Antino43 101 Technical Report FINAL
Antino43 101 Technical Report FINAL
Antino43 101 Technical Report FINAL
Landsat Image of the Antino Project area in south-east Suriname taken in November 2001. The red line shows the boundary of the Antino Project area, Right of Exploitation 180/2005. The Lawa River is clearly evident. Areas which show in blue on this image to the south-west of the Lawa River identify small scale, gold mining activities. The green-blue area north of the Lawa River and east of the north-east corner of the Antino Project area is the town and airport of Maripasula.
1.0 Summary.........................................................................................................................1 2.0 Introduction and Terms of Reference..........................................................................1 3.0 Reliance on Other Experts ............................................................................................2 4.0 Property Description and Location ..............................................................................3 5.0 Access, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography ......................5 5.1 Access ................................................................................................................................5 5.2 Climate ...............................................................................................................................7 5.3 Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography............................................................7 6.0 History.............................................................................................................................7 6.1 Discovery and Early Production, 1891 to 1974 .................................................................7 6.2 Recent History, 1993 to Present.........................................................................................8 6.3 NANAs Right to Mine....................................................................................................12 7.0 Geological Setting.........................................................................................................12 7.1 Regional Geology ............................................................................................................12 7.3 Upper Antino Geology.....................................................................................................16 7.4 Lower Antino Geology ....................................................................................................16 7.5 Maripasula Creek Geology ..............................................................................................17 8.0 Deposit Types................................................................................................................17 9.0 Mineralization ..............................................................................................................18 10.0 Exploration ...................................................................................................................19 10.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................19 10.2 Air Photo Interpretation .................................................................................................20 10.3 Line Cutting ...................................................................................................................20 10.4 Access Road...................................................................................................................21 10.5 Auger Sampling .............................................................................................................21 10.6 Airborne Geophysics......................................................................................................22 10.7 Core Drilling ..................................................................................................................22 10.8 Ground Geophysics........................................................................................................22 10.9 MMI Orientation Survey................................................................................................23 10.10 Upper Antino Target ....................................................................................................23 10.11 Lower Antino Target....................................................................................................26 10.12 Maripasula Creek Target..............................................................................................28 11.0 Drilling ..........................................................................................................................30 11.1 Auger Drilling, 15 meter................................................................................................30 11.2 Core Drilling ..................................................................................................................31 12.0 Sampling Method & Approach...................................................................................32 12.1 Auger Sampling, 1 meter deep.......................................................................................32 12.2 Auger Drilling 15 meter deep ........................................................................................32 12.3 Core drilling ...................................................................................................................32 13.0 Sample Preparation, Analysis & Security .................................................................33 14.0 Data Verification ..........................................................................................................33 15.0 Adjacent Properties .....................................................................................................34 16.0 Mineral Processing & Metallurgical Testing.............................................................34 17.0 Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates...................................................34 18.0 Other Relevant Data and Information.......................................................................35
Antino Gold Project, Suriname Technical Report by Adrian Fleming March 2006
Interpretation & Conclusions .....................................................................................35 Recommendations ........................................................................................................35 References .....................................................................................................................38 Appendices....................................................................................................................40 Appendix 1.....................................................................................................................40 Appendix 2 ....................................................................................................................41 Appendix 3.....................................................................................................................42 23.0 Certificate of Author........................................................................................................44
Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Suriname Location Plan .............................................................................................3 Antino Project, Rights of Exploration granted to NANA in 1995.............................9 Current Titles and Target Areas...............................................................................11 Geology of Suriname ...............................................................................................14 Upper Antino Target ................................................................................................24 Lower Antino Target................................................................................................27 Maripasula Creek Target..........................................................................................28
Plate 1. Plate 2. Plate 3. Plate 4. Plate 5. Antino Airstrip 7 Camp.................................................................................................. 5 Typical ATV Track and ATV........................................................................................ 6 Survey Monument Near Antino Camp ........................................................................ 21 Location and Results of Channel Sampling by NANA at Upper Antino .................... 25 The Author and Sytze Miedema Collecting Samples 254841 & 254842 at Upper Antino.......................................................................................................................... 26 Plate 6. Filuca with High Grade Gold Mineralization .............................................................. 29 Plate 7. Location of Channel Sampling by the Author ............................................................. 30
Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Antino Project Titles ................................................................................................... 10 Antino Exploration Activity ....................................................................................... 19 Selected gold assay results from Upper Antino Core Drilling ................................... 31 Selected gold assay results from Lower Antino Core Drilling ................................... 32 Proposed Program and Budget for First Six Month Period of Exploration................ 37 Proposed Program and Budget for the Second Six Month Period of Exploration...... 37
March 2006
1.0 Summary
Alluvial gold was first discovered in the Antino Project area in 1891 and since then there has been continued but intermittent gold mining from alluvials and saprolite. Modern systematic exploration was carried out by Golden Star Resources Ltd. (Golden Star) from 1993 to 1997. Golden Star completed geological mapping, geochemical sampling, airborne and ground geophysics and 6,000 metres of core drilling. Golden Star conducted most of its core drilling at the Upper Antino Target where gold mineralization is hosted by a shear zone, typical of Archaen/Proterozoic greenstone hosted gold mineralization in other parts of the world. Golden Star recognized intrusive hosted gold mineralization within the Antino Project Area but did not pay much attention to it. Since 1998 small scale gold mining has continued in the general area. In the southern part of the Antino Project area intrusive hosted quartz veins, some hosting very high-grade visible gold mineralization, have been exploited, albeit on a very small scale. The previous exploration work did not adequately assess the potential of the intrusive hosted gold mineralization and it is this opportunity that should be the focus of future exploration activity. A program of work is recommended to compile, and review all previous exploration data. Field mapping and additional geochemical sampling is required. This should be followed up by drilling.
