A Guide To Talent Management
A Guide To Talent Management
A Guide To Talent Management
The Crelos
3T Report
Talent Management defined for Today and Tomorrow
A Guide to Talent Management for Now and 2010
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1. Introduction
Welcome to the Crelos guide to talent management
Talent management is a term that is much talked about. However, for many its
definition, not to mention the development of meaningful strategies, has proved
elusive. We all feel we know talent when we see it, say, in the performance of
a great footballer or Oscar-winning actor. But this doesn’t help us actually get a
grip on how to attract, develop and keep it.
At Crelos we have set out with this report to provide a helpful and, we hope,
thought-provoking guide to the talent management dilemmas companies are
dealing with today. We also look at some of the challenges that lie ahead. Our
aim is not just to give advice but to stimulate debate about what talent
management really is and its link with business success.
But we have also realised that there is no single, right answer. Talent
management is a dynamic process that must develop and shift with the needs
of a business. We set out here some of the models that we think work but they
do not amount to a blueprint for success. Each business must use these
models to find its own way for ensuring the business has the skills and
expertise needed to survive the demands of the 21st century.
It’s well worth the effort – in addition to business success great talent
management can bring business leaders huge intellectual and personal returns.
What can be more rewarding than to provide the resources and environment
that will enable your people to reach high and give of their best?
In the following pages we set out our definition of talent management for today
and offer some practical advice on how to get it right. We also take a look at the
future of managing people through change by analysing some of the impending
business challenges that will affect our approach to top players in the business.
Above all, we would like to promote a debate about talent management today
and tomorrow. We hope you find it useful.
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Defining key people needs for future success as part of a current strategy.
Holding quality conversations about talent that result in its development.
Establishing the cost of meeting talent needs against a background of
market constraints and talent gaps.
Identifying what is required for individuals to be successful in key roles.
Developing and using measures to ensure that positive change
actually happens.
Managing an individual’s development in a way that also supports their
personal goals.
It’s a fairly dry list, but taken together these processes can provide businesses
with a powerful set of tools for ratcheting up the organisational performance. The
return on investment can be immense and not just in terms of business
success; it’s hugely rewarding to see motivated, able colleagues achieve their
As an idea, talent management grew out of the talent wars of the late 1990s
when firms realised that the downsizing of the 1980s was having a serious affect
on their leadership capabilities.
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within the business.
There are a number of drivers behind this change in attitude. Many of them are
interlinked and include:
speed of change
flatter structures
skills shortages
increasing diversity in the workforce
Globalisation and intense competition are transforming talent management
practices by forcing firms to broaden their horizons when it comes to talent
management practices. It’s no longer just the international corporate giants,
such as Shell and Unilever, who are looking to recruit globally and manage
international careers – smaller organisations are also having to face up to this
Speed of change
Perhaps foremost is the ferocious speed of change. Moore’s Law, although it
relates to electronics, serves as a proxy for business and market changes in
general. The law, which has held good for the past 40 years, outlines the
inevitability of exponential change in the technology sector – new products soon
become obsolete to be replaced by the latest innovation. We see this in
business generally; product and service lifecycles are getting ever shorter.
This has huge implications for talent. In addition to looking for the next ‘big
thing’, businesses must continually look ahead at the skills and capabilities they
will need in two, three or five years’ time to manage and deliver innovation.
Skills shortages
Linked to the speed of change is the growth of the knowledge economy.
According to the OECD more than 50% of UK organisations can now be
categorised as knowledge intensive. The Work Foundation, which is in the
middle of a major research project into the knowledge economy, believes this is
having a massive impact on the skills and knowledge businesses need to
compete and on the talent they want to attract and retain.
Understanding what skills the business needs is one thing, finding them is
another. The Cranfield Recruitment Confidence Index, which has been tracking
recruitment trends since 2000, has repeatedly found lack of skills to be the
biggest talent barrier recruiters face. Currently more than eight in ten
organisations (82%) anticipate continued problems filling vacancies.
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Flatter structures
3T Talent decisions are being made more complex by the impact of flatter
structures. The de-layering of businesses began in the 1980s and has
continued intermittently since then. Most recently, whole swathes of middle
manager jobs have disappeared in recent years after the technology bubble
burst at the beginning of the 21st century and with them went a significant
amount of management development, both formal and informal. As a result, a
large proportion of the available talent has the technical knowledge but not the
management experience to succeed in the larger, more complex roles that
business needs them to do.
