John and Synoptics

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Differences Between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic Gospels and Acts

The gospel according to John is very different than the other three gospels aka synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) as well as the book of Acts !t is "y fir" belief then, that we "ust learn to read it differently and think about it in different ter"s Many will counter with this argu"ent# $%ell, the Apostle John &according to tradition' wrote it, and he was actually there ( These folks forget, however, as can be seen in the lists of disciples fro" the synoptics in point $)( below that Matthew was also a disciple, and according to tradition, he wrote Matthew *ne very i"portant difference is the style !n the synoptic gospels, Jesus teaches pri"arily in short sayings and parables !n John, we find neither of these+ instead, we find long "onologues There are fewer $signs( in John as well *n top of that, "any $details( are ,uite different#

A !n the -ynoptics, Jesus does not begin his "inistry until John is i"prisoned (see Mark .#./)
John 0#1/ shows their "inistries overlapping ) 2isciples vary i Mark 0# .3 -o he appointed the twelve# -i"on (to who" he gave the na"e 4eter)+ .5 Ja"es son of 6ebedee and John the brother of Ja"es (to who" he gave the na"e )oanerges, that is, -ons of Thunder)+ .7 and Andrew, and 4hilip, and )artholo"ew, and Matthew, and Tho"as, and Ja"es son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and -i"on the 8ananaean, .9 and Judas !scariot, who betrayed hi" ii Matthew .:# 1 These are the na"es of the twelve apostles# first, -i"on, also known as 4eter, and his brother Andrew+ Ja"es son of 6ebedee, and his brother John+ 0 4hilip and )artholo"ew+ Tho"as and Matthew the ta; collector+ Ja"es son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus+ / -i"on the 8ananaean, and Judas !scariot, the one who betrayed hi" iii Luke 3# ./ -i"on, who" he na"ed 4eter, and his brother Andrew, and Ja"es, and John, and 4hilip, and )artholo"ew, .< and Matthew, and Tho"as, and Ja"es son of Alphaeus, and -i"on, who was called the 6ealot, .3 and Judas son of Ja"es, and Judas !scariot, who beca"e a traitor iv John has no list of all .1, and he never na"es the John the Apostle, the 1 Ja"es, Levi = Matthew, Thaddaeus, )artholo"ew, or . -i"on (not 4eter) >owever, he does add ?athaniel 8 John@s Aospel notes 0 4assovers -o, if you take hi" literally and chronologically (which ! don@t think we should do that@s not John@s point), then Jesus@ "inistry is about 0 years Bor the -ynoptics, it appears to only be one year as only one 4assover is noted 2 John .0C.5, though definitely the $Last -upper,( is not a 4assover Meal John .7#17 "akes clear that the 4assover "eal is to be eaten the evening after Jesus is crucified (co"pare that to Mark ./#.1C.7, which "akes clear that Jesus did eat the 4assover, so he was crucified the day after) D According to the stories of the $Aarden of Aethse"ane( in the -ynoptics, Jesus says so"ething to the effect of EAbba, Bather, for you all things are possible+ re"ove this cup fro" "e+ yet, not what ! want, but what you want,E as is seen in Mark ./#03 8o"pare these passages fro" John that see" to re"ove any se"blance of asking that the cup be re"oved# John .1#15 $?ow "y soul is troubled And what should ! sayF@Bather, save "e fro" this hourG@+ ?o, it is for this reason that ! have co"e to this hour ( John .7#..b $A" ! not to drink the cup that the Bather has given "eG( B !n John, Jesus carries the cross by hi"self (John .9#.5) but in the synoptics, -i"on of 8yrene carries the cross A !n John, Jesus is crucified so"eti"e ABTDH noon (see John .9#./) Mark .<#1< says it has happened by 9a" > John 1:#.9C10 has a co"pletely different understanding of how the disciples receive the >oly -pirit than the book of Acts does Bor John, Jesus breathes the >oly -pirit on the" Bor Acts, they are told to go to Jerusale" and wait for it to co"e ABTDH Jesus has already ascended Dither John disagrees with Acts@ understanding, or he has never heard Acts@ version

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