Gcse Marking Scheme: Science - Biology (Legacy) JANUARY 2012
Gcse Marking Scheme: Science - Biology (Legacy) JANUARY 2012
Gcse Marking Scheme: Science - Biology (Legacy) JANUARY 2012
INTRODUCTION The marking schemes which follow were those used by WJEC for the January 2011 examination in GCSE SCIENCE BIOLOGY (LEGACY). They were finalised after detailed discussion at examiners' conferences by all the examiners involved in the assessment. The conferences were held shortly after the papers were taken so that reference could be made to the full range of candidates' responses, with photocopied scripts forming the basis of discussion. The aim of the conferences was to ensure that the marking schemes were interpreted and applied in the same way by all examiners. It is hoped that this information will be of assistance to centres but it is recognised at the same time that, without the benefit of participation in the examiners' conferences, teachers may have different views on certain matters of detail or interpretation. WJEC regrets that it cannot enter into any discussion or correspondence about these marking schemes.
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Question Answer Mark
1. (a) (i)
1 1
II Warmer conditions/ Global warming AND so more eggs/ young/ caterpillars produced/ more reproduction
3 1
Become extinct/ died out/ wiped out/ disappeared/ endangered/ decrease in number/ decrease in population NOT died off/ it dies
2. (a) (i)
(b) (i)
(c) (i)
(must be comparative)
Long time underwater/ can stay underwater for 8 minutes/ fast swimming/ swims at 15 km/h (Very) deep diving/ swimming/ 90% time spent in water/ long time spent in water
3. (b) (i)
No, No
(c) (i)
2 or 3 4 1 or 2
4. (a) (i)
1 1
II Stroke contains higher salt Answers must be comparative (ii) (Savoury Pie) high in salt SO risk of kidney damage
Calculation method and numbers correct 300 x 2 / 150 or 600/15 Answer correct with units (4 ) = 2 marks
Obesity/ overweight/ excessive weight or mass/ diabetes/ high blood pressure NOT put on weight/ too fat Total for Question
5. (a) (i)
(b) (i)
FOUNDATION AND HIGHER TIER Question 6/1 (a) Answer smoking is addictive/contains nicotine which is addictive/contains a drug or chemical which is addictive/ they get addicted/ dependent NOT hooked/ crave/ withdrawal symptoms (b) any two disease/health related reasons - accept 2 cancers {lung/ throat/ tongue/ bladder/ pancreas} cancer/ lung disease/ emphysema/ narrowed arteries/ heart disease/ reduction of fertility/ may have underweight babies/ decreased life expectancy/ increased chance of miscarriage NOT heart attack/ breathing problems/ bronchitis/ lung damage accept answer related to secondary smoking/ ref to other people breathing their smoke accept answer related to cost of cigarettes (c) (i) (ii) 3 For last five days they have smoked less each day; There is a decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked/ correct numerical answer; Only once in the 2 week period has the previous daily average of 25 cigarettes smoked been reached (therefore considered successful); Most of the time both smoke less than their target Accept answers only referring to one of the people. 1 Any 2 Any 2 Mark 1
7/2 (a)
(b) (i)
(offspring produced by sexual reproduction) show variation are different or not identical/ have genes from two parents/ have different alleles (accept: are not a clone) ORA NOT have two parents/ have different genes or chromosomes
8/3 (a)
A - hair
(sweat gland) removes salts and water (NOT water alone) /sweat from blood/produces sweat
Withdrawing or releases or takes heat from body/ body heat required to evaporate (water in) sweat/ lowers skin or blood temperature/ taking heat with it NOT cools you down/ lets out heat
4. (a)
Starts off higher (blood) glucose rises higher/ more rapidly/ falls more rapidly
Any 3
blood glucose drops below normal/ lower than the normal man
inject insulin (before eating breakfast)/ use insulin pen or ensure that the breakfast is very low in glucose/sugar/carbohydrate/fruit or take Metformin/ Novonorm
insulin produced which converts glucose to glycogen (in the liver) Spelling must be accurate for glycogen
5. (a)
If the bought rabbit or it was homozygous or BB then all offspring would be black/ there will be no white offspring
If the bought rabbit or it was heterozygous or Bb then 50% of offspring would be black and 50% white or some white/ Bought rabbit must be Bb to produce any white rabbits Total for Question
6. (a)
Chromosomes / genes
scientific names are used by all / are constant / do not vary/ it will be the same in all languages/ used by all scientists/ international communication/ universally understood/ common names are different in different countries
(Total 3)
8. (a)
Decrease in appetite/ makes them not feel hungry NOT affect appetite so less food is eaten NOT so they do not eat
(b) (i)
Animal rights/ human not same as mice/research on mice is not valid for humans/ might cause mice to starve/ unethical to experiment on animals (not: simple idea of cruelty/ harmed/ suffer)
Question 9. (a)
Mark 2
Mutation leading to variation large brain size advantage/survival value NOT survival of the fittest alone Genes/ alleles passed on NOT mutation passes on unless qualified by gene
1 1 1
Most believed in creationism/God made humans/ went against religious views/ against bible NOT lack of proof/ against church Total for Question
7 (5 x 1)