The author has discussed the Antino Project GMG 180/2005 in detail with Sytze Miedema, a geologist that worked on the project since 1993 and with Henk Naarendorp the President and sole shareholder of NANA Resources N.V. (NANA). The author visited the Antino Project GMG 180/2005 on February 21, 2006. On a number of occasions in the mid 90s the author visited the Antino Project area when he was Vice-President of Exploration for Golden Star. During this period, Golden Star had an option on the Antino Property. Most of the information about the property and surrounding areas are given in metric units. References to currency are in United States dollars. The following units of measurement and conversion factors are provided for clarification. 1 troy ounce = 31.103 grams 1 ppm = 1 part per million 1 ppb = 1 part per billion g Au/t means grams gold per metric tonne 1 oz Au/ton = 34.286 g Au/t 100 hectares = 1 square kilometers 1 foot = 31.28 cm or 0.3128 meters 1 mile = 1.609 km 1m3 = 1 cubic meter = 35.31 ft3 1 ton (Imperial) = 2240 lbs 1 hectare = 10,000m2 = 2.471 acres 1 cubic foot = 0.028317 cubic meters Ma = million years ago
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Antino Right of Exploitation The Right of Exploitation GMD 180/2005 (Figure 3) was issued to NANA in June 2000 (then referred to as GMD 180/2000). NANA is a private Surinamese company with its registered office at Kleine Dwarsstraat #20, Paramaribo, Suriname. The Right of Exploitation was renewed on February 9, 2006 (GMD 180/2005) for a further five years and is current until February 9, 2011. The Right of Exploitation can be renewed for three additional periods of five years each. The Right of Exploitation is a square area 10 by 10 km for a total land area of 10,000 ha. Through the Right of Exploitation GMD 180/2005 and the Right to Mine Alluvials (GMD 432/98), NANA has the right to mine for gold and to carry out exploration. There are no overlapping surface rights in the project area and, apart from the small scale miners, no traditional landowners live in the area. On January 20, 2006, NANA and Laurentian Mountain Investments, Ltd. (LMI) entered into an option agreement (the Option Agreement) under which NANA granted to LMI the right to explore and develop the Antino Property. NANA also granted to LMI the option to acquire all of NANAs rights and interests in the project, subject to successful completion of the requirements set forth in the Option Agreement and described below. On January 23, 2006, LMI assigned and transferred all of its rights in the Option Agreement to New Sleeper, subject to regulatory approvals (the Assignment Agreement). The sole shareholder and president of LMI is David Fennell who is also the Chairman of New Sleeper. The transaction between New Sleeper and LMI is therefore not at arms length and is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The consideration to be paid to NANA under the Option Agreement is as follow: US$65,000 upon completion of a 90-day due diligence period, only if New Sleeper elects to continue with the Option Agreement; US$135,000 on the six-month anniversary of the first payment; US$100,000 on the anniversary of the second payment; and US$200,000 on each subsequent anniversary, until the Option is exercised.
If NANA is required to cease its current exploitation activities (small scale) during the exploration phase, NANA will be entitled to receive an additional payment of US$300,000 per year. To exercise the Option and have the Right of Exploitation transferred, New Sleeper will have to incur minimum expenditures of US$300,000 per year for a cumulative of no less than US$5,000,000 during the first 60 months, complete a feasibility study and obtain the necessary permits and approvals from the Surinamese government. After having exercised the Option, New Sleeper will have to pay NANA the following: US$500,000 within thirty days of receiving all necessary permits to construct and operate the mine from the relevant governmental authorities. US$1,000,000 twelve months after the commencement of commercial production.
Technical Report by Adrian Fleming 4 March 2006
Quarterly payments equal to 1.5% (one and a half percent) of quarterly commercial mineral production.
Upon approval of the transaction between New Sleeper and LMI, LMI will be entitled to receive the following consideration: Upon definition of a 43-101 compliant mineral resource of 500,000 ounces on the Antino 1 Project, New Sleeper will have to issue to LMI 400,000 common shares; Upon definition of a 43-101 compliant mineral resource of 1,000,000 ounces on the Antino 1 Project, New Sleeper will have to issue to LMI 400,000 common shares; Upon definition of a 43-101 compliant mineral resource of 2,000,000 ounces on the Antino 1 Project, New Sleeper will have to issue to LMI a further 800,000 common shares.
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The Antino Project GMD 180/2005 can also be accessed from Maripasula in French Guiana which receives regular flights by Air Guyana (three flights per day) from Cayenne using ATR aircraft. There is intense charter activity to Tabiki servicing the local garimpeiro community (Brazilian artisanal miners) in Suriname and across the river in French Guiana and it is possible to buy seats on regular flights. The Antino Project GMD 180/2005 can also be accessed by driving 250km east of Paramaribo along a highway, the East West connection, (asphalt but in poor condition) towards French Guiana and the town of Albina. Albina is at the mouth of the Marowijne River. From Albina the project can be accessed by boat upstream along the Marowijne River which becomes the Lawa River to Tabiki, a distance of 250 km. There is no regular boat schedule and cargo trips are organized on a trip by trip basis by local contractors. These contractors are river dwellers and normally do not provide insurance. The best period for transport is from May to August, during the rainy season. Heavy equipment, for example a D6 Caterpillar bulldozer, can be transported on wooden canoes but only at the height of the rainy season. From Tabiki to the project, a bulldozed track established in 1994 for a distance of 15 km permits access but is restricted to ATV vehicles and heavy tracked equipment. This road is generally not traversable by conventional four wheel drive vehicles. There is no road access between Paramaribo, the capital city of Suriname, and the Antino Project GMD 180/2005. There are a number of access roads throughout the Antino Project GMD 180/2005 that are readily accessible by four wheel motor bikes or ATV vehicles. This network provides reasonable access to a significant part of the Antino Project area (Plate 2). Plate 2. Typical ATV Track and ATV
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5.2 Climate
The Antino Project GMD 180/2005 is located at latitude 3o 35 N and thus has a tropical humid climate with dry and rainy seasons. The short rainy season lasts from mid-November to midFebruary, the long rainy season from May to August. The most pleasant times to visit Suriname are the dry seasons; the short dry season from mid-February to May and the long dry season from August to mid-November. Throughout the year, the average daily temperature varies between 21o and 34o C. Suriname lies outside the hurricane zone and the most extreme weather condition is the "sibibusi" (which means forest broom), a heavy rain shower. Tropical storms can enhance shower conditions along the coast.
