is both more accurate than existing closed form solutions,
as well as faster and also more accurate than iterative ones. Our approach is inspired on the
EPnP algorithm, a recent O(n) solution for the calibrated case. Yet, we show that
considering the focal length as an additional unknown renders the linearization and
relinearization techniques of the original approach no longer valid, especially with large
amounts of noise. We present new methodologies to circumvent this limitation termed
exhaustive linearization and exhaustive relinearization which perform a systematic
exploration of the solution space in closed form. The method is evaluated on both real and
synthetic data, and our results show that besides producing precise focal length estimation,
the retrieved camera pose is almost as accurate as the one computed using the EPnP, which
assumes a calibrated camera.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) reveals detailed local diffusion properties at the expense
of substantially long imaging times. It is possible to accelerate acquisition by
undersampling in q-space, followed by image reconstruction that exploits prior knowledge
on the diffusion probability density functions (pdfs). Previously proposed methods impose
this prior in the form of sparsity under wavelet and total variation (TV) transforms, or
under adaptive dictionaries that are trained on example datasets to maximize the sparsity
of the representation. These compressed sensing (CS) methods require full-brain
processing times on the order of hours using Matlab running on a workstation. This work
presents two dictionary-based reconstruction techniques that use analytical solutions, and
are two orders of magnitude faster than the previously proposed dictionary-based CS
approach. The first method generates a dictionary from the training data using Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), and performs the reconstruction in the PCA space. The second
proposed method applies reconstruction using pseudoinverse with Tikhonov
regularization with respect to a dictionary. This dictionary can either be obtained using the
K-SVD algorithm, or it can simply be the training dataset of pdfs without any training. All of
the proposed methods achieve reconstruction times on the order of seconds per imaging
slice, and have reconstruction quality comparable to that of dictionary-based CS algorithm.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Co-segmentation by Complexity
In this paper, we propose a novel feature adaptive co-segmentation method which can
learn adaptive features of different image groups for accurate common objects
segmentation. We also propose image complexity awareness for adaptive feature learning.
In the proposed method, the original images are firstly ranked according to the image
complexities which are measured by superpixel changing cue and object detection cue.
Then, the unsupervised segments of the simple images are used to learn the adaptive
features, which is achieved by using an expectation-minimization algorithm combining l1-
regularized least squares optimization with the consideration of the confidence of the
simple image segmentation accuracies and the fitness of the learned model. The error rate
of the final co-segmentation is tested by the experiments on different image groups and
verified to be lower than the existing state-of-the-art co-segmentation methods
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image denoising by 3D TDF
Abstract: We propose a novel image denoising strategy based on an enhanced sparse
representation in transform domain. The enhancement of the sparsity is achieved by
grouping similar 2D image fragments (e.g. blocks) into 3D data arrays which we call
"groups". Collaborative _ltering is a special procedure developed to deal with these 3D
groups. We realize it using the three successive steps: 3D transformation of a group,
shrinkage of the transform spectrum, and inverse 3D transformation. The result is a 3D
estimate that consists of the jointly _ltered grouped image blocks. By attenuating the noise,
the collaborative _ltering reveals even the _nest details shared by grouped blocks and at the
same time it preserves the essential unique features of each individual block. The _ltered
blocks are then returned to their original positions. Because these blocks are overlapping,
for each pixel we obtain many different estimates which need to be combined. Aggregation
is a particular averaging procedure which is exploited to take advantage of this
redundancy. A significant improvement is obtained by a specially developed collaborative
Wiener filtering. An algorithm based on this novel denoising strategy and its efficient
implementation are presented in full detail; an extension to color-image denoising is also
developed. The experimental results demonstrate that this computationally scalable
algorithm achieves state-of-the-art denoising performance in terms of both peak signal-to-
noise ratio and subjective visual quality.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image Co-segmentation By Active
Contours Model
The design of robust and efficient co-segmentation algorithms is challenging because of the
variety and complexity of the objects and images. In this paper, we propose a new co-
segmentation model by incorporating color reward strategy and active contours model. A
new energy function corresponding to the curve is first generated with two considerations:
the foreground similarity between the image pairs and the background consistency in each
of an image pair. Furthermore, a new foreground similarity measurement based on the
rewarding strategy is proposed. Then, we minimize the energy function value via a mutual
procedure which uses dynamic priors to mutually evolve the curves. The proposed method
is evaluated on many images from commonly used databases. The experimental results
demonstrate that the proposed model can efficiently segment the common objects from the
image pairs with generally lower error rate than many existing and conventional co-
segmentation methods.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Just Noticeable Difference Estimation For
AbstractIn this paper, we introduce a novel just noticeable difference (JND) estimation
model based on the unified brain theory, namely the free-energy principle. The existing
pixel based JND models mainly consider the orderly factors and always underestimate the
JND threshold of the disorderly region. Recent research indicates that the human visual
system (HVS) actively predicts the orderly information and avoids the residual disorderly
uncertainty for image perception and understanding. So we suggest that there exists
disorderly concealment effect which results in high JND threshold of the disorderly region.
