FORTRAN Language Learning (Report)

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Report no 1
Chapter no 4

Introduction to programing
The aims of the chapter are: To introduce the idea that there is a wide class of problems that can be solved through computer and, further, that there is a relationship between the kind of problem to be solved and the kind of programming language that is used. To give some of the reasons for the choice of Fortran. To introduce the fundamental components or kind of statements to be used in a general purpose programing language. To introduce the three concepts of name, type and value. To illustrate the above with sample programs based on three of the five intrinsic data types: - Character, integer and real To introduce some of the formal syntactical rules of Fortran

We have seen that algorithm is a sequence of steps that will solve a part or the whole of the problem. A program is the realization of the algorithm in a programming language, and there are at first sight a surprisingly large number of programming languages. The reason is that there is a wide range of problems that are solved using a computer e.g. the telephone company generating itemized bills or the meteorological centre producing a weather forecast. These two programs make different demands on a programming language, and it is unlikely that the same language would be used to solve both. The range of programs that you want to solve will therefore strongly influence your choice of programing language. Fortran stands for FORmula TRANslation, which gives a hint of the expected range of problems for which it can be used.

Language strength and weaknesses

Some of the reasons for choosing FORTRAN are: It is modern and expressive language;

The language is suitable for a wide class of both numeric and non-numeric problems; The language is widely available on a range of hardware and operating system platforms; A lot of software already exists that has been written in Fortran. Some 15% of code worldwide is estimated to be in Fortran

Elements of a programing language

As with ordinary language (natural language) e.g. English, French, German etc. programming languages have rules of syntax, grammar and spelling. The application of these rules in a programming language is more strict. A program has to be unambiguous, since it is a precise statement of the actions to be taken. Program languages are made up of statements. We will look at various kinds of statements briefly below.

Data description statements

These are necessary to describe the kind of data that are to be processed.

Control structures
A program can be regarded as a sequence of statements to solve a particular problem, and is common to find that this sequence needs to be varied in practice. Consider the wages program. It will need to select among a variety of circumstances (say married or single, paid weekly or monthly, etc.,), and also to repeat the program for everybody employed. So there is the need of programming language for statements to vary and /or repeat a sequence of statements.

Data processing statements

It is necessary in a programming to be able to process data. The kind of processing requires will depend on the type of data. In the wages program, for example, you will need to distinguish between names and wages. Therefore there must be different kinds of statements to manipulate the different types of data, i.e. wages and names.

Input and output (I/O) statements

For flexibility, programs are generally written so that they work on the data that exists outside the program. In wages example the details for each person employed would exists in a file somewhere, and there would be a record for each person in the file. This means that the program would not have to be modified each time if a person left, was ill, etc., although the individual records must be uploaded. It is easier to modify data than a program, and it is less likely to produce unexpected results. To be able to vary some action there must be some mechanism in a programming language for getting data into and out of the program. This is done using input and output statements, sometimes shortened to I/O statements.

Let us now consider a simple program which will read in somebodys first name and print it out:

Example 1:
Program ch0401 ! ! This program reads in and prints out a name ! implicit none Character*20 :: first_name ! Print *, type in your first name. Print *, upto 20 characters Read *,first_name Print *, first_name ! End program ch0401

There are several very important points to be covered here, and they will be taken in turn: Each line is a statement. There is a sequence to the statements. The statements will be processed in the order that they are presented, so in this example the sequence is print, read, print. The first statement names the program. It makes sense to choose a name that conveys something about the purpose of the program. The next three lines are comment statements. They are identified by a !. Comments are inserted in a program to explain the purpose of the programs. It is essential to get into the habit of inserting comments into your programs straightaway.

The implicit none statement means that there has to be implicit typing of each and every data item used in the program. It is good programming practice to include this statement in every program that you write, as it will trap many errors The character*20 statement is a type declaration. It was mentioned earlier that there are different kinds of data. There must be some way of telling the programming language that these data are of certain type and that therefore certain kinds of operations are allowed and others are banned. So this statement defines that the variable first_name is of the type character and only character operations are permitted. Character variables of this type can hold upto 20 characters. The print statement prints out an informative message to the terminal--- in this case a guide as to what to type in. The use of informative message like this are strongly recommended. The read statement is one of the input/output statements. It is an instruction to read from the terminal or keyboard; whatever is typed in from the terminal will end up being associated with the variable first_name. Input/output statements will be explained in later section. The print statement is another input/output statement. This statement will print out what is associated with the variable first_name and, in this case, what you typed in. The end program statement terminates the program. Lastly when we run this program, character input will terminate with the first blank character. The same program can be written as Example 1.1

program ch0401 ! ! this program reads in and prints out a name ! implicit none character*20 :: first_name ! write (6,*) 'type in your first name.'

write (6,*) 'upto 20 characters' read (5,*) first_name write (6,*) first_name ! end program ch0401

Variables---- Name, Type and Value There are three things regarding variables, e.g. Variable_name Temperature Number_of_people First_name Data_type Real Integer Character Value_stored 28.5 100 Subhan

Example 2:
A program that reads in three numbers adds them up and prints out both the total and average: Program ch0402 ! ! This program reads in three numbers and sums and average them ! Implicit none Real :: n1,n2,n3,average = 0.0, total = 0.0 Integer :: n = 3 Print *,type in three numbers Print*,separate by commas or spaces

Read *,n1,n2,n3 Total = n1 + n2 + n3 Average = total/n Print *, total of numbers is ,total Print *,average of numbers is average End program ch0402

Notes regarding this program The program has been given a name that means something. There are comments at the start of program describing what it does. The implicit none statement ensures that all data items introduced have to occur in a type declaration. The next two lines are type declaration. They define variables to be of real or integer type. Integers are whole numbers whereas real numbers are those which have a decimal point. One of the fundamental distinctions in Fortran is between integers and reals. Type declaration must always come at the start of the program, before any processing is done. Note that the variables have been given sensible names to add in making the program easier to understand. The variables average, total and n are also given initial values within the type declaration. Variables are initially undefined in fortran, so the variables n1, n2, and n3 fall into this category as they have not been given values at the time that they are declared. The first print statement makes a text message appears at the terminal to have some idea what you are supposed to type in. The read statement looks at the input from the keyboard (i.e., what you type and in this instance associates these values with three variables (n1 , n2, and n3). These values can be separated by commas, spaces or even by entering the Enter key (they can appear on separate lines. The next statement is another data processing statement. It calculates the average of the numbers and entered and assigns the result to average. We can also use average = total/3 which give the same result but commonly in programing, practice of declaring all variables and establishing their meaning ambiguously is used. The sum and average are printed with suitable captions and headings to make easier what each number means.