Geological and Mining Service Office in Paramaribo, a department of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The report was written for Golden Star.
The gold bearing alluvial deposits in the Lawa River area (the French wrote lAwa or lAoua) on the southeast border of Suriname with French Guiana were discovered towards the end of 1885 by two Frenchmen, Rufin and Le Blond. The ensuing gold rush caused a border dispute between the Netherlands and France that in 1891 was settled by the Czar of all Russians, whereby the left bank of the Lawa river was acknowledged as territory belonging to Suriname. The bona fide rights of gold extraction were conceded to Le Blond, covering an area 29 km long and 24 km wide, on the left bank of the Lawa. The concession rights were transferred in 1895 to the Compagnie des Mines dOr de la Guyane Hollandaise. This company worked the property from 1895 until 1928, and over this period recorded production was 316,840 troy ounces of gold. The gold was mainly won in the Pointu, Rufin, Roche and Antino creeks, all left bank tributaries of the Lawa River. The operations were all by hand, using sluice boxes for the gold recovery. The material worked was alluvial gravel and, as in the Haut Antino, involved partly enriched red ferrallitic soil, possibly also weathered bedrock. In 1928 this company ceased to exist and the concession came into the hands of Neotropical Concessions Ltd., and in 1932 to United Goldfields of Guyana. The latter company tried to employ some activity, but came to nothing. From 1928 to 1935 no production figures are known. At the end of 1935 a Dutch investors group, Sarakreek Goudvelden N.V., a company that had been operating in the Sarakreek, also acquired the concession rights of part of the old Compagnie des Mines dOr de la Guyane Hollandaise concession on the Lawa river. This company operated from 1935 until 1963 and recorded gold production of 85,439 oz. For the first time a mechanized mining system was introduced into the Lawa area, using diesel load shovels for the stripping of the overburden and draglines for the haulage of the pay horizon. Sluice boxes recovered the gold. These activities were limited to the Rufin valley only. The company allowed porknockers to work on their concession. They were obliged to sell all their produced gold to the company. They were active mainly in the Pointu, Rufin and Brichet creeks. The latter creek is a tributary of the Maripasula creek. Their number averaged 145 persons per year, with a peak of 225 in 1941. Their total recorded production from 1940 until 1964 was 52,110 troy ounces of gold, leaving the balance of 33,324 troy ounces for the mechanized operation. In 1963 Sarakreek Goudvelden N.V. ceased their operations. In that same year Lawa Goldfields Ltd., a subsidiary of North Shore Goldfields Ltd. from Ontario, Canada, started a dredging operation with a bucket line dredge with 4.5 Cu. feet buckets. Under the agreement with Sarakreek Goudvelden N.V. a royalty of 12 % of the gold value after production costs, was to be paid. This dredge mined the Rufin creek valley over a distance of about 3.5 km, from 1963-1969, and recorded a production of 23,151 oz of gold. The operation was considered a failure, largely due to bad cost estimates, ignorance of the ground and inexperienced management. Gold theft on a large scale was the result and the operation was stopped in October 1969. From the above the total gold production of this area of Suriname between 1895 until 1969 is 425,000 ounces. In 1970 the firm Benz & Co. W.I.H.C. (West Indische Handels Compagnie) took over the concession rights and worked the area with porknockers. In 1973 there were still 10-15 porknockers active on the concession.
As a result of reconnaissance work, NANA was granted Right(s) of Exploration on the Antino, Kwatta and the De Goeje areas in 1995. The location of the three title areas is shown in Figure 2. This contiguous area was the subject of Golden Stars extensive exploration program. Cut lines where 1 meter auger sampling and 15 meter auger drilling was undertaken are shown on Figure 2. Figure 2. Antino Project, Rights of Exploration granted to NANA in 1995
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In 2000, Rights of Exploitation were granted to NANA on the Antino 1 (BGD 180/2005) and Antino 2 (GMD 181/2005) areas. The Rights of Exploration to the Kwatta and the De Goeje areas could be renewed for two additional periods of two years according to the Mining Law. All of these titles are presently held by NANA. The current status of these titles is summarized in Table 1 below. The Rights of Exploitation are renewable. Table 1. Antino Project Titles Area Name Title Identification South Benzdorp Property Kwatta Property GMD 571/2005 De Goeje Property GMD 570/2005 Antino GMD 398/95 Antino 1 Property GMD 180/2005 Antino 2 Property GMD 181/2005 Date Granted, Current To Jun 1993 Sep 1996 Oct 25, 2007 Aug 96 Feb 9, 2008 Aug 1996 Jun 2000 Feb 9, 2011 Jun 2000 Feb 9, 2011 Area Form of Title
1,480 sq km Right of Reconnaissance 300 sq km 275 sq km 240 sq km 100 sq km Right of Exploitation 100 sq km Right of Exploration
The location of titles currently held by NANA is shown in Figure 3. The Antino 1 Right of Exploitation is the Antino Project (GMD 180/2005) that is the subject of this report. The other titles shown on this figure are only provided as background information. Figure 3 also shows the areas that were relinquished by NANA in 2005. This figure also shows the three Target Areas within the Antino Project: Upper Antino, Lower Antino and Maripasula Creek.
