Resume - Cameron Michael Hendricks

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Cameron Hendricks

One Embarcadero Center, Suite San Francisco, CA 94107 (650) 845 8156 c!endric"s#$ran"rimerman%educom


Senior Asssociate, Business Valuation, &008 t!rou'! Fran", )imerman * Co% ++C, San Francisco, CA Contributed to t!e com,-etion o$ 15 audits o$ (re,ared in e.cess o$ 140 !i'! /ua-it0 $inancia- mode-s and corres,ondin' re,orts $or c-ients in order to satis$0 ta. and $inancia- re,ortin' re/uirements Com,-eted in de,t! $inancia- ana-0sis and mode-in' $or o1er 2&1%5 bi--ion in e/uit0 1a-uation b0 a,,-0in' acce,ted 1a-uation a,,roac!es and t!eor0 3ana'ed in e.cess o$ &0 en'a'ements de-e'ated tas"s, $aci-itated interna- and e.terna- con1ersations, 'at!ered necessar0 in$ormation, re1ie4ed mode-s and conc-usions, res,onded to audit /uestions and bi--ed c-ients )e1ie4ed in e.cess o$ 50 t!ird ,art0 1a-uations as an interna- su,,ort $unction $or our in !ouse audit team 3aintains com,re!ensi1e industr0 "no4-ed'e and e.,eriences $or a di1erse arra0 o$ c-ients 4it!in Si-icon 6a--e0 Communicates e$$ecti1e-0 4it! e.cuti1e members o$ c-ient mana'ement in order to ensure t!e e$$icient and time-0 com,-etion o$ ,ro7ects E8CE+ 9:;A)<

Accounting Internship, &006, &007 Summer =uener, <a1idson > Coo-e0 ++C, )osebur', O) Contributed to t!e com,-etion o$ 15 50 audits o$ -ocacom,anies :nde,endent-0 ,re,ared $inancia- statements $or se1erac-ients 9or"ed e.tensi1e-0 4it! ,ro'rams suc! as E.ce- and ?uic"boo"s @ecame $ami-iar 4it! ,ro'rams suc! as ?uic"en, and ot!ers dea-in' 4it! $i.ed asset de,reciation and ta.ation ildland !ire"ighter, &001 &005 Summer <ou'-as Forest (rotecti1e Association, )osebur', O)

Arained and su,er1ised o1er &0 $e--o4 em,-o0ees Aut!oriBed to ma"e im,ortant decisions in demandin' situations O,erated and maintained se1era- di$$erent t0,es o$ !i'!-0 tec!nica- com,an0 1e!ic-es and e/ui,ment )e,resented Ambassador $or our association out on an out o$ district assi'nment in a ,ositi1e manner on 4!i-e $i'!tin' a -ar'e ,ro7ect $ire


Cni1ersit0 o$ Ore'on, Eu'ene, Ore'on C!ar-es D% +und/uist Co--e'e o$ @usiness 'aster o" Accounting E &008 Bachelor o" Science in Accounting E &005 t!rou'! &007, E.,ected Fune &007 3inor in Economics, Cumu-ati1e G(AH 5%45 C&$RSE HI(H)I(H%S Auditin' Accountin' :n$ormation S0stems, Cost Accountin', FinanciaAccountin' A!eor0 : > ::, :ntroduction to Federa- Aa.ation, Conce,ts, Ad1anced Financia- Accountin'

CER%I!ICA%I&NS (ursuin' Accredited 3ember status 4it! t!e American Societ0 o$ A,,raisers

V&)$N%EERIN(*AC%IVI%IES (resenter $or C%C% <a1is e.tension c-ass E I@usiness 6a-uation Ser1ices to t!e 9ine :ndustr0J Fos!ua Aree Festi1a- E Street (romotiona- Aeam (&01& and &015) 3uscu-ar <0stro,!0 Association, 3usc-e 9a-" E Accountin' @oot! (&015) San Francisco (er$ormances E Cs!er (mu-ti,-e ,er$ormances in &015) 3uir 9oods Eart! <a0 E (-antin' (&015) :nstitute on A'in' E Cab-e Car Caro-in' (&01&)