Finally we have the end of program and again we have the use of the name in the program statement.

Some more Fortran rules

There are certain things to learn about Fortran which have little immediate meaning and some which have no logical justification at all, other than historical precedence. Why is cat called cat? At the end of several chapters there will be a brief summary of these rules or regulations when necessary. Here are a few: Source is free format Lower case letters are permitted but not required to be recognized Multiple statements may appear on one line and are separated by the semicolon character There is an order to the statements in Fortran Program statement Type declaration Processing and I/O statements (read, print) End program statement The syntax of read and print statement read format, input-item-list print format, output-item-list input item list is a list of variable names separated by commas output item list is a list of variable names enclosed by either or and separated by commas

Write a program which read your name and address and print them out program name_address ! ! program that will read the name and address and print them out ! implicit none

character*20 write (6,*) write (6,*) read (5,*) read (5,*) write(6, *) write(6, *)



'type in your name and address' 'separated by commas or spaces' name address name address

end program name_address

Chapter 5 Arithmetic
The aims of this chapter are to introduce: The rules for evaluation of arithmetic expressions to ensure that they are evaluated as you intend The idea of truncation and rounding applied to reals The use of parameter attribute to define or setup constants The concepts and ideas involved in numerical computation, including: Specifying data types using kind-type parameters The concept of numeric models and positional systems for integer and real arithmetic and their implementation on binary devices Testing the numerical representation of different kind types on a system

Fortran operators Mathematical operation Addition Subtraction Division Multiplication Exponentiation Fortran symbol or operator + / * **

An introduction to Arithmetic in Fortran

Example 5.1:
Program ch0501 Implicit none ! ! example of a fortran program to calculate net pay given in employees`s !gross pay


Real :: gross_wage, net_wage, tax Real :: tax_rate = 0.25 integer :: personal_allowance = 4800 character*60 :: their_name print *,'input employees name' read *,their_name print *,'input gross wage' read *,gross_wage tax = (gross_wage - personal_allowance) * tax_rate net_wage = gross_wage - tax print *,'Employee: ',their_name print *,'Gross pay: ',gross_wage print *,'Tax: ',tax print *,'Net pay: ',net_wage end program ch0501

Brackets are used to define priority in the evaluation of an expression. Exponentiation: when the system has multiple exponentiations, the evaluation is from right to left. For example, L = I**J**K Is evaluated by first raising J to the power K, and then using this result as the exponent for I; more explicitly, L = I **(J**K) Multiplication and division: For example A = B *C/D*E


For real and complex numeric types the compiler does not necessarily evaluate in a left to right manner i.e., evaluate B times C, then divide the result by D and finally take the result and multiply by E. Rounding and Truncation When arithmetic calculations are performed one of the following can occur: o Truncation: this operation involves throwing away part of the number, e.g., with 14.6 truncating the number to two figures leaves 14. o Rounding: consider 14.6 again. This is rounded to the nearest whole number e.g., 15.

Type conversion and assignment

program ch0502 !program to change real number to integer or truncation implicit none ! real :: a,b,c integer :: i ! a = 1.5 b = 2 c = a / b i = a / b ! print *,'value of a',a print *,'value of b',b print *,'value of c',c


! print *,'the value of c is truncated into :',i end program ch0502

Integer division and real assignment

Consider now an example where we assign into a real variable (so that no truncation due to the assignment will take place), but where part of the expression on the right hand side involves integer division: program ch0503 implicit none integer :: i,j,k real :: answer i = 5 j = 2 k = 4 answer = i / j * k print *,'value of i',i print *,'value of j',j print *,'value of k',k print *,'answer',answer end program ch0503 The value of answer is 8, because the i/j term involves integer division.

Time taken for light to travel from sun to earth


Light travels 9.46*10E12 km in 1 year. We can take a year been equivalent to 365.25 days. The distance between the sun and the earth is about 150,000,000 km. program ch0504 implicit none real :: light_minute, distance, elapse integer :: minute, second real , parameter :: light_year = 9.6*10**12 ! light_year : distance travelled by light in one year in km ! light minute : distance travelled by light in one minute in km ! distance : distance from sun to earth in km ! elapse : time taken to travel a distance in minutes ! minute : integer number part of elapse ! second : integer number part of seconds equivalent to part of elapse ! light_minute = light_year/(365.25 * 24 * 60) distance = 150*10**6 elapse = distance / light_minute minute = elapse second = (elapse - minute) * 60 print *,' light takes ',minute,' minutes' print *,' ',second,'seconds'

print *,' to reach from sun to earth' end program ch0504


The calculation is straightforward; first we calculate the distance travelled by light in one minute, then use this value to find out how many minutes it takes for light to travel a set distance. Separating the time taken in minutes to whole number minutes and seconds is accomplished the way of truncating a real number to an integer on type conversion. The difference between these two values is the part of a minute to be converted to seconds.

The parameter attribute

This statement is used to provide a way of associating a meaningful name with a constant in a program. Consider a program in which was going to be used a lot. It would be silly to type in 3.14159265358, etc., every time. It therefore makes sense to set up once and then refer to it by name. For example; Real , parameter :: charge = 1.6021917

Variable status
The variables should be defined as real, integer etc., otherwise the compiler will give an error message.