Taken together, flatter structure and skills shortages have changed able
employees’ perceptions of their potential. They know that their knowledge, skills
and experience are valuable commodities and if an organisation is unwilling or
unable to meet their career ambitions they can look elsewhere. This has
become a major issue for senior managers as well as recruiters. A report from
the Economist Intelligence Unit in 2006 into the activities of chief executives
found many of them accept that they will have to spend a chunk of time
persuading good people not to jump ship for a better offer.
Increasing diversity
Increased workforce diversity is another major driver of talent management.
There have been massive changes in the composition of the workforce over the
past 35 years. The number of women in work, for example, has risen from 56%
in 1971 to 70% in 2005 (source: Labour Market Review 2006, ONS).
Meanwhile, the UK is in the middle of a major wave of economic migration with
workers from Eastern Europe looking for jobs here. More than half a million
migrants came to the UK for work in 2006.
Perhaps most significant of all is the ageing population. The Employers Forum
on Age suggests that from 2010 onwards the number of young people
reaching working age will begin to fall by 60,000 every year, significantly
reducing the size of the traditional labour force. And by 2018 there will be more
people aged over 40 than under 40.
Technology boom
Underpinning all this change is the technology boom which continues to have a
massive impact on talent management. For starters it has opened up
assessment tools to a far bigger audience with up to 50% of personality and
ability testing moving on line. In addition it has revolutionised the way in which
firms can engage and motivate their talent pool.
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There are numerous examples of firms that have got into serious trouble
through not managing talent properly. For example, when a major accountancy
firm responded to the downturn in the IT industry by slashing its training and
development budget it faced a mass exit of its most promising players.
Perhaps more frequently firms put talent management on hold because of what
we call the talent management blockers. These are the cultural barriers that
prevent an organisation making the most of their talent investment. We believe
that if we are to move the talent management debate forward it is crucial that
employers are willing to unblock their business cultures. The talent
management blockers that we have identified include:
The Talent
engagement Lifecycle
At Crelos we argue that every business problem ultimately comes back to tal-
ent. For this reason we use a talent management model based on a
five-pronged talent lifecycle that mirrors the employee’s life cycle within the
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succession planning and engagement are all talent management issues.
Unfortunately, in many organisations talent management has been
superimposed onto existing systems attempting to deal with these issues.
Ideally, any business wanting to up its talent management game needs to think
of the employee lifecycle as a continuum – it’s like painting the Forth Bridge.
However, in practice many don’t have that sort of time - senior managers
usually invest in talent management as a reactive measure when they know they
have a problem.
Thus Crelos is often called in during times of major change such as a merger or
acquisition, changes in market conditions or a business downturn. Inevitably
these are challenging times for the business but they also present a fantastic
opportunity to lay the ground for getting talent right.
Kleinwort Benson Private Bank realised it needed a shift in mindset away from
the old-style merchant bank dealing with a few high value individuals if it was to
cope with growing competition in the private banking sector. It needed customer
facing staff with an entrepreneurial streak and it needed managers who could
drive this change. The result has been a massive expansion in the UK with
offices opening in Manchester, Birmingham, Newbury, Cambridge and Leeds.
Qualitative research from the Economist Intelligence Unit shows that CEOs in
major organisations do take talent management seriously. Most of the 20
corporate leaders interviewed claimed to spend more than 20% of their time on
talent management. However, their involvement appears to be rarely linked to a
formal talent management strategy. Rather most CEOs jump in or get involved
in the supporting activities where they feel they can add most value.
with stories of blue-chip firms with serious boardroom succession issues, but
leaders persist in believing that they 'know talent when they see it'. And this is
despite the fact that many senior appointments fail to live up to expectations.
3. best practice
All organisations are ultimately looking for a talent management system that is
the best fit for them and their needs. Nonetheless, our experience with
hundreds of organisations at different stages of the talent management lifecycle
has helped us develop some principles of best practice for all our clients. We are
not suggesting that businesses have to tackle all of this at once – many will want
to take it in manageable chunks.
One way of getting started is to use the talent lifecycle to look at where the
greatest pain points are in the organisation. This could mean identifying the
three most critical talent challenges and then prioritising them on the basis of
their short and longer term impact. For example, what would be the cost to the
business if it does not meet this challenge in the next two years? Or the next
three to five years?
