Irctcs E-Ticketing Service Electronic Reservation Slip (Personal User)
Irctcs E-Ticketing Service Electronic Reservation Slip (Personal User)
Irctcs E-Ticketing Service Electronic Reservation Slip (Personal User)
Di+tan7e: 21>2 K)
Passenger Address :- *$2/'1$'2/Groun6 .loor?,e7tor$16. Ro8ini?Ne@ Del8i Ne@ Del8i Del8i $ 11&&>5 FARE +ETAI4- : ,.No. De+7ri9tion 1 2 4 Ti7"et .are 0R*T* ,er<i7e *8ar#e+C
10n7l. o ,er<i7e TaA2
Amount 10n ru9ee+2 Amount 10n @or6+2 R+. 6>5.& R+. 11.2' R+. 6:6.2' Ru9ee+ ,iA /un6re6 an6 Ei#8t3 .i<e Bnl3 Ru9ee+ Ele<en an6 T@o .our Pai+a Bnl3 Ru9ee+ ,iA /un6re6 an6 Ninet3 ,iA an6 T@o .our Pai+a Bnl3
C ,er<i7e+ *8ar#e+ 9er e $ ti7"et irre+9e7ti<e o num=er o 9a++en#er+ on t8e ti7"et . PA--EN;ER +ETAI4- : ,No. 1 Name AAKA,/ TAN5AR A#e 22 ,eA )ale *on7e++ion *o6e !oo"in# ,tatu+/ *urrent ,tatu+/*oa78 No./,eat No *BN.0R) ,(/ &&'4/ U!
This ticket is booked on a personal user ID and cannot be sold by an agent. If bought from an agent by any individual, it is at his/her own risk.
IMPORTANT: For details, rules and terms & conditions of E-Ticketing ser ices, !lease isit """#irctc#co#in# $Ne" Time Ta%le "ill %e effecti e from &'-&(-)&'*# +e!arture time and Arri al Time !rinted on t,is ER-./RM is lia%le to c,ange# Please 0,eck correct de!arture, arri al from Rail"a1 -tation En2uir1, +ial '*3 or -M- RAI4 to '*3# T,ere is amendments in certain !ro isions of Refund Rule# Refer Amended Refund Rules "#e#f &'-&(-)&'*# T,e accommodation %ooked is not transfera%le and is alid onl1 if one of t,e I+ card noted a%o e is !resented during t,e 5ourne1# T,e ER-./RM.-M- sent %1 IR0T0 along "it, t,e alid I+ !roof in original "ould %e erified %1 TTE "it, t,e name and PNR on t,e c,art# If t,e !assenger fail to !roduce.dis!la1 ER-./RM.-M- sent %1 IR0T0 due to an1 e entualit1 6loss, damaged!to! etc#7 %ut ,as t,e !rescri%ed original !roof of identit1, a !enalt1 of Rs#8&.!er ticket as a!!lica%le to suc, cases "ill %e le ied# T,e ticket c,ecking staff On %oard.Off %oard "ill gi e E9cess Fare Ticket for t,e same# E-ticket cancellations are !ermitted t,roug, """#irctc#co#in %1 t,e user# O%tain certificate from t,e TTE .0onductor in case of PARTIA44: "aitlisted e-ticket, 4E-- NO# OF PA--EN;ERtra elled, A#0#FAI4<RE, TRA/E4 IN 4O=ER 04A--# T,is original certificate must %e sent to ;;M 6IT7, IR0T0 4td#, Internet Ticketing 0entre, IR0A >uilding, -tate Entr1 Road, Ne" +el,i-''&&88 after filing on-line refund re2uest for claiming refund# Passengers are ad ised not to carr1 inflamma%le.dangerous.e9!losi e articles as !art of t,eir luggage and also to desist from smoking in t,e trains# 0ontact us on: - )?$( @rs 0ustomer -u!!ort at &''-*3*?&&&& , 0,ennai 0ustomer 0are &?? A )8*&&&&& or Mail To: careBirctc#co#in# For an1!laints related to 0atering ser ices, contact Toll Free No# 'C&&-'''-*)' 6&(#&& ,rs to ))#&&
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21-Jan-14 9:18 PM