Policy Issues in Interconnecting Networks

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Network Working Group B.

Request for Comments: 1124 RIACS
September 1989

Policy Issues in Interconnecting Networks

Status of this Memo
To support the activities of the Federal Research Internet Coordinating
Committee (FRICC) in creating an interconnected set of networks to serve the
research community, two workshops were held to address the technical support of
policy issues that arise when interconnecting such networks. Held under the auspices
of the Internet Activities Board at the request of the FRICC, and sponsored by NASA
through RIACS, the workshops addressed the required and feasible technologies and
architectures that could be used to satisfy the desired policies for interconnection.
The purpose of this RFC is to report the results of these workshops. Distribution
of this memo is unlimited.
This report documents the results of two workshops held at the request of the
Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee and under the auspices of the
Internet Activities Board. As such, this report represents the work of a large number
of people (listed in Section 7). Without their efforts, these results would not have
been possible. The author (really more of an editor) would like to acknowledge their
efforts and contributions, and thank them for their cooperation in making the
workshops a success.
RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

1. Introduction
Computer networking has become pervasive and basic to the conduct of scientific
and academic activities. To provide the needed networking support to these activities,
each of the agencies funding research has proceeded to establish one or more agency
funded computer networks.
Recognizing the importance of such networking support, the Office of Science
and Technology Policy (OSTP) working with the appropriate personnel from the
research-funding agencies on the Federal Coordinating Council on Science Engineering
and Technology (FCCSET) Committee on High-Speed Networks developed a set of
recommendations for the evolution and enhancements of scientific and academic
networks. These recommendations are described in three phases. The first phase
addresses the interconnection of the various agency networks into a ubiquitous
networking capability serving several hundred universities and research institutions
with a backbone network operating 1.5 Mb/s. The second phase involves upgrading
the network backbone to 45 Mb/s and connecting additional universities and other
research institutions. The third phase involves the development and installation of a
high bandwidth (Gb/s) networking capability.
The motivation for the first two phases are to achieve good performance in a cost
effective manner. The scientific and academic community is best served by an
interconnected ubiquitous networking capability rather than a set of partitioned
networks supporting only subsets of the community. Costs can be reduced and
performance improved through sharing of resources and using cross-support (e.g.,
using one agency’s network to serve an institution for another agency’s purposes rather
than having to connect each institution to every network.)
To accomplish these objectives, the Federal Research Internet Coordinating
Committee (FRICC) was formed. Consisting of representatives from the key research
agencies (NSF, DARPA, NASA, and DOE), this ad hoc group has been developing
strategies for interconnection of networks and evolution of the Internet in accordance
with the OSTP recommendations for Phases 1-3. In the process of developing such
plans, it became apparent that a set of issues needed to be addressed concerning the
various agency policies for their research networks in light of the desire to interconnect
such networks.
This report documents the results of a series of two workshops (18-20 June 1988
at NASA Ames Research Center and 8-10 November 1988 at MIT) held to address
these issues. Held under the auspices of the Internet Activities Board (IAB) at the
request of the FRICC, and sponsored by NASA through RIACS, the workshops
addressed the required and feasible technologies and architectures that could be used to
satisfy the desired policies for interconnection.
The issues were divided into four categories, and working groups established
within the workshops to address each area. The first working group addressed the
policies themselves. Working with the members of the FRICC, the initial statements

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of agency policies were refined so that the rest of the workshop attendees could better
understand the desired and required policies. The second working group addressed
issues associated with access control to network resources. The third working group
addressed the techniques required to support the sharing of networking resources in
accordance with agreed upon policies. The fourth working group focussed on the
end-to-end services required to support an interconnected set of networks.
Each of the working groups prepared summary reports of their deliberations.
These reports are contained in Sections 3-6 of this document. The report of the policy
working group attempts to summarize the existing policies of each of the agencies,
particularly with respect to interconnection with other networks. The other three
working groups focussed on the technology issues needed to be addressed in light of
those policies. In each case, the working group report discusses the issues and
develops an evolutionary capability with the goal of fully addressing the agency
policies. Summaries of these reports are contained in the next section.
It is hoped that the results documented in this report will help the FRICC and the
rest of the research community in achieving this exciting objective: a national research
networking capability.

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2. Workshop Summary
Driving the workshop were the policies of the individual agencies and a desire to
interconnect the networks in a way that was satisfactory to those agencies. A prime
policy driver appeared to be OMB Circular A130, which states that appropriate
mechanisms must be used to assure some level of accounting for the use of the various
networks. Another important policy driver was the need for agencies to assure that
sharing of networks did not adversely impact the support of the individual agency
users on their specific networks. This led in some cases to the need to be able to
dedicate a portion (sometimes all during a specified time period) of an agency network
to supporting its own users. Finally, the need to provide appropriate supporting end-
to-end services, including security issues, led to the need for coordinating such
To facilitate the discussion of the technology issues and the presentation of
results, it was decided to describe the evolution of capability in four phases. Phase 0
represented currently deployed and available capability. While not necessarily being
currently used for the support of the policy issues, the capabilities of Phase 0 were
viewed as being currently available and could be used starting today. Phase 1
consisted of capabilities that were developed and deployed at a limited number of
sites. Thus, the issues involved in using such capabilities involved mainly those of
widespread deployment (plus perhaps some limited amount of development associated
with, e.g., porting of software). Phase 2 represented capabilities that were relatively
well understood (little research required) but would require development activity before
they could be used to support the policies for interconnection. Phase 3 capabilities
require research to achieve, and thus represent the most future capability.
While these phases of capability represent evolution in availability, they should
not be viewed as evolution in starting time for action. In all cases, research and
development activities would have to start today in order that these capabilities be
available in a timely manner.
As the working group on access control discussed the required technologies and
mechanisms, it became clear that an important technology driver was the need to label
packets with the appropriate information to make determinations of routing and
resource allocation internal to the interconnected networks. For example, if certain
links in a NASA network was to be restricted to use only by NASA users (even if
accessing the network through an NSF network), it would be necessary to provide such
labelling information in the packet. The report of the working group discusses the
information that needs to be carried in such labels, requirements for authentication, and
some potential experiments and development that should be carried out to achieve the
required capability.
The working group on resource sharing focussed on the technologies that would
allow fair sharing of resources between the participating agencies. The key issue that
emerged from the discussions of this working group was the need to develop global

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algorithms that permitted sharing and prioritization of the use of resources. As an

example, it is relatively easy for an agency to block low-priority traffic from traversing
its network during a period of high internal requirement. It is not so easy to do so and
assure that the external users still can receive the resources they need from the
interconnected internet.
The working group on end-to-end services focussed on those services that are
required from a user’s perspective from the overall system, and need to be coordinated
across the interconnected networks. For example, directory and security services must
be provided across the interconnected system. The key element emerging from the
group discussions was the need to establish a consistent set of mechanisms to
interconnect the various end-to-end services. These must be provided in a secure
manner to assure that the security services fulfill their function.
The working groups identified the need to carry out supporting experiments and
analysis to carry forward the interconnection of the networks, e.g., to make decisions
about the need for stream versus transaction support. Each group developed a set of
possible experiments and activities in accordance with the phases of development
discussed above. These are summarized in Tables I-III.
A number of possible follow-on activities were identified to be passed on to the
various Task Forces of the IAB. These are shown in Table IV.
In summary, the workshop identified a number of critical issues and identified
areas where further research and experimentation is required. It is hoped that these
results help provide a ‘‘road map’’ for how to satisfy agency policies and requirements
in the interconnection of networks.

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Table I
Access Control Projects

Phase 0 Access Control based on source/destination access matrix (for traffic not
transiting network)
Phase 1 Statspy experiment to determine and define requirement for transactions
‘‘ESnet hack’’ for limited access control based on source/destination
‘‘Xerox hack’’ for limited access control based on source/destination
Phase 2 Coloring of stream packets
Simple colors/labelling
Route filtering for access control using source/destination addresses
Incorporate ‘‘Xerox hack’’ into other gateways
Authentication and signature architecture
Phase 3 Use of complex credentials
Use of policy gateways in route computation

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Table II
Resource Sharing Projects

Phase 0 Simple route filtering

Phase 1 Run Statspy to determine source/destination traffic flows (to comply
with A130 traffic monitoring requirements)
Phase 2/3 50/50 resource management for link sharing
Color packets and observe behavior to improve traffic monitoring
Fast encryption of route and certificate packets, to secure traffic
monitoring and control
Fast mapping from source/destination to packet label/color
Demonstration of gateway using soft state
Define and support policy source routing
Synthesis of source route
Management controls and protocols
Composition of policy terms
Define and structure route set-up protocols

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Table III
End-to-End Services Projects

Phase 0 User/process authentication using passwords (origin authentication)

Mail relays for both function and system isolation
Name domains system for host name to address mapping
Phase 1 User/process authentication using challenge/response or some other
protocol (origin authentication)
Secure-ID or other authentication technologies
Challenge/response technologies (overlaps with the previous line)
Kerberos (authentication server)
Phase 2 Authentication using certificates
Integrity (MACs, checksums) and labelling
Key distribution and management
Secure mail (see RFC 1113)
Certificates (see same RFC)
Security of distributed white pages
Integrity labelling, tools (MACs, checksums)
Distributed white pages for the entire Internet
Phase 3 Use of VISAs
Certification across peer domains
Distributed computation
National file system
Trusted accounting
Firewalls for end-to-end services
Integrity of data across international boundaries with agreed upon
cryptographic technologies
Use zero-sum knowledge to have a third party to assure integrity
without secrecy for such cases

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Table IV
Projects for IAB Task Forces

ETETF Handling of quality of service in gateways

ANTF Phases 2 and 3 of resource sharing activities
IETF Policy routing
Privacy End-to-end privacy services
??? End-to-end services

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3. Working Group on Interconnection Policies

Working Group 0 Members
Steve Wolff (Chair) NSF
Guy Almes Rice
Matt Bishop Dartmouth
Brian Boesch DARPA
Scott Brim Cornell
Phill Gross NRI
Dan Hitchcock DoE
Russ Mundy DCA
Tony Villasenor NASA
Network resource sharing is encouraged by the potential for economies of scale
both in communication link acquisition cost and in provision of value-added network
services (the latter not yet demonstrated in the Internet, but consistent with telephone
company experience); it is suggested by the Congressionally-ordered network study
that resulted in the OSTP report A Research and Development Strategy for High
Performance Computing; and it is mandated by OMB Circular A-130. Technical
forces in the same direction include the additional connectivity each agency provides
to its clients (actual or potential) by acquiring the use of nets belonging to other
agencies at little or no additional cost, and the robustness afforded by the sharing of
redundant paths or other forms of ‘‘excess’’ capacity.
The agencies represented on the FRICC, however, have differing missions and
requirements, and these differences are reflected in differing rules and procedures for
network usage. WG0 was created to explicate the rules for network use of the FRICC
agencies, for those rules -- particularly the differences among them -- form the
foundation upon which the technical specifications of ‘‘policy-based routing’’ must be
built. This report, therefore, is the primary input to the technical Working Groups
WG1, WG2, and WG3.
Making all FRICC agencies’ network use rules the same is NOT a goal of WG0.
Each FRICC agency has more-or-less well-formulated rules for the use of its network
in the absence of explicit interconnection with other networks and the attendant
‘‘foreign’’ traffic. These rules are given below. Currently, no agency has rules for
interconnection with:
- networks of other FRICC agencies,
- networks of other countries,
- commercial networks, or
- ‘‘sensitive’’ networks (e.g., SDInet, NASA mission-critical nets);
consistent formulation of such rules will be discussed in future FRICC meetings.