However, when we start drilling down into what the critical roles are in an
organisation and where the talent gaps lie, the resulting talent management
issues are often more complex. The construction industry is one example. Our
work within the industry has shown that the real issue lies at middle
management level, specifically with project managers. Their role has escalated
over the past decade and the performance of individual project managers can
now have a significant impact on business performance.
Most businesses only think about talent management when they find they have
a problem to solve. So the best way to start identifying talent needs is to look
at what the problem is and where in the talent lifecycle the pain points are.
It could be the sales force isn’t performing or all graduate recruits are leaving
after two years. Then again attrition rates at the front line might be way too high,
or perhaps the firm has no idea what it will do when the IT director retires next
year. A closer look at the talent lifecycle should help talent managers establish
where the business is going wrong. Perhaps it is not recruiting enough talent or
failing to develop high flyers when they join you. Maybe it needs to revisit the
succession plan or tackle broader issues of employee engagement.
Businesses must also look externally too when it comes to identifying talent
needs – at the dynamics of talent in the sector such as skills shortages, an
ageing population, migration and the knock on effects of globalisation.
However, don’t be fooled into thinking that defining talent needs will be a
straightforward process. Many organisations find it almost impossible to draw up
a talent pool because they can’t agree about what talent looks like in the
organisation. To work this out, firms need to go back to the board and look at
the leadership style at the top. Does the board have a clear view of what it is
trying to achieve? Is there a clear vision of what good performance is and can
directors articulate it?
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If the aim is to draw up talent pools from across the organisation, firms need to
be clear about how they assess and manage talent now. Every organisation has
some form of talent management; it just might not be very effective. Questions
to answer might include:
Can new recruits tell you why they were hired after their induction?
Do managers make promotion decisions with 100% confidence?
Is there a common view of what ‘good’ looks like on which managers can
base their decisions?
Businesses should also think through whether or not they are ready for the
robust assessment that good talent management requires. It is vital that
everyone across the organisation understands why senior leaders are
reinvigorating talent management processes and what the implications are for
Strong Know ‘what good looks like’ Know ‘what good looks like’
leadership, Introduce low stake Be brave, design & get on
with assessment with it
view, driving Resource: An implementer Resource: An implementer
talent as a (FT employee) and a profile to own the process LT.
source of sponsor to build trust in (FT employee).
competitive assessment process
This could be the time to consider who will head the talent management
programme. Some organisations might choose to let the HR department get on
with it, but this will depend on the credibility of the HR team. A few organisations
have bypassed HR and appointed talent directors with a dotted line to the board.
Ideally there should also be a talent management champion with a senior line
management job.
Ultimately, there is no hard and fast rule however, whoever takes control, talent
management must be seen across the organisation as business critical.
So, just as talent management strategy is worth nothing without the backing of
the board, so it will get nowhere without the buy in and understanding of the rest
of the workforce. Ultimately, many people in the organisation have to deliver it
– whether as nurturers of talent or the talented themselves. Scripting and
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To do this effectively organisations need to decide how transparent they want
the talent management process to be. In the old days of manpower planning
many large companies had a list of the talented but it was largely confined to
the management population and usually kept secret from the vast majority of
them. People only realised they weren’t on it when they found their peers being
promoted around them and knew it was time to get out.
Some senior managers still fear being up front about how their talent
management works and who is in the talent pool. They fear upsetting people
who aren’t on it and don’t know how to have those difficult conversations with
the average performers who beaver away doing a decent but not great job for
years. Others prefer to avoid elitism.
On a more pragmatic level, the shifting nature of talent and talent needs makes
it especially important to keep everyone in the loop. There will be people who
perhaps don’t fall within the talent pool this year but may have the skills you are
targeting next year. It’s also essential that managers right down the line are kept
informed. Buy-in from line managers is crucial. They may never make it to the
talent pool but they are nurturers of talent. Their importance in keeping their
people engaged is well scripted.
People need to know what happens - or will happen - and why when it comes to
the talent pool. This means ensuring they understand:
If there isn’t an open culture then getting this sort of information over in a way
that people believe won’t be easy. However, given that most organisations only
address their talent management at a time of major change or crisis, the
chances are senior managers are already addressing their internal
communications structure. They might want to take the opportunity to push for
more openness and transparency.
The aim should be to use your talent story to create a common language around
talent that becomes part of your brand or employee proposition. You want to
build a reputation for hiring and developing talent in and outside the
organisation so that conversations about talent – who’s got it, how you get it and
what it means to the business – are a common place across the organisation.
