WW 160 / 200 / 280 WWB 200 / 300 WMW 1330 / 1680 / 2080 / 2012 / 2020
WWB 300
02 | 03
OpEratiOn Easy handling and user-friendly, robust operating elements Easy and quick exchange of cutting set
DEsign Compact and space-saving design with integral control cabinet Long service life Low operating noise Low wear of cutting set minimizes costs Attractive and elegant design
SErvicE and maintEnancE Minimum maintenance required due to eld-tested machine concept Easily accessible inspection doors Worldwide service network and competent advice on all continents
PrOductiOn Fresh meat, frozen meat, desinewing or defrosting cutting set as required for the product High hourly output Gentle and continuous feeding of material to be cut Low heating of material to be cut Excellent cut quality Perfect self-unloading down to the cutting set Hydraulic worm ejector 04 | 05
MachinE tYpEs
FrOZEn mEat grindErs SuperGrinder WWB 200 / WWB 300 Holeplate diameters: 200 and/or 300 mm Version with two worms arranged at an angle of 90: gentle operation, low heating, and high hourly rate Built-in control box - can be swivelled out for maintenance Speed of feed worm is changed automatically and innitely depending on the material to be cut, temperature, and holeplate
ApplicatiOn Of frOZEn mEat grindErs SuperGrinder Processing of several blocks of frozen meat simultaneously, but also fresh meat -18 C frozen meat blocks up to 3 mm holeplate in one process Automatic positioning of the feed worm for comfortable installation and dismantling Hydraulic worm ejector
AnglE miXEr-grindErs WMW 1330 / WMW 1680 / WMW 2080 / WMW 2012 / WMW 2020 Holeplate diameters: 130, 160 and/or 200 mm Angle structure: feed worm over the entire length of the mixing hopper During mixing, the feed worm rotates backwards, thus supporting mixing
ApplicatiOn Of anglE miXEr-grindErs For mixing and mincing in one process Mixing hopper with 2 intermeshing paddle mixing shafts for quick and even mixing Direct unloading of mixing hopper (option)
AnglE grindErs WW 160 / WW 200 / WW 280 Holeplate diameters: 160, 200 and/or 280 mm Version with two worms arranged at an angle of 90: gentle operation, low heating, and high hourly rate
ApplicatiOn Of anglE grindErs Processing of fresh meat and pre-chopped frozen meat High-volume lling hopper Feed worm can be drawn out laterally for easy cleaning Hydraulic worm ejector
06 | 07
AnglE structurE: Material is gently taken by the feed worm and conveyed continuously to the working worm High hourly outputs Gentle treatment of the material to be processed Robust and quiet Low heating of material to be cut
HYgiEnE Double sealing between product and drive areas Product areas in the worm housing are reliably protected against the penetration of bearing lubricants and/or gear oils Drive areas are reliably protected against the penetration of product residues
HYdraulic wOrm EJEctOr not for WMW 1330 The worm with the cutting set is ejected at the push of a button Easy cleaning of the worm including the cuttting set
COmplEtE unlOading Perfect self-unloading in case of product changeover and/or at the end of production due to the special geometry of the worm housing and worm Facilitates cleaning of the machine Maximum utilization of raw materials
WW 200
08 | 09
SOlid cOnstructiOn Solid, self-supporting construction No joints, stainless, highly polished Quick and easy cleaning Long service life For quiet operation
GEnErOus maintEnancE accEss Perfect access for all maintenance and servicing work Quick and easy maintenance
SpEEd OptimiZatiOn fOr frOZEn mEat grindErs The speed of the feed worm is changed automatically and innitely depending on the material temperature and holeplate bore Ensures a high hourly output Prevents overloading of the drives
IntErmEshing paddlE miXing shafts only for WMW Large effective area of the mixing shafts in relation to the effective mixing hopper volume Short unloading time (compared with mixing machines with mixing shafts arranged side by side, see schematic) due to especially large unloading ap
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Cutting tOOls
FrEsh mEat cutting sEt For processing fresh meat of a temperature of up to -4 C 5-part cutting set (pre-cutting plate, knife, holeplate 13 mm, knife, holeplate 8 mm, 5 mm and/or 3 mm) Use of 3-part set also possible (pre-cutting plate, knife, holeplate)
DEfrOst cutting sEt For processing slightly frozen meat of a temperature of up to -10 C 5-part cutting set (pre-cutting plate, spacer ring knife, holeplate 20 mm, knife, holeplate 13 mm, 8 mm and 5 mm) Use of 3-part set also possible (pre-cutting plate, knife, holeplate)