(orto-a Fami-0 Connections (&01&) 3ontere0 9ine Festi1a- (&01&)

A-,!a @eta (si (-ed'e, Eu'ene, O), Fanuar0 &007 (resent :ntramura- F-a' Footba-- 3ember, Eu'ene, O), Se,tember October &005 &006 Sa-1ation Arm0 <ress a C!i-d E 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), <ecember &001 &005 Ders!e0 Arac" 3eet 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), 3a0 &005 Ki4anis Easter E'' Dunt 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), A,ri- &005 Aric" or Areat $or C=:CEF E 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), October &00& (&A)S +earn (ortu'ese and ot!er -an'ua'es Common4ea-t! c-ub G-oba- communit0 member See"in' o,,ortunities to continue to -earn about t!e 4or-d (en1ironmenta--0 and cu-tura--0) around me Ara1e-L+i1e abroad

V&)$N%EERIN(*AC%IVI%IES O+<E) A-,!a @eta (si (-ed'e, Eu'ene, O), Fanuar0 &007 (resent :ntramura- F-a' Footba-- 3ember, Eu'ene, O), Se,tember October &005 &006 Sa-1ation Arm0 <ress a C!i-d E 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), <ecember &001 &005 Ders!e0 Arac" 3eet 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), 3a0 &005 Ki4anis Easter E'' Dunt 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), A,ri- &005 Aric" or Areat $or C=:CEF E 6o-unteer, )osebur', O), October &00&


Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship 2003-2007 Residential Dean s Scholarship! "ni#ersity of Oregon! 2003-2007 $%ceptional Citi&enship A'ard! Roseburg (igh School! 2000


Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship 2003-2007 Residential Dean s Scholarship! "ni#ersity of Oregon! 2003-2007 $%ceptional Citi&enship A'ard! Roseburg (igh School! 2000

BIO for linked in?

) graduated fro* the "ni#ersity of Oregon in 2007 'ith a +achelor of Science in Accounting and follo'ed up in 200, 'ith a -aster in Accounting. "pon *y second graduation ) spread *y 'ings and relocated in the Silicon /alley! 'here ) ha#e spent the last fi#e years 'or0ing as a *e*ber of 1ran0! Ri*er*an 2 Co! 33C s #aluation practice. ) ser#ed a 'ide #ariety of clients! ranging fro* large-cap S$C filers to de#elop*entalstage soft'are start-ups. 4hile *y e%perience and focus has largely centered around the high tech industry! the Silicon /alley has e%posed *e to a di#erse client portfolio that includes 'ine! eCo**erce! *anufacturing! .

After earning a pro*otion into a *anagerial role 'ith the fir* in 2052! ) *anage a 62-2 portfolio of client engage*ents and o#ersee effecti#e e%ecution of our audits. ) ser#e in se#eral leadership roles 'ithin our office and a* acti#ely in#ol#ed in *ar0et de#elop*ent and talent de#elop*ent efforts. Representati#e clients include7 8 9ri:uint Se*iconductor 8 ;ational Se*iconductor 8 Radisys Corporation

8 8 8 8 8 8 8

<i#e Serena $le*ental Sie*ens 9harco (a*pton Pac0aging =di#ision 1orest of +oise

Soft'are Soft'are 9echnologies 4ebtrends ;et'or0s Products Cascade>

-y pri*ary areas of interest include finance and accounting! 'ith an e*phasis on for'ard loo0ing! decision-*a0ing en#iron*ents. "lti*ately! *y professional goals in#ol#e ser#ing in an upper-*anage*ent position for a *id- to large-cap corporation. Ad*iring both the technical aspect of a 0ey decision-*a0ing role and the leadership aspect of a high-#isibility position! ) hope to one day ser#e as a c-le#el e%ecuti#e for a fast gro'ing co*pany. 4hile ) reali&e this goal *ay be long-ter* in nature! )?* e%cited for the road ahead and the opportunities that 'ill further *y career. @2 years of public accounting e%perience in the Portland audit practice ser#ing both public and pri#ate clients in the high-tech! soft'are! *anufacturing and forest products industries. )n#ol#ed in recruiting! business de#elop*ent! *entoring and professional de#elop*ent.

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