Case study – O2
When O2 set up its Sales Academy to develop and fast track it sales force, it
recognised that good communication was key. At each stage the academy team
consulted with internal stakeholders. They arranged separate briefing sessions
for senior managers to ensure consistent messages across the business and
they held many one to one conversations with the sales team to ensure their
concerns were taken on board. In addition they organised a high profile launch
day for sector managers to outline the key business changes driving the
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It could be that the organisation has identified several potential talent pools.
These could include a talent pool of key functional staff in roles that are critical
to the organisation over the next few years; and a leadership pool that top slices
the 100 most senior roles in the business.
Whatever the case, the purpose of the talent pool is to ensure that there are
enough people with the right skills and behaviours - or the potential to acquire
them – coming forward to take on key roles as they become vacant. On the one
hand, organisations want healthy talent pipelines that take account of natural
attrition among high flyers. But on the other, it’s important that the system
doesn’t get clogged up with disgruntled staff wondering what happens next.
The point at which someone becomes eligible for the talent pool depends
entirely on what the business is looking to achieve from its talent management.
However, talent pools are likely to be external as well as internal with
organisations putting considerable resources into identifying the groups of
people with the ability and experience they want to attract into the business.
Recruitment will inevitably play a key role in developing the talent pipeline and
the relationship between talent managers and corporate recruiters is a key one.
Businesses have taken huge leaps in terms of the sophistication of their
recruitment systems but there are still too many occasions when a recruiter’s
primary concern is to fill a vacant desk. If recruiters have done their job well,
talent managers will already have quite a lot of information about a new recruit
and it is crucial that they start having those talent conversations with them from
day one. Research shows that the first 90 days in a job are the time to engage
that person’s trust and loyalty to the business.
When it comes to identifying talented people already in the business, there are
numerous approaches organisations can take. Some advocate self selection.
This could mean individuals putting themselves forward for talent assessment or
simply stating that they want to progress their careers and are willing to put in
the effort.
A few large organisations have talent streaming at every level of the business –
and as people move up the hierarchy they can hop from one talent stream to
another with increasingly complex development opportunities as they go.
study has shown that competencies rated by bosses as vital or important did
not distinguish those who progressed more rapidly through the business. Other
evidence suggests that the best talent spotters are often someone’s peers in
the business. How organisations nominate talent will reinforce those talent dis-
cussions going on across the business from manager to manager, employee to
employee and manager to employee.
d. Assessing talent
Probably one of the biggest advances in talent management over the past five
years has been the increasing sophistication of talent assessment systems.
These have undoubtedly received a massive boost from internet technology
which has made assessment quicker, cheaper and vastly improved employers’
access to it. It has also opened up the information managers can extract from
the data making it far simpler to segment the talent pool to look at the
performance of different groups, set benchmarks etc. These trends are likely to
continue; increased competition within the market is putting test suppliers
under intense pressure to keep costs down and offer more and more facilities.
To assess high flyers accurately, companies need to specify the criteria required
for people to be successful in key roles. These will touch on an individual’s
capability, potential and motivation. Getting this right is crucial. If the criteria are
wrong, the data will be inaccurate and the talent process will fail.
DPA – in a nutshell
When collecting, storing and distributing the data businesses need to be aware
of their duties under the Data Protection Act. This regulates how organisations
use personal information.
At the heart of the Act are eight common-sense rules known as the Data
Protection Principles. Organisations using personal information must comply
with these principles.
The Act provides stronger protection for sensitive information about ethnic
origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, health,
sexual life and any criminal history.
The Act, with some exceptions, gives people the right to find out what
information organisations hold about them.
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The key measures businesses might use in their talent assessment include:
3T Intrinsic motivation
Cognitive and numerical ability
Behaviours and competencies
Intrinsic motivation
This intrinsic motivation is a largely unrepresented area of assessment, but is an
absolute must for accurate talent assessment. Different roles have different
motivational characteristics. The trick is to link what people will do – their
intrinsic motivation – with what they are capable of doing – their ability and
Intrinsic motivation is good for identifying fast trackers in large corporates that
need people who are willing to take on big leadership roles, but it should not be
confused with ambition – which is just a statement of aspiration.
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Psychometric – or personality – tests are many and varied. The more famous
names that most have heard of include Myers Briggs, SHL’s OPQ and Orpheus.