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It was however noted that, in dealing with subordinate (not peer) networks, NSF
has required traffic presented to the NSFnet backbone to conform to NSF rules of
acceptable use; DoE on the other hand is tending to the more liberal policy of carrying
any traffic that meets the rules for acceptable use of the agency network offering the

3.1. Existing Policies, Summarized

The following is a summary of the existing policies for network usage of the
FRICC member agencies.

NSF (draft, summarized):

- Purpose is to support scientific research and other scholarly activities.
- Use to support research or instruction at not-for-profit institutions of instruction
and/or research is acceptable, whether all parties to the use are located or
employed at such institutions or not.
- Activities in direct support of acceptable use are acceptable.
- Use for research or instruction by for-profit institutions may or may not be
acceptable, and will be reviewed case-by-case.
- Commercial use by for-profit institutions is generally not acceptable.

DoE (draft, summarized):

- Use in which at least one party is supported by Energy Sciences funds is
- Use by persons at DoE sites is acceptable, even if they are not supported by
Energy Sciences funds.
- Advertising or promotional activities are not acceptable.
- Use in direct competition with commercial services is not acceptable.

NASA (draft, summarized):

- Purposes are to support NASA space science programs, to support collaborating
science activities (e.g., with ESA, NOAA, USGS), and to support NASA
contractors (e.g., those involved in building scientific sensors and spaceborne
- Other activities may be supported on a case-by-case basis, provided there is no
impact to the NASA programs.
- No Eastern bloc access.
- Shared use of network facilities must be controllable and annually accounted for.
- NASA networking facilities may be made available for other uses and users on a
cost-reimbursable basis.

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- Direct competition with commercial services is not acceptable.

- Purpose is to support network research and other DARPA research objectives.
- There may be ‘‘forbidden routes’’ for some traffic.

DDN (excluding ARPANET and the proposed DRI):

- Use is for DoD business only, unless otherwise approved by JCS.
- All connections to other nets strictly regulated by mailbridges (now) or trusted
guard gateways (future).
- Facilities must comply with DoD Security Architecture and with DoD Directive
5200.28 which requires C2 certification for sensitive unclassified information.

3.2. Refined Policy Statements

As a result of the first workshop discussions on policy, Dr. Cerf met with the
various agency representatives to refine the policy statements. The results of these
meetings were as follows. Note that these statements are those of the workshop and
do not represent official agency policies. Each policy is represented in Clark’s Policy
Term (PT) notation1 and then described in English. The standard Clark Form for PTs
(Hsrc,ARsrc,ARent)(Hdst,ARdst,ARexit){UCI}{Cg} FRICC={DOE,NASA,DCA,NSF}
where H=Host, AR=Autonomous Region, src=source, dst=destination, ent=entry
(previous hope), exit=exit (last hop, F=Federal Agency Net, Re=Regional,
U=University, Co=Commercial Corporation, and Cc=Commercial Carrier. All PTs are
assumed to be symmetrical in these examples.

NSF1: (*,*,{F/Re})(*,*,{F/Re}){research,support}{unauthenticated UCI, no-per-
pkt charge}
i.e., NSF will carry traffic for any host connected to a F/Re network talking to any
other host connected to a F/Re via any F/Re entry and exit network, so long as it is
being used for research or support. There is no authentication of the UCI and no per
packet charging. NSFnet is a backbone and so does not connect directly to
universities or companies. Thus the indication of {F/Re} instead of {F/Re/U/Co} as
ARent and ARexit.2
NSF2: ({User svcs, Expert Svcs}, {NSF},{F/Re})(*,{F/Re},{F/Re})
i.e., NSF will carry traffic to user and expert services hosts in NSF Autonomous
Region (AR) to/from any F/Re AR, via any F/Re AR. These are the only things that
1D.D. Clark, ‘‘Policy Routing in Internet Protocols,’’ Version 1.1, May 19, 1988.
2 Note: I can’t actually decide whether it should be as stated above or (*,{F/Re},{F/Re})(*,{F/Re},{F/Re})

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directly connect to NSFnet.

DOE1: (*,DOE,-)(*,*,*){research,support}{unauthenticated UCI, no-per-packet
i.e., DOE will carry traffic to and from any host directly connected to DOE so long as
it is used for research or support. There is no authentication of the UCI and no per
packet charging.
DOE2: (*,*,{F/Re})(*,*,{F/Re}){}{unauthenticated UCI, no-per-pkt charge}
i.e., DOE will carry traffic for any host connected to a F/Re network talking to any
other host connected to a F/Re via any F/Re entry and exit network without regard to
the UCI. There is no authentication of the UCI and no per packet charging. (In other
words, DOE is more restrictive with its own traffic than with traffic it is carrying as
part of a resource sharing arrangement.)

NASA1: (*,*,*)(*,NASA,-){NASA-research,support}{unauthenticated UCI,no-per-
i.e., NASA will accept any traffic to/from members of the NASA AR, but no transit.
No UCI authentication and no per packet charge.
NASA2: (*,{F},*)(*,{F},*){research,support}{per-packet accounting, limited to n%
of available BW}
i.e., NASA will carry transit traffic to/from other federal agency networks if they are
for research and if the total use of available BW by non-NASA Federal agencies is
below n%.3
NASA3: (*,{Co},*} (*,{F/R/U},-) {NASA research,support} {not authenticated
UCI, no per packet charge}
i.e., NASA will carry commercial traffic to federal, regional, and university ARs for
NASA research or support, but it will not allow transit. The particular entry AR is not
NASA4: (*,*,-)(*,*,-){}{per-packet-charge to recoup cost, limited to n% of
available BW}
i.e., On a case by case basis, NASA will consider non-NASA traffic on a cost-
reimbursed basis. It will not carry transit traffic on this basis.

3 Note that this non-interference policy type needs some more work in terms of integrating it into the routing algorithms.

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DARPA1: (*,*,*)(*,DARPA,-){research,support}{unauthenticated-UCI, no per packet
i.e., DARPA will carry traffic to/from any host in DARPA AR from any external host
that can get it there so long as UCI is research or support. No UCI authentication or
per packet charge.
DARPA2: (*,*,{F/R/U/Co})(*,*,{F/R/U/Co}){research,support}{unauthenticated-UCI,
no per packet charge, non-interference basis}
i.e., DARPA will carry traffic for any host connected to a F/Re/U/Co network talking
to any other host connected to a F/Re/U/Co via any F/Re/U/Co entry and exit network,
so long as it is being used for research or support, and the network is not heavily
congested! There is no authentication of the UCI and no per packet charging.4

DDN1: (mailbridge,DDN,-)(*,{F/Re},{F/Re}){research,support}{unauthenticated
UCI, all incoming packets marked, per-kilopacket charge}
i.e., DDN will not carry any transit traffic. It will only accept and send traffic to and
from its mailbridge(s) and only from and to hosts on other F/Re nets.

An Example Regional5
Regional1: (*,{F/Re/U},{F/Re/U})(*,{F/Re/U},NSF){research,support}
{unauthenticated UCI, no-per-packet charge}
i.e., The Regional will carry traffic from/to any directly connected F/Re/U network to
any F/Re/U network via NSF if it is for a research or support UCI. (NSF requires that
all Regional networks only forward to it traffic that complies with its, NSF’s, policies!)
Regional2: (*,{F/Re/U},{F/Re/U})(*,{F/Re/U},Cc){}{unauthenticated UCI, per-
kilopacket charge}
i.e., The Regional will carry traffic from/to any directly connected F/Re/U network to
any F/Re/U network via a commercial carrier regardless of its UCI. In this case, the
packets are charged for since the commercial carrier charges per kilopacket.

4 Note: DARPA would like to say something about the need to enter the DARPA AR at the point closest to the destination,

but I don’t know how to express this.

5 Note: No interview was done for this one. This is just a guess.

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4. Access Control for Network Switching and Transmission

Working Group 1 Members
Steve Kent (Chair) BBN
Guy Almes Rice
Bill Bostwick Los Alamos
Marsha Branstad DoD
Vint Cerf NRI
Deborah Estrin USC
Tony Hain Livermore
Dan Lynch ACE
Russ Mundy DCA
Anita Holmgren Unisys

4.1. Introduction
This report reflects discussions among the members of working group with regard
to network access control for the National Research Internet (NRI). The NRI will be
composed of network resources contributed by various organizations (primarily
agencies of the Federal government). The operational model for the NRI is that of a
collection of autonomous, administrative domains (referred to as ‘‘domains’’ within
this report), each of which manages a collection of network transmission and/or
switching resources. (Other, higher level resources also may be shared across domain
boundaries, but these are not the focus of the access controls discussed herein.) Some
of these network resources are owned or leased exclusively on behalf of the
administrative domain responsible for the resource, whereas other resources may be
jointly paid for and administered.
There is a perceived requirement that a domain provide access control for the
network transmission and switching resources that comprise it. This form of access
control is distinguished from measures oriented toward controlling access to subscriber
resources, e.g., workstations, file servers, etc. Rather, these measures are intended to
apply to communication paths which transit gateways, circuits, networks, etc.
There are several motivations for introducing network resource access controls.
The organizations which will contribute network resources or funding for shared
resources to the NRI need to be satisfied that sharing of these network resources can
be controlled in such a fashion as to accord priority to designated users or groups of
users and to account for resource usage in accordance with OMB guidelines. It may
be necessary to bill for usage of some resources, especially commercial facilities
connected to the NRI. Some organizations have adopted policies that prohibit
transport of data from certain classes of users across their networks.

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This report examines various aspects of network resource access control measures
in the NRI context, including bases for making access control decisions (policy inputs),
communication scenarios to be supported, mechanisms for enforcing access control
policies, and assurance issues associated with enforcement. Formulation of specific
access control policies is outside the scope of this report and is addressed by the report
of Policy Working Group.
This report has been prepared by the members of the working group as a result of
discussions that took place at workshops sponsored by NASA on June 15-17, 1988 and
November 8-10, 1988. Additional inputs have been prepared by working group
members during the interval between these workshops and co-ordinated by the chair.

