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Microstrip patch antennas are planar resonant cavities that leak from their edges and radiate. In its most basic form, a Microstrip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch and a ground plane on two sides of the dielectric substrate as shown in Figure 1.1. The patch can take any shape and is generally made of conducting material such as copper or gold.
FIG:1.1 1.1: A TYPICAL MICRO STRIP PATCH ANTENNA Some common shapes assumed by the patch are shown in Figure 1.2. For a rectangular patch, generally the length L of the patch is 0.3333 < L < 0.5 , thickness of patch t <<
o o
and height h of the dielectric substrate 0.003 h 0.05 , where is the free-space
o o o o
wavelength. The dielectric constant of the substrate ( ) is typically in the range 2.2
A patch radiates from fringing fields around its edges. Without proper matching, little power radiates. The edges of a patch appear as slots whose excitations depend on the internal fields of the cavity. A general analysis of an arbitrarily shaped patch considers the substrate to be a resonant cavity. The patch and ground plane act as electric walls and the four side walls of the substrate act as magnetic walls. A thick dielectric substrate
having a low dielectric constant provides better efficiency, larger bandwidth and better radiation. However, such a configuration leads to a larger antenna size. In order to design a compact Microstrip patch antenna, higher.
Dielectric constants must be used which are less efficient and result in a narrower bandwidth. Hence a trade-off between antenna dimensions and antenna performance must be reached.
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Microstrip patch antennas suffer from a number of disadvantages as compared to Conventional antennas. Some of their major disadvantages are given below: Narrow bandwidth
Low efficiency Low Gain Extraneous radiation from feeds and junctions Low power handling capacity.
FIG 1.34: MICROSTRIP LINE Most of the electric field lines reside in the substrate and parts of some lines in air. As a result, this transmission line cannot support pure transverse electro-magnetic (TEM) mode of transmission, since the phase velocities would be different in the air and the substrate. Instead, the dominant mode of propagation would be the quasi-TEM mode. Hence, an effective dielectric constant ( ) must be obtained in order to account for the
fringing and the wave propagation in the line. The expression for
reff= r r
is given as:
( +1)/2+( -1)/2[1+12h/W]
= Dielectric constant of substrate In order to operate in the fundamental TM mode, the length of the patch must be slightly less than / 2 where is the wavelength in the dielectric medium and is equal to /( )
o reff
where is the free space wavelength. The TM mode implies that the field varies one /
2 cycles along the length, and there is no variation along the width of the patch. It is seen from figure 1.5 that the normal components of the electric field at the two edges along the width of the antenna are in opposite directions and thus out of phase since the patch is /2 long and hence they cancel each other in the broadside direction. The tangential components which are in phase, means that the resulting fields combine to give maximum radiated field normal to the surface of the structure. Hence the edges along the
width can be represented as two radiating slots, which are / 2 apart and excited in phase and radiating in the half space above the ground plane.
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FIG 1.45: SIDE VIEW OF ANTENNA The fringing fields along the width can be modeled as radiating slots and electrically the patch of the micro strip antenna looks greater than its physical dimensions. The dimensions of the patch along its length have now been extended on each end by a distance L, which is given empirically by as: L=0.412h ( +0.3)(W/h+0.264)/(( -0.258)(W/h+0.8))
reff reff
L =L+2L
For a given resonance frequency f , the effective length is given by as: L =c/(2f ( )
eff o reff
( 1.4)
For a rectangular Micro strip patch antenna, the resonance frequency for any TM mode is Given as: f =c/(2( )[(m/L) +(n/W) ]
o reff 2 2 1/2
Where m and n are modes along L and W respectively. For efficient radiation, the width W is given as: W=c/(2f (( +1)/2))
o r
( 1.6)
plane. This observation provides for the electric walls at the top and the bottom.
Many simulation tool vendors continue to focus on a single discipline such as thermal analysis or electromagnetic simulation. While these point products can perform well for their intended functions, they are difficult to integrate with other tools. ANSYS has taken a more comprehensive approach that focuses on providing the best-in-class simulation tool in any given discipline. ANSYS also provides a simulation platform that integrates these various products, enabling true multi physics optimization and testing. Furthermore, ANSYS offers integrated simulation data and process management tools that enable an efficient and collaborative design process. Table shows a sampling of the ANSYS portfolio of multi physics simulation tools for electronic design. ANSYS tools streamline the simulation process by identifying particular areas of the design that need to be included in the simulation, effectively cutting simulation time dramatically, particularly for 3-D problems. Engineers can specify the level of accuracy, trading simulation time for precision. The net result is that ANSYS tools facilitate the
multiple what-if analyses needed for design optimization without impacting time to market.