DEsinEwing cutting sEts Pneumatic (upper image) or manual (lower image) 5-part cutting set (pre-cutting plate, ring knife, holeplate 8 mm, desinewing knife, holeplate 2.5 mm) plus cross bracing with discharge pipe and control valve For sorting out sinews and hard components of the meat to be processed Quality class of the meat is increased substantially
FrOZEn mEat cutting sEt For processing frozen meat For coarse grain size 5-part cutting set (pre-cutting plate, knife, holeplate 13 mm, knife, holeplate 8 mm, 5 mm and/or 3 mm) Use of 3-part set also possible (pre-cutting plate, knife, holeplate)
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SafEtY cOvEr fOr cutting sEt required for CE marking Hinged and electrically interlocked Machine can be switched on only if safety cover is closed
SafEtY switching rail required for CE marking Safeguard for hopper Machine stops immediately as soon as the switching rail is actuated
HYdraulic lOading hOist fOr 200 litrE standard transpOrt trOllEY Stainless, hydraulic Easy to operate Robust, low-maintenance, and durable due to hydraulic drive
InclinEd Or anglEd BElt cOnvEYOr Modular plastic belt Side guides on both sides of the belt, foldable for cleaning Incl. drip tray and collection pan Frame height adjustable +/- 75 mm with 4 lockable castors
ClEaning trOllEY required for CE marking For working and feed worm, cutting sets and cap nut Worms can be drawn out of the machine direct onto the trolley For cleaning and storage Hygienic and space-saving
IdlE cut-Off mEchanism Automatic disconnection of the machine in case of running idle Prevents cutting set from running hot, thus going easy on it
EnlargEd grindEr hOppEr with miXing sYstEm only WW Paddle mixing shaft or Z-mixing arms Machine with enlarged hopper For mixing in of ingredients and/or for salting Gentle treatment of goods to be mixed (interval switching possible) Prevents bridging in the mincing hopper
Z-shapEd miXing arms only WMW Ideal form for tough products that are to be kneaded Perfect for mixing in of llings in the sausage meat as well as for uid products Ideal for frequent product changes Especially easy to clean Complete unloading of non-sticking material
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CO2 Or nitrOgEn (N2) rEfrigEratiOn only for WMW Via cover or bottom nozzles for various applications Automatic temperature control Stainless mixing hopper cover, hydraulic or pneumatic Suction ange
DirEct unlOading Of miXing hOppEr only for WMW After mixing, the mixed material can be unloaded from the mixing hopper direct into a standard transport trolley Feed worm runs backwards
AutOmatic miXing cOntrOl MA 1, MA 20, MAC 20 only for WMW Freely programmable automatic work sequence Up to 20 programmes depending on customer requirement Presetting of speed and time of mixing shaft rotating direction (forward, reverse, mixing pause) Innitely variable speed as an option Programme-controlled automatic mixing controls options
WatEr dOsing only for WMW Automatic addition of freely selectable amount of water Can be preselected and called during production at the push of a button Other liquids than water up to +90 C can be added
WMW 1330
16 | 17
PErutnina PtuJ SLOveNIA Food industry is technologically a complex and very demanding industrial branch. Thereof we are taking into account and giving a large importance to the reliability of our partners in the implementation of technological equipment. LASKA is in this regard a constant. We are cooperating with LASKA since 1989 and have with its help built our food concern. From the very rst cutting machine forward, the decision on modernization and implementation of our technological lines has been clear. We will be choosing LASKA. Reliability, high quality, and additional value on the side of our customers are just a few very important reasons for our choice. MR. GlasEr CHIef EXeCUTIve OffICeR
LandEna KG. AUsTRIA Being our long-term supplier, LASKA has become a very important partner assisting us in some production areas. In case of the latest projects the decisive factors were quality and the reliability of the production process, as well as the price-performance ratio. Moreover, we set great store by being close to our suppliers, since it helps us to avoid long and costly waiting times in the elds of service and spare parts management. MR. SchachnEr TeCHNICAL DIReCTOR
DllingharEicO GmBH & CO. KG GeRmANY Some years ago we had to make a major investment in grinders. Why we opted for Laska at that time? Because the grinders have an excellent cut and are able to process both frozen meat blocks and fresh meat, and because of the ideal innite adjustability of the feed worm to the work worm. Moreover, the machines are robust, and the spare parts supply works smoothly.