4.2. Access Control Policy Issues

4.2.1. Policies and Models

Any discussion of access control measures should begin with a characterization of
the policies which the measures are to enforce, and a definition of the model that
underlies the policies. There are various ways to characterize access control policies,
one of which (ISO 7498-2) considers two axes: 1) the basis on which access control
decisions are made (rule-based or identity-based), and 2) the entity who defines the
policy (user-directed or administratively directed). For the NRI environment, we
anticipate the policies are all administratively directed since they represent constraints
imposed by organizations which contribute resources to the NRI, not individual
Discussions with organizational representatives suggest that both identity-based
and rule-based policies may be employed. For example, in some circumstances an
access control decision will be made based on the identity of the user (or a class of
which the user is a member) requesting access. In many cases, possession of a token
indicating agency authorization for resource use, perhaps coupled with time and day of
week inputs, will form the basis for the access control decision. These two examples
illustrate identity-based and rule-based policies and policies that combine both policy
bases are also possible.
The security access model we assume for the NRI environment is a traditional
one involving subjects and objects. Subjects are active entities (e.g., processes) which
are accorded some access privileges with respect to objects. The processes execute in
various subscriber equipments (hosts, workstations, servers, etc.) either acting on
behalf of users (individuals or groups) or acting as entities independent of any specific,
human user. Objects in this context are typically data paths through the NRI, and thus
they implicitly entail the use of transmission and switching resources. (Alternatively,
we could consider these resources individually as the objects and the paths as
compositions of the component parts.)

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4.2.2. Policy Inputs

A refinement of policy characterization is provided by considering the range of
inputs on which access control decisions will be made. These inputs can be divided
into two categories (somewhat arbitrarily): 1) data implicitly available to the
enforcement entities, e.g., time and date or utilization and connectivity status, and 2)
data explicitly provided by subjects, e.g., in packet headers. Note that this
characterization does not specify whether the explicit inputs are provided in every
packet or only in some packets, how the inputs are validated, etc. These details are
critical components of an architecture, not just an implementation, and thus the final
form of this list should take into account these considerations as well as the rationale
provided below.
Based on inputs from agency representatives present at the workshops, it appears
desirable that information on local resource utilization and global connectivity be
major implicit inputs in access control decisions. The rationale is that many agencies
appear to be adopting policies which permit sharing of resources by ‘‘outside
subjects’’ on a ‘‘non-interference’’ basis. This requires that the enforcement
mechanisms be cognizant of the resource utilization status (congestion measures) so as
to determine what constitutes non-interfering sharing.6 It also requires some explicit
identification of subjects to determine whether the non-interference criteria should be
applied. More refined sharing policies could take into account relative priorities for
various subjects, type of service (TOS)-based routing decisions, etc. The Resource
Sharing Working Group is focusing on routing issues which take into account
quantitative measures related to TOS. In contrast, this group has focused more on
policies in which such quantitative measures are not primary inputs to the access
control decision. This suggests that a combination of the architectural proposal from
both groups will be required to address some of the access control policy requirements
described at the workshops.
Data that might be explicitly required from a subject was the topic of much
discussion. A list of candidate data items was developed and is discussed below.
Although not all administrative domains might require all of these inputs for an access
control decision, it has been suggested that the list be universally agreed upon among
all domains. The argument is that global routing determinations are affected by local
access control decisions and that it is desirable to enable subscribers (or their local
policy route servers) to calculate permitted routes before initiating transmission of data
along a path. In order to perform such calculations, each domain must publish its
access control policy and the inputs to the policy must be universally interpretable.
Thus there is a strong motivation to define a minimum set of explicit inputs to these
6There is a potential conflict here in using local congestion measures as inputs to an access control decision. It is desirable

for a remote subject (e.g., policy controller) to determine in advance if a specified transmission resource can be used in construct-
ing a (policy) route between two points in the NRI, for reasons elucidated by Dave Clark in his policy routing paper. Thus the
conflict arises if either the remote subject cannot obtain the necessary local congestion measures or if these measures are very

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At one point in the discussion it was suggested that any inputs to access control
decisions that were not universally interpretable could be accommodated by allowing
for ‘‘domain specific’’ data items. Such data items would be interpreted by only a few
domains (perhaps only a single domain) along a route. However, we note that this
concept does not seem to be in concert with the principle cited earlier (and discussed
in Clark’s paper), i.e., subjects should be able to predict access control decisions for
any domain through which they might construct a route. Thus the concept of a
domain-specific access control data item as an ‘‘escape’’ mechanism for including
additional inputs to access control decisions may not be appropriate. Recall that no
domain is required to employ all the supplied inputs in making an access control
decision and thus inclusion of a data item in a widely known collection need not
impose on domains that do not wish to make use of the data item.
Since the administrative domains often represent federal agencies (e.g., DOE,
NASA, NSF), it was perceived that there should be some means of representing an
agency’s granting authorization for resource use to the subject. This might be a
hierarchic data item, specifying both an agency identifier and further defining the
subject’s privileges as granted by the agency. For example, an agency such as DOE
might grant somewhat different privileges to its employees, to its grantees and their
staff, and to other individuals engaged in work that is viewed as supportive to the
agency mission (though not necessarily funded by the agency). This effect might be
achieved by issuing to each of these subjects credentials that specify some form of
affiliation with the agency in question but with different qualifiers, depending on the
nature of the affiliation. Thus we envision a compound access control data item that
will specify an AGENCY AFFILIATION INDICATOR, consisting of an AGENCY ID
It is anticipated that some form of accounting for use of resources will be
required in many circumstances within the NRI. OMB regulations requires this
accounting at the agency level, and thus it might be sufficient to rely on the agency
affiliation data to satisfy this requirement. In other cases, an orthogonal account
identifier might be required and so we allow for inclusion of a BILLING CODE7 as
part of the explicit access control data. This may prove especially important in
contexts where commercial facilities are employed.
In the most extreme cases it may be necessary for an individual subject to be
identified, either for accounting or for access authorization. Although details for such
an identifier were not discussed, it seems likely that a hierarchic data item would be
appropriate, with a domain identifier used to specify the authority that vouches for the
subject’s identity, plus a subject identifier that is unique within the domain. Even if
users need not be identified as individuals, groups of users may be identified for
7Note that this item may enter into the decision process or may be employed only for accounting.

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authorization purposes. Hence we expect to see a SUBJECT ID compound data item

consisting of a DOMAIN ID and a USER ID, where this later data item may represent
a group of users rather than a single individual.
The (ultimate) internet layer (IP or CLNP) source and destination addresses
associated with a packet, possibly including protocol identification data, are also
viewed as legitimate inputs to access control decisions, but for different reasons that
the other data items described above. Use of addresses provides a convenient means
of prohibiting access by specific devices or groups of devices (e.g., entire LANs)
should it become necessary to revoke access at this granularity. Also, one can imagine
simple access control policies that might be employed initially in the NRI and which
would be based only (or primarily) on these values. Finally, we note that these data
items are already included in every packet and are examined in the course of effecting
the routing decisions which are the heart of the internet switching system and which
are thus intimately related to the objects being protected. Thus even if these data
items are not used in formulating an access control decision, they play an important
role in the enforcement of the policies. It is worth noting that the preceding discussion
of data items which are candidates as explicit inputs to access control decisions does
not address how or when these data items are created, distributed, validated, or
transported in subscriber traffic. These are important architectural issues, some of
which are addressed in later portions of this document.

4.3. Communication Scenarios

4.3.1. Connection-Oriented Communication

Different types of communication scenarios may impose differing requirements on
access control mechanisms. We observe that fine-grained access control mechanisms
for connection-oriented communications are better understood and easier to implement
than corresponding mechanisms for connectionless communication. The rationale
behind this observation is that connection-oriented communication implies some
connection establishment procedure. This procedure is a natural place to perform
access control checks and to terminate the procedure if the checks fail. Moreover, the
processing and bandwidth overhead associated with connection establishment
procedures makes the added burden of transporting and processing access control
information less onerous. In contrast, additional processing and bandwidth for access
control applied to individual packets is much more likely to result in an unacceptable
overhead if comparable levels of assurance and granularity of enforcement are sought.
The NRI is expected to provide (lower layer 3) connectionless service as its basic
interface. Many proposed designs for IP or CLNP switches for this network
environment introduce a notion of ‘‘soft-state’’ for connectionless traffic which is
roughly analogous to treating this traffic as though it were connection-oriented. This
soft state is usually cited as a prerequisite for providing better congestion control
facilities in the Internet and for supporting more sophisticated routing, e.g., type of

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service (TOS) routing with support for bandwidth guarantees.

We anticipate that designated IP/CLNP switches in the NRI will act as
enforcement mechanisms for the transmission and switching access control policy, an
assumption that matches Clark’s policy routing model. The switches, designated
‘‘policy gateways’’ in Clark’s paper, are ideal candidates for this role as they provide
the interfaces between domains and thus have direct control over packet transport at
domain boundaries. Based on these observations, it seems reasonable to pursue access
control mechanisms which assume that some form of connection abstraction can be
imposed on most (though perhaps not all) communications. The intent is that the
soft-state database could be augmented to include additional data required for access
control enforcement.
Throughout this report we shall employ the term ‘‘connection’’ in this broad
sense when discussing path establishment procedures, even if the internet and transport
layer protocols employed by the end points do not provide a true connection service.
Only when the characteristics of a communication activity cannot be effectively
modelled as a connection in this soft state sense (as would be the case in many brief,
transaction-oriented communication scenarios) will we use the term ‘‘connectionless’’
to describe the activity.
This orientation is further motivated by the relative ease with which one can
devise mechanisms for communication scenarios in which there is a well defined
‘‘initiator’’ of a ‘‘connection’’ and this initiator can be called upon to supply inputs to
the access control process. For example, traditional virtual terminal communication
involves establishing an actual connection, in real time, between two processes. The
initiator of the connection is required to supply authorization data to the target of the
connection before access is granted to the computation resources at the target (though
this occurs after the connection itself is established). The same holds true for
traditional file transfer scenarios, even though 3-way file transfer facilities have been
defined which may not precisely fit this model.