Beginning with the Bayesian inference, we deduce an autoregressive (AR) model to imitate
the active prediction of the HVS. And then we estimate the disorderly concealment effect
for the novel JND model. Experimental results confirm that the proposed JND model
outperforms the relevant existing ones. Furthermore, we apply the proposed JND model in
image compression, and around 15% of bit rate can be reduced without jeopardizing the
perceptual quality.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Myocardial Motion Estimation From
Medical Images Using the Monogenic
We present a method for the analysis of heart motion from medical images. The algorithm
exploits monogenic signal theory, recently introduced as an N-dimensional generalization
of the analytic signal. The displacement is computed locally by assuming the conservation
of the monogenic phase over time. A local affine displacement model is considered to
account for typical heart motions as contraction/expansion and shear. A coarse-to-fine B-
spline scheme allows a robust and effective computation of the model's parameters, and a
pyramidal refinement scheme helps to handle large motions. Robustness against noise is
increased by replacing the standard point-wise computation of the monogenic orientation
with a robust least-squares orientation estimate. Given its general formulation, the
algorithm is well suited for images from different modalities, in particular for those cases
where time variant changes of local intensity invalidate the standard brightness constancy
assumption. This paper evaluates the method's feasibility on two emblematic cases: cardiac
tagged magnetic resonance and cardiac ultrasound. In order to quantify the performance of
the proposed method, we made use of realistic synthetic sequences from both modalities
for which the benchmark motion is known. A comparison is presented with state-of-the-art
methods for cardiac motion analysis. On the data considered, these conventional
approaches are outperformed by the proposed algorithm. A recent global optical-flow
estimation algorithm based on the monogenic curvature tensor is also considered in the
comparison. With respect to the latter, the proposed framework provides, along with
higher accuracy, superior robustness to noise and a considerably shorter computation
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image Interpolation with Nonlocal
Autoregressive Modeling
Abstract: Sparse representation has proven to be a promising approach to image super-
resolution, where the low resolution (LR) image is usually modeled as the down-sampled
version of its high resolution (HR) counterpart after blurring. When the blurring kernel is
the Dirac delta function, i.e., the LR image is directly down-sampled from its HR
counterpart without blurring, the super-resolution problem becomes an image
interpolation problem. In such case, however, the conventional sparse representation
models (SRM) become less effective because the data fidelity term will fail to constrain the
image local structures. In natural images, fortunately, the many nonlocal similar patches to
a given patch could provide nonlocal constraint to the local structure. In this paper we
incorporate the image nonlocal self-similarity into SRM for image interpolation. More
specifically, a nonlocal autoregressive model (NARM) is proposed and taken as the data
fidelity term in SRM. We show that the NARM induced sampling matrix is less coherent
with the representation dictionary, and consequently makes SRM more effective for image
interpolation. Our extensive experimental results demonstrated that the proposed NARM
based image interpolation method can effectively reconstruct the edge structures and
suppress the jaggy/ringing artifacts, achieving the best image interpolation results so far in
term of PSNR as well as perceptual quality metrics such as SSIM and FSIM.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Bottom-Up Saliency Estimation
In this paper we present a redundancy reduction based approach for computational
bottom up visual saliency estimation. In contrast to conventional methods, our approach
determines the saliency by filtering out redundant contents instead of measuring their
significance. To analyze the redundancy of self-repeating spatial structures, we propose a
non-local self-similarity based procedure. The result redundancy coefficient is used to
compensate the Shannon entropy, which is based on statistics of pixel intensities, to
generate the bottom-up saliency map of the visual input. Experimental results on three
publicly available databases demonstrate that the proposed model is highly consistent with
the subjective visual attention.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Image Restoration by NCSR
Abstract: The sparse representation models code an image patch as a linear combination
of a few atoms chosen out from an over-complete dictionary, and they have shown
promising results in various image restoration applications. However, due to the
degradation of the observed image (e.g., noisy, blurred and/or down sampled), the sparse
representations by conventional models may not be accurate enough for a faithful
reconstruction of the original image. To improve the performance of sparse representation
based image restoration, in this paper the concept of sparse coding noise is introduced, and
the goal of image restoration turns to how to suppress the sparse coding noise. To this end,
we exploit the image nonlocal self-similarity to obtain good estimates of the sparse coding