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On January 22, 1994, NANA and Golden Star entered into a letter agreement (the First Option Agreement) pursuant to which NANA granted Golden Star the option to acquire a 100% interest in the Rights of Exploration for gold, diamond and other minerals on the entire contiguous area defined in Table 1 above. On July 5, 1999, NANA and Golden Star executed a Letter of Intent setting the terms and conditions under which Golden Star acknowledged the fact that NANA was conducting certain alluvial mining activities within the Project Area.
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On December 10, 2001 NANA and Golden Star entered into a further agreement which ratified the Letter Of Intent executed on July 5, 1999 and replaced the First Option Agreement of January 22, 1994. On January 20, 2006 NANA and Golden Star entered into an amending agreement whereby Golden Star agreed to cancel its option over the Antino 1 Project Area, the Right of Exploitation for gold bearing GMD 180/2005, in exchange for certain payments to be made by NANA to Golden Star and 0.75% of quarterly commercial mineral production. This Amending Agreement did not cancel Golden Stars option on other NANA holdings in the South Benzdorp area that are subject to the December 10, 2001 Option Agreement.
Geological Setting
sediments (Roraima Formation) and is cut by abundant Middle Proterozoic and Permo-Triassic dolerite (diabase) dikes. Unconsolidated Cenozoic sediments form a fringe in the north (De Vletter, 1984). Figure 4 shows the regional geology of Suriname. The low-grade metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in Suriname are known as the Marowijne Group, and occupy large areas in NE and E Suriname, and some smaller areas in the north and northwest. They form part of a more or less continuous, generally E-W to NWSE striking greenstone belt along the northeastern margin of the Guiana Shield (Gibbs, 1980). The stratigraphic succession, from the bottom upwards is; (1) volcanic-sedimentary series, the Paramaka Formation composed of a basal sequence of mafic metavolcanics associated with metagabbros, followed by intermediate volcanics; intercalations of metagraywacke and phylite increase from bottom to top; (2) volcaniclastic metagraywacke and phyllite, the Armina Formation, and (3) meta-arenite-metaconglomerate, the Rosebel Formation, which also contains some intercalated metavolcanics. The types and proportions of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Marowijne Group and elsewhere in the Guiana Shield are similar to those of the Canadian Archean, and they differ in these respects from the more mafic-ultramafic belts of the Australian, Indian and southern African Archean (Gibbs and Barron, 1993). A simplified geology map of Suriname is provided as Figure 4. This figure is based on the 1977, 1:500,000 scale geological map prepared by the Geological and Mining Service of Suriname (G.M.D). The existing road network in Suriname is shown as well as the location of the Antino Project.
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7.2 Property Geology The Antino Project GMD 180/2005 is part of the larger Benzdorp mining district, which is underlain by the Lower Proterozoic Paramaka Formation greenstone assemblage. The Paramaka Formation constitutes the basal portion of the greenschist to lower amphibolite facies Marowijne meta-volcanic and meta-sedimentary Group. The Marowijne Group extends from northeast Suriname southeastwards into northern and central French Guiana. The Rosebel gold deposits south of Paramaribo presently being mined by Cambior Inc. of Montreal, Canada, are located in its northwestern portion. The generalized geology of the Antino Project area is shown in Figure 3. The Antino Project GMD 180/2005 is underlain by Paramaka Formation meta-volcanicsedimentary lithologies of the Fatoe Switi greenstone belt composed of a northerly striking assemblage from west to east amphibolite, andesite, dacite, meta-graywacke and siltstone lithologies which merge into a large pyroclastic agglomerate and lapilli tuff sequence in its eastern portion. In the Fatoe Switi Hills on the western margin of the Antino Project the basal portion of the Paramaka Formation describes a predominantly northerly strike which is an arc shape with its concave side to the east. Further to the east and within the Antino Project this open arc shape synform tightens to a near isoclinal fold closing towards the west. Several small bodies of monzonitic to tonalitic composition intrude the Fatoe Switi assemblage. A granite-gneiss basement surrounds the Fatoe Switi greenstone belt in the south and west. The Fatu Switi greenstone has been mapped in detail within the Antino Project area. It is composed of a thick basal amphibolite outcropping in the west and southwest, in contact to the north-east with an assemblage from southwest to northwest of chlorite-graphite schist, sericite schist, well bedded siltstone and greywacke with interbedded fine tuff horizons, and coarse volcanic agglomerate. A 20 to 30 m wide horizon of hornblende porphyry occurs within the agglomerate in the Lower Antino target area. Lenses of metachert occur along the margins of the amphibolite. The assemblage is intruded by both small and large tonalite bodies. These intrusives range in composition from tonalite to diorite, to quartz diorite. The largest, measuring 3.5 by 1.5 kilometres lies within the Maripasula Creek drainage (Figure 7). Another tonalite, 1.5 by 0.5 km in diameter lies within the Upper Antino Valley. Many minor intrusive tonalite bodies exist throughout the Antino Project area. Their presence is often inferred only from float material. The volcanic-sedimentary strata are close to vertical along schistosity planes oriented in a north-south arcuate shape with their concave side towards the east. The distribution of hornblende porphyry within the agglomerate in the Lower Antino Valley, mapped mainly as float, is believed to reflect a recumbent fold with an easterly oriented axis. Regional cross faulting is visible on aerial photographs and satellite imagery. Field evidence for these faults cannot always be found because of deep weathering, but in some locations the presence of quartz veining and abrupt displacement of geological contacts corroborates their
Antino Gold Project, Suriname Technical Report by Adrian Fleming 15 March 2006
existence. The most prominent fault-fracture zone runs east-west in the Antino valley and appears to control the course of Antino Creek. Field mapping suggests that the recumbent fold in the Lower Antino target area has been caused by drag along this fault. The two elevated gold anomalies in the Antino Valley are both on this fault. Northeast striking faults have resulted in displacement of the Fatu Switi amphibolite belt (Miedema, 1996). The Upper Antino gold mineralization is located within the western portion of the Fatoe Switi greenstone belt. Its bedrock lithology is composed of an arc shaped assemblage of intercalating north striking meta-andesite, dacite, meta-greywacke and siltstone. There is a gold bearing, northwest striking quartz vein system with associated bedrock silicification sandwiched conformably within this assemblage. A northeast striking transverse fault at the north end of the deposit is believed to be the cause of the abrupt termination of mineralization. As is the case for much of the subdued relief, tropical rain forest covered areas of South America deep weathering is a characteristic of the geology of the Antino Project. Saprolite extends to a depth of 30 to 50 meters. Supergene enrichment of gold and other minerals is also a characteristic of this type of terrain including the formation of laterite, often expressed as iron rich duricrust or true laterite. It is important to be cognizant of these surficial processes when designing exploration programs and interpreting geochemical and other data. Regolith mapping, which has not been carried out at the Antino Project, could assist ongoing exploration.
