BOSC Scholarship Application 13-14
BOSC Scholarship Application 13-14
BOSC Scholarship Application 13-14
Beale Officers Spouses Club (BOSC) Scholarship Eligibility: 1. Applicant must be a dependent family member of one of the following: a. An active duty or reserve military member (Officer or Enlisted) assigned to Beale Air Force Base, or on a remote assignment with family members residing in Yuba, Sutter, Nevada, Placer, or Butte County. b. A retired U.S. military member residing in Yuba, Sutter, Nevada, Placer, or Butte County. c. A deceased U.S. military member. Applicant must reside in Yuba, Sutter, Nevada, Placer, or Butte County. 2. The applicant must be: a natural born child, legally adopted child, dependent stepchild, or a dependent spouse of a member classified in paragraph 1 and must be either: a. A high school senior currently attending public, private, parochial school, or an accredited home-school program with the intent of continuing his/her education. b. A former high school graduate or equivalent with the intent of continuing his/her education. 3. Applicants who accept full scholarships, full grants, or appointments to military service academies will not be eligible for this award. 4. Applicant does not have to be residing with sponsor to be eligible. 5. BOSC Scholarship Committee members and their children are not eligible for BOSC scholarships. 6. Previous recipients of this scholarship are ineligible.
Application Due Date: All application packages must be postmarked no later than 10 March 2014 to be eligible for consideration. The address is as follows: Beale Officers Spouses Club ATTN: Scholarship Committee Chairperson P.O. Box 9175 Beale AFB, CA 95903
There will be NO extensions to the deadline. Application packages received with a postmark after the 10 March 2014 deadline will not be considered. No exceptions.
Presentation and Payment of Awards: Scholarship recipients will be named no later than 1 May 2014. Presentation of the awards will be made at a ceremony at Beale Air Force Base. Representatives may also be available during the students individual school awards ceremony upon request. Awards will be paid directly to the school. Awards must be used at an accredited college, university, vocational/technical or trade school for tuition, books, room, board, or other related educational fees. The verification of enrollment form must be postmarked no later than 10 October 2014. Upon receipt of verification of enrollment, the BOSC will send a check to the school. Absolutely no cash monies will be given to the student directly from the BOSC. The school will be instructed to return any amount not used for the designated purposes. Forfeiture of Scholarship Funds: An applicant who fails to send a verification of enrollment form postmarked no later than 10 October 2014 will forfeit the awarded funds. Forfeited funds will be distributed to the alternate(s). If an applicant receives an appointment to any military service academy, a full four-year ROTC scholarship, or other full four-year scholarship, the scholarship monies will be forfeited and returned to the BOSC. A full scholarship is defined as one that pays all tuition, books, room, and board. The Selection Committee The Selection Committee will consist of at least 3 non-biased individuals from the local educational and/or military community. The Selection Committee will determine criteria needed to score the applications. No BOSC member will serve on the Selection Committee. Basis of Awards: The Selection Committee will evaluate all applications on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, creed, sex, financial need, color, religion, age, gender, ethnicity, disability, or place of national origin. The Scholarship Committee Chairperson will sanitize each application to hide the personal identification of an applicant. All sanitized application packages will then be forwarded to the Selection Committee for scoring. The Selection Committee will forward all scoring results and recommendations to The Scholarship Committee (consisting of BOSC members) for the final allocation of scholarship funds. All decisions made by the Scholarship Committee are final.
Application Contents: Please return the completed application package in this order: 1. Application please complete the attached form. 2. Counselor/ Advisor Data Sheet (high school students only) filled out by an authorized representative of your school. 3. Official Transcript (from all high schools attended; college transcript(s) if applicable). 4. Two Letters of Recommendation from those who can attest to your attributes and potential for future success. Each applicant must submit one letter of recommendation from each category: a. Category 1: Teacher or Counselor/Advisor b. Category 2: Employer, Community Leader, or Clergy Member ***** VERY IMPORTANT ***** ON THE FOLLOWING, PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME. USE THE LAST 4 DIGITS OF YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY! 5. Develop a Resume to consist of the following (as applicable): a. Education school attending currently, GPA, & class rank b. Extracurricular Activities clubs, sports, volunteerism, work experience, interests c. Honors/Awards 6. Essay Question (LIMITED TO 2 PAGES DOUBLE SPACED):
Please share an example of both a positive experience and a challenge that have occurred as a direct result of being part of a military family. How have these experiences affected your goals for the future?