coefficients of the original image, and then centralize the sparse coding coefficients of the
observed image to those estimates. The so-called nonlocally centralized sparse
representation (NCSR) model is as simple as the standard sparse representation model,
while our extensive experiments on various types of image restoration problems, including
denoising, deblurring and super-resolution, validate the generality and state-of-the-art
performance of the proposed NCSR algorithm.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Co-segmentation based on Shortest Path
Segmenting common objects that have variations in color, texture and shape is a
challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a new model that efficiently segments
common objects from multiple images. We first segment each original image into a number
of local regions. Then, we construct a digraph based on local region similarities and
saliency maps. Finally, we formulate the co-segmentation problem as the shortest path
problem, and we use the dynamic programming method to solve the problem. The
experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can efficiently segment the
common objects from a group of images with generally lower error rate than many existing
and conventional co-segmentation methods.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Anscombe transformation for Poisson-
Gaussian noise
AbstractMany digital imaging devices operate by successive photon-to-electron,
electron-to-voltage, and voltage-to-digit conversion. This process is subject to various
signal-dependent errors, which are typically modelled as Poisson-Gaussian noise. The
removal of such noise can be approached indirectly by applying a variance-stabilizing
transformation (VST) to the noisy data, denoising the stabilized data with a Gaussian
denoising algorithm, and finally applying an inverse VST to the denoised data. The
generalized An scombe transformation (GAT) is often used for variance stabilization, but its
unbiased inverse transformation has not been rigorously studied in the past. We introduce
the exact unbiased inverse of the GAT and show that it plays an integral part in ensuring
accurate denoising results. We demonstrate that this exact inverse leads to state-of-the-art
results without any notable increase in the computational complexity compared to the
other inverses. We also show that this inverse is optimal in the sense that it can be
interpreted as a maximum likelihood inverse. Moreover, we thoroughly analyze the
behaviour of the proposed inverse, which also enables us to derive a closed-form
approximation for it. This paper generalizes our work on the exact unbiased inverse of the
Anscombe transformation, which we have presented earlier for the removal of pure
Poisson noise.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Perceptual Quality Metric
AbstractObjective image quality assessment (IQA) aims to evaluate the image quality
consistently with the human perception. Most of the existing perceptual IQA metrics cannot
accurately represent the degradations from different types of distortion, e.g., existing
structural similarity metrics perform well on content-dependent distortions while not as
well as PSNR on content-independent distortions. In this paper, we integrate the merits of
the existing IQA metrics with the guide of the recently revealed internal generative
mechanism (IGM). The IGM indicates that the human visual system (HVS) actively predicts
sensory information and tries to avoid the residual uncertainty for image perception and
understanding. Inspired by the IGM theory, we adopt an AR prediction algorithm to
decompose an input scene into two portions, the predicted portion with the predicted
visual content and the disorderly portion with the residual content. Distortions on the
predicted portion degrade the primary visual information and structural similarity
procedures are employed to measure its degradation; distortions on the disorderly portion
mainly change the uncertain information and the PNSR is employed for it. Finally,
according to the noise energy deployment on the two portions, we combine the two
evaluation results to acquire the overall quality score. Experimental results on six publicly
available databases demonstrate that the proposed metric is comparable with the state-of-
the-art quality metrics.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Historical Document Image
Binarization Evaluation
Document image binarization is of great importance in the document image analysis and
recognition pipeline since it affects further stages of the recognition process. The
evaluation of a binarization method aids in studying its algorithmic behavior, as well as
verifying its effectiveness, by providing qualitative and quantitative indication of its
performance. This paper addresses a pixel-based binarization evaluation methodology for
historical handwritten/machine-printed document images. In the proposed evaluation
scheme, the recall and precision evaluation measures are properly modified using a
weighting scheme that diminishes any potential evaluation bias. Additional performance
metrics of the proposed evaluation scheme consist of the percentage rates of broken and
missed text, false alarms, background noise, character enlargement, and merging. Several
experiments conducted in comparison with other pixel-based evaluation measures
demonstrate the validity of the proposed evaluation scheme.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Robust Object Tracking By AFS
AbstractAdaptive tracking by detection has been widely studied with promising results.