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The tonalite body carries several mafic xenoliths and seems to be intrusive into the polygenic agglomerate (Bardoux, 1996).
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9.0 Mineralization
The best know zone of mineralization is that at Upper Antino where a considerable program of core drilling has been undertaken. This mineralization is shear zone hosted and is associated with significant hydrothermal activity and alteration. The mineralization is characterized by open spaced filling of quartz veins and sulphides. The dilatant zone is encased in a significant zoned envelope of hydrothermal alteration. The central zone of this alteration is phyllic, containing quartz, sericite, biotite, pyrite and some ankerite. It closely resembles the phyllic zones of many Archean shear zone gold systems, although perhaps the biotite is less developed here. That being so one would expect the proportion of biotite to increase with depth. In this zone original rock textures are almost entirely destroyed although relict S1 and porphyry textures can be seen. There is development of a strong S2 cleavage which is essentially parallel to S1. The original magnetite of the mafic porphyries has been completely replaced by pyrite. This sulphidisation reaction was probably instrumental in the precipitation of gold. Gold values are proportional to the sulphide content. i.e. 2Au (HS) + 2Fe3O4 = 3Fe2S + 2Au + H2O + O The contacts of the phyllic zone with the quartz where present, are often sharp and seem to have been smeared a little by younger tectonics. Contacts with the propylitic zone are abrupt but primary. Sericite is replaced by chlorite and epidote, and ankerite by calcite. The abundance of pyrite decreases but is still after magnetite, some of which survives. Original textures are better preserved and S2 becomes progressively more oblique to S1 outwards. This zone gradually passes into one where epidote disappears and magnetite is almost unaffected. Some sulphides are still present but seem to be dominated by pyrrhotite rather than pyrite - in other words the availability of sulphur was: decreasing outwards. S2 is weaker and still oblique to S1. This zone in turn gradually passes outwards into one with no secondary chlorite or sulphides and in which S2 cannot be seen. It is amongst other things this outward decrease in strain and its change in orientation which defines this mineralized zone as a shear system. The progressive destruction of magnetite into the alteration is significant not only in genetic terms but also for exploration. The gradual loss of magnetite can be seen for some meters beyond the first significant increase in gold values and might be used as a guide to mineralization. For instance Hole (UA) 002 was originally stopped in an intrusion which it was felt had removed the mineralized zone. Later remodeling led to the hole being re-entered and drilled successfully through the zone only a few meters beyond where it had been stopped. However the magnetite content of the last section of the intrusive is somewhat lower than the norm for this lithology unaltered. Measurements of magnetic susceptibility might have indicated the proximity of the mineralization (Badham, 1997).
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10.0 Exploration
10.1 Introduction
Documentation describing exploration in the Antino Project area prior to 1993 is fragmentary and incomplete so it is not summarized herein. The discussion of exploration is therefore focused on work carried out by Golden Star and subsequent parties. New Sleeper has not yet conducted any exploration work on the Antino Project. The Antino Project GMD 180/2005 is only part of a larger area which was the subject of an extensive field exploration program carried out by Golden Star from early 1993 to mid 1997. During this period, Golden Star spent approximately $6 million exploring this area. Most of it was spent on the Antino Project area. Table 2 provides a summary of the major elements of field work carried out by Golden Star. The location of the Antino Project GMD 180/2005 with respect to previous titles held by NANA and optioned to Golden Star is shown on Figures 2 and 3. Table 2. Antino Exploration Activity Activity Air photo interpretation Line cutting Access road construction Auger drilling, 1m Auger drilling, 15m Period Feb 1993 May 1993 - June 1997 Nov 1993 Jun 1993 Nov 1994 Feb 1994 Feb 1997 Comments Robert Dyer, Jens Touborg 265 km 15 km ATV trail from Tabiki to Antino Project 6,644 holes Upper Antino 776 holes, 9,121m Lower Antino, 194 holes, 2,870m 538 samples Aerodat Upper Antino, 49 holes, 5,286m Lower Antino, 10 holes, 765m Upper Antino Magnetics & VLF-EM, 28.43 line km IP, 3.3 line km 95 samples
Panned concentrate sampling of Mar 1994 Jun 1994 15 m auger holes Airborne Magnetics/Radiometrics Aug 1994 Core drilling Oct 1996 Mar 1997
Oct 1997
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A short report is available by Touborg (Touborg, 1993) but the maps he produced are held in the records of Golden Star at their Office in Paramaribo.