Questions/Further Information: Should you have any questions, please contact: Ciara Anderson BOSC Scholarship Committee Chairperson
APPLICANTS: Please ensure your endorsers are aware of the following guidelines. You may make a copy of this page to assist them in writing your letters of recommendation. ENDORSER: Your recommendation letter must be returned to the applicant for inclusion in their application packet. Applications must be postmarked no later than 10 March 2014 to be eligible for scholarship consideration. Please make sure the following are included in the letters submitted: 1. In the recommendation letter, please include any information that can attest to the applicants future success and attributes. This may include, but is not limited to, the applicants scholastic achievement, leadership, and outstanding performance in his/her extracurricular and community activities. 2. Recommendations must be typed and limited to one page in length. 3. Contact information to include name, title/position, address, phone number, email, and relationship to applicant should be included in the letter in case the BOSC would like to request further information. Please write your letters on official letterhead, if possible/applicable. In order for letter to meet scholarship requirements, they must be sealed. 4. When you have completed your recommendation letter, please ensure the above requirements have been met, sign it, and return it sealed to the applicant. Scholarship applications must be postmarked no later than 10 March 2014 to be eligible for scholarship consideration. Please ensure the applicant has received your recommendation letter timely to meet the deadline. Thank you for your time and effort in supporting/endorsing the applicant.
Beale Officers Spouses Club Scholarship Application 2013 2014 Academic Year
_____ Dependent Child High School Senior, First Year Attendee, Currently Attending Higher Education _____Spouse First Year Attendee, Currently Attending Higher Education Please type or print: 1. Applicants name:__________________________________________________________ 2. Applicants SSN:___________________________________________________________ 3. Local Mailing Address:______________________________________________________ 4. Local Residence Address:____________________________________________________ 5. E-mail Address:____________________________________________________________ 6. Local Phone Number: ______________________________________________________ 7. Sponsors Name:___________________________________________________________ a. Sponsors SSN:_______________________________________________________ b. Status of Sponsor: c. Branch of Service: Active Duty USAF USA Spouse Reserve USN Son Retired USMC Deceased USCG
8. Parents/Guardians:_____________________________________________________________________ 9. Current High School:____________________________________________________________________ 10. Counselor/Advisors Name:________________________________ ______________________________ Telephone Number:___________________ E-Mail Address: ____________________________________ 11. Other Schools Attended (please include city and state): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependent Currently Attending Higher Education or First Time Attendee: 12. High School Graduated From or Equivalent, and Year: _________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. School Presently Attending (please include transcript): _____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Higher Education History (please include transcripts): ______________________________________________________________________________________
Applicant Agreement: 1. I will not be eligible to receive the award if at any time prior to enrollment in school I accept an appointment to any military service academy or receive a full four-year ROTC or other full four year scholarship. A full scholarship is defined as one that pays all tuition, books, room, and board. 2. If, for any reason, the BOSC has not received a verification of enrollment form postmarked no later than 10 October 2014, or if I become ineligible as stated in item 1, I will forfeit the scholarship funds. 3. If, for any reason, I decide to enroll and/or transfer to another school, decide to discontinue attendance, or become ineligible as stated in item 1, it is my responsibility to notify the BOSC in writing within 60 days. 4. I give my consent to the BOSC Scholarship Committee and the Selection Committee to examine my transcripts and records. I understand this application form and supporting documents will be used only for the purpose of scholarship evaluation. Furthermore, I waive my privilege to review this application form and supporting documents once they are submitted to the BOSC. (Please retain a copy for your records). 5. I certify that the information on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I meet all the eligibility requirements. I agree to abide by and fulfill all the requirements. Should I not fulfill the requirements or meet my eligibility requirements, I agree to return all monies to the BOSC. Applicants Signature:________________________________ Sponsor Agreement: I certify my Dependent meets the criteria to apply for this scholarship. Date:_________________
Sponsors Signature:_________________________________
When you have completed this form, please ensure the above requirements have been met, sign it, and return it sealed to the applicant. Scholarship applications must be postmarked no later than 10 March 2014 to be eligible for scholarship consideration. Please return the data sheet to the applicant as soon as possible so that he/she may meet the deadline. Thank you for your support!