In order: Stimulus heat/ hot object Receptor skin/ nerve endings/ sensory cells (NOT hand) sensory neurone/ nerve connecting/ relay/ intermediate/ internuncial neurone or nerve motor neurone/ nerve muscle/ effector synapses - anywhere where correctly referenced Any 5 from 7 Total for Question
FOUNDATION TIER Question 1. (a) Answer one mark for each labelled structure in correct location; Vacuole should occupy at least quarter of space Nucleus bigger than chloroplast Cell wall - can be single or double line Labels should be unambiguous Deduct marks for nucleus and/ or chloroplast if inside the vacuole (b) cytoplasm clearly indicated in correct location; 1 Mark 4
(i) (ii)
membrane; chloroplast;
1 1
Question 2. (a)
Answer oxygen; carbon dioxide + water; (either way round) can use correct symbols
Mark 3
1 1 1
NOT germs (II) (III) C: repeat/ do it again NOT increase number of flasks
(I) (II)
rise / fall / stay the same; rise / fall / stay the same;
1 1
Any suitable reference to life processes e.g. movement/ for exercise / repair / cell division/ excretion/ reproduction/ sensitivity/ feeding or digestion/ maintain body temperature/ keeping warm (not: growth / photosynthesis/ heat energy alone/ catch food/ eat food)
Answer all plots correct; tolerance +/- small square, Allow just top of bar drawn/ not shaded. (one error minus 1) (ii) Small Skipper; Small Copper, (either order)
Mark 2
(i) (ii)
Common Blue; Hairstreak; (either order) The grass was cut (too low)/ needed longer or higher grass/ grass is too short NOT grass wrong height/ not enough grass/ need a lot of grass
2 1
(iii) 10;
such as: trampling / people walking/ pesticide/ reference to change in habitat/ moved to different habitat/ grass too short/ grass cut below 3cm; NOT moved (alone), scared away
Answer bacteria / fungi; acid; little oxygen; (either order) NOT no oxygen, microbes need oxygen to decay (iii) dried;
Mark 1 2
(i) (ii)
1 1
FOUNDATION & HIGHER TIER Question 5/1 (a) (i) (ii) Answer Pancreas/ small intestine small intestine Mark 1 1 1
(iii) mouth
(i) (ii)
carbohydrase / amylase (spelling must end in ase) glucose NOT simple sugar ( can be neutral)
1 1
Answer use of {(a living) organism / predator / natural enemy/ animal}/ introduce a species; to feed off / reduce / kill a (crop) pest / alien species Correct use of example = 2 marks
Mark 1
Mark 1 1 2
(iii) any two from: same size greenhouse/ same number plants / same spacing / same aspect or greenhouses face same direction/ same variety or type of plants / same age or mass or size of plants / same mineral feed or nutrients / same ventilation / same soil or mass of soil Accept carbon dioxide if not used in (ii) (ECF) NOT same temperature/ same greenhouse/ same glass/ amount of
plants had insufficient or not enough light / heat/ ORA so less photosynthesis/ reduced rate of photosynthesis NOT not as easy to photosynthesise or quicker/slower photosynthesis so less food / glucose (for tomato growth) NOT less energy or les fruit produced Total for Question
1 1
HIGHER TIER Question 4 (a) Answer cell wall correctly drawn & labelled (must be double line) vacuole correctly drawn & labelled (deduct if contains nucleus/mitochondria) chloroplast(s) correctly drawn & labelled in cytoplasm deduct one mark for each incorrect label Mark 1 1 1
any one from: plant tissue can regenerate from stem / undifferentiated cells more so than animal tissue/ easier for plants to regenerate from stem cells animals tend to grow to a finite size (more so than plants)/ animals have a maximum size that they grow to (OWTTE) plant growth occurs from (restricted growth areas) meristems/ plants have branching growth or animals have a compact growth
repair / replacement of damaged tissues / organs/ cells (accept named tissue such as tendons/ trachea/ retina/ heart) to treat Parkinsons/ arthritis/ AVP NOT cure disease
Question 5. (a)
Answer at 200C or at lower temperature (enzyme and protein) molecules are moving slower/ ORA therefore fewer collisions or description of fewer collisions or fewer reactions/ ORA fewer protein molecules broken down / digested or fewer amino acids produced / less digestion/ ORA fewer amino acid molecules move/ go into side B. NOT time taken (3 from 4)
Mark Any 3
At 900 or higher temperature enzyme denatured or destroyed/ ORA fewer reactions / fewer amino acids produced/ less digestion/ ORA NOT slower/ rate of reaction decreases
1 1
Question 6. (a)
Mark 1
more foxes and/ or golden eagles would eat the (increasing) hare (population because they would not have grouse to eat.)
more heather or food (for hares to eat.)/ less competition for food/ heather
Answer 100 5
Mark 1 1
More haemoglobin/ higher than normal haemoglobin NOT RBC More oxygen (carried) More AEROBIC respiration/ respire aerobically for longer Less anaerobic respiration.
1 1 1 1
Question 8. (a)
Answer Water passes out or is lost/ plant is dehydrated by osmosis from higher concentration to lower concentration (must be show clear direction) through selectively or semi or partially permeable membrane NOT SPM
Mark 1 1 1
(i) (ii)
1 1 1
Question 9.
Answer Overgrowth of algae/ algal bloom/ rapid growth of plants or algae Plants /algae/ producers die. Because of lack of light/ light blocked out and decay/ decomposes Bacteria or fungi or decomposers use oxygen. NOT microbes/ micro-organisms for respiration aerobic life / fish die / suffocate Any 5x1
Mark 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
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