They can provide critical information to support behavioural and cognitive ability
In particular they are useful for determining any mismatch between personal
motive and organisational needs. They are also valuable to individual participants
because they give useful feedback on which to base career or personal
development plans. Importantly, however, they are not predictive of long-term
career advancement.
People administering tests need to be qualified in interpreting results and
delivering feedback. Some test publishers insist on administrators receiving
bespoke training for their tests but increasingly tests are designed to be
delivered by people who have been through the British Psychological Society’s
Given the plethora of tests on the market, choosing the right one can take time.
On the whole the large, established players are very credible and choosing
between them comes down to what the organisation wants to achieve – for
example is it looking to make recruitment decisions or to develop existing
employees. Seek advice because this is where a business psychologist can add
value. It’s their job to know what’s out there.
This should be the job of the talent review panel. How it works will vary from
organisation to organisation. For example at HSBC the talent review panel
discusses every individual being assessed for the talent pool and makes the
final decision. But at O2 the business has set a talent benchmark and anyone
reaching that benchmark automatically enters the talent pool. In this instance
the talent review panel’s role is to look at how the business can best help talent
achieve its potential.
In some organisations the talent review panel is made up of the executive team
or key line managers. In this instance it is vital that the talent review does not
turn into a negotiation for talent between different parts of the business. Crelos
advocates setting up a talent review panel that draws from a cross section of the
organisation. This emphasises the openness and honesty of the system and
creates a sense of ownership across the business.
It is the role of the talent manager to drive the talent management system
forward, to ensure it delivers the right talent for the business and to get buy in
across the organisation.
This is very distinct from the job line managers have in nurturing and
developing talent. Their role is key in developing a culture of excellence that
encourages and rewards talent, but leaving talent decisions up to line managers
is not ideal. Ultimately their aim is to meet their targets so their ideas about
talent can be coloured by a desire to hang on to key people or fear of upsetting
other valuable members of the team.
Talent managers have to navigate what can be a difficult relationship with line
managers who will have a strong view on what talent looks like for them. As a
result a good talent manager needs to be highly resilient.
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Key members of the review panel will include the talent manager and an
independent observer. The former plays a critical role in bringing the people data
to life and facilitating talent discussions. This is not a leadership role but requires
someone who is socially engaging, honest and good at building relationships.
Meanwhile, the independent observer, who is external to the organisation, is
there to help present and interpret the evidence and recognise when people are
misusing the information. He is not there to take the decisions for the review
Take some risks. The talent review panel must have the capacity to take the
odd gamble and perhaps put people into roles that might not work for them.
It’s worth pointing out that a bigger role or a step up the ladder isn’t
necessarily the risk factor – the risk is putting someone into a role that is
critical to the business.
Promote but control the role of senior managers. If the panel is to be a true
cross section of the workforce then senior managers will inevitably be
involved - and rightly so. But they should not be allowed to dominate
discussions and must be ready to stick by the decision of the panel, or the
system will quickly lose its credibility. This balance is essential - one large
public sector body that embarked on a major talent management project
decided top managers would form the review panel for the next two
management layers down. However, at the first meeting it became clear that
none was willing to promote talent development if it meant giving up key
people. The process collapsed when the review turned into a negotiation
between different directors and the talent manager.
f. Measuring talent
The purpose of a talent management programme is to increase the levels of
skill, expertise and talent within the organisation. To enable firms to understand
how talented they are, Crelos has developed what we call our Talent Index™.
This is a tool that provides managers with information on the gap between their
future talent requirements and the current available talent.
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Crelos has been using this framework for the past seven years with a number of
companies in a range of sectors. For example, O2 has used the index to enable
it to set a benchmark or level of performance that someone must reach to be
considered talented. And British Sugar has used the index to simplify its
graduate recruitment decisions.
g. Talent development
Too often so much effort is put into identifying high flyers that the crucial next
part – their development – is greatly underestimated as a task. And yet, in many
ways, it is the most rewarding aspect of talent management – enabling people
to truly engage with the business and give of their best.
What is more, talented people who have been formally identified as high flyers
will be expecting the business to invest in their progress.
A short guide such as this doesn’t have the scope to give talent development
the weight it deserves, but we can offer a few principles and pointers. For
starters, our experience shows that highly talented individuals need
development programmes that are a cut above the rest. They need
interventions that will challenge and stretch in all directions – intellectual,
commercial and emotional.