Designs are the building blocks of projects, and can be circuits, systems, or 3D planar EM models. Designs consist of schematics or geometrical models, model data, analysis setup information, Output graphs and tables, and other pieces of information that go into describing simulation of Electrical circuits.
Components are the items placed on schematics and layouts that represent low-level electrical Elements and sub circuits. A components graphical representation in a schematic is a symbol, while in a layout it is a footprint. Components have pins for connections, bitmaps in the project tree, and properties for simulation. A component can be associated with more than one simulation if it can be analyzed in more than one simulator.
Components are organized into libraries. Libraries are then configured by the user (manually) or by loading technology files (automatically) making them available for use in building designs. System libraries are provided with Ansoft Designer. User libraries and Personal libraries are used to add foundry support, user defined models, and any custom set of components or simulation models.
A technology file initializes a design with a set of data to avoid repeated entry of commonly used data. This data can consist of layers and stack up information for layout, configured libraries of Components and substrate definition for circuit analysis. Users
and foundries can customize Technology files for their own manufacturing process and simulation models.
Layers are used in the layout editor to organized and operate on sets of geometry or other visual Indicators. Signal, metalized signal, and dielectric are common physical layers, while symbol (to show component symbols in layout), error, and rats (to show connectivity) are non-physical layers. The stack up contains additional properties of the physical layers, such as material, thickness, and elevation. Geometrical information on these layers is used to generate masks for manufacturing.
A solution is the successful result of an analysis, or imported results available for plotting.
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operational relate applications related to fighter aircraft that require an antenna conforming to the aircrafts surface. Structural, aerodynamic, and space limitation compulsions as well as a particular electromagnetic requirement such as antenna beam shape and/or angular coverage are the main reasons for antenna design to conform to the aircraft surface. Microstrip antenna and arrays conformed to curved surfaces viz.
aerodynamic surfaces like supersonic aircraft or missiles, can be modeled approximately in the shape of a cylinder.
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conformal microstrip antenna, the surface of the metal cylinder is used as curved ground plane. Thus, a relation for the resonant frequency of a cylindrical rectangular microstrip patch antenna needs to be determined analytically, that not only takes into account the variation of the resonant frequency with variation in curvature of cylinder, but is also computationally efficient.
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The rectangular patch antenna of straight edge length 2b and the curved edge (arc) of length 2(a+h)1 on cylindrical ground plane of radius a is shown in Figure 2.1(a). The dielectric substrate of thickness h having relative permittivity r, subtends an angle 21 on the curved edges surface of the cylinder. Assuming that for thickness h<<, only TM modes exist, the electric field under the patch in the source-free case and the resonant frequency may be expressed as shown in equation (2.1) and (2.2).
The E-field in the cavity has only a component. The TM10 mode vis--vis TM01 is very sensitive to changes in curvature of the cylinder. Hybrid modes are generated for thick substrate, whereas pure TE or TM modes result in for thin substrates.
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radius of curvature. But, the exact effect of curvature on f, will be dependent on the particular choice of antenna parameters.
In recent research work, much attention has been focused on the development of small antennas on a cylindrical surface for applications where limited antenna real state is available, which is important in many commercial and military applications. Among several small antennas, the shorted microstrip patch has been a popular candidate . The resonant frequency of a microstrip antenna can be significantly reduced by introducing a short-circuited plane or a partly short-circuited plane where the electric field of the resonant mode is zero. So the length of the patch is half of the original length and resonant frequency of the patch remains unchanged . While such antennas have been used in many applications, basic studies of the effect of curvature are rather scarce .
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microstripatch antenna is shown in Fig. 2.2. The straight edge of the patch has a dimension of L (=/4) and the curved edge has a length of W'[=2(R+h)], where 2 is the angle subtended by the curved patch and R is cylinder radius. The width of the patch may be find as
(2.3) 16
where r is relative permittivity of substrate and f r is designed frequency of antenna. It is clear that the volume covered by electric and magnetic walls change with radius of the magnetic plane, which results the change in the effective dimensions of the patch. So the effective width of the patch may be find as
where h is substrate thickness and eff is the effective relative permittivity of the substrate material .