4.3.2. Variations on Connection-Oriented Scenarios

When the scenario does not embody the concept of an initiator, then it may
become more difficult to devise simple mechanisms for acquiring the authorization
data prior to authorizing transmission of data on the connection in question. The
example of simultaneous connection initiation by two TCP instances was cited as an
example of this sort of deviation from our simple connection establishment scenario.
The concern here is not an access control issue per se, but rather that two simplex
connections would be separately routed instead of one duplex connection, a situation
which could lead to anomalous behavior (in terms of performance). Note also that
ISO transport protocols (TP0-4) do not support such simultaneous connection initiation
and so the criticality of supporting such ‘‘dual initiator’’ situations is not clear.
Another concern was voiced over situations in which the initiator of a connection
is readily identified but permission to traverse a path is a function of the authorization

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of the computing resources being accessed, not of the subscriber initiating the
connection. The assumption underlying this concern is that the initiator of the
connection would not be capable of supplying the necessary, validated authorization
data to the satisfaction of the policy gateways because such inputs would be available
only at the destination. However, if the host being accessed could distribute
appropriate credentials to the user prior to his access, the simple initiator scenario
might suffice.
These two examples indicate how discussion of access control in the context of
specific communication scenarios can be highly dependent on underlying assumptions
about details of enforcement mechanisms. Many such discussions cannot take place
without a straw man architecture for such mechanisms, and the straw man must
address assurance issues, etc. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to characterize the range
of communication scenarios which need be supported in order to establish a reference
for evaluating such straw men. Thus we will continue exploring communication
scenarios and postpone enforcement mechanism discussion until the next section.

4.3.3. Electronic Messaging

Electronic mail poses something of a problem for connection-oriented access
control models for several reasons. First, the initiator of a connection established for
mail transfer is generally not the message originator and may not even have any
relationship to the originator or a recipient. In fact, staged delivery of mail permits
relay points which have no affiliation with the message originator or any recipient.
This decoupling raises concerns with respect to assurance of access control inputs.
Second, identifying a single subject for access control purposes becomes difficult in
this context as multiple message originators may be served by a single mail transfer
connection. Third, if traffic destinations are included in an access control decision, the
multi-recipient characteristic of many messages further complicates the process.
We could accommodate mail transfer by treating mail transfer agents (MTAs) as
subjects, and according to them a set of privileges appropriate to ensure mail delivery
throughout the NRI, though that may not translate into allowing every MTA to access
every other MTA directly or via any possible network path. This approach sacrifices
fine granularity access control, and possibly efficiency of mail transfer, for simplicity.
The fact that mail generally does not require the low delay paths8 (which we anticipate
will be the most scarce resources) may make this approach more palatable. If
commercial paths are employed and fine grained billing is required, this approach
delegates responsibility for per-user billing to the message handling system (as
envisioned in X.400 recommendations). This approach is analogous to the access
control technique typically adopted for end-system access control with regard to mail.

8If electronic mail offered priority service categories which imposed stringent limits on delivery delays, then this general

comment might not hold.

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4.3.4. Transaction-Oriented Communication

Various brief, connectionless interactions will take place between servers.
Interactions are so brief, and may be so dispersed over time that they do not fit the
connection abstraction noted above. Nonetheless, some form of access control must be
allied to all traffic if the access control facilities are to be effective (complete
mediation). Such interactions may best be accommodated by not requiring any
connection-like authorization procedure, but rather by requiring the access control
enforcement points to recognize such interactions (perhaps based on source/destination
addresses) and permit them on the basis of fairly static authorizations. This ‘‘special
case’’ treatment for connectionless traffic is likely to be acceptable only if the resulting
traffic volume is fairly low. Some form of auditing of these traffic flows would still
be necessary9 to support the accounting requirements cited in section 1 and would
provide a basis for detecting anomalous patterns that might be indicative of misuse.
File server interactions may not fit this profile, despite the fact that they are
transaction-orientated communications. If the quantity of data returned in response to
a small query is quite large, e.g., an entire file or directory, then the traffic volume
would likely be too large to treat as above. Fortunately, most file server interactions
would likely be local and thus not subject to the access controls we are discussing, i.e.,
the transfers would not cross domain boundaries. However, a homogeneous collection
of file servers in different geographic locations might generate significant amounts of
traffic in response to user commands. This poses the potential problem of large data
transfers initiated from hosts which employ connectionless protocols and which operate
on behalf of (non-resident) users. The first aspect of this problem could be addressed
by requiring use of connection-oriented protocols for such transfers (a not unreasonable
suggestion for other than local transfers anyway). The second aspect of the problem
either requires enforcement mechanisms which support such ‘‘proxy’’ operations or
adoption of policies which do not require fine grained access control (so that
identification of the file server rather than the specific user is sufficient).

4.3.5. Multicast Communication

One other class of communication was very briefly discussed which was also not
well represented by our simple connection-oriented model, i.e., multicast
communication. At least some of the concerns about support for multicast seem to
have arisen in conjunction with discussion of the need to factor in the authorization
associated with the destination of a packet as well as its source. Again, the underlying
assumption seems to be that the destination might be required to provide some
authorization information data which only it would possess and acquiring this data
would become even more complex in scenarios where the packet is addressed to
multiple destinations.
9If the volume is sufficiently low, the traffic might be considered part of the ‘‘noise floor’’ for the NRI and not explicitly ac-

counted for, as would be the case for routing updates, etc.

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One can distinguish two classes of multicast communication: transaction-oriented

and stream-oriented. The latter has been typical of conferencing communication while
the former is typical of server location queries, etc. Transaction-oriented multicast
communication might be accommodated by the static, address-based access control
mechanisms discussed in section 4.3.4. Stream-oriented multicast typically involves
some form of stream establishment procedure prior to transmission of user data and it
does not seem unreasonable to augment such procedures to accommodate authorization
data transfer. Thus multicast communication may not be so difficult to accommodate
as originally suggested.

4.4. Access Control Architectures

Access control policies can be examined independent of enforcement mechanisms
and architectural details, but there are limitations to such isolated examination, as
noted in section 4.3. There are several reasons for adopting a (straw man) architecture
in which to consider such policies. First, one must identify the transmission costs,
e.g., in terms of processing overhead or bandwidth reduction, associated with
enforcement mechanisms in support of policies. Second, one must understand how
policies’ representations and authorization data are managed in order to estimate the
infrastructure costs (additional servers and databases, dissemination of authorization
data, human management for the databases and equipment, etc.) associated with such
policies. Third, one must understand where trust is vested in the architecture in order
to gage its social acceptability and establish the level of assurance that might be
accorded the resulting access control system.
In this section, we discuss how operating system security principles might be
applied in this access control context.

4.4.1. Analogies with Operating System Security

In discussing mechanisms for network resource access control, it is useful to
compare them to some of the enforcement precepts generally applied to operating
system access control mechanisms. In the context of computer systems (subscriber
resources), the concept of a ‘‘reference monitor’’ is widely used. A reference monitor
mediates all accesses by subjects to objects. (For any reasonable degree of
implementation assurance the reference monitor must itself be protected from
tampering so that it cannot be circumvented.) Before any object is accessed, the
authorization of the subject to access the object, and to operate on it in the fashion
requested, is checked. This a priori checking is deemed essential if the reference
monitor is to prevent the unauthorized release or modification of data. Despite the use
of reference monitors, even in relatively high assurance operating system
implementations, there are usually covert channels via which data can be released to

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unauthorized subjects at relatively low data rates.10 Complete elimination of these

covert channels is usually deemed impractical except in the most sensitive applications.
Auditing of object accesses is often performed in addition to the access control
enforcement described above and post access analysis may be carried out. However,
this analysis is best viewed as a damage control measure and a possible means of
detecting anomalous usage patters, not a primary enforcement mechanism.
In the context of network resource access control, neither disclosure nor
modification of subscriber data is at risk. (Recall that traffic analysis is not a service
considered here, but rather is a subscriber security service considered by the End-to-
End Working Group). Instead, the primary concern is transmission of packets via
paths which are not unauthorized, i.e., unauthorized consumption of resources. A
major failure of these controls could result in denial of service for authorized users,
but minor failures result only in some small amount of ‘‘theft of service’’. The
impression provided by the report of the Policy Working Group is that such minor
violations would be acceptable in the context of most, though not all, of the articulated
access control policies for switching and transmission resources.11
This suggests that it is appropriate to adopt enforcement mechanisms which are
resistant to attacks which would result in major violations of the access control
policies, but that perfect control of traffic flows is not essential (analogous to
information disclosure via covert channels in the operating system context). It also
suggests that post access auditing is appropriate as a damage control measure and to
verify that authorized subjects have not engaged in usage patterns which call into
question their trustworthiness. Thus we suggest adopting a reference monitor-like
approach for our access control policies, but with the understanding that perfect access
mediation is probably infeasible and unnecessary.

4.4.2. Clark’s Policy Routing Model and Access Control

We adopted as a strawman architecture the design presented by Dave Clark in his

paper on policy routing.12 Many of our discussions were influenced by the concepts
and mechanisms proposed in the paper. In this section, we review those aspects of the
design which are relevant to our access control concerns, discuss areas which were not
completely specified in Clark’s paper, and explore some modifications and extensions
to this design.
Clark’s paper defines three new entities in the Internet which participate in policy
routing and thus network resource access control. Enforcement of policy route
constraints is the responsibility of policy gateways. These gateways are present at the
10 Data rates on the order of 1-10 bits per second are typical for covert channels in this context.
11It is clear that some access control policies would not be satisfied by inherent limitations of the type suggested here and
thus would not be accommodated by the architectures proposed herein. For example, NASA is unlikely to trust such architectures
to enforce a non-interference policy for network resources critical to shuttle operations during a mission.

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interfaces between domains13 and thus are capable of controlling the flow of all traffic
into or out of a domain. Within each domain are one or more policy servers.14 These
devices serve several functions and are, in many respects, the heart of the access
control system proposed by Clark. A policy server serves as the repository for and the
management interface to inter-domain access control policies for its domain. Thus it
provides representations of these policies to policy servers in other domains and it
acquires from them policies applicable to their domains. A policy server responds to
queries from subjects on hosts within its domain, synthesizing valid routes based on
the subject’s communication requirements, the PS’s knowledge of current internet
connectivity, and of applicable inter-domain access control policies. A policy server
provides the selected policy route(s) to the subject, along with authorization and billing
data, cryptographically sealed by the policy server. This operation is best viewed as a
digital signature process.
A central feature of this proposal is that it requires the policy gateways to trust
the policy servers that represent a domain, but does not require this trust to be
extended to each subject within the domain. Clark assumes that domains are mutually
trustworthy to the extent that the policy gateways rely on the source policy server to
have correctly evaluated the subject’s authorization to make use of a given policy
route. Since domains in the NRI represent organizations (e.g., Federal agencies), there
may be a reasonable basis for assuming that the individuals managing a policy server
on behalf of a domain can be relied upon to operate in a responsible manner. (The
trustworthiness of the hardware and software upon which a policy server is
implemented is a separate concern.) Note that the means by which a policy server
ensures that a validated route is properly bound to an authorized subject within the
domain is a local matter, not specified by the architecture.
Signing of this collection of data serves several purposes. As noted above, the
policy server for a domain is vouching for any identification and billing data and is
also stating that it has selected a route which is allowed by the access control policies
provided by other domains. Clark notes that this does not preclude checking of route
validity by policy gateways, but it does allow mutually trusting domains to rely on
these checks performed by the originating domain’s policy server. It is advantageous
that the signature be generated using asymmetric cryptography so that the policy
gateways have a non-repudiable record of these claims by a policy server (which might
prove useful should disputes arise or in isolating faults). Since only policy servers
generate the signatures, the task of managing keys for signature validation becomes
12‘‘Policy Routing in Internet Protocols,’’ Version 1.1, May 19, 1988.
13Clark employed the term ‘‘Administrative Region’’ but we adopted the term ‘‘Administrative Domain’’ to avoid any im-
plications of geographic locality.
14 Clark designated these devices ‘‘Policy Controllers’’ but we have adopted our current designation to avoid confusion that

might from use of the acronym ‘‘PC.’’