The key idea of such trackers is how to train an online discriminative classifier which can
well separate object from its local background. The classifier is incrementally updated
using positive and negative samples extracted from the current frame around the detected
object location. However, if the detection is less accurate, the samples are likely to be less
accurately extracted, thereby leading to visual drift. Recently, the multiple instance
learning (MIL) based tracker has been proposed to solve these problems to some degree.
It puts samples into the positive and negative bags, and then selects some features with an
online boosting method via maximizing the bag likelihood function. Finally, the selected
features are combined for classification. However, in MIL tracker the features are selected
by a likelihood function, which can be less informative to tell the target from complex
background. Motivated by the active learning method, in this paper we propose an active
feature selection approach which is able to select more informative features than MIL
tracker by using the Fisher information criterion to measure the uncertainty of
classification model. More specifically, we propose an online boosting feature selection
approach via optimizing the Fisher information criterion, which can yield more robust and
efficient real-time object tracking performance. Experimental evaluations on challenging
sequences demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of the proposed tracker in
comparison with state-of-the-arts.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Real-time visual tracking via multiple
instance learning
a b s t r a c t
Adaptive tracking-by-detection methods have been widely studied with promising results.
These methods first train a classifier in a non linear manner. Then, a sliding window is used
to extract some samples from the local regions surrounding the former object location at
the new frame. The classifier is then applied to these samples where the location of sample
with maximum classifiers core is the new object location. However, such classifier may be
inaccurate when the training samples are imprecise which causes drift. Multiple instance
learning(MIL) method is recently introduced into the tracking task, which can all eviate
drift to some extent. However, the MIL tracker may detect the positive sample that is less
important because it doesnot discriminatively consider the sample importance in its
learning procedure. In this paper, we present a novel online weighted MIL(WMIL)t racker.
The WMIL tracker integrates the sample importance into an efficient online learning
procedure by assuming the most important sample (i.e.,the tracking result in current
frame) is known when training the classifier. A new bag probability function combining the
weighted instance probability is proposed via which the sample importance is considered.
Then, an efficient online approach is proposed to approximately maximize the bag
likelihood function, leading to a more robust and much faster tracker. Experimental results
on various benchmark video sequences demonstrate the superior performance of our
algorithm to state-of-the-art tracking algorithms.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Reinitialization-Free Level Set Evolution
via Reaction Diffusion
AbstractThis paper presents a novel reaction-diffusion (RD) method for implicit active
contours that is completely free of the costly re initialization procedure in level set
evolution (LSE). A diffusion term is introduced into LSE, resulting in an RDLSE equation,
from which a piecewise constant solution can be derived. In order to obtain a stable
numerical solution from the RD-based LSE, we propose a two-step splitting method to
iteratively solve the RD-LSE equation, where we first iterate the LSE equation, then solve
the diffusion equation. The second step regularizes the level set function obtained in the
first step to ensure stability, and thus the complex and costly re initialization procedure is
completely eliminated from LSE. By successfully applying diffusion to LSE, the RD-LSE
model is stable by means of the simple finite difference method, which is very easy to
implement. The proposed RD method can be generalized to solve the LSE for both
variational level set method and partial differential equation-based level set method. The
RD-LSE method shows very good performance on boundary anti leakage. The extensive
and promising experimental results on synthetic and real images validate the effectiveness
of the proposed RD-LSE approach.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Evaluation of Image Segmentation Quality
by Adaptive Ground Truth Composition
Abstract: Segmenting an image is an important step in many computer vision applications.
