Bar Exam 09
Bar Exam 09
Bar Exam 09
Explain your answer in not more than two (2) senten es. (!") e. A #ea# hil# an $e le%itimate#.
True. Article 181 of the Family Code provides that the legitimation of children who died before the celebration of the marriage shall benefit their descendants. y implication! this provision
III &n 'e em$er 2(((, )i hael an# Anna, after o$tainin% a *ali# marria%e li ense, went to the +ffi e of the )ayor of Ur$ano, ,ula an, to %et marrie#. The )ayor was not there, $ut the )ayor-s se retary as.e# )i hael an# Anna an# their witnesses to fill up an# si%n the re/uire# marria%e ontra t forms. The se retary then tol# them to wait, an# went out to loo. for the )ayor who was atten#in% a we##in% in a nei%h$orin% muni ipality. 0hen the se retary au%ht up with the )ayor at the we##in% re eption, she showe# him the marria%e ontra t forms an# tol# him that the ouple an# their witnesses were waitin% in his offi e. The )ayor forthwith si%ne# all the opies of the marria%e ontra t, %a*e them to the se retary who returne# to the )ayor-s offi e. She then %a*e opies of the marria%e ontra t to the parties, an# tol# )i hael an# Anna that they were alrea#y marrie#. Thereafter, the ouple li*e# to%ether as hus$an# an# wife, an# ha# three sons. a. &s the marria%e of )i hael an# Anna *ali#, *oi#a$le, or *oi#1 Explain your answer. (2") The marria%e is *oi# a$ initio. Arti le 2 of the Family 3o#e enumerates the formal re/uisites of marria%e whi h in lu#es a marria%e eremony whi h pla e with the appearan e of the ontra tin% parties $efore the solemni4in% offi er an# their personal #e laration that they ta.e ea h other as hus$an# an# wife in the presen e of not less than two witnesses of le%al a%e. $. 0hat is the status of the three hil#ren of )i hael an# Anna1 Explain your answer. (2") . 0hat property re%ime %o*erns the properties a /uire# $y the ouple1 Explain. (2") IV 5arry marrie# 0ilma, a *ery wealthy woman. ,arely fi*e (!) years into the marria%e, 0ilma fell in lo*e with 6oseph. Thus, 0ilma went to a small ountry in Europe, $e ame a naturali4e# iti4en of that ountry, #i*or e# 5arry, an# marrie# 6oseph. A year thereafter, 0ilma an# 6oseph returne# an# esta$lishe# permanent resi#en e in the 7hilippines.
a. &s the #i*or e o$taine# $y 0ilma from 5arry re o%ni4e# in the 7hilippines1 Explain your answer. (2") $. &f 5arry hires you as his lawyer, what le%al re ourse woul# you a#*ise him to ta.e1 0hy1 (2") . 5arry tells you that he has fallen in lo*e with another woman, Eli4a$eth, an# wants to marry her $e ause, after all, 0ilma is alrea#y marrie# to 6oseph. 3an 5arry le%ally marry Eli4a$eth1 Explain. (2") V Four hil#ren, namely8 Al$erto, ,al#omero, 3ari#a#, an# 'ios oro, were $orn to the spouses 3onra#o an# 3larita #e la 3osta. The hil#ren-s $irth ertifi ates were #uly si%ne# $y 3onra#o, showin% them to $e the ouple-s le%itimate hil#ren. Later, one E#il$erto #e la 3ru4 exe ute# a notarial #o ument a .nowle#%in% Al$erto an# ,al#omero as his ille%itimate hil#ren 9with 3larita. E#il$erto #ie# lea*in% su$stantial properties. &n the settlement of his estate, Al$erto an# ,al#omero inter*ene# laimin% shares as the #e ease#-s ille%itimate hil#ren. The le%itimate family of E#il$erto oppose# the laim. Are Al$erto an# ,al#omero entitle# to share in the estate of E#il$erto1 Explain. (:") VI +n 'e em$er ;, 2(((, 'r. 6uanito Fuentes exe ute# a holo%raphi will, wherein he %a*e nothin% to his re o%ni4e# ille%itimate son, 6ay. 