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Clark proposed that an initial packet include an IP option consisting of signed

policy route data (including billing and authorization information), but that subsequent
packets contain only a short form of the policy route option with a ‘‘handle’’ from the
option in the original packet. The handle would be generated by the policy server in
the source domain and would uniquely identify the current route (based on the
combination of the domain identifier and the route identifier). The policy gateways
would cache the policy route using the handle as a search key and subsequent packets
would be validated by determining if the handle was present in the cache and by
processing the packets according to the policy route associated with the cache entry.
This approach to individual packet validation differs from others which have been
proposed, e.g., Estrin’s VISA schemes,15 in that is does not assume a crypto checksum
binding authorization data to packet contents. Thus it is possible to copy a valid
header from a legitimate packet and prepend it to a packet content not associated with
the valid header. Clark argues that this is an acceptable vulnerability since the access
control afforded here only applies to transmission and switching resource utilization,
not information disclosure. The utility of ‘‘appropriating’’ valid packet headers is
limited so long as the policy gateways match source and destination addresses against
those held in the cache (as specified in the signed, policy route option). However, in
circumstances where use of resources results in actual bills, unauthorized transmission
of packets using copied, valid headers or forgery of valid headers could result in
spurious charges to legitimate users.
In his paper, Clark proposes inclusion of a 16-bit signature and a handle
composed of a 16-bit domain identifier, and a 16-bit route identified unique within the
domain in the policy route option. It was not clear if the short form of this option
would also contain a signature, though most of the working group membership
believed this might have been implied. We observe that a 16-bit signature is probably
insufficient to preclude forgery; a more appropriate size quantity would be on the order
of 128 or 256 bits. It is critical that the policy route option be unforgeable and thus
the extra overhead implied by the larger signature is justified.
On individual packets traversing an established route there is a diminished need
for short form option integrity and authenticity, except to prevent malicious, spurious
charges. As noted above, if policy gateways check the source and destination address
in the packet against that recorded in the cache, there is relatively little to be gained
from forging a short form option. Since it is already possible to copy a legitimate
short form option from a valid packet, it isn’t clear how much additional assurance is
provided by incorporating authenticity measures in short form options.16 Perhaps a
prudent safeguard is for policy servers to adopt a process for selecting route identifiers
15‘‘VISA Scheme for Inter-Organization Network Security,’’ D. Estrin and G. Tsudik, Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE Sym-

posium on Security and Privacy.

16We also note that the computational overhead of validating a crypto-seal (or reasonable size) on every packet is probably

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so as to minimize the likelihood that they can be guessed, e.g., using a pseudorandom
process. We do recommend that the policy route option be expanded to include some
indication of lifetime, either measured in time or in number of packets or both. This
limit on the lifetime of a route further reduces its vulnerability to exploitation by
unauthorized subjects and a packet quota could provide an additional means for
detecting misuse.17

4.4.3. Clark’s Architecture in Retrospect

Now that we have reviewed the architecture presented in Clark’s paper and made
some local observations and suggestions, it is useful to view the architecture in the
context of our previous discussions. For example, the architecture described in this
paper supports both identity-based and rule based, administratively-directed access
control policies. It adopts a security model in which the objects are routes through the
Internet (which correspond to use of switching and transmission resources) and the
subjects are processes executing on behalf of users or groups of users and, hosts or
groups of hosts (perhaps entire domains).
Clark’s architecture embodies the connection-oriented (single originator) access
control model discussed in section 4.3.1 above and thus this class of communication is
especially well served by this architecture. Communication scenarios that deviate from
this model must be examined to determine how they can be accommodated. For
example, electronic messaging would probably be handled by viewing the MTAs as
subjects rather than trying to control access on the basis of individual message
originators, as suggested in section 4.3.3. Stream-oriented multicast communication
could be accommodated as described in section 4.3.5.
Transaction-oriented communication, whether point-to-point or multicast, may not
be served very well by this architecture, i.e., it may be difficult to amortize the cost of
policy route options in these communication scenarios. However, if cache entries in
policy gateways can include ‘‘wild card’’ entries for addresses, then it might be
possible for a policy server to seed routes for access to commonly accessed collections
of servers, etc. on behalf of all (many?) of the hosts in its domain and pass out the
identifiers for these routes to members of the domain.
The remaining deviant case involves dual-initiator connections, a scenario of
undetermined criticality. The source and destination hosts could discover that different
route identifiers were assigned to a single transport layer connection and co-operate to
use only one of the routes (using some unambiguous criteria such as comparing route
identifiers as unsigned integers and selecting the larger value route identifier).
However, this solution may be viewed as being outside of the architecture in that it
does not involve the policy gateways, policy servers, etc. Another aspect of support
for some communication scenarios which generated some concern is also outside the
17If a packet quota were imposed on a route and the route were used by an unauthorized subject, the authorized subject

might detect this if the route were to become invalid due to exhaustion of the packet quota.

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scope of the architecture, i.e., the need for proxy authorization. The possible need for
such a facility was noted in conjunction with file server communication on behalf of
users, e.g., transfer of a file between two file servers. It appears that the architecture
in Clark’s paper could support such communication authorization, but the means by
which the initiating policy server determines that the communication is on behalf of a
specified user, rather than the file server itself, is a local matter not part of the
In section 4.3.2, a concern was raised about supporting route establishment when
permission for a route was dependent on authorization of the destination, not the
initiator. In Clark’s architecture, this case would not be treated any differently since it
is the initiator’s policy server which evaluates the access control policy and makes the
decision, and all the inputs required to make the decision are available to that policy
server. For the most part, the architecture assumes the policy gateways trust the
initiating policy server to interpret the access control policies correctly at the time it
generates the sealed route option and supplies it to a subject in the local domain.
Intermediate policy gateways can review the data provided in the policy route to
confirm the decision, but the paper seems to suggest that this independent confirmation
would not usually be carried out during route establishment, for reasons of efficiency,
though the signature should be checked.

4.4.4. Trust Implications and Possible Remedies

In Clark’s architecture, the ability of policy gateways to validate an access control
decision is limited because the authorization data included in the signed route option
does not incorporate any independent validation mechanisms. For example, the policy
gateways must trust the initiating policy server to have verified the user ID, agency
affiliation, etc., because there is no means for the policy gateways to verify these
access control inputs directly. The route verification that can be performed by policy
gateways is based on checking the signature (thus verifying the integrity and
authenticity of the route) and on matching the supplied access control inputs against
the policy in effect. Rather, the assumption is that access control policy terms and
conditions are distributed and that the data items against which the policy terms and
conditions can be matched are all locally validated quantities, i.e., they are vouched for
solely by the initiating domain through its policy server. Thus the architecture relies
on mutual trust among domains, non-repudiable (signed) policy routes, and post-hoc
auditing to reconcile conformance.
If this level of mutual trust proves unacceptable in the NRI, it is worth exploring
how one might extend the architecture to incorporate independently verifiable
‘‘credentials’’. First we need to identify which credentials might need to be
independently verifiable. One candidate is the AGENCY AFFILIATION
INDICATOR. If a connection is initiated with a policy route that claims an affiliation
for which the initiating domain is not the certifying domain, then it might be
reasonable to require that the AGENCY AFFILIATION INDICATOR be

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independently verifiable.
A BILLING CODE might require independent verification if the code is one
which does not somehow imply charges to the initiating domain.18 An analogy can be
made with long distance telephone charging. A direct dialed call from a home number
is assumed to be legitimate, whereas a similar call from a pay phone or hotel room
requires an independently verifiable account number unless the charges are borne
locally (via coins or billed to your room). Thus BILLING CODEs also appear to be
good candidates for independent verification, at least in some circumstances.
Finally, the other major credential considered for inclusion in policy routes was
the SUBJECT ID. Again, the circumstances in which independent verification is likely
to be of interest are those in which the subject’s domain differs from the initiating
domain. Since the SUBJECT ID already includes an indication of the domain which
vouches for the subject’s identity, it is easy to determine if independent verification is
required. Thus in all cases the motivation for an independent verification facility
arises only when the certifying domain for a credential differs from the initiating
domain for the connection.
In order for a domain to certify a credential for independent verification, the
resulting data should be bound to a subject (or class of subjects) so as to render it
useless to other subjects. This is easily accomplished by including the subjects
(subject class) to whom the credential is issued as part of the signed credential. Note
that this also allows the issuer to distribute the credentials directly to subjects, not only
through domains, if that proves useful. Thus a domain such as DOE might issue a
BILLING CODE and AGENCY AFFILIATION ID to a researcher at a university,
binding it to his SUBJECT ID. The researcher could present the credentials to his
local policy server for consideration in selecting routes and that policy server could
include the credential along with the policy route option.
Policy gateways could verify that DOE had granted permission to use the
BILLING CODE to this subject and that the subject was affiliated with DoE by
verifying the seal on the credential and matching the included SUBJECT ID against
that in the policy route. As above, it might not be feasible for every policy gateway to
perform this independent verification prior to processing packets for the connection,
but the option would exist and post hoc auditing is feasible. These credentials should
contain a validity date range to constrain their lifetime, and some form of hot list
would also need to be maintained by each issuing domain and distributed to policy
servers and gateways to revoke credentials, e.g., upon termination of affiliation.
This technique would reduce the level of trust accorded the policy server at the
university since it could not forge the credential. This binding does not ensure that the
subject and the source address are correctly paired. However, if the SUBJECT ID
18Clark suggested that such codes might incorporate an AD identifier which would explicitly establish the requisite binding.

However, he was concerned that a strict requirement for a billing code to be bound to the initiating AD would unduly restrict
mobile users.

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indicates that the initiating domain is the certifying domain for the subject, then one
must ultimately rely on that domain to correctly maintain subject-address bindings. If
the subject is foreign to the initiating domain (as might be the case for a mobile user),
the incremental assurance offered by independently verifiable credentials seems fairly
small. It is not clear what form of credential binding would be useful for mobile
users. The ‘‘home domain’’ for a mobile user could certify that he was temporarily
associated with another (specified) domain, thus lending credence to a claim by the
initiating domain that the ‘‘foreign’’ user was in residence. If the logistics of
generating and transferring some sort of travel credential (‘‘hall pass’’?) could be made
acceptable to users, this might prove to be a viable means of addressing this problem.
For these credentials, even more than most, validity dates should be included to limit
their lifetime.

