American Airlines
American Airlines
American Airlines
Revenue Management
Presented by Syndicate 1
Abbasi Attarwala, Abhishek Goel, Rouble Goswami, George ohn, Mano! ", Rakesh #iwari, Ravi "hyani, $ares "il%ady, &ili% "r Singh
$act Sheet 'ackground &iscussion %oints (onclusion)*ay +orward
&evelo%ing and managing the com%le< time slots to %rovide convenient %assenger arrival and de%arture with same carrier and minimum delay. American managed 14 com%le<es, >.4 daily +lights to -6 cities, arriving = de%arting through 21gates,
&iscussion %oints
(ost management Revenue Management at American %rior and %ost deregulation ,S*8# Analysis/ S%eci+ic Route %roblems and solutions &evelo%ment o+ Price, Service and (om%etitive ;nvironment 'ased &emand Models #o Move +rom Revenue to contribution 'ased Pricing and RM model to be a%%lied on 8rigin and destinations ,8 = &/ Integration o+ &ecision Su%%ort Systems +or %ricing, ?M ,both marketing/ and Schedules ,An o%erations system/ Rationali0ation o+ internal = e<ternal database with im%roved end user su%%ort $uture designs o+ the SA'R; &is%lay
(ost Management
#wo tier wage structure
:ew Aircra+t with better +uel e++iciency @ower maintenance cost :eed smaller crew
STRENGTH Network Quality of service. Multi-hub SABRE AAdva ta!e" #wo #ier wa!e structure leadi ! to labor cost reductio
$EA%NESS &ld Reve ue 'a a!e'e t syste' &(erati ! syste' )rici ! decisio
Better Reve ue Ma a!e'e t syste' 4a ibali2atio by low cost carriers 3u'a e.!. &(ti'al )rici !- EMSR i terve tio #actical to Strate!ic 5ree e try1 )rice + de.i ! &/0 1 RM &ver Booki ! Airli e co ectio s Schedule of o(ti'i2atio
Issue Main (om%etitors A 7nited and (ontinental #heir o++eringsA com%eting nonAsto% +lights and less %rice &rastic reduction in load +actors o+ American 7A had schedule advantage
Reactions by American Reduced %rices B still lost initiative in terms o+ +light schedules Pricing 7S& 15A45 more than with advance %urchase condition 'e+ore %rice war, +ull +are was 7S& 6C6 and discounted +are was 7S& 1CC
Possible solutions Su%erior +light schedules Allocate discount seats with 7S& 15A45 %remium with restriction like advance %urchase etc. 9ence $orce (ontinental to go out o+ the market $ocus on better %rice mi< (hange in metrics +rom load +actor to Revenue %er available seat mile ,RASM/
)ri ci(al 4o'(etitor 7 Easter a d #$A 7 offeri ! o sto( fli!ht service )redo'i a tly (oi t to (oi t traffic 8ow seaso fares
EA offered dee( discou ti ! 7 i troduced restricted o e way fare of *S0 9: a d *S0 ;:< rou d tri( for weekdays / *S0 =>< weeke d fare.
Busi ess traveler ?rou d the year@ 8eisure traveler (eaked i su''er &ther )asse !ers travelli ! to visit travelers without defi ite retur (la s 4o''o u restricted fares rather tha restricted rou d tri( discou t fares
American a%%lied the %rinci%als o+ yield management by discounting wherever reFuired, e++icient hub and s%oke system, 8=& +are allocation, better inventory management, inde<ing and nesting techniFues.
&emand was not only uncertain but was variable over time demand and lack o+ correct +orecasting @eisure demand was Glum%yH Multi%le +are ty%es restrictions monitoring was humanly im%ossible Allocation to seat buckets Standardi0ed overbooked) cancellation regulations
$ay 5orward
Auto'atio of route (rici ! decisio s AA reactio s to co'(etitive (rici ! decisio s 0evelo('e t of )rice-Service-4o'(etitive e viro 'e t based de'a d 'odels Need to develo( syste' which su((ort i itiative rather tha bei ! reactive Shift fro' Reve ue to 4o tributio based yield 'a a!e'e t to drive reve ue. 4a(ture &/0 'arkets rather tha fli!ht le!s + te!ratio of decisio su((ort syste' Ratio ali2atio a d + te!ratio of i ter al a d e.ter al database
Strate!ic RM
Thank You