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PErfOrmancE charactEristics TYPE WW 160 WW 200 WW 280 WWB 200 WWB 300
280 430
200 550
300 800
90 120
Height mm | G Weight kg
97 127
200 250
Feed pipe cross section depending on version Speed optimization Safety cover1 Safety switching strip Cleaning trolley Operation Hopper and/or mixing hopper mirror Innitely variable feed worm Innitely variable feed worm and working worm Worm ejector Machine elevation Idle cut-off mechanism Starting reactor "soft start" Desinewing device Enlarged hopper volume Stirrer2 + enl. hopper Loading hoist Conveyor belt charging
mm2 CU
o (CE) o (CE) o (CE)
o (CE) o (CE) o (CE)
Weight kg
push button
o (-1 & -2) o (-1 & -2)
push button
o (-1 & -2) o (-1 & -2)
o o
o o
o approx. 600 o o
o approx. 600 o o
o o
approx. 1000
o o
on request
o o
-1 -2 -G1 -G2
1-speed grinder 2-speed grinder 1-speed grinder, frozen meat version 2-speed grinder, frozen meat version
1 2
20 | 21
PErfOrmancE charactEristics TYPE WMW 1330 WMW 1680 WMW 2080 WMW 2012 WMW 2020
Holeplate Hopper volume standard Motor rating (grinder/mixing shafts) Nominal output Fuse, slow-blow Feed pipe cross section Safety cover2 Safety switching strip Cleaning trolley Operation Hopper and/or mixing hopper mirror Z-mixing arms3 Innitely variable feed worm Idle cut-off mechanism Innitely variable mixing shaft speed Temperature display MA 1 automatic mixing control4 MA 20 automatic mixing control4 MAC 20 programme-controlled automatic mixing5 Weighing system Direct unloading6 Desinewing device Loading hoist CO2 or nitrogen refrigeration Programmed water dosing
mm ltr kw kw A mm2 CU -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2
130 380 11 / 4 15 / 4 17 21 50 50 10 10
o (CE) o (CE) o (CE)
o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
-1 -2
1 2 3 4 5 6
micro process control for cutting set instead of paddle arms forward/reverse/pause/total time forward/reverse/pause/total time and additional options via feed worm
pneum. or mech.
o o o o
Since 1880, the family enterprise has been active as a supplier of the food industry and closely associated with the latter. The machines produced by Laska are high-grade products made of stainless steel featuring a number of auxiliary equipment. Although LASKA is generally known for the best processing of meat, there are numerous other applications in practice, such as the processing of grease, cheese, fruit, vegetable, yeast, pasta, sweets, etc. Today, LASKA machines are famous for their high quality in more than 130 countries on all continents, where they work to the complete satisfaction of national and international customers.
Our prOduct rangE: Cutters Grinders & mixer-grinders Frozen meat cutters Emulsiers Mixing machines Production lines
Maschinenfabrik LASKA Gesellschaft m.b.H. Makartstrae 60, 4050 Traun Austria P +43 7229 / 606-0 F +43 7229 / 606-400 laska@laska.at www.laska.at