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5. Resource Sharing
Working Group 2 Members
David Clark (Chair) MIT
Guy Almes Rice
Bob Braden USC-ISI
Scott Brim Cornell
Jon Crowcroft University College London
Deborah Estrin USC
Steve Goldstein Mitre
Phill Gross NRI
Bill Jones NASA/Ames
Dan Nessett NMFECC
Ari Ollikainen RIACS
Mike St. Johns DCA
Tony Villasenor NASA HQ

5.1. Introduction
This working group was asked to consider the question of mechanism necessary
to insure ‘‘fair’’ sharing of resources, in particular bandwidth.
The group proposed, as a starting position, that to permit sharing of resources,
such as networks or links, among agencies (for example), the following questions must
be answered.
- What sorts of service classes will be required? Which are possible?
- How must the users of the resources be categorized?
- What sort of accounting for the resources are required?
- What levels of assurance are required?
- How global is the impact of various sorts of service classes?
- What management tools are required to control multi-agency policy
Two ideas are central to the discussion: service class and category.

5.2. Service Class

The idea of service class is that in order to provide a controlled sharing of a
resource, it is necessary to define how the sharing will be measured. The measurement
represents a way of specifying a service class.
In the workshop, most service classes related to policy concerns were defined in
terms of relative bandwidth. The following examples were often proposed:

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- A link is shared by two (or more) service classes, each of which gets a
guaranteed fraction of the link capacity under overload.
- A link is shared by two (or more) service classes, some of which may not
interfere with others. That is, they are excluded from the resource if demand is
An example of a service policy requirement not directly related to bandwidth is
mutual aid: two agencies that agree to carry the other’s traffic if the resources of the
one is down. Half of the mechanism necessary to support this is easy: one could
define a service class for traffic belonging to the other agency, and define the service
constraint for that class. The hard part of the mechanism is to define how the switch
is to know that the other resource is down, so that the usage by that class should be
In the discussion of service classes, the following comments arose:
- Outside the arena of policy control, there are much broader requirements for
service classes, in order to support new sorts of applications. For example, some
applications require control of delay. This broader problem is usually called the
‘‘Type of Service’’ or TOS problem (also called quality of service or QOS in
ISO). In this respect, the mechanism required of the switch for specifying and
measuring the services classes is just a subset of that required for support of
multiple classes of service to support applications.
- Some (non-policy) examples of service classes are very difficult to support, e.g.,
those for real-time speech, or variable rate encoders (that can adjust to changing
bandwidth allocation, but must KNOW what rate they are being offered).
- We believe it is not difficult to provide commitment of resources to simple
service classes. For example, a gateway could be constructed that would take
packets in two service classes, and ensure that under overload each class
received equal access to a link. The problems in doing this are to control the
overhead in the gateway, which would have an impact on high-speed networks,
and to understand the global impact of such guarantees (see below).
- The definition of service classes must be understood globally.

5.3. User Categories

In order to ensure that some user receives some service, it is necessary to identify
the packets associated with that user. This is a very hard problem, perhaps harder than
supporting reasonable service classes.
Current IP packets do not have user names in them, just source and destination
Internet addresses. But a single machine might support users with different privileges,
or a user wanting to use different privileges at different times.
In the discussion of user categories, the following points came up:

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- To support the sorts of requirements that were offered as examples (e.g., put all
NASA packets in service class X), it will be necessary to have some explicit tag
in the packet to indicate the packet category. This is a new IP level mechanism.
- The level of ‘‘user granularity’’ is not clear. Would one tag for all of NASA be
sufficient, for example?
- It might be necessary for a packet to carry more than one tag, to permit a user
with multiple privileges to use them at the same time. Perhaps tags could be
approximate, and could resolve in different manners in different parts of the net.
- The level of trust needed for the tag is unclear.
- If a tag is abused, the use must be traced back to an accountable entity, which
ought to be a human.
- A very hard problem is multicast: one packet going down several paths that
might require different user privileges.

5.4. Additional Discussion

The following comments were made about the other points in the list above.

5.4.1. Accounting for usage:

A clear requirement was that the usage of resources by different user categories
be accounted. However, the details of the requirement were not clear. It does not
seem too hard to provide a simple measure of total bytes or packets used by each
class. As noted above, the hard part is defining the classes, and inserting the class
information into the packet.
If a more dynamic accounting for usage is required, then a mechanism can
probably be defined to account for usage by any pre-defined measure, but arbitrary
measures will be real hard.

5.4.2. Levels of assurance:

There seem to be two obvious levels of assurance as to enforcement of service
classes and user categories.
- Separation of traffic into classes, and enforcing and accounting for the usage of
each class, will be performed properly so long as the switch elements belonging
to each agency operate properly.
- Proper separation and accounting must occur even if the switches of one agency
are mis-programmed or malicious.
The latter would be required (probably) in a network operating in hostile
circumstances; it corresponds to mechanisms to prevent denial of service. It is a level
of assurance that is hard to achieve.
The former level of assurance is much easier. It corresponds roughly to the
operation of the Internet today. If one set of gateways is not operating properly, there

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may be bad global effects that the other gateways cannot prevent. The problem is
cured, not by robust dynamic algorithms, but by detection and correction (e.g., by
humans) of the problem.
For many circumstances, e.g., conformance to OMB regulations, the weaker form
of assurance is probably sufficient. But DARPA, for example, expressed an interest in
as robust an assurance as possible.

5.4.3. Global effects:

The problem of global effects of policy is a very serious issue, the impact of
which does not appear to be sufficiently appreciated.
Certain resource constraints, most obviously non-interference (a service class that
is excluded when a resource is overloaded), cannot be implemented except in the
context of a global routing algorithm that knows about the constraint.
The problem is the following. At the moment, the Internet supports the idea that
for any destination address, there is one route out of a switch. If we now support two
service classes going to that destination, then each will be sent by the same route,
given the current routing algorithm. If one of these service classes is now blocked
from a congested resource, there is no mechanism to reroute that class to another
resource. The result is that the service class is totally disabled.
In other words, today if a gateway makes a local decision to discriminate against
certain users, those users perceive a global disruption of their service.
The problem of propagating and responding to local controls is not impossible.
While this section stresses the need to understand the problem, we believe that
solutions exist. It will be necessary, however, to contemplate a major adjustment to
the current philosophy of Internet routing. In particular, most of the promising
approaches are based on some form of source routing.
Above it was asserted that it was not difficult to build a gateway that would make
simple resource guarantees. The difficulty is propagating the knowledge of that local
guarantee. There are some guarantees that could be enforced in today’s Internet
without the necessity of global knowledge. For example, if a gateway provided equal
sharing of a link under overload to each of two classes, then the global impact would
be that of a link whose capacity changed by 50%. A fluctuation of this magnitude
could not be globally distinguished from other current forms of congestion. So there
are some local controls that can be applied safely in today’s Internet, and others (such
as non-interference) that can only be contemplated in the context of a global

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5.5. Conclusions
The problem of making a local modification to a gateway to enforce a bandwidth
usage limit to a identified category of users seemed reasonable.
Associating a user category with a packet is very hard. The actual requirements
are not clear (are one or several categories required, what is the level of assurance that
the specified category is legitimate, and so on). In addition, the mechanism is not
obvious. This matter is addressed in the report of working group 1.
The problem of level of assurance is also very hard, again because the actual
requirement is not clear.
Accounting for usage is probably not too hard.
The hardest problem is redefining the routing algorithms of the Internet to
correctly propagate and respond to the impact of local policy controls.
There are several hard and interesting research questions:
- How do service guarantees compose?
- Is it possible to build multi-region systems that are resistant to attack by
malicious third-party regions?
- How could user categories be managed? Are they multi-valued, hierarchical or
- How can fault isolation and service assurance be performed?
- What is the relation between statistical resource allocation and possible
guarantees of access?
To avoid solving too general a problem, several questions should be asked of the
- What level of assurance is required?
- What sort of user categories will be required?

5.6. Recommendations
The group proposed a number of experiments and changes that could be
undertaken at once, to better understand the problems of policy routing and resource
control, and to provide operational facilities toward these goals.
These goals are organized in three categories, things that could be done at once
using existing tools, projects with a short time frame, to provide better capabilities and
understanding quickly, and finally, projects that would require longer to complete.

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5.6.1. Instant projects

Although source and destination addresses are not a precise indicator of service
class, they do provide much useful information. The so-called statspy tool has been
used in the past to collect a matrix of traffic sorted by source/destination address. This
information could be collected for shared links today to provide a first cut at
accounting for the resource.

Route filtering
Route filtering provides a way to instruct a gateway to believe only part of an
incoming routing packet, or to change parts of that incoming data, e.g., the cost metric
of a proposed path. This capability, available in most commercial gateways and in the
gated software for Unix, provides a way to control which destinations are reached by
which paths. It cannot separate service classes, but can be used for very rough
divisions of traffic based on destination address.

5.6.2. Short-term experiments

These are experiments that could be undertaken at once, with the expectation that
they would yield results in the short term. They are not thought to contain high-risk
research questions. They might provide some increase in operational capabilities in
one to two years.

Simple resource guarantee

A gateway could be programmed to sort incoming packets into two service
classes (based on some simple if unrealistic characteristic of the packet, such as
addresses or TOS flags), and then divide the use of a link fairly between these classes.
That is, in underloaded conditions, each could operate without constraint, but in
overload each class would have a fair share of the link.
This would be a first demonstration of allocation of resources to service classes,
and would provide a practical way to share a link.

Observe tagged packets

Above, it was noted that the statspy program could be used to count packets
based on source and destination addresses. One could define a simple IP option,
which carried a user identification, and then use the same statspy to count these
packets. A simple use of this option would be to tag the packet with an indicator of
which agency had ‘‘sponsored’’ the packet.
Putting a new IP option into a packet is not hard; some systems like Unix 4.3
BSD provide the hooks to do this today. A simple and general way to find the proper
value of the option field would be to implement a very simple form of ‘‘Policy
Server’’, which could be a user process on a Unix system. One would send a packet

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to the server with the source and destination addresses, the name of the sponsoring
agency, and other credentials. In return, one would get the suitable IP option, which
would just be inserted into the packet.
This would provide a more accurate accounting of shared resources, and a first
demonstration of the concept of the policy server.

Fast encryption of the policy information

In order to ensure that policy routes, authentications and so on are not forged, it
will be necessary to seal them in some way. The obvious technology is encryption. A
demonstration is needed of a sealing technique that runs at tolerable speeds. This
would permit the introduction of a high level of trust into the accounting.