However, image segmentation evaluation is far from being well-studied in contrast to the
extensive studies on image segmentation algorithms. In this paper, we propose a
framework to quantitatively evaluate the quality of a given segmentation with multiple
ground truth segmentations. Instead of comparing directly the given segmentation to the
ground truths, we assume that if segmentation is good", it can be constructed by pieces of
the ground truth segmentations. Then for a given segmentation, we construct adaptively a
new ground truth which can be locally matched to the segmentation as much as possible
and preserve the structural consistency in the ground truths. The quality of the
segmentation can then be evaluated by measuring its distance to the adaptively composite
ground truth. To the best of our knowledge, this is the _rst work that provides a framework
to adaptively combine multiple ground truths for quantitative segmentation evaluation.
Experiments are conducted on the benchmark Berkeley segmentation database, and the
results show that the proposed method can faithfully react the perceptual qualities of
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Effective Single Image Dehazing by Fusion
In this project we present a new method for estimating the optical transmission in hazy
scenes given a single input image. Based on this estimation, the scattered light is eliminated
to increase scene visibility and recover haze-free scene contrasts. In this new approach we
formulate a refined image formation model that accounts for surface shading in addition to
the transmission function. This allows us to resolve ambiguities in the data by searching for
a solution in which the resulting shading and transmission functions are locally statistically
uncorrelated. A similar principle is used to estimate the color of the haze. Results
demonstrate the new method abilities to remove the haze layer as well as provide a
reliable transmission estimate which can be used for additional applications such as image
refocusing and novel view synthesis.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
In this paper, we propose a spatially-varying deblurring method to remove the out-of-focus
blur. Our proposed method mainly contains three parts: blur map generation, image
deblurring, and scale selection. First, we derive a blur map using local contrast prior and
the guided filter. Second, we propose our image deblurring method with L1-2 optimization
to obtain a better image quality. Finally, we adopt the scale selection to ensure our output
free from ringing artifacts. The experimental results demonstrate our proposed method is
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Visual Enhancement under Low-Backlight
ABSTRACT: Visual enhancement techniques provide different approaches for improving
visual quality of displays under Low backlight conditions for saving the battery. The
existing techniques provide the visual quality may be for noise free images only. This
method proposes an algorithm that provides the visual quality for both images and display
of systems even the images are corrupted with the noise under low backlight. This method
first proposes a median filter for removing the impulse noise which is the salt and pepper
noise. Then using dilation method of morphological operations for providing better growth
or thickness of images so that if any breaks in a image it will be repaired. Then designing a
linear spatial filter which is the laplacian operator for sharpening of the image used to
enhance the details of an image that has been blurred. After that constrained L0 gradient
image decomposition is used for separation of base layer and detail layer, and also median-
preserving gamma correction is used to alter the output levels of a monitor and a JND-
based Boosting for detail enhancement. Experimental results show that this approach
performs better than the existing methods.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Weighted color and texture sample
selection for image matting
Color information is leveraged by color sampling-based matting methods to find the best
known samples for foreground and background color of unknown pixels. Such methods do
not perform well if there is an overlap in the color distribution of foreground and
background regions because color cannot distinguish between these regions and hence, the
selected samples cannot reliably estimate the matte. Similarly, alpha propagation based
matting methods may fail when the affinity among neighboring pixels is reduced by strong
edges. In this paper, we overcome these two problems by considering texture as a feature
that can complement color to improve matting. The contribution of texture and color is
automatically estimated by analyzing the content of the image. An objective function
containing color and texture components is optimized to choose the best foreground and
background pair among a set of candidate pairs. Experiments are carried out on a
benchmark data set and an independent evaluation of the results show that the proposed
method is ranked first among all other image matting methods.
For Base Papers Contact: 9030755575, 9491985599
Ocean Target Detection
AbstractCircular-transmit/linear-receive compact polarimetry synthetic aperture radar
systems combine coherent dual polarization with wide-swath imaging. The polarization
information in these data may be represented as a Stokes vector, or one can reconstruct
several quad polarized covariance elements. Two reconstruction algorithms have been
published in the literature: one by Souyris et al. and a refined algorithm by Nord et al. We
investigated the application of these two algorithms for reconstructing ocean clutter for the
purpose of detecting targets. We tested the assumptions underlying these algorithms and
found that they were not valid for ocean scenes. We present a simple empirical
reconstruction model whose reconstruction and target detection performance is superior
to the two published algorithms.