Write a program to calculate the period of a pendulum. This is given mathematically as T = 2 length/9.81 Use the following fortran arithmetic assignment statement: T = 2 * pi * (length / 9.81) ** .5 The length is in meters, and time is in seconds.

program pendulum ! a program to calculate the period of the pendulum


implicit none real :: length integer :: t real , parameter :: pi = 3.141592 print *,'input the read *,length t = 2 * pi * (length / 9.81) ** .5 print *,'the time period is : ',t end program pendulum Problem Write a simple program for subtraction program subtract implicit none real :: a = 1.0002 real :: b = 1.0001 real :: c c = a - b print *,'a',a print *,' b',b print *,'a - b = ',c end program subtract Problem Expression equivalence: some expressions in fortran are evaluated in different ways, for example; length for the pendulum:'


(x2 y2 ) = (x*x y*y) = (x-y)*(x+y)

Solving the above through fortran program expression_equivalence implicit none real :: x = 1.002 real :: y = 1.001 real :: t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 t1 = x - y t2 = x + y print *,t1 print *,t2 t3 = t1*t2 t4 = x**2-y**2 t5 = x*x - y*y print *,'t3 :',t3 print *,'t4 :',t4 print *,'t5 :',t5 end program expression_equivalence so after executing we get the values of t3,t4 and t5 the same.


Chapter 6 Arrays 1: some fundamentals

The aims of the chapter are to introduce the fundamental concepts of arrays and do loops, in particular: To introduce the idea of tables of data and some of the formal terms used to describe them: - Array - Vector - List and linear list To discuss the array as a random access structure where any element can be access as readily as any other and to note that the data in an array are all of the same type. To introduce the twin concept of data structure and corresponding control structure. To introduce the statements necessary in FORTRAN to support and manipulate these data structures.

Tables of Data
Consider the example below: Telephone directory A telephone directory consists of the following kinds of entries: Name Toti kharo Molai Kotak Sobaaray Address Xyz Makawa Olamaba Tor lala Number 0123456 4562135 3256987 8754151



Consider now the way we extract information from this table. We would scan the name column looking for the name we are interested in, and then read along the row looking for


either the address or the telephone number, i.e., we are using the name to look up the item of interest. Similarly we can get the required information from a book catalogue, examination marks sheet or the monthly average rainfall. These are some of the many examples of problems where the data that are being considered have a tabular structure. Most general purpose languages therefore have mechanisms for dealing with this kind of structure. Some of the special names given to these structures include: Linear list List Vector Array

Arrays in FORTRAN
There are three key things to consider here: The ability to refer to a set or group of items by a single name The ability to refer to individual items or members of this set i.e., look them up. The choice of a control structure that allows easy manipulation of this set or array.

The dimension attribute

The dimension attribute defines a variable to be an array. This satisfies the first requirement to being able to refer to a set of items by a single name. Some examples are given below: Real , dimension(1:100) :: wages Integer , dimensions(1:10000) :: sample For variable wages it is of type real and an array of dimension or size 100, i.e., the variable array wages can hold upto 100 real items. For the variable sample it is of type integer and an array of dimension or size 10000, i.e., the variable sample can hold upto 10000 integer items.


An index
An index enables us to refer to or select individual elements of the array. In the telephone directory, book catalogue, exam marks table and monthly rainfall examples we used the name to index or look up the items of interest.

Control structure
The statement that is used to manipulate the elements of an array is the do statement. It is typical to control several statements control by the do statement and the block of repeated statements is often called a do loop. Let us look at two complete programs that highlight the above.

Example 1: Monthly Rainfall Consider the following Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Associated integer representation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Array and index RainFall(1) RainFall(2) RainFall(3) RainFall(4) RainFall(5) RainFall(6) RainFall(7) RainFall(8) RainFall(9) RainFall(10) RainFall(11) RainFall(12) Rainfall value 3.1 2.0 2.4 2.1 2.2 2.2 1.8 2.2 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.1

We are familiar to use an integer as an alternate way to represent a month, e.g., in a sate 5/8/2013, we mean the 5th august of 2013. Fortran only allows the use of integers as an index into an array RainFall(1) = 3.1 We saw earlier that we could use the attribute dimension, to indicate that a variable was an array. In the above example Fortran statement our array is called RainFall. We use the index 1 to represent the first month. Consider the following statement: SummerAverage = (RainFall(6) + RainFall(7) + RainFall(8) / 3


This statement says that take the values of the rainfall for June, July and August, add them up and then divide by 3, and assign the result to the variable SummerAverage, thus providing us with the rainfall average for three summer months. The following program reads in the 12 monthly values from the terminal, computes the sum and average for the year, and prints the average out.

Example program ch0601 implicit none real :: Total = 0.0, Average =0.0 real , dimension(1:12) :: RainFall integer :: Month print *,' Type in the rainfall values' print *,' one per line' do Month = 1,12 read *, RainFall(Month) enddo do month = 1,12 total = total + RainFall(Month) enddo Average = Total / 12 print *,' average monthly rainfall was: ' print *,Average end program ch0601


RainFall is the array name. The variable month in brackets is the index. It takes on values from 1 to 12 inclusive, and is used to pick out or select elements of the array. The index is thus a variable and this permits dynamic manipulation of the array at run time. The general form of do statement is Do counter = start, end, increment The block of statements that form the loop is contained between the do statement, which marks the beginning of the block or loop, and the enddo statement, which marks the end of the block or loop. In this program the do loops takes the form: do month = 1 , 12 start .. enddo body end

The number of times that the do loop is executed is governed by the last part of the do statement, i.e., by the Counter = start, end, increment Start as it implies, is the initial value which the counter (or index, or control variable) take. Each time the loop is executed, the value of the counter will be increased by the value of increment, until the value of end is reached. If increment is omitted, it is assumed to be 1. No other statement of the do statement may be omitted. In order to execute the statements within the loop (the body) it must be possible to reach end from start. Thus zero is an illegal value of increment. In the event that it is not possible to reach the end, the loop will not be executed and control will pass to the statement after the end of the loop. In the example above, both loops would be executed 12 times. In both cases, the first time around the loop the variable month would have the value 1, the second time around the loop the variable month would have the value 2 etc., and the last time around the loop the month would have the value 12.

