Leap Motion Seminar
Leap Motion Seminar
Leap Motion Seminar
1. Introduction to Leap Motion 2. History of Leap Motion 3. What is Leap Motion 4. How does it work 5. Features of Leap Motion 6. Advantages of Leap Motion 7. Leap changing the world 8. Conclusion
Leap motion : It is a breakthrough in computer interaction, using a patented mathematical approach to 3D,touch free motion sensing & motion control software thats alike anything that currently exist on the market. Through this new technology we can say good bye to Mouse & Keyboard. Leap represents an entirely new way to interact with our computers Its more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touch screen. We can control a computer in three dimensions with your natural hand and finger movements Leap Motion has, well, leapfrogged the state of the art in this young field, giving users the ability to control what's on their computers with hundredth of millimeter accuracy and introducing touch-free gestures like pinch-tozoom.
Basic computing tasks like navigating an operating system or browsing through Web pages Precise virtual drawing in 2-D and 3-D Signing a digital document by writing in air Navigating large-scale 3-D data visualization systems Creating and manipulating 3-D models like houses and cars Playing computer games, including fast-twitch firstperson shooters
Two or three hundred thousand lines of code later, weve figured out how to use the Leap to create an interaction space around your computer, in 3D. Able to distinguish thumbs from fingers, and even handheld items like pencils. This allows users to interact like never before, using only natural movements. And we went a step further. You will be able to create custom gestures that fit how you want to use your computer. You can even network more than one Leap device, to create even larger interaction areas
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The leap represents a significant step forward for lough free, motion sensing technology and the sensible price point means we wont need to a finished artist CEO or stinkish rich to get us hands on one. The potential and many applications here are truly exciting but if the device really is going to be the revolution. In UI control that leap motion look like, then it will require some clever integration into the software we use on a daily basis