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The location of the lines where the 1 m auger sampling was completed is shown on Figures 2 & 3. Areas of elevated gold values as identified by the 1 m auger sampling program were followed up by a 15 m mechanized auger drilling program. A total of 970, 15 m deep auger drill holes were completed. This program is discussed more fully in Section 12, Drilling, below.
and low resistivity was recognized close to hole LA-003. The resistivity anomaly appeared to be related to saprolite rather than sulphide bearing rock (Belther, 1997).
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The principal mineralized lens was located in outcrop. It is undoubtedly discontinuous both laterally and vertically and probably plunges. The best interpretation of the plunge from extant data is that it is gentle to the NW. The rough limits of this shoot are constrained by drilling to be about 250m long, 100m deep and about 10m wide. While a number of intersections of ~10 g/t Au have been made in this lens it is likely that there will be higher and lower grade shoots within it. These will probably have the same overall plunge as the enveloping shoot. An average grade cannot be established at present. The known mineralized lens is offset at its northern extremity by a fault. The northern tip of the lens must lie at depth on one side of the fault plane and should be located by drilling. The dimensions of the known system make it likely that other mineralized lenses will occur in or very close to outcrop. It is also likely that there will be other lenses at depth. The exact controls of the dilatant lenses and therefore their probable spacing are not yet known. A combination of structural studies and some relatively bold deep drilling should determine this. Plate 4 shows results of sampling by NANA of the Upper Antino shear zone. The location of two channel samples is shown on the photo of the face while results of the 1 m sample intervals are shown in grams gold per tonne in the lower part of the plate.
Antino Gold Project, Suriname Technical Report by Adrian Fleming 24 March 2006
The small scale mining at the Upper Antino area was visited by the author on February 21, 2006. Location of this operation is at UTM N21 816,969 N, 401,004 E or 3o 37.407 N, 54o 08.820 W. Mined material is being treated with three hammer mills and daily production is reported to be 170 grams of gold of 800 to 900 fineness. The author collected samples 254841 to 254844 from the faces being mined. Each sample was approximately 1 meter long. The assay results were 1.3, 71.5, 24.6 and 124.0 ppm Au respectively and the assay certificate from
Antino Gold Project, Suriname Technical Report by Adrian Fleming 25 March 2006
American Assay laboratories from Reno, Nevada is annexed as Appendix 3. The style of mineralization was as described above and consisted of quartz veins in highly altered sheared schistose host rocks (Plate 5). Plate 5. The Author and Sytze Miedema Collecting Samples 254841 & 254842 at Upper Antino
The tonalite is not obviously hydrothermally altered. The tonalite is not the mineraliser and it is unlikely that there is economic mineralization in this immediate area. Figure 6. Lower Antino Target
To lower 2m and contact of the tonalite are particularly rich in pyrite and contain about 5 g/t Au in intrusive and wall-rock. The tonalite in this section is either more pervasively altered (silica) or is in fact a later, more siliceous intrusion. This could be a later intrusion along the margin of the tonalite. It would seem that this lithology could be the mineraliser. While it is too small here to be a target it is important to determine its nature: petrochemical examination is recommended. If the better mineralized section is found to be related to a late intrusion it is likely that this protrudes from a central plug which may also be mineralized. Such a plug could be a very attractive target. While its location cannot be predicted from the meager drill information it is likely to be within 500m and may lie beneath the large 500 ppb Au soil anomaly. A program of deep auger sampling coupled with ground magnetics is recommended over this area (Badham, 1997).
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An area knows as Filucas Hole, located in Upper Brichet Creek (location UTM N21 821,931N, 397,020 E), saw considerable gold production from a pit. Following mining from the pit a shaft was sunk to some 30 m near the contact of graphitic sediments and a quartz diorite body. A drive was developed from the bottom of the shaft to access very high grade gold mineralization. However, the workings were overwhelmed by water. Filucas hole is now submerged under a small lake. High grade gold mineralization with abundant visible gold in quartz-schist breccia from these workings is shown in Plate 6. The mineralization appears to have been hosted by schist on or near the margin of the intrusive. Plate 6. Filuca with High Grade Gold Mineralization
An old excavation in quartz diorite at the western edge of this small lake, with a few visible quartz veins, reportedly ran only low gold grade. About 300 m to the west another exposure of mineralization within intrusive rocks is currently being mined. Mineralization consists of a swarm of quartz veins in quartz diorite, on a hill slope at location UTM N21 821,420 N 397,405 E or 3o 35.430 N, 54o 06.422 W. The quartz veins are up to 30 cm wide and mostly subvertical. The face being mined when the author visited this site on Feb 21, 2006 contained a quartz vein stockwork with a width of approximately 3 metres. Samples 254837 to 254840 were collected from this face, Plate 7. These samples assayed 17.7, 12.4, 19.9 and 1.2 ppm Au respectively. The assay certificate from American Assay laboratories from Reno, Nevada is annexed as Appendix 3. Less dense thin (2 5 mm) quartz vein stockwork was observed adjacent to the more prominent quartz stockwork mineralization which was sampled and which the small scale mining foreman said was where the best gold for extraction was located. The mined material is being treated by two hammer mills and some 75 grams of gold per day is being recovered of approximately 850 fineness.