Example 2: peoples weights and setting the array size with a parameter In the table below we have tem people, with their names as shown. We associate each name with a numberin this case we have ordered the names alphabetically, and the numbers therefore reflect their ordering. Weight is the array name.


The number in brackets is called the index and is used to pick out or select elements of the array. The table is read as the first element of the array weight has the value 85, the second element has the value 76 etc.

Person Andy Barray Cothak Dolkay Elaine Fartoog Golai Hahtag Ian Jarlando

Associated integer representation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Array index Weight(1) Weight(2) Weight(3) Weight(4) Weight(5) Weight(6) Weight(7) Weight(8) Weight(9) Weight(10)

Associated value 85 76 85 90 69 83 64 57 65 76

In this example we parameterise the size of the array and reduce the effort involved in modifying the program to work with a different number of people: Program ch0602 !the program reads up to the number_of_people weights !into the array Weight ! Variables used are

!weight, holds the weight of the people !person, an index into the array !total, total weight !average, average weight of the people ! Parameters used are ! number_of_people, 10 in this case !the weights are written out so that they can be checked


! implicit none integer , parameter :: number_of_people = 10 real :: total = 0.0, average = 0.0 integer :: person real , dimension(1:number_of_people) :: weight do person = 1,number_of_people print *,'type in the weight for person ',person read *,weight(person) total = total + weight(person) enddo average = total / number_of_people print *,'the total of the weights is ',total print *,'the average of the weights is ',average print *,' ',number_of_people,' Weights were '

do person = 1,number_of_people print *,weight(person) enddo end program ch0602

On executing the program for different weights we get the following result


type in the weight for person 74 type in the weight for person 85 type in the weight for person 47 type in the weight for person 75 type in the weight for person 84 type in the weight for person 65 type in the weight for person 49 type in the weight for person 80 type in the weight for person 68 type in the weight for person 70 the total of the weights is


697.0000 69.70000

the average of the weights is


10 Weights were 74.00000 85.00000 47.00000 75.00000 84.00000 65.00000 49.00000 80.00000 68.00000 70.00000

Notes: we can change the number of people The dimension attribute declares a variable to be an array, and must come at the start of the program unit, with other declarative statements. dimension attribute has two forms and examples of both of them are given below. In the first case we explicitly specify the upper and lower : real , dimension(1:number_of_people) :: weight In the second case the lower limit defaults to 1 Real , dimension(number_of_people) :: weight


The program structure is ; Program Integer Real Character Arithmetic assignment Print Read Do Enddo End program Is the 1st statement Declarative statements Executable In any order and the dimensions and parameter attributes are added here In any order

This is last statement

We chose individual members using an index, and these are always of integer type in Fortran. The do loop is a very convenient control structure to manipulate arrays.

Modify the program that calculates the total and average of peoples weights to additionally read in their heights and calculate the total and average of their heights. Use the data given below which have been taken from a group of first year undergraduates. Height 1.85 1.80 1.85 1.70 1.75 1.67 1.55 1.63 1.79 1.78 Weight 85 76 85 90 69 83 64 57 65 76


program ch0602 !the program reads up to the number_of_people weights and heights !into the array Weight and height ! variables used are

!weight, holds the weight of the people !height, holds the height of people !person, an index into the array !total_weight, total weight !total_height, total height !average_weight, average weight of the people !average_height, average height of the people ! parameters used are ! number_of_people, 10 in this case !the weights and heights are written out so that they can be checked ! implicit none integer , parameter :: number_of_people = 10 real :: total_weight = 0.0, average_weight = 0.0 real :: total_height = 0.0, average_height = 0.0 integer :: person real , dimension(1:number_of_people) :: weight,height do person = 1,number_of_people print *,'type in the weight for person ',person


print *,'type in the height for person',person read *,weight(person) read *,height(person) total_weight = total_weight + weight(person) total_height = total_height + height(person) enddo average_weight = total_weight / number_of_people average_height = total_height / number_of_people print *,'the total of the weights is: ',total_weight print *,'total height : ',total_height

print *,'the average of the weights is:',average_weight print *,'the average height is: print *,' ',average_height

',number_of_people,' Weights were '

do person = 1,number_of_people print *,weight(person) enddo print *,' ',number_of_people,'heights were' do person = 1,number_of_people print *,height(person) enddo end program ch0602


After executing the program we get the following results the total of the weights is: total height : 750.0000


the average of the weights is: 75.00000 the average height is: 10 Weights were 85.00000 76.00000 85.00000 90.00000 69.00000 83.00000 64.00000 57.00000 65.00000 76.00000 10 heights were 1.850000 1.800000 1.850000 1.700000 1.750000 1.670000 1.550000 1.737000


1.630000 1.790000 1.780000

Problem 4.2 Your body mass index is given by your weight in KG divided by your height in meters. Calculate and print out the BMI for each person Grades are as follows Grade 0 (desirable) 2024.9 Grade 1 (overweight) 2529.9 Grade 2 (obese) 3040 Grade 3 (morbidly obese) >40 Ideal IBM range, Men, Range 20.125 Women, Range 18.723.8

program ch42 !calculation of body mass index for each person !body mass index is weight(kg) / height(meters) !the grades are given !and range is also given for ideal men and women implicit none real :: weight = 0.0,height = 0.0 real :: bmi = 0.0


integer :: isex print *,' weight :',weight print *, ' height :',height read *,weight read *,height read *,isex

bmi = weight / height write(6,*) "bmi=",bmi

if( print *,'Grade 0 (desirable)' endif if( print *,'Grade 1 (overweight)' endif if( print *,'Grade 2 (obese)' endif if( print *,'Grade 3 (morbidly obese)' endif if(isex.eq.0) then


if( print *,'ideal men' else print *,'non ideal men' endif endif if(isex.eq.1)then if( print *,'ideal women' else print *,'non ideal women' endif endif end program ch42


