Module 1-Building A Positive Identity

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES The students will: be able to now how othe! "eo"le sees the# in a "ositi$e o! ne%ati$e wa&. be able to sha!e how do the& "e!'ei$e the#sel$es. !e(le't on thei! t!aits that we!e "e!'ei$ed b& thei! 'lass#ates and the#sel$es.


)ATERIALS NEE*E* a. One whole inte!#ediate "a"e! b. A "en


*EVELO+)ENT Introduction Li(e isn,t onl& one-sided. so (o! us to be able to build (oundation (o! ha$in% a "ositi$e identit& &ou #ust be able to now &ou! ne%ati$e and "ositi$e 'ha!a'te!isti's o! t!aits in (o!# o( &ou!sel$es and with how othe! "eo"le sees &ou. I ho"e that ou! a'ti$it& (o! toda& will at least #a e &ou awa!e o( so#e o( &ou! ne%ati$e t!aits "e!'ei$e b& othe! "eo"le so that &ou #a& #a e i#"!o$e#ents on how to lessen o! %et !id o( it (o! it will be'o#e an obsta'le in buildin% &ou! "ositi$e t!aits and o('ou!se those "ositi$e t!aits as &ou %!ow. Instructions /. 0indl& %et an inte!#ediate "a"e!1 / whole. 2. )a& I !e3uest to (o!# &ou! 'hai!s in to a bi% 'i!'le. 4. +ut &ou! whole na#e on the $e!& u""e! "o!tion o( the "a"e!. 5. 6old &ou! inte!#ediate "a"e! into 5 "a!ts. nowin% &ou! "ositi$e t!aits is one o( the 'on'e!ns o( this a'ti$it& (o! &ou to hold on with and ee"

7. +ut a nu#be! / on the u""e! le(t 'o!ne!1 Nu#be! 2 on the u""e! !i%ht 'o!ne!1 Nu#be! 4 on the lowe! le(t "o!tion and nu#be! 5 on the lowe! !i%ht "o!tion. 8. On bo9 nu#be! / o( &ou! "a"e!. I want &ou to w!ite down all &ou! t!aits o! 'ha!a'te!isti's !e%a!dless o( bein% "ositi$e o! ne%ati$e. :. +ass the "a"e! on &ou! !i%ht. to &ou! !i%ht seat#ate. And &ou! seat#ate on the !i%ht will w!ite down so#ethin% on the nu#be! 2 and 4 bo9. +lease be !e#inded to "ut the "ositi$e t!aits o( the owne! o( the "a"e! in nu#be! 2 and on nu#be! 4 a!e the ne%ati$e t!aits that &ou,$e noti'ed with the owne! o( the "a"e!. ;Re"eat until the "a"e! %ets ba' to the owne!<. =. On bo9 nu#be! 5. 0indl& #a e a !e(le'tion and w!ite &ou! insi%hts about those ne%ati$e and "ositi$e t!aits &ou,$e %athe!ed (!o# bo9 nu#be! 2 and 4.


+ROCESSING >?ESTIONS /. @hat do &ou (eel when &ou !ead those "ositi$e t!aits w!itten b& &ou! 'lass#atesA 2. Bow about those ne%ati$esA A!e &ou awa!e o( those t!aitsA 4. A!e &ou %oin% to do an&thin% to wi"e out those ne%ati$e t!aits that we!e "e!'ei$ed b& &ou! 'lass#atesA 5. Gi$e atleast /-4 t!aits whi'h is 'o##on with how do &ou see &ou!sel( and how &ou! 'lass#ates doesA 7. @ith ou! toda&,s a'ti$it&. do &ou lea!n so#ethin%A @hat is itCa!e thoseA


ABSTRACTION In this a'ti$it&. the students should lea!n that in able to build "ositi$e identit& the& #ust be awa!e o( how does othe!s see the# as well with how do the& see the#sel$es tooD Buildin% "ositi$e identit& is not one sided. o('ou!se the "e!son #ust be o"en-#inded and now when to i#"!o$e o! 'han%e thei! not o"t t!aits that #i%ht !uin thei! "ositi$e identit&.


A++LICATION a. Bow does ou! a'ti$it& toda& will hel" &ou build a "ositi$e identit& in !eal li(eA

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