Demonstration of ‘‘soft state’’ in gateway

Several propositions for management of resources in gateways require that the
gateway remember some aspect of the packet sequences passing through it. The idea
of ‘‘soft state’’ has been proposed to capture the idea of cached information in the
gateway which can be reconstituted if lost without terminating the higher level
A first project is to program a gateway to show that this sort of state can be
managed effectively, with acceptable overhead. The information stored in the state
could initially be rather simple, for example the resource guarantees mentioned above,
or logging of packet tags, or enforcement of source/destination access control.

Demonstration of policy routing with Loose Source Route

Once we have demonstrated the tagging of packets, we have all the pieces of a
first demonstration of policy routing. A Policy Server module can be programmed to
take the source/destination addresses, sponsor and so on, and receive in return a Loose
Source Route IP option. This could be placed in the outgoing packet to achieve
controlled routing of the packet.

5.6.3. Longer-term experiments

The following are experiments that have a longer term focus. They deal with
harder problems, will take longer, and yield an increased functionality. They represent
steps that can be undertaken now, and should be if increased functionality is to be
achieved in the next few years.

Define and support Policy Source Route option

Above we described a simple demonstration based on the IP Loose Source Route.
While this represents a useful first demonstration, the LSR is not suited for real policy
routing, because it binds the route to specific gateways, which is too concrete, and
because it has no fields to carry policy information.

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What is needed is a new IP option to define a Policy Source Route, a more

abstract form of source route containing policy information. There is general
agreement on the need for this class of mechanism and the general form it would take.
A detailed design is now needed.

Tools for Synthesis of PSR

The Policy source route described above would be generated using information
exchanged by the various Policy Servers and Policy Gateways. Algorithms for this
have been proposed; a concrete design should now be undertaken.

Define protocols for control interaction

To provide the information for the routing algorithm, it will be necessary for
policy gateways, policy servers and hosts to exchange information. Protocols for these
exchanges must be designed.

Management Tools for Policy Controls

Current experience teaches us that we must develop suitable management tools
for a mechanism at the time that we develop the mechanism itself. The problems of
policy control are complex, and can be expected to lead to complex management
problems. We must begin the design of a management architecture for policy

Analysis of composability of local policies

We assume that an administrator of a region will express policies reflecting the
local concerns of that region. These various local policies must be composed to
provide an end to end service. It is necessary to ensure that the various local policies
do indeed combine to permit a reasonable global service. It would be nice to have
some formal understanding of what sorts of local policies can be composed, and some
tools for checking that the actual proposed local policies are reasonable.

Architecture for signatures and sealing

To ensure the needed level of assurance, an overall strategy must be devised to
define the trust that holds between the different components of the system, and the
mechanism needed to insure the integrity of Policy Routes and related messages.

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6. End-to-End Security Services

Working Group 3 Members
Dennis Branstad (Chair) NIST
Matt Bishop Dartmouth
Brian Boesch DARPA
Anita Holmgren Unisys
Barry Howard Livermore
James Morrill Sparta
Dan Nessett NMFECC
David Peters NASA
Steve Wolff NSF

6.1. Introduction
This section deals with end-to-end security services for the National Research
Internet (NRI). As described previously, the NRI consists of multiple, autonomous,
mutually-suspicious, administrative domains. The NRI is an open environment with a
dynamic security perimeter. Each domain may have its own security policy and offers
a unique set of security services to its own community. However, if secure
interoperation is desired across domains, these security policies must belong to a set of
hierarchical, consistent policies, and certain cross-domain agreements with respect to
security are needed. Working Group 3 focused on the nature and content of such
inter-domain cross-agreements.
A security architecture for the federally-funded research networks (which make
up the NRI) was proposed. The architecture consists of security sevices, where they
are needed, example mechanisms, and the implied common technologies and common
policies necessary to support interoperation.
First we offer the strawman architecture. Next, we introduce the concept of a
‘‘security domain’’; we discuss multi-administrative higher-level security services in
detail; then, using the workshop model (of phase 0-3 technologies), suggest a phased
approach to making the architecture a reality.

6.2. Multi-administrative Security Architecture

We define security to include, not only protection from unwanted disclosure, but
also, protection from unwanted modification and prevention of denial-of-service. This
working group suggests that a small number of security services are necessary, and
that these security services need to be repeated at various layers in the protocol and
system architecture. The following chart illustrates some candidate security services
such as: confidentiality, integrity, authentication, access control and service assurance;
suggests placement in the architecture such as: user-level, host-level, gateway; and
suggests common technologies and common policies that are needed to support these
security services across domains.

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Security Services in a Multi-Administrative Domain Environment
Security Example Common Common
S ervices Mechanisms Technologies Policies
_____________________________________________________________________ _
Origin Authentication
-user/process secure-ID card Key Distribution global ID
-host certificates (common protocols conventions
-gateway certificates and standards)
-realtime/deferred challenge/response Directory Services
- certificates (object registration)

Origin Access Control

-user login can we use policy global ID
-host visa servers? conventions
-gateway policy routing

Object Integrity
-msg MACs
-file MACs common format for global ID
-datagram MACs integrity labels conventions
-connection MACs
-field MACs

Object Confidentiality Encryption- Key Distribution

protected wire (common protocols agreement
and standards)

Service Assurance Byzantine Robust Multi-domain Network

routing Management agreement
_____________________________________________________________________ _
The International Organization of Standards has recently adopted an International
Standard Security Architecture (IS 7498/2) that specifies five security services in the
Open Systems Interconnection model of computer networks. The five services and a
short definition of each are:
- Authentication: verifying the identity of communicating entities (e.g., computer,
software programs) in a network;
- Access Control: restricting access to the information and proccessing
capabilities of a network to authorized entities;
- Confidentiality: preventing the unauthorized disclosure of information;
- Integrity: detecting the unauthorized modification of information;
- Non-repudiation: preventing the denial of transmitting or receiving certain

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A security label is security relevant information that is attached to other

information to assist in providing the above named security services. The U.S.
Department of Defense (DOD) has specified the format of a security label to be used
at the Internet Protocol (IP) layer of the DOD suite of protocols. This label is used
primarily to state the classification of the information in an IP packet. The security
mechanisms then use the label to control the routing of the packet through the network
(based on the security of alternate routes) and the confidentiality protection to be
provided to the packet.

6.2.1. Security Domains

Security needs to be considered from an end-to-end perspective. Secure
interactions across administrative domains, a security perimeter must be defined. A
hierarchical set of ‘‘security domains’’ could be established for the research internet.
A global security domain could then have a security policy and a set of security
services that would be enforced and supported throughout the internet. Each sub-
security domain could then have additional security services. Security interfaces
between security domains would then be defined. Rules for data to cross these
interfaces would need to be established and enforced by ‘‘interdomain gateways’’.
6.3. Higher-Level End-to-End Services
In this section, we discuss services in terms of ‘‘administrative domains", which
are collections of machines and supporting hardware (nets, etc.) controlled by a set of
people who have the (recognized or assumed) power to choose what services that set
of entities will offer to other entities. We assume that entities in different
administrative domains are mutually suspicious but wish to provide some set of
services to each other. Note that the managers of each domain will define their own
policies towards the provision of services, so the entities must interact in light of the
relevant policies. These policies must be consistent; however, this is not a great
restriction, since the policies will either be imposed by an authority encompassing both
administrative domains or (more likely) by bi- or multi- lateral agreements or
adherence to a mutually agreed upon standard.
We describe a set of supportive services designed to provide the basis for other,
productive services visible to the users; we also suggest some useful productive
services. The distinction between the two is crucial; supportive services, invisible to
the user, are essentially a set of library routines designed to provide security and
integrity functions in a manner dictated by the administrative domain. Two domains
must decree some format for the interchange of information such as user IDs or file
checksums, but (for example) the NASA administrative domain may require use of the
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) be allowed only to authenticated individual users,
whereas the Dartmouth administrative domain may allow any user from an authorized
host to access files using FTP. In this case, the supportive services (authentication of
the source of the FTP request) for NASA must support per-user authentication,
whereas Dartmouth need only support per-host authentication; however, if NASA

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allows FTP access by users in the Dartmouth administrative domain, some

accommodation must be made by policy (either by NASA, to accept per-host
authorization when users from entities at Dartmouth FTP, or by Dartmouth, to enable
per-user authentication when dealing with FTP requests to entities in the NASA
administrative domain). Productive services simply request of the supportive services
whether some condition is met (is the user allowed to use the service, has the file been
altered in transit, etc.) and proceed on that basis.
We describe the supportive and productive services separately.

6.3.1. Supportive Services

Supportive services supply the basis for an entity in one administrative domain
accessing the services supplied by another entity in another administrative domain. To
this end, they provide access control, authentication, integrity, and confidentiality
The first class of supportive services is origin authentication. There are several
subclasses. A policy may require per-process (i.e., per-user) authentication, using
mechanisms such as SecureID(tm) cards; this will require some common technology
for key distribution among the co-operating domains. A policy may require
authentication at the host or gateway level, using certificates; here; a set of directory
services such as an object registry must be common to co-operating domains. Note
that there are really two flavors of authentication here, real-time authentication in
which the origin must identify itself immediately (possibly using a challenge/response
protocol), and deferred authentication, in which the origin need only identify itself at
some time, the identification being preserved using certificates. Finally, regardless of
the type of origin authentication done, all administrative domains must have some
global object identification convention that all domains respect.
The second class of supportive services provides access control based on origin.
For example, access to a user account might depend on the identity of the requester;
on 4.2BSD UNIX systems, access is controlled by the .rhosts file in the target account,
with each line of that file specifying a user/host pair authorized to access the account.
The system assumes authentication has already been done, and controls access strictly
based on the user/host names of the requestor. Similarly, if one host needed to access
services on another, it might present a VISA or a service-specific certificate entitling it
to use that service. A policy might allow or deny access to networks based on the
source or destination of a packet (policy routing). In any case, as with the first class,
this class of supportive services requires a global object identification convention. The
technology which must be shared by administrative domains co-operating to provide
these services is not clear; perhaps policy servers would suffice.
The third class of supportive services provides object integrity. A policy might
require that the integrity of any (or all) of messages, files, datagrams, fields, etc., be
verifiable, possibly using MACs or other integrity checking mechanisms. In this case,
administrative domains enforcing this policy must agree on a common format for

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integrity labels as well as a common set of mechanisms.

The fourth class of supportive services provides object confidentiality, for
example by encrypting files or protecting the network wires. If cryptography is used,
some key distribution mechanism must be agreed upon in order that keys for objects in
one administrative domain be available to authorized clients in another. The
administrative domains must also agree on the encryption algorithms to be used and
some common technology for making keys available is necessary.
The fifth class, non-repudiation, will simply ensure that a requestor (or user) of a
service cannot deny that that user made the request (use) of the service. Again, the
administrative domains must agree on what types of requests are to be subject to this
service, and on the mechanism to be used for inter-domain non-repudiations. Further,
the granularity of the non-repudiation records must be decided; this impinges on
accounting. For example, NASA may bill on a per-project basis, so if a request came
from Dartmouth and the non-repudiation mechanism ensured non-repudiation only in
that the request came from Dartmouth, the mechanism would be insufficient for
NASA’s purpose; again, this must be settled by inter-domain multi-lateral agreement
or decree from a higher authority.
In terms of the four phases used to characterize the evolution of capability, at
phase 0 is process (user) authentication with passwords; at phase 1 is process (user)
authentication using other technologies such as challenge/response protocols; at phase
2 are authentication using certificates, integrity checking mechanisms such as MACs,
integrity labeling, methods for non-repudiation, and issues of key distribution and
management. Phase 3 issues include the use of VISAs for policy routine and
certification across peer administrative domains.