Chapter 7
Arrays 2: Further examples
The aims of the chapter are to extend the concepts introduced in previous chapter and in particular: To set an array size at run time allocatable arrays To introduce the idea of an array with more than one dimensions and the corresponding control structure to permit easy manipulation of higher-dimensioned arrays. To introduce an extended form of the dimension attribute declaration, and the corresponding alternative form to the do statement, to manipulate the array in the new form. To introduce the do loop as a mechanism for the control of repetition in general, not just for manipulating arrays. To formally define the block do syntax.

Varying the array size at run time The earlier examples set the array size in the following two ways: Explicitly using a numeric constant Implicitly using a parameterised variable In both the cases we knew the size of the array at the time we compiled the program. We may not know the size of the array at compile time and Fortran provides the allocatable attribute to accommodate this type of problem.

Example 1: Allocatable arrays Consider the following example. program ch7 ! !this program is a simple variant of the previous problem. !the array is now allocatable !and the user is prompted for the number of people at the run time


! implicit none integer :: number_of_people real :: total = 0.0, average = 0.0 integer :: person real , dimension(:) , allocatable :: weight print *,' How many people?' read *,number_of_people allocate (weight (1:number_of_people)) do person=1,number_of_people print *, 'type in weight for person ',person read *,weight(person) total = total + weight(person) enddo average = total / number_of_people print *,'total',total print *,'average',average print *,number_of_people,'weights were' do person = 1,number_of_people print *,weight(person) enddo end program ch7


The first statement of interest is the type declaration with the dimension and allocatable attributes e.g., Real , dimension(:) , allocatable :: weight The second is the allocate statement where the value of the variable number_of_people is not known until the run time, e.g., Allocate(weight(1:number_of_people))

Higher-Dimension Arrays
There are many instances where it is necessary to have arrays with more than one dimensions. Consider the examples below. Example 2: Two Dimensional Arrays and a Map Consider the representation of the height of an area of land expressed as a two dimensional table of numbers e.g., we may have some information represented in a simple table as follows:

Longitude Latitude 1 2 3 1 10.0 20.0 30.0 2 40.0 50.0 60.0 3 70.0 80.0 90.0+

The values in the array are the heights above the sea level. Lines of latitude run eastwest Lines of longitude run northsouth

A program to manipulate this data structure would involve something like the following: program ch0702


!variables used are: !height= used to hold the heights above the sea level !long - used to represent the longitude !lat - used to represent the latitude ! and both are restricted to integer values ! correct - holds the correction factor implicit none integer , parameter :: n = 3 integer :: lat, long real , dimension(1:n,1:n) :: height real , parameter :: correct = 10.0 do lat = 1,n do long = 1,n print *,'type in values at latitude',lat,'and longitud',long read *,height(lat,long) enddo enddo do lat = 1,n do long = 1,n height(lat,long) = height(lat,long) + correct enddo enddo print *,'corrected data is '


do lat = 1,n do long = 1,n print *,height(lat,long) enddo enddo end program ch0702 The inner loop is said to be nested in the outer loop. An example of a valid nested do loop is : Do ! start of outer loop Do !start of inner loop . . Enddo !end of inner loop Enddo ! end of outer loop This example introduces the concept of two indices, and can be thought of as a row and column data structure.

Example 3: Sensible tabular output

The first example had the values printed in a format that wasnt very easy to work with. In this example a so-called implied do loop is used, which enables us to produce neat and humanly comprehensible output: program ch0703 !variables used are ! height ! lat - latitude ! long - longitude ! both are restricted to integer implicit none


integer , parameter :: n = 3 integer :: lat,long integer , dimension(1:n,1:n) :: height real , parameter :: correct = 10.0 do lat = 1,n do long = 1,n print *,'type in the value at latitude',lat print *,'type in the value at longitude',long

read *,height(lat,long) height(lat,long) = height(lat,long) + correct enddo enddo do long = 1,n print *,(height(lat,long),lat = 1,n) enddo end program ch0703 The key statement in this example is Print *, (height(lat,long),long = 1,n) This is called implied do loop as the longitude variable takes on values from 1 through 3 and will write out all the three values on one line. We can change the sequence of output values by changing the position of long and lat in the last do loop as: Do lat = 1,n Print *, (height(lat,long),long = 1,n)


Example 4: Average of three sets of values This example extends the previous one. Now we have three sets of measurements and we are interested in calculating the average of these three sets. The two new data sets are: 9.5 39.5 69.5 19.5 49.5 79.5 29.5 59.5 89.5 And 10.5 40.5 70.5 20.5 50.5 80.5 30.5 60.5 90.5 The program also uses the implied do loops to read the data.

program ch704 !variables used are ! h1,h2,h3 - heights above sea level ! h4 - average of the above ! long - longitude ! lat - latitude ! both are restricted to integer values implicit none integer , parameter :: n = 3 integer :: lat,long real , dimension(1:n,1:n) :: h1,h2,h3,h4 do lat = 1,n read *,(h1(lat,long), long = 1,n) enddo do lat = 1,n


read *,(h2(lat,long), long = 1,n) enddo do lat = 1,n read *,(h3(lat,long), long = 1,n) enddo do lat = 1,n do long = 1,n h4(lat,long) = (h1(lat,long) + h2(lat,long) + & h3(lat,long)) / n enddo enddo do lat = 1,n print *,(h4(lat,long),long = 1,n) enddo end program ch704
Example 5: Booking arrangement in a theatre or cinema