For the case of h much smaller than one wavelength, the cavity model or modaexpansion approximation can be adopted for analyzing the patch antenna on a thin substrate. In this case the resonant frequencies of the TMmn modes for the cylindrical-rectangular microstrip patch antenna under the additional condition h<<R
Equation (2.6) shows that if the dimension of the patch, i.e., 2 (R+h) and L, are fixed, the resonant frequencies of TM modes are not affected by curvature. This conclusion is valid for thin substrate satisfying h<<R.
R.C.Saraswat et. al have observed results for different radii of curvature and relative permittivity. The results are shown below.
From Fig. 2.3(a)-(d) it is observed that (a) the beamwidth increases with radius of curvature(b) peak radiated power increases with radius of curvature (c) it is observed that beyond the critical angle, radiated power decreases with radius of curvature and increases with radius of curvature for angle less than critical angle (d) power radiation beyond 900 is possible for cylindrical rectangular patch. From Fig. 2.4(a)-(d) it is observed that the resonant resistance increases as radius of curvature decreases for different substrate permittivities. It is also observed that resonant frequency increases as radius of curvature decreases, but the change in the resonant frequency is not significant (maximum change is 0.3%) The bandwidth is not sensitive to curvature but it decreases as substrate permittivity increases.
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CONFIGURATION During Phase I of our project, detailed analysis of this configuration was carried out for different ground plane radii and the results are presented in Chapter 4.
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In a microstrip antenna, mainly the fringe fields cause radiation. Higher the magnitude of the fringe field, greater is the radiation. AnalysingAnalyzing the three configurations in detail, one can observe that radiation will be more in configuration I when compared to other two configurations. This is because of the discontinuity in configuration I which is not as evident in the other two configurations. Comparing the two new proposed configurations, configuration III performs better in terms of radiation because the fringe fields bend more in this configuration compared to configuration II. The detailed analysis on various parameters of all the three configurations will be done in the second phase of the project.
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FIG 4.1: SIDE VIEW OF A COAXIAL FEED TO THE PATCH A micro strip antenna of configuration I is designed to resonate at 10GHz with substrate of height 0.0795 cm and relative permittivity 2.2. Values of the parameters used for the design are obtained using transmission line model.
Length of the patch Width of patch Feed position from one end Length of the substrate Breadth of the substrate Height of substrate Relative permittivity of substrate Resonant frequency Co-axils inner pin radius Co-axils outer radius
= = = = = = = = = =
Using conformal mapping technique, the angle subtended by the edges of the patch to the centre of the cylindrical ground plane is calculated for various values of radii.
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10 cm
5 cm
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From the above results it can be observed that finite substrate configuration with lower ground plane radius resonate at higher frequency than the finite substrate
configuration of larger ground plane radius and also the beam is much focused in case of 5cms ground plane than 10cms ground plane. The bandwidth for finite substrate configuration for 5cms ground plane is higher than bandwidth of finite substrate configuration for 10cms ground plane..
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During phase I of our project, configuration I of the patch antenna was analyzed for various ground plane radii. During the second phase, the group will be focusing on designing and analyzing the other two proposed configurations of the patch antenna. After analyzing the three configurations of the cylindrical rectangular patch antenna, we will be shifting our focus on designing short circuited microstrip patch which is very compact and will resonate at low frequencies with smaller length.
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1. Samir Dev Gupta,Design and Performance Analysis of Cylindrical Microstrip Antenna and Array using Conformal Mapping Technique, IJCEA. Vol 02, Issue 03; July 2011 2. R. C. Saraswat,Short-Circuited Quarter Wavelength Cylindrical-Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna ,IJMOT. Vol. 3, no. 2, April 2008 3. C. M. Krowne, "Cylindrical rectangular microstrip antenna radiation efficiency based on cavity Q factor," IEEE Antennas Propagat. Soc. Int. Symp.Dig., pp. 1114, June 1981. 4. C. M. Krowne, "Cylindrical-rectangular microstrip antenna," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. Ap-31, pp. 194-199, January 1983. 5. K. Y. Wu and J. F. Kaufman, "Radiation pattern Computations for "Cylindricalrectangular microstrip antenna," IEEE Antennas Propagat. Soc. Int. Symp. Dig., pp. 39-42, 1983.
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