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The occurrence of gold mineralization within intrusives was not the focus of exploration by Golden Star during the period of that companys work at the Antino Project. The recent (February 2006) recognition of this style of mineralization is an important development for the Antino Project and future exploration work should be focused on this style of mineralization as well as the shear zone hosted mineralization already defined at Upper and Lower Antino. The intrusive hosted mineralization may offer potential for significantly more tonnages of material than the shear zone hosted mineralization.
11.0 Drilling
11.1 Auger Drilling, 15 meter
The 15 m auger drilling program was undertaken from February 1994 to February 1997 and confined to the Antino Project area with samples at 50 m spacing along cut lines, later closing in to 25 m and in some areas at 10 m and 5 m sample spacing to imitate trench sampling. The location of the 15 m augering was selective and confined to zones of anomalous gold values as indicated by the 1m auger sampling. 15 m auger drilling was firstly directed to areas where the 1 m auger samples returned values greater than 0.3 g/t Au and later to areas where the 1 m
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auger samples returned values greater than 0.1 g/t Au. The 15 m auger sampling was undertaken with a motorized cup auger of 100 mm diameter.
Selected results from the Lower Antino core drilling are shown on Table 4. The interval length is the length of core sampled. True width of the intersections is not known. The inclined core holes were drilled with an azimuth at right angles to the strike of the Lower Antino shear zone. A complete data base is not available for the Lower Antino drilling.
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Table 4. Selected gold assay results from Lower Antino Core Drilling Hole No. From (m) To (m) Interval Length (m) LA001 68 69 1 LA004A 92 93 1 LA007 66 67 1 Grade Au (g/t) 7.65 11.94 5.9
saw. Samples were generally 1 meter in length. These were bagged and sent to CanTech Laboratoray in Parmaribo for fire assay.
so the data base is regarded as being reliable. However, in due course spot checking and verification of the digital data base must be done to confirm its accuracy. A local grid was established by Golden Star at the Antino Project. All cut lines and drill collars were surveyed and referenced to a survey monument near the camp. The surveying was done by experienced Brazilian geological technicians using an Ushikata survey compass. To this end the relative accuracy of the data presented in this report is judged to be satisfactory. The data obtained in the programs carried out by Golden Star is regarded as being reliable. It is the authors opinion that the data as presented in this report can be relied upon and is a satisfactory basis upon which to plan and carry out additional exploration programs at the Antino Project.
certain that such further exploration will result in the discovery and definition of a Mineral Resource at the property.
20.0 Recommendations
Despite the fact that a considerable amount of exploration work has already been carried out at the Antino Project GMD 180/2005, there is good potential for defining additional gold mineralization. Prior to commencing a program of field work a survey crew should be sent to the Antino Project with differential GPS equipment to accurately survey in a selection of core drill collars, the survey monument and distal parts of the grid lines to provide accurate UTM control for all project data. Additional compilation of the existing exploration data needs to be undertaken. Not all of the data from previous exploration programs is in a digital form. Digitising of this data is a high priority. Some important information from the previous work has not been located. For
Antino Gold Project, Suriname Technical Report by Adrian Fleming 35 March 2006
instance, the raw data from the airborne magnetics/radiometrics flown by Aerodat in 1994 must be recovered and reevaluated. Synthesis and evaluation of all of the data from the past exploration work needs to be done in detail prior to a new program of exploration being initiated. It will be important to examine the entire project area and not become fixated on those locations where the deeper auger drilling and core drilling has been carried out. As an example, during the previous exploration program carried out by Golden Star assay results from the 1 m auger sampling were examined and priority for follow up work was given to target areas defined by samples returning values greater than 0.3 g/t Au and 0.1 g/t Au. Auger drill hole assays as low as 0.1 g/t Au, or lower, may be indicators of target areas that should be examined in more detail. Quick Bird satellite data should be acquired (0.6 m resolution) to accurately identify the location of all recent and ongoing small scale mining activities. An effort should be made to improve the understanding of the controls to both shear zone and intrusive hosted mineralization. The recent small scale mining has exposed new outcrop for both types of mineralization. These exposures provide an excellent opportunity for detailed mapping and further sampling, which data should shed further light on the controls to and distribution of mineralization. All present small scale mining workings should be visited and mapped in detail. Two programs of work are outlined below each of 6 months duration. The proposals are of a general nature and will be able to be more precisely defined once the surveying, digitizing, compilation, synthesis and evaluation mentioned above is completed. The priority target for the next phase of exploration is the porphyry hosted mineralization in the central and southern part of the Antino Project area. One-meter auger sampling has indicated low grade soil anomalies in excess of 0.05 and 0.1 g/t Au on the northeastern and southern margins of the tonalite intrusive in the Maripasula Creek Target Area and associated with intrusives in the Lower Antino Target Area. To fully evaluate the significance of these gold anomalies it is recommended that infill and step-out one-meter auger sampling be undertaken to verify continuity and grade. The cost of these activities which should be carried out in the first six months of exploration is defined below in Table 5.