A theatre or cinema consists of rows and columns of seats. In a large cinema or a typical theater there would also be more than one level or storey. Thus a program to represent and manipulate this structure would probably have a 2-d or 3-d array. Consider the following program extract: program ch0705 implicit none integer , parameter :: NR=2 integer , parameter :: NC=3


integer , parameter :: NF=3 integer :: row,column,floor character*1 , dimension(1:NR,1:NC,1:NF) :: seats=' ' do floor = 1,NF do column = 1,NC read *,(seats(row,column,floor),row=1,NR) enddo enddo print *,' seat plan is ' do floor=1,NF print *,'Floor = ',floor do column=1,NC print *,(seats(row,column,floor),row=1,NR) enddo enddo end program ch0705
Entity oriented declaration:

Here the term parameter is used in conjunction with the integer declaration, this is called an entity oriented declaration. An alternative to this is an attribute-oriented declaration, e.g., Integer :: NR, NC, NF Parameter :: NR=5, NC=10,NF=3 But the recommended method is the entity oriented declaration.


Additional forms of the dimension attribute and do loop statement

Example 6: Voltage from -20 V to +20 V volts
Consider the problem of an experiment where the independent variable voltage varies from -20V to +20 V and the current is measured at 1-V intervals. program ch0706 implicit none real , dimension(-20:20) :: current real :: resistance integer :: voltage print *,'type in the resistance' read *, resistance do voltage = -20,20 current(voltage)=voltage/resistance print *,'voltage', voltage, 'current ' , current(voltage) enddo end program ch0706 This form is of the dimension attribute Dimension(first:last) is of considerable use when the problem has an effective index which does not start at 1. The corresponding form of the do statement is : Do counter=start, end, increment Where start, end and increment can be positive or negative.


Example 7: longitude from -180 to +180

Consider the problem of the production of a table linking time difference with longitude. The values of longitude will vary from -1800 to +1800, and the time will vary from +12 h to 12 h. A possible program statement is: program ch0707 implicit none real , dimension(-180:180) :: time=0 integer :: degree,strip real :: value do degree=-180,65,15 value=degree/15 do strip=0,14 time(degree+strip)=value enddo enddo do degree=-180,180 print*,degree,' ',time(degree) enddo end program ch 0707

Executing the program gives; -16 -15 -14 -2.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000


-13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

-1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (74 4 ) (75 180 = 0)

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000

The do loop and the straight repetition

Example 8: Table of liquid conversion measurements
The do loop has two functions; o Its use with arrays as a control structure (arrays) o And its use for the repetition of a block of statements.

Consider the production of a table of liquid measurements. The independent variable is the litre value; the gallon and US gallon are the dependent variables. The following shows a complete but simple conversion program.

program ch0708 implicit none ! 1 us gallon = 3.7854118 litres ! 1 uk gallon = 4.545 litres !


integer :: litre real :: gallon, usgallon do litre = 1,10 gallon = litre / 4.545 usgallon = litre / 3.7854118 print *,litre, ' ',gallon,' ',usgallon enddo end program ch0708 We note here that the do loop has been used only to control the repetition of a block statement there are no arrays at all in this program. This is the other use of the do statement. Thus the do loop can both be used for arrays as a control structure and for the repetition of the block of statements.

Example 9: Means and standard deviations

In the calculation of the mean and standard deviation of a list of numbers, we can use the following formulae. program ch0709 ! variables used are ! mean - for the running mean ! ssq - the running corrected sum of squares ! x - input values for which mean and standard ! deviation is requaired ! w - local work variable ! sd - standard deviation


! r - another work variable ! implicit none real :: mean=0.0,ssq=0.0,x,w,sd,r integer :: i,N print *,'enter the number of readings' read*,N print*,'enter the ',N,' values, one per line' do i=1,N read*,x w=x-mean r=I-1 mean=(r*mean+x)/I ssq=ssq+w*w*r/i enddo sd=(ssq/r)**0.5 print*,'mean is ',mean print*,'standard deviation is ',sd end program ch0709

(For a finite set of numbers, the standard deviation is found by taking the square root of the average of the squared differences of the values from their average value.)


Chapter 8 Whole array and additional array features

Aims The aims of the chapter are: To look more formally at the terminology required to precisely describe arrays To introduce ways in which we can manipulate whole arrays and parts of arrays (sections) To introduce the concept of array element ordering and physical and virtual memory. To introduce ways in which we can initialize arrays using array constructors. To introduce the forall statement and construct.

FORTRAN supports an abundance of array handling features. In order to make the description of these features more precise a number of additional terms have to be covered and these are introduced and explained below.

The number of dimensions of an array is called its rank. A one dimensional array has rank 1, a twodimensional array has rank 2 and so on.

An arrays bounds are the upper and lower limits of the index in each dimension.

The number of elements along a dimension of an array is called the extent. Integer, dimension (-10:15):: current has bounds -10 and 15 and an extent of 26.

The total number of elements in an array is its size.

The shape of an array is determined by its rank and its extents in each dimension.


Two arrays are said to be conformable if they have the same shape, that is, they have the same rank and the same extent in each dimension.

Array element ordering

Array element ordering states that the elements of an array, regardeless of rank, form a linear sequence. The sequence is such that the subscripts along the first dimension vary most rapidly, and those along the last dimension vary most slowly. This is best illustrated by considering, for example, a rank 2 array A defined by real , dimension (1:4,1:2) :: A A has 8 real elements whose array element order is A(1,1), A(2,1), A(3,1), A(4,1), A(1,2), A(2,2), A(3,2), A(4,2), i.e., mathematically by column and not row.

Whole array manipulation

The examples of arrays so far have shown operations on array through array elements. One of the significant features of Fortran is its ability to manipulate arrays as whole objects. This allows arrays to be referenced not just as single elements but also as groups of elements.