'r. Fuentes left for the Unite# States, passe# the <ew =or. me#i al li ensure examinations, resi#e# therein, an# $e ame a naturali4e# Ameri an iti4en. 5e #ie# in <ew =or. in 2((>. The laws of <ew =or. #o not re o%ni4e holo%raphi wills or ompulsory heirs. a. 3an the holo%raphi will of 'r. Fuentes $e a#mitte# to pro$ate in the 7hilippines1 0hy or why not1 (2") $. Assumin% that the will is pro$ate# in the 7hilippines, an 6ay *ali#ly insist that he $e %i*en his le%itime1 0hy or why not1 (2") VII Ramon )ayaman #ie# intestate, lea*in% a net estate of 7;(,(((,(((.((. 'etermine how mu h ea h heir will re ei*e from the estate8 a. &f Ramon is sur*i*e# $y his wife, three full?$loo# $rothers, two half?$rothers, an# one nephew (the son of a #e ease# full?$loo# $rother)1 Explain. (2") $. &f Ramon is sur*i*e# $y his wife, a half?sister, an# three nephews (sons of a #e ease# full? $loo# $rother)1 Explain. (2") VIII 6u#e owne# a $uil#in% whi h he ha# lease# to se*eral tenants. 0ithout informin% his tenants, 6u#e sol# the $uil#in% to &l#efonso. Thereafter, the latter notifie# all the tenants that he is the new owner of the $uil#in%. &l#efonso or#ere# the tenants to *a ate the premises within thirty (2() #ays from noti e $e ause he ha# other plans for the $uil#in%. The tenants refuse# to *a ate, insistin% that they will
only #o so when the term of their lease shall ha*e expire#. &s &l#efonso $oun# to respe t the lease ontra ts $etween 6u#e an# his tenants1 Explain your answer. (2") IX ,efore mi%ratin% to 3ana#a in ;@@2, the spouses Teo#oro an# Anita entruste# all their le%al papers an# #o uments to their nephew, Atty. Tan. a#*anta%e of the situation, Atty. Tan for%e# a #ee# of sale, it appear that he ha# $ou%ht the ouple-s property in Aue4on 3ity. &n 2(((, he su ee#e# in o$tainin% a T3T o*er the property in his name. Su$se/uently, Atty. Tan sol# the same property to Luis, who $uilt an auto repair shop on the property. &n 2((:, Luis re%istere# the #ee# of on*eyan e, an# title o*er the property was transferre# in his name. &n 2((B, the spouses Teo#oro an# Anita ame to the 7hilippines for a *isit an# #is o*ere# what ha# happene# to their property. They imme#iately hire you as lawyer. 0hat a tion or a tions will you institute in or#er to *in#i ate their ri%hts1 Explain fully. (:") X Rommel-s pri*ate ar, while $ein% #ri*en $y the re%ular family #ri*er, Ama#o, hits a pe#estrian ausin% the latter-s #eath. Rommel is not in the ar when the in i#ent happene#. a. &s Rommel lia$le for #ama%es to the heirs of the #e ease#1 Explain. (2") $. 0oul# your answer $e the same if Rommel was in the ar at the time of the a Explain. (2")