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Table 5. Proposed Program and Budget for First Six Month Period of Exploration Activity Data Compilation and Synthesis Surveying Remapping Geochemistry Paramaribo Office Contingency Comments US$ Senior geologist, geological $50,000 technician or secretary, 2 months Establishing UTM control $20,000 Mapping new exposures, $30,000 geologist & technician, 1 month Infill auger sampling, 1 m $200,000 Subtotal $300,000 Logistics, administration, field $30,000 support 10% of total project costs $33,000 Total $363,000
Contingent upon the results of the first six month program a second six month program of exploration is proposed with costs defined in Table 6. The results of the geochemical sampling undertaken in the first six month program should be followed up by going straight to drilling using a man portable core drill or a small RC drill like the Scout. Core drilling is preferable but a combination of RC and core holes may also be undertaken. Trenching is not recommended since it is slow, creates a lot of disturbance and flags zones of interest to small scale miners. Table 6. Proposed Program and Budget for the Second Six Month Period of Exploration Activity Core Drilling Comments US$ First phase drill testing targets $800,000 from auger sampling and mapping, 3000 meter program Logistics, administration, field $80,000 support 10% of total project costs $88,000 Total $968,000
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21.0 References
Aerodat Inc. 1995, Report on a fixed wing high sensitivity magnetic and radiometric survey Lawa area Suriname for Golden Star Resources Ltd. (Suriname Division) Anon, 1977, Geological Map of Suriname, 1:500,000 scale. Geological and Mining Survey of Suriname Bardoux, Marc, 1996, preliminary Evaluation of the Antino prospect, East Central Suriname. Confidential report prepared for Golden Star Resources Ltd., December 22, 1996, 4 p. Belther, Jones, 1997, Report on the Fourth Year Reconnaissance and Exploration Program, January - December 1996, The Antino Exploration Concession, Suriname. Confidential Report prepared by Golden Star Resources Ltd to the Geological and Mining Survey of Surinam, 15 p. Belther, Jones, 1997, Antino Project Monthly Report, June 1997. Confidential internal report for Golden Star Resources, July 8, 1997, 8 p. Belther, Jones, 1997, Antino Project Monthly Reports, January to May 1997. Confidential internal reports for Golden Star Resources, Badham, J.P.N., 1997, Report on a Field Visit and Data Review, Lower and Upper Antino Gold Prospects, Surinam. Confidential report prepared for Golden Star Resources Ltd., February 1997, 23 p. De Vletter, Robert D., (ed), 1984, Contributions to the Geology of Suriname 8, Suriname Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, 134 p. Gibbs, A.K., 1980, Geology of the Barama-Mazaruni Supergroup of Guyana. Ph. D. Thesis, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 385 p. Gibbs, A.K. & C. N. Barron, 1993, The Geology of the Guiana Shield, Oxford University Press, NY, Collins, First Edition, 246 p. Miedema, S.K., 1993, The Benzdorp Lawa Gold Project. Confidential report prepared for Golden Star Resources, 11 p Miedema, S.K., 1994, Monthly Progress Report on the Lawa-Benzdorp Project. February 1994, 3 march 1994. Confidential report prepared for Golden Star Resources, 8 p. Miedema, S.K., 1995, Annual Report Concerning Exploration Activities work done, 17 Aug 1994 to 16 Aug 1995, NANA Resources N.V. Confidential internal report on behalf of NANA Resources to the Geological and Mining Survey of Surinam (Original Report in Dutch), 12 p.
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Miedema, S.K., 1996, Quarterly Progress Report on Exploration Activities, 5 Aug 1996 to 4 Nov 1996. Confidential Report for NANA Resources N.V., Antino Right of Exploration GMD 398/95. Nov 5, 1996, 51 p. Miedema, S.K., 1997, Annual Progress Report on Exploration Activities, 5 Aug 1996 to 4 Aug 1997, Confidential internal report for NANA Resources N.V. and Golden Star Resources Ltd. to the Geological and Mining Survey of Surinam (Original Report in Dutch), 19 p. Miedema, S.K., 2004, Preliminary Appraisal of the Upper Antino Gold Deposit. Confidential Internal Report for NANA Resources N.V., 28 p. Paterson, Grant & Watson Ltd.,1996, Report on Interpretation of Airborne Geophysical data, Lawa Property, Suriname for Golden Star Resources Limited Schaaf, Mark J., 1997, Antino Saprolite Reserve Estimate. Confidential Internal memo prepared for Golden Star Resources Ltd. Feb 26, 1997, 5 p. Touborg, Jens, 1993, Benzdorp Project, Golden Star Resources. Confidential Memo to Golden Star Resources Ltd, 5 p. Wasel, S. Mitchel, 1998, MMI Orientation Survey Over Upper Antino Showing, Lawa Suriname, South America. Confidential Internal Report for Golden Star Resources, BHP GSRL Joint Venture.
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22.0 Appendices
Appendix 1
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Appendix 2
The Assay Office (Suriname) SAMPLE PREPARATION PROCEDURES Rock chips, Drill Cuttings and Core Samples SAMPLE INVENTORY Submittal Form Matched to Samples Received & Dried
Random Samples re cut and run thru fire assay for Au. QA/QC determined at 10 mesh and checked for compliance. Forced air and wire brush clean between all samples.
JAW CRUSHER Primary Crushing Entire to 1/4 ~5MM DISC PULVERIZER Secondary Crushing Entire Sample >80% 10 Mesh/2MM HOMOGENIZATION SPLITTING Split Cone & Quarter or Jones Riffle to 220-300 grams
Submittal, inventory & sample preparation checked for QA/QC compliance prior to remote prep dispatch & arrival at Reno Laboratory
PULVERIZATION Reduce split >90% -150 Mesh Ring & Puck Pulverizer WEIGHING Sample Pulps - Weighing TO FIRE ASSAY Fire Assay 2AT Gravimetric or Absorption Finish
QA/QC determined at 150 mesh and checked for compliance, recorded & charted
Initial QA/QC data accessed by quality manager - samples for validation identified & submitted for cross reference report generation.
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Appendix 3
Assay Certificate from American Assay Laboratories Inc. for samples collected by the Author.
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9. I am not independent of New Sleeper in respect of the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101 as I have acted as exploration manager of the Sleeper project in Nevada since 2004. 10. I have read NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F, and the Technical Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form. 11. I consent to the filing of the Technical Report with any stock exchange and other regulatory authority and any publication by them for regulatory purposes, including electronic publication in the public company files on their websites accessible by the public, of the Technical Report. Dated this 23rd day of March 2006.
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