Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
(g(n)) is the set of functions f(n) such that there exist positive constants c1, c2 and n0 such that 0c1 g(n) f(n) c2 g(n) for all nn0 notation bounds a function within constant factors c2g(n) f(n) c1g(n) n0 !xample" #n2 $ 2n $ 10 % (n2)
& (g(n)) is the set of functions f(n) such that there exist positive constants c and n0 such that 0 f(n) c g(n) for all nn0 & gives an upper bound for a function within a constant factor. 'n the figure c%c2 !xample" 2n % &(n2)
(g(n)) is the set of functions f(n) such that there exist positive constants c and n0 such that 0 c g(n) f(n) for all nn0 gives a lower bound for a function within a constant factor. 'n the figure c%c1 !xample" #n2 % (n)
T* ** TT *T !lementary events
,sually we are interested in collections of elementary events, which are called e!ents T* ** TT *T -t least one head .is observed/
2. Probability is the measurment of li0elihood of uncertain events to occur The probability of an event -, 1r)-+%(2 of elementary events in -)3(2elementary events in () 'f the elementary events are e4ually li0ely. Probability a"ioms that the assignment of probabilities must satisfy" 1. 01r)-+1, for every -. 2. 1r)(+%1, an outcome in the sample space is certain to occur. 3. 'f -1,5, -n are mutual exclusive events pairwise" -i -6 % Then 1r)-15-n + % 1r)-1+$5$1r)-n + Rules o# probabilities 1. 1r)-7 + % 1r)-+$1r)7+81r)-7+ 7
2. 1r)-9+%181r)-+. 7y probability axioms 2,# $on%itional probabilities :onditional probability of - given 7 1r)-;7+%1r)-7+31r)7+ < 7 < < < < < < < < -
;(;%=, ;-;%>, ;7;%?, ;-7;%2 1r)-;7+%(23=)3(?3=)%23? The new sample space is defined by 7 so intuitively in 7 only 2 events satisfy -. In%epen%ent e!ents 1r)-7+%1r)-+ 1r)7+ !4uivalently if 1r)7+0 then 1r)-;7+%1r)-+ !xample 2 coin tosses " - % first toss is *ead 7 % second toss isTail *T @ot 'ndepended events"
#. Ran%om &ariable is a variable whose value is determined in some way by chance. !xample" @umber of people in a line at a ban0 at some point. Aathematically we thin0 it as a function that maps the points of the sample space into the set of real numbers. !xample" Two tosses of a fair coin" Bet < be the random variable that denotes the number of heads occurring in the two tosses. 1ossible values for <"0,1,2 ( TT T* *T **
Ceal @umbers
1. Discrete random variables" all possible values are countable (example before) 2. :ontinuous random variables. Their values are spread continuously over intervals of real numbers. !xample" atmospheric temperature at noon each day. E0:, 2F:G He define the event <%x for some value x, to be the set of elementary events in ( that map to x by <. " )s( " <(s)%x+ Probability %ensity #unction is a function that assigns a probability to each of the possible values of < " f<(x) % 1r)<%x+ !xample" Bet < be the random variable that denotes the number of heads occurring in the two tosses. " 0 1 2 #(") 13> 132 13> 1roperties" 1. 0 f(x) 1 2. x f(x) % 1 Two random variables < and I are in%epen%ent, if for all values x of < and all values y of I 1r)<%x and I%y+ % 1r)<%x+ 1r)I%y+ 4. '"pecte% &alue: -verage value of a random variable !E<G % x x f(x) !xample" !E<G% x%0 2 x f(x) % 0 (13>) $ 1 (132) $ 2 (13>) % 1 This implies that there will be 1 head, on average, in 2 tosses of a fair coin. 1roperties" 1. !E<$IG % !E<G $ !EIG 2. !Ea <G % a !E<G, for any constant a #. 'f <, I are independent random variables, then !E<IG%!E<G!EIG
Iteration met(o%: Cecurrences of the above form can be solved using the iteration method. This means that we simply unwind the recursion" since T(n) % T(n81) $ f(n), it must be the case that T(n81) % T(n82) $ f(n81). Then we can substitute for T(n81) in the first e4uation" T(n) % (T(n82) $ f(n81)) $ f(n). He can continue this until we 6ust have T(0) on the right side. (o T(n) % T(0) $ f(1) $ f(2) $ 5 $ f(n). (ince f(n) has a closed8form sum, the right hand side can be simplified.
)aster met(o% provides a way for solving recurrences of the form T(n)%aT(n3b)$f(n), a 1,bJ1, f(n) is an asymptotically positive function. This is the running time of an algorithm that divides a problem of siKe n into a subproblems, each of siKe n3b. each of the a subproblems are solved recursively each in time T(n3b). !xample 2" (tate the master theorem without proof and give an example li0e T(n) % 2T(n32) $ &(n) (20 minutes)