PART II XI TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is true, or FALSE if the statement is false. Explain your answer in not more than two (2) senten es. (!") a. A lause in an ar$itration ontra t %rantin% one of the parties the power to hoose more ar$itrators than the other ren#ers the ar$itration ontra t *oi#. $. &f there is no marria%e settlement, the salary of a CspouseC in an a#ulterous marria%e $elon%s to the onDu%al partnership of %ains. . A /uisiti*e pres ription of a ne%ati*e easement runs from the time the owner of the #ominant estate for$i#s, in a notari4e# #o ument, the owner of the ser*ient estate from exe utin% an a t whi h woul# $e lawful without the easement. #. The renun iation $y a o?owner of his un#i*i#e# share in the o?owne# property in lieu of the performan e of his o$li%ation to ontri$ute to taxes an# expenses for the preser*ation of the property onstitutes dacion en pago. e. A person an #ispose of his orpse throu%h an a t intervivos. XII
Emmanuel an# )ar%arita, Ameri an iti4ens an# employees of the U.S. State 'epartment, %ot marrie# in the Afri an state of Eenya where sterility is a %roun# for annulment of marria%e. Thereafter, the spouses were assi%ne# to the U.S. Em$assy in )anila. +n the first year of the spouses- tour of #uty in the 7hilippines, )ar%arita file# an annulment ase a%ainst Emmanuel $efore a 7hilippine ourt on the %roun# of her hus$an#-s sterility at the time of the ele$ration of the marria%e. a. 0ill the suit prosper1 Explain your answer. (2") $. Assume Emmanuel an# )ar%arita are $oth Filipinos. After their we##in% in Eenya, they ome $a . an# ta.e up resi#en e in the 7hilippines. 3an their marria%e $e annulle# on the %roun# of Emmanuel-s sterility1 Explain. (2") XIII Rafael, a wealthy $a helor, file# a petition for the a#option of 'olly, a one?year ol# foun#lin% who ha# a se*ere heart ailment. 'urin% the pen#en y of the a#option pro ee#in%s, Rafael #ie# of natural auses. The +ffi e of the Soli itor Feneral files a motion to #ismiss the petition on the %roun# that the ase an no lon%er pro ee# $e ause of the petitioner-s #eath. a. Shoul# the ase $e #ismisse#1 Explain. (2") $. 0ill your answer $e the same if it was 'olly who #ie# #urin% the pen#en y of the a#option pro ee#in%s1 Explain. (2") XIV Ro#olfo, marrie# to Sharon, ha# an illi it affair with his se retary, <anette, a ;@?year ol# %irl, an# $e%ot a $a$y %irl, Rona. <anette sue# Ro#olfo for #ama%es8 a tual, for hospital an# other me#i al expenses in #eli*erin% the hil# $y aesarean se tionG moral, laimin% that Ro#olfo promise# to marry her, representin% that he was sin%le when, in fa t, he was notG an# exemplary, to tea h a lesson to li.e?min#e# Lotharios. a. &f you were the Du#%e, woul# you awar# all the laims of <anette1 Explain. (2") $. Suppose Ro#olfo later on a .nowle#%es Rona an# %i*es her re%ular support, an he ompel her to use his surname1 0hy or why not1 (2") . 0hen Rona rea hes se*en (>) years ol#, she tells Ro#olfo that she prefers to li*e with him, $e ause he is $etter off finan ially than <anette. &f Ro#olfo files an a tion for the usto#y of Rona, alle%in% that he is Rona-s hoi e as usto#ial parent, will the ourt %rant Ro#olfo-s petition1 0hy or why not1 (2") XV Sarah ha# a #eposit in a sa*in%s a ount with Filipino Uni*ersal ,an. in the amount of fi*e million pesos (7!,(((,(((.((). To $uy a new ar, she o$taine# a loan from the same $an. in the amount of 7;,2((,(((.((, paya$le in twel*e monthly installments. Sarah issue# in fa*or of the $an. post?#ate# he .s, ea h in the amount of 7;((,(((.((, to o*er the twel*e monthly installment payments. +n the thir#, fourth an# fifth months, the orrespon#in% he .s $oun e#. The $an. then #e lare# the whole o$li%ation #ue, an# pro ee#e# to #e#u t the amount of one million pesos (7;,(((,(((.(() from Sarah-s #eposit after noti e to her that this is a form of ompensation allowe# $y law. &s the $an. orre t1 Explain. (:")