It will take time for the investment in development to bear fruit. Imagine an
Olympic selection process that runs for four years, culminating in someone’s
right to represent his country in the Olympic team. Once in the team, because
that sportsperson has met the standard and been judged by carefully set
benchmarks based on years of data, then and only then does the actual
performance begin.
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It’s the same for business talent too – it can take several years for people to
reach their potential and organisations must be prepared to adopt a whole raft
of formal and informal development tools if they are to get there, from
coaching and mentoring to action learning or formal business school-style
executive development programmes. As far as possible allow your high flyers to
define their own development – consult them about the capabilities they think
are important and discuss possible routes through with them.
Clearly, the CEO and other board directors who should also be obvious role
models for aspiring leaders in the business and the talent pool should have
plenty of exposure to these senior players. You could also encourage top stars
in the firm to talk about their experiences. Whatever development tools talent
managers opt for, it’s essential that they are kept fresh, exciting and relevant.
Good training professionals know that their interventions need to be changed
and reinvigorated regularly if they are to engage high flyers.
Individuals have to believe their efforts will lead to some positive reward and a
shift in their career – which means having somewhere for them to go. It’s also
essential that the business is clear about what it expects its high potentials to
However, be aware of the dangers of asking high flyers to do too much and
creating a ‘they owe me one’ culture. It’s tempting to give people who are
motivated by complex, interesting roles ever bigger, more complex roles. They
are stimulated by the pressure but as the jobs get bigger they inevitably have
to make ever bigger compromises between work and other interests – such as
family and friends.
going to make the grade. If this is so, businesses have to be prepared to take
the hard decisions and move people out of the talent pool.
Talent management is a journey and it could be two, three or four years before
the results really show through but a few quick wins might help smooth the path
with sceptical senior managers. The most obvious and immediate result is
likely to be on the recruitment budget. Given that recruiting a senior executive
costs a business anything from 15% to 50% of that person’s salary, every time
it fills a job internally that money is saved.
To assess the success of the process, it’s worth returning to what the business
set out to do in the first place. Senior managers want answers to questions
such as:
Time – speed of response or turnaround, achievements compared with
timetables, amount of backlog, time to market, delivery times
People – recruitment costs, attrition rates, internal promotions.
Many organisations already collect a lot of this data in some form. The important
thing is to devise a system that enables the business to relate it to talent
management. A bit of creative thinking throughout the process should help
them to do this. For example businesses could analyse:
We have worked with several firms that have successfully used metrics to
bolster their talent management processes. Impressively, O2 has directly
attributed £60m of revenue to its talent strategy for the sales team.
Not all metrics will paint a talent success story and businesses need to know
how they intend to use the figures that don’t come up to scratch. The danger is
that senior decision makers might lose their nerve when what’s really needed is
some tweaking of the system. For example, if senior roles are still being filled
externally it could be that you’ve got the assessment process wrong, or it could
be the development opportunities aren’t in place to enable people to reach their
Finally, don’t forget to do some thorough research into the views of the people
who really count – the talent pool. Ultimately, they are the people who should
be saying whether or not the system works.
2. Define your talent needs. Establish a clear and precise definition of what
talent is in the organisation – something everyone can recognise and buy
3. Prepare for tough conversations and decisions. These will take place across
the business and involve board directors, talent managers, line managers and
4. Set out key behaviours and skills. These are the competencies you expect
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talented people to exhibit. They need to be marked out for each of your key
talent roles.
5. Nail down reliable assessment methods. Ensure that your talent pool
understands how they are assessed and how the information will be used in
developing their careers within the organisation.
7. Invest in developing your talent. This is the fun bit – seeing people grow. And
people in the talent pool will be expecting opportunities to develop their skills
and ultimately their careers.
8. Review your high flyers’ progress regularly. This will involve providing
objective feedback for individuals on their performance and prospects.
Processes need to be in place for managing people out of the talent pool if
they aren’t making progress.
9. Identify clear measures. Clear metrics will enable you to show return on
investment in talent management. Reporting should be simple, regular and
supported by fit for purpose technology.