An array name without any indices can appear on both sides of assignment and input and output statements. For example, values can be assigned to all the elements of an array in one statement: real, dimension(1:12) :: rainfall rainfall = 0.0 the elements of array can be assigned to another: integer, dimension(1:50) :: A,B A=B Arrays A and B must be conformable in order to do this. The following example is illegal since X is rank 1 and extent 20, while Z is rank 1 and extent 41.


real, dimension(1:20) :: X real, dimension(1:41) :: Z X = 50.0 Z = X But the following is legal because both arrays are now conformable, i.e., they are both of rank 1 and extent 41: real, dimension(-20:20) :: X real, dimension(1:41) :: Y X = 50.0 Y = X

All the arithmetic operators available to scalars are available to arrays, but care must be taken because mathematically they may not make sense. real, dimension(1:50) :: A, B, C, D, E C = A+B adds each element of A to corresponding element of B and assigns the result to C. E = C+D multiplies each element of C by corresponding element of D. This is not vector multiplication. To perform a vector dot product there is an intrinsic procedure dot_product, and an example of this is given in subsequent section on array constructors. For higher dimensions real, dimension(1:10, 1:10) :: F, G, H F = F**0.5 takes the square root of every element of F. H = F+G


adds each element of F to the corresponding element of G. H = F*G multiplies each element of F by corresponding element of G.

Example 8.1: one dimensional whole arrays in Fortran

program ch0801 implicit none integer , parameter :: N = 12 real , dimension(1:N) :: rainfall_ins=0.0 real , dimension(1:N) :: rainfall_cms=0.0 integer :: month print*, ' input the rainfall values in inches' read*, rainfall_ins rainfall_cms=rainfall_ins * 2.54 do month=1,N print*,month, ' ',rainfall_ins(month),' ',rainfall_cms(month) enddo end program

The statements real , dimension(1:N) :: rainfall_ins=0.0 real , dimension(1:N) :: rainfall_cms=0.0 are examples of whole array initialization. Each element of the array is set to 0.0.


The statement read*, rainfall_ins is an example of whole array I/O, where we no longer use a do loop to read each element in. Finally we have the statement rainfall_cms=rainfall_ins * 2.54 which is an example of whole array arithmetic and assignment.

Example 8.2: two dimensional whole array in Fortran

Here is a two-dimensional example: program ch0802 ! this program reads a grid of tempratures ! (degrees farenheit) at 25 grid references ! and converts them to degree celcius implicit none integer , parameter :: n=5 real, dimension (1:n, 1:n) :: fahrenheit, celcius integer :: long, lat ! read in the temperatures do lat=1,n print*,'for latitude= ',lat do long=1,n print*, 'for longitude',long read *,fahrenheit(lat,long) enddo


enddo ! ! conversion applied to all values ! celcius = 5.0/9.0 * (fahrenheit - 32.0) print*,celcius print*,fahrenheit end program ch0802

Array sections
Often it is necessary to access part of an array rather than the whole, and this is possible with Fortrans powerful array manipulation features.

Example 8.3: Rank 1 array sections

Consider the following: program ch0803 ! program for sections implicit none integer , dimension(-5:5) :: x integer :: i x(-5:-1)= -1 x(0) = 0 x(1:5) = 1 do i = -5,5 print *,'for ',i,'the corresponding assigned value is= ',x(i)


enddo end program ch0803

for for for for for for for for for for for

-5 = -4 = -3 = -2 = -1 = 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5=

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 1 1

The statement x(-5:-1)= -1 is working with a section of an array. It assigns the value -1 to elements x(-5) through x(-1). The statement x(1:5) = 1 is also working with an array section. It assigns the value 1 to elements x(1) through x(5).

Array constructors
Arrays can be given initial values in Fortran using array constructors. Some examples are given below.


Example 8.4: Rank 1 array initialization explicit values

program ch0805 implicit none integer , parameter :: n = 12 real :: total = 0.0, average = 0.0 real , dimension(1:n) :: rainfall = & (/3.1, 2.0, 2.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2, 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 2.9, 3.1, 3.1/) integer :: month do month = 1,n total = total + rainfall(month) enddo average = total / n print*,'Average monthly rainfall was' print*, average print*,'total rainfall was',total end program by running the program we get; average monthly rainfall was 2.483334 total rainfall was 29.80000 The statement real , dimension(1:n) :: rainfall = & (/3.1, 2.0, 2.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2, 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 2.9, 3.1, 3.1/)

provides initial values to the elements of the array rainfall.


Example 8.5: Rank 1 array initialization using an implied do loop

program ch0806 implicit none ! 1 US gallon = 3.7854118 litres ! 1 UK gallon = 4.545 litres ! integer , parameter :: n = 10 real , parameter :: us = 3.7854118 real , parameter :: uk = 4.545 integer :: i integer , dimension(1:n) :: litre=[(i,i=1,n)] real , dimension(1:n) :: gallon,usgallon gallon = litre/ uk usgallon = litre/us print*,' print*,' do i = 1,n print*,litre(i),' enddo end program ch0806 ',gallon(i),' ',usgallon(i) litres imperial gallon USA' gallon'

when we run the program we get the following result litres imperial gallon USA gallon


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0.2200220 0.4400440 0.6600660 0.8800880 1.100110 1.320132 1.540154 1.760176 1.980198 2.200220

0.2641720 0.5283441 0.7925161 1.056688 1.320860 1.585032 1.849204 2.113376 2.377548 2.641721

The statement integer , dimension(1:n) :: litre=[(i,i=1,n)] initializes the 10 elements of the Litre array to the values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 respectively.

Example 8.6: Rank 1 arrays and the dot_product intrinsic

The following program uses an array constructor and the intrinsic procedure dot_product: program ch0807 !Rank 1 arrays and the dot_product intrinsic implicit none integer , dimension(1:3) :: x,y integer :: result x=[1,3,5] y=[2,4,6] result=dot_product(x,y) print*,'the dot product of x and y is'


print*,'=',result end program and the result is 44 which is also obtained by the normal mathematical dot product operation, 1*2+3*4+5*6. The general form of the array constructor is [ list of expressions ] or (/ a list of expressions/) where each expression is of the same type.