XVI )ar iano is the owner of a par el of lan# throu%h whi h a ri*er runs out into the sea. The lan# ha# $een $rou%ht un#er the Torrens System, an# is ulti*ate# $y Ulpiano an# his family as farmwor.ers therein. +*er the years, the ri*er has $rou%ht silt an# se#iment from its sour es up in the mountains an# forests so that %ra#ually the lan# owne# $y )ar iano in rease# in area $y three he tares. Ulpiano $uilt three huts on this a##itional area, where he an# his two marrie# hil#ren li*e. +n this same area, Ulpiano an# his family plante# peanuts, mon%%o $eans an# *e%eta$les. Ulpiano also re%ularly pai# taxes on the lan#, as shown $y tax #e larations, for o*er thirty years. 0hen )ar iano learne# of the in rease in the si4e of the lan#, he or#ere# Ulpiano to #emolish the huts, an# #eman#e# that he $e pai# his share in the pro ee#s of the har*est. )ar iano laims that un#er the 3i*il 3o#e, the allu*ium $elon%s to him as a re%istere# riparian owner to whose lan# the a retion atta hes, an# that his ri%ht is enfor ea$le a%ainst the whole worl#. a. &s )ar iano orre t1 Explain. (2") $. 0hat ri%hts, if any, #oes Ulpiano ha*e a%ainst )ar iano1 Explain. (2") XVII Rosario o$taine# a loan of 7;((,(((.(( from 6ennifer, an# ple#%e# her #iamon# rin%. The ontra t si%ne# $y the parties stipulate# that if Rosario is una$le to re#eem the rin% on #ue #ate, she will exe ute a #o ument in fa*or of 6ennifer pro*i#in% that the rin% shall automati ally $e onsi#ere# full payment of the loan. a. &s the ontra t *ali#1 Explain. (2") $. 0ill your answer to HaI $e the same if the ontra t stipulates that upon failure of Rosario to re#eem the rin% on #ue #ate, 6ennifer may imme#iately sell the rin% an# appropriate the entire pro ee#s thereof for herself as full payment of the loan1 Reasons. (2") XVIII The &fu%ao Arms is a on#ominium proDe t in ,a%uio 3ity. A stron% earth/ua.e o urre# whi h left hu%e ra .s in the outer walls of the $uil#in%. As a result, a num$er of on#ominium units were ren#ere# unfit for use. )ay E#win, owner of one of the on#ominium units affe te#, le%ally sue for partition $y sale of the whole proDe t1 Explain. (:") XIX &n ;@>2, Lu iano #e la 3ru4 sol# to 3hua 3hun% 3hun, a 3hinese iti4en, a par el of lan# in ,inon#o. 3hua #ie# in ;@@(, lea*in% $ehin# his wife an# three hil#ren, one of whom, 6ulian, is a naturali4e# Filipino iti4en. Six years after 3hua-s #eath, the heirs exe ute# an extraDu#i ial settlement of estate, an# the par el of lan# was allo ate# to 6ulian. &n 2((>, Lu iano file# suit to re o*er the lan# he sol# to 3hua, alle%in% that the sale was *oi# $e ause it ontra*ene# the 3onstitution whi h prohi$its the sale of pri*ate lan#s to aliens. 6ulian mo*e# to #ismiss the suit on %roun#s of pari delicto, la hes an# a /uisiti*e pres ription. 'e i#e the ase with reasons. (:") XX a. &f Li%aya, a Filipino iti4en resi#in% in the Unite# States, files a petition for han%e of name $efore the 'istri t 3ourt of <ew =or., what law shall apply1 Explain. (2")
$. &f 5enry, an Ameri an iti4en resi#in% in the 7hilippines, files a petition for han%e of name $efore a 7hilippine ourt, what law shall apply1 Explain. (2")