2. What about the people who don’t make it? It depends how ajar you keep the
door. Talent pools will shift from year to year so it’s a serious error to confine
all development and promotion opportunities to the people in the talent pool
now. People who have not made it into the talent pool this year should be
given clear feedback which includes an indication of if and when they can be
for money? Technology, especially the Internet has significantly reduced the
cost of assessment, but to do it properly still requires a considerable invest-
ment of time and money. Clearly, businesses need evidence to justify that
spend. If you want a quick win start measuring the reduction in recruitment
costs from more internal promotion.
6. Can we put a value on the whole of our talent management process? At the
very outset of the project you should have outlined the key metrics against
which you will judge whether or not talent management is delivering the skills
and competencies the business needs. These will include a range of people
measures that can be computed accurately such as attrition rates and
recruitment costs. They should also include some hard financial measures
related to business success. It’s also worth identifying the growth in talent
within the organisation as a result of your talent management programme.
Crelos has established a Talent Matrix to enable clients to do this.
7. Who owns the process and the people who make it into the talent pool? It’s
a collective. The board needs to support it and set the standard, talent
managers need to ensure it happens but line managers and individuals need
to feel they have a stake in it too. Line managers’ fear of losing their key
people can be a barrier that organisations have to overcome.
8. Can we stop our talent becoming targets for head hunters? Of course not.
Few organisations offer a job for life and talented people have become used
to moving jobs to further their careers. But you can mitigate the effects by
giving your stars recognition and by understanding what turns them on – it
could be money but is just as likely to be the quality of the roles you offer.
10. Where do we start? Be pragmatic – look at where the problem is, where it
hurts the organisation most and where you have most to gain from your
return on investment. It may not be the perfect place for talent
management purists, but you have to start somewhere.
Talent management has moved on a long way since then. It’s no longer a
recruitment issue but embraces the full spectrum of people management, while
the definition of talent – certainly in the most forward thinking organisations –
has moved well beyond the senior management population. The most success-
ful firms have started to realise that they can only transform their businesses
through their people. They are using issues around talent to put themselves in
position to face the challenges of the coming decade
All the evidence of our work at Crelos confirms that talent management process-
es and practices must continue to shift and alter in this way, if firms are to sur-
vive and thrive. To enable firms to evaluate what these might be for their busi-
nesses, we have identified key talent challenges for the coming five years, and
the actions businesses must take to meet them head on.
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Challenge: Globalisation raises some major talent issues. It’s not just about
having the talent edge over cheaper, overseas competitors, although that’s
important too. Large multinationals have well developed systems for moving
people around the globe but in reality there are only a finite number of people
willing and able to be this flexible. Even smaller organisations working globally
need to start thinking about how they can source or develop talent in the
countries in which they operate. UK construction firms, for example, are
targeting the flood of available skills and labour in eastern Europe. It includes a
significant number of people with vital management skills and experience. India
is another good source of management talent at the moment.
There is also the issue of managing talent virtually. The aim should still be to
achieve a level of consistency across the globe in terms of how you assess and
develop people. This will need to take account of different country cultures but
fundamentally businesses should aim for a common view of talent across
Action: Take a global view of your talent and be outward looking enough to work
out where you should source your talent. Sitting in a UK headquarters it’s easy
to imagine you have all you need about you. But there will be key roles outside
the UK that need filling, and there will be ambitious staff in the overseas
operation who want to develop their careers. If you don’t do it, the chances are
your competitors in that country will.
Business downturn
Big picture: The US economy is stagnating, China is booming but other parts of
Asia are less buoyant, the Euro zone and the UK have revised growth figures
down. Businesses are bracing themselves for some sort of slow down if not
worse. This is despite the fact that change cycles continue to speed up. The
result is that businesses will have to live with continuing and increasing
Challenge: This will be both good and bad for talent management. A reduction
in jobs will make it easier to attract and retain staff. But there will be a real
temptation among businesses to cut back on people budgets, including talent
development. If talented people are unable to meet their needs and ambitions
with you they will take their skills and experience to more exciting opportunities
Big picture: The impact of the internet will continue to alter the way firms attract,
manage and retain talent. The most significant changes are likely to emerge
from the growth of social networking. Public networks such as Face Book and
Second Life are already providing firms with an opportunity to market their
employer brand.
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virtual talent communities within the business. Shell has used its intranet site to
operate something along these lines for several years with groups of staff
around the globe, who perhaps never meet or speak, sharing problems and
solutions. As the technology becomes more sophisticated it could prove a
fantastic way for relatively small organisations to link and engage talent across
the world.