Miscellaneous Array Examples

The following are examples of some of flexibility of arrays in Fortran.

Example 8.7: Rank 1 arrays and a step size of 2 in implied do loop

program ch0809 implicit none ! Rank 1 arrays and a step size of 2 in implied do loop ! odd and even integer :: i integer , dimension(1:10) :: x=(/(i,i=1,10)/) integer , dimension(1:5) :: odd=(/(i,i=1,10,2)/) integer , dimension(1:5) :: even even = x(2:10:2) print*,' x ' print*,x print*,' odd ' print*,odd print*,' even ' print*,even


end program ch0809

after executing the program we get; x 1 7 odd 1 even 2 4 6 8 10 3 5 7 9 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 6

The statement integer , dimension(1:5) :: odd=(/(i,i=1,10,2)/) steps through the array 2 at a time. The statement even = x(2:10:2) shows an array section where we go from elements two through ten in steps of two. 2 is the lower bound, the 10 is the upper bound , and the last 2 is the increment.

Example 8.8: Rank 1 array and the sum intrinsic function

The following example is based on example 8.4. It uses the sum intrinsic to calculate the sum of all values in rainfall array. program ch0810 ! Rank 1 array and the sum intrinsic function implicit none real :: total = 0.0, average = 0.0 real , dimension(12) :: rainfall =



(/3.1,2.0,2.4,2.1,2.2,2.2,1.8,2.2,2.7,2.9,3.1,3.1/) total = sum(rainfall) average = total / 12 print*,' average monthly rainfall was' print*,average print*,'total rainfall was',total end program ch0810

by executing the program we get the same result as in example 8.4. average monthly rainfall was 2.483334 total rainfall was 29.80000 The statement total = sum(rainfall) replaces the statement below from the earlier example do month = 1,n total = total + rainfall(month) enddo In this example sum adds up all of the elements of the array rainfall. So we have three ways of processing arrays: Element by element Using sections On a whole array basis

The ability to use sections and whole arrays when programming is a major advancement of the element by element processing supported by Fortran 77.


Example 8.9: Masked array assignment and the where statement

Fortran has array assignment both on an element by element basis and on a whole array basis. There is an additional form of assignment based on the concept of a logical mask. Consider the example of time zones, the time array will have values that are both negative and positive. We can then associate positive values with the concept of east of Greenwich meridian and the negative values with the concept of west of Greenwich meridian e.g.: program ch0812 !Masked array assignment and the where statement implicit none real , dimension(-180:180) :: time = 0 integer :: degree,strip real :: value character (len=1) , dimension(-180:180) & :: direction=' ' do degree = -180,165,15 value = degree/15 do strip=0,14 time(degree+strip)=value enddo enddo do degree=-180,180 print*,degree,' ',time(degree) enddo where(time > 0.0) direction='E'



The forall statement and forall construct

The forall statement and forall construct were introduced into Fortran to keep it inline with high performance fortran HPF. They indicate to the compiler that the code can be optimized on a parallel processor. Consider the following example where a value is subtracted from the diagonal elements of a square matrix A: Forall (I=1:N) A(I,I) - lamda

End forall The forall construct allows the calculations to be carried out simultaneously in a multiprocessor environment.


Chapter 9 Out of results

To write the results to a file The A, I, E, F and X layout or edit descriptors The open, write and close statements

It is possible to be much more precise in describing the way in which information is presented by the program. To do this we use format statements. Through the use of the format we can: Specify how many columns a number should take up. Specify where a decimal point should lie. Specify where there should be white space. Specify titles.

Example 1: integers I format or Edit descriptor

Integer format is reasonably straightforward, and offers clues for formats used in describing other numbers. 13 is an integer taking three columns. The number is right justified, meaning that it is written as far to the right as it will go, so that there is no trailing or following blanks. Consider the following example: program ch0901 implicit none integer :: T print*,'Twelve times table' print*,' ' do T=1,12 print 100, T, T*12 100 format(' ',I3,' * 12 = ',I3) end do end program ch0901


After executing the program we get; Twelve times table 1 * 12 = 12 2 * 12 = 24 3 * 12 = 36 4 * 12 = 48 5 * 12 = 60 6 * 12 = 72 7 * 12 = 84 8 * 12 = 96 9 * 12 = 108 10 * 12 = 120 11 * 12 = 132 12 * 12 = 144 The first statement is print 100, T, T* 12 The 100 is a statement label. There must be a format statement with this label in the program. The variable to be written out are T and 12*T. The second statement of interest is 100 format(' ',I3,' * 12 = ',I3)

Inside the brackets we have , I3 , print out what occurs between the quote marks, in this case one space. The comma separates items in the format statement. Print out the first variable in the print statement right justified in three columns Item separator

* 12= Print out what occurs between the quote characters. , I3 Item separator Print out the second variable (in this case an expression) right justified in three columns.

All of the output will appear on one line.


Example 9.2: The x Descriptor

program ch0902 implicit none integer :: big=10 integer :: i do i = 1,40 print 100,i,big 100 format (1x,i3,2x,i12) big=big*10 end do end program ch0902

After executing the program we get;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000


10 11

1410065408 1215752192

12 -727379968 13 14 1316134912 276447232

15 -1530494976 16 17 1874919424 1569325056

18 -1486618624 19 -1981284352 20 1661992960

21 -559939584 22 -1304428544 23 -159383552 24 -1593835520 25 1241513984

26 -469762048 27 -402653184 28 268435456

29 -1610612736 30 1073741824

31 -2147483648 32 33 34 0 0 0


35 36 37 38 39 40

0 0 0 0 0 0

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