Technology also has the potential to enable employers to have a much more
personal relationship with their talent pool. Some, such as Orange, are already
using ideas around customer relationship management to segment the
workforce and tweak their employee offering to meet more individual needs.
There is no reason why this cannot be done for the talent pool. The assessment
process should already have enabled firms to gather precise data on high flyers’
work styles, preferences and progress.
Challenge: Talent managers will need to keep a close eye on the technology and
where it’s going if they are to get greatest leverage from it. This means having
a clear idea of what they want to gain if, for example, they decide to set up a
networking site, as well as understanding how they can best exploit it.
Action: Set out a clear set of talent management goals that you want to achieve
by exploiting the technology. Businesses will never get the maximum return on
technology if they only occupy that space because everyone else seems to be.
Career development:
Big picture: People’s career expectations have changed over the past 30 years
but some of the rhetoric around the war for talent, specifically that there are no
more jobs for life and people don’t want them either, is probably too simplistic.
So too is the belief that it’s all about work life balance. Research into the careers
of senior executives found that career changing events rarely related to their
personal life. Perhaps not surprisingly, most cited work-related events such as
promotion, a pay rise or a growing intellectual interest in the job.
Figures relating to career mobility also suggest that there will continue to be
plenty of ambitious people out there who feel passionate about their work and
want to make a mark. Far from being job hoppers more than half of senior
executives expect to work for no more than seven organisations over their entire
career, while the OECD has found that most European workers stay a decade or
more in a job. Even more career-mobile Americans only move jobs on average
every four years.
Action: Develop talent relationship managers who can act as internal careers
agents for the talent pool, helping them understand what they want from work
and the opportunities available to them in the business.
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Future of testing
Big picture: Access to assessment tools will continue to expand in terms of the
number of users and the data firms can collect. This will become increasingly
more detailed and accurate when it comes to predicting job success.
There will be changes in the sort of tests firms carry out too. There is already a
growing number of roles-based vocational testing coming onto the market. They
often offer a quick and dirty response to a short-term issue.
Firms are also likely to start using testing to manage risk rather than identify
potential. This is already common in the post-Enron US where organisations are
using integrity testing and bio data to predict a person’s honesty. Disasters such
as the Northern Rock debacle could encourage UK businesses to take a similar
path. Interestingly, research has shown a correlation between high integrity
scores and high performance.
A further change will be the use of video conferencing technology to replace one
to one observations and assessments. Clients are already asking for it as a
means of reducing their costs and it will happen.
Big picture: Changing demographics, an ageing population, a growing number
of migrant workers from an expanding European Union and the increased
participation of women in the labour market is opening up new talent pools to
employers and will force them to move away from their traditional talent sources
- white, middle class heterosexual men. This is already evident in the latest
report from the government’s Migration Impact Forum which found migrant
workers contribute an estimated £6bn to the economy.
The impact of more women in the workplace is also well documented. A third of
new businesses in the EU are started by women, while research from Cranfield
School of Management has shown that companies with women on the board
have a higher market capitalisation than those without.
Similarly with talented women: the idea that they do not take top jobs because
they have families and need to work flexibly is naïve. But jobs – as much as
working patterns – will have to be more attractive for people to bother upending
their lives to get to work. The success or failure of diversity policies could well
lie in the ability of employers to segment the workforce just as they do their
customer base.
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Action: Revisit your assessment practices regularly to ensure that they are not
excluding any potential talent groups. They should be a true reflection of what
the business needs not a means of duplicating what you already have.
Challenge: There is no sign of this trend abating. Far from it; if there is a
significant economic downturn then employers will be looking to get even more
back from their talented people. However, the knock on effect of increasingly
complex jobs is it will be harder and harder to fill them.
Action: Look for ways to provide meaningful development opportunities for your
talent pool and look several promotions ahead. What competencies will people
need to get there and perform? What opportunities through mentoring, project
work and other dynamic development does the organisation need to have online
and when?
Challenge: Talent managers will need to keep abreast of all these changes in the
education system and understand what they mean for their talent needs.
Professional qualifications present a particular challenge to employers. While
they help manage risk to a degree, employers could end up putting talented
people into professional silos rather than encouraging them to grow and
Action: Get involved with your local schools and universities. Be prepared to
offer work experience, placements and longer-term secondments to students.
Universities all have people dedicated to building links with employers while the
local education business partnership will give you an inroad into local schools
(National Education Business Partnership Network www.nebpn.org).
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