6.3.2. Productive Services

Differing administrative domains provide varied services, but most will want to
allow entities at other administrative domains to use one or more of the following
services on one or more entities in the local domain. This list is by no means
exhaustive; we have simply discussed the more common currently-provided productive
services. Undoubtedly, equally or more important ones will arise in the future, or
inter-domain policies and agreements will require new ones.
Remote job execution will be essential within domains and given the advances in
the use of collaborative support services and distributed computations, important in
inter-domain support. Currently, mail transfer by far dominates this area, with file
transfers coming a close second. Both raise issues of inter-domain use of remote
resources such as disk space and CPU time, as well as confidentiality and integrity
issues (can only those authorized to read the file/mail do so? can the file/mail be
altered?) Further, authentication of the sender/author (was the letter telling me I got
my raise a forgery?) and access control will also be essential. Some of these issues
are being addressed by Steve Kent’s privacy task force (see RFC 1113), which has
been examining secure and private electronic mail for some time. Finally, non-

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repudiation of mail is important when electronic mail is used to make agreements or

convey sensitive information that the sender may wish to deny having sent.
Extensions to more sophisticated forms of collaborative support, such as multi-media
mail or electronic ‘‘whiteboards", will require the same level of supportive services.
(Note that the ‘‘support" service is a production, rather than a ‘‘supportive’’ service.
This terminology is confusing, to say the least, but it is also standard.)
Remote access of computers (e.g., via Telnet) and distributed computations, the
other forms of remote job execution, will all require similar supportive services -- that
is, authentication, access control, integrity, and confidentiality. In all remote job
execution schemes, if the execution is done inter-domain, the administrative domains
must use a mutually agreed upon set of control protocols; this may be established
either by multi-lateral agreements or by some superior authority (for example, an act
of Congress dictating a protocol to administratively-independent agencies.)
Remote access comes in many forms; some computers will simply supply
services such as directory services and not allow other forms of remote access. These
services will require the usual supportive services, but will also require that the client
be able to authenticate the server so the client can be sure it is connected to the
intended directory and the server can be sure the client is authorized to access the
information. Note that this need not be necessary for non-directory services, since if
access is made through a directory server and a session key is obtained, should the
client then access a bogus (non-directory) server using the session key the bogus server
will not be able to respond. Similarly, user authentication as a productive service will
be essential when dealing with certificates designed to be used in a productive service.
For example, the use of laptop computers will require the availability of user
authentication at this level.
Another resource requiring distributed use of computers would be a ‘‘national’’
file system, allowing remote hosts throughout the country to access a shared set of
files; it will require not only mechanisms for the usual supportive services but also a
common interface protocol and a common file exchange protocol to allow systems
with very different file accessing semantics to use the national file system.
Due to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) constraints at the federal level,
and bookkeeping concerns in other agencies, businesses, and institutions, accounting
for resources used in and by other administrative domains will be required; since (for
example) the Dartmouth administrative domain will not trust the NASA administrative
domain to account for the use of electronic mail sent from Dartmouth to NASA, both
NASA and Dartmouth would undoubtedly track such mail and check the relevant bills.
Non-repudiation of use of service is at this point essential.
Key distribution in support of secure mail, authentication mechanisms, and other
services will require protocols and standards agreed to by different administrative
domains. Such services may be integrated with directory servers but this is a matter of

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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

Finally, as different administrative domains communicate, network management

and control information will have to be passed between administrative domains, raising
issues of object integrity, confidentiality, and access control.
In terms of the four phases used to characterize the evolution of capability, at
phase 0 is mail relaying, transfer, and name domains. Phase 1 technologies are
authentication technologies such as secure-ID, challenge/ response protocols, and
authentication servers such as Kerberos. On the border between phases 1 and 2 are
the distributed white pages for the entire Internet. Phase 2 mechanisms such as secure
mail and key distribution and management mechanisms are currently under
development by the IAB Task Force on Privacy; other phase 2 items are certificates,
and security of distributed directory servers (white pages). Distributed computation
protocols and controls for a national file system, and accounting mechanisms are phase
3. Also phase 3 are ‘‘firewalls’’ for end-to-end services, so that if the services fail
over a portion of the Internet the rest of the Internet may continue to rely on the
service being correct and functional (this would limit the damage of incidents like the
Internet worm of November 1988) and also the integrity of data across international
borders, since most nations restrict the transborder use of cryptographic algorithms that
can be used for secrecy, which is true of the base algorithms used in the computation
of cryptographic checksums for integrity. Hence a solution requires the development
of a cryptographic algorithm that can be used for integrity and authenticity, but not
secrecy. One possibility is to use zero-sum knowledge mechanisms to have a third
party assure integrity without secrecy, might be feasible. Such a solution is Phase 4
(very long range research).

6.4. Projects
The above suggests several projects that the FRICC or some constituent agency
should pursue:
- End-to-end private mail is currently in the experimental phase; encryption is
done using the DES, and authentication involves certificates built using RSA.
The mechanism allows both privacy and integrity of sent mail.
- A national file system will raise issues of access control, authentication,
confidentiality, and integrity.
- Directory services should provide white pages for mail and multi- domain object
registration; issues to be addressed include registration of services, distributed
list service, and authenticity.
- Finally, questions of multi-domain network monitoring and control are at the
heart of interconnected network operations and raise issues of access control,
authentication, and integrity.
Some common or interoperable approach to authentication, integrity, and access
control, as well as the tools and services to be provided, is necessary; note the policies
may differ across administrative domains, but the mechanisms must be able to

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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

communicate with one another. They need not rely on each other, however; that is a
policy issue. Whether or not these inter-domain mechanisms can be built with
common facilities, the specific protocol base (such as OSI or TCP/IP) that these
projects are to be conducted, how results are to be transferred into GOSIP and a
European context, the role of vendors as opposed to researchers, and the IETF, IAB,
and other such organizations, and which agency or agencies shall take the lead, are all
issues that can be resolved in the longer range.
Notes: Reference for the use of productive and supportive services is the ECMA
(European Computer Manufacturers Assoociation) Security in Open Systems, A
Security Framework document, ECMA TR/46, July 1988.

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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

7. Workshop Attendees
Guy Almes Rice
Matt Bishop Dartmouth
Brian Boesch DARPA
Bill Bostwick Los Alamos
Dennis Branstad NIST
Hans-Werner Braun Merit
Scott Brim Cornell
Ross Callon DEC
Vint Cerf NRI
David Clark MIT
Mike Corrigan DoD
Jon Crowcroft UCL
Richard desJardins CTA
Deborah Estrin USC
Steve Goldstein Mitre
Phill Gross NRI
Tony Hain Livermore
Jim Hart NASA
Jack Haverty BBN
Dan Hitchcock DoE
Anita Holmgren Unisys
Barry Howard Livermore
Bill Jones NASA
Steve Kent BBN
Larry Landweber Wisconsin
Jim Leighton Livermore
Barry Leiner RIACS
Dan Lynch ACE
Sandy Merola Lawrence Berkeley Labs
James Morrill Sparta
Russ Mundy DCA
Dan Nessett Livermore
Ari Ollikainen RIACS
David Peters NASA
Nachum Shacham SRI
Henry Sowizral RIACS
Mike St. Johns DCA
Paul Tsuchiya Mitre
Tony Villasenor NASA
Steve Walker TIS
Jil Westcott BBN
Steve Wolff NSF

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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

Lixia Zhang MIT

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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

8. Glossary
AR Autonomous Region
CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DES Data Encryption Standard
DoE Department of Energy
ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association
FRICC Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee
GOSIP Government OSI Protocol
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Standards Organization
LAN Local Area Network
MTA Mail Transfer Agent
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NRI National Research Internet
NSF National Science Foundation
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OSTP White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
PS Policy Server
PT Policy Term
RSA Rivest Shamir Algorithm
TAC Terminal Access Controller
TOS Type of Service
QOS Quality of Service

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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

Security Considerations


Author’s Address

Barry Leiner
Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Ames Research Center
Mail Stop 230-5
Moffett Field, CA 94035

Phone: (415) 694-5402


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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

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1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
2. Workshop Summary ........................................................................................... 3
3. Working Group on Interconnection Policies ..................................................... 9
3.1. Existing Policies, Summarized ........................................................................ 10
3.2. Refined Policy Statements ............................................................................... 11
4. Access Control for Network Switching and Transmission Resources ............. 14
4.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 14
4.2. Access Control Policy Issues .......................................................................... 15
4.2.1. Policies and Models ..................................................................................... 15
4.2.2. Policy Inputs ................................................................................................. 16
4.3. Communication Scenarios ............................................................................... 18
4.3.1. Connection-Oriented Communication .......................................................... 18
4.3.2. Variations on Connection-Oriented Scenarios ............................................. 19
4.3.3. Electronic Messaging ................................................................................... 20
4.3.4. Transaction-Oriented Communication ......................................................... 21
4.3.5. Multicast Communication ............................................................................ 21
4.4. Access Control Architectures .......................................................................... 22
4.4.1. Analogies with Operating System Security ................................................. 22
4.4.2. Clark’s Policy Routing Model and Access Control .................................... 23
4.4.3. Clark’s Architecture in Retrospect ............................................................... 26
4.4.4. Trust Implications and Possible Remedies .................................................. 27
5. Resource Sharing ................................................................................................ 30
5.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 30
5.2. Service Class .................................................................................................... 30
5.3. User Categories ................................................................................................ 31
5.4. Additional Discussion ...................................................................................... 32
5.4.1. Accounting for usage: .................................................................................. 32
5.4.2. Levels of assurance: ..................................................................................... 32
5.4.3. Global effects: ............................................................................................... 33
5.5. Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 34
5.6. Recommendations ............................................................................................ 34
5.6.1. Instant projects .............................................................................................. 35
5.6.2. Short-term experiments ................................................................................ 35
5.6.3. Longer-term experiments ............................................................................. 36
6. End-to-End Security Services ............................................................................ 38
6.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 38
6.2. Multi-administrative Security Architecture .................................................... 38
6.2.1. Security Domains ......................................................................................... 40

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RFC 1124 Network Interconnection Issues September 1989

6.3. Higher-Level End-to-End Services ................................................................. 40

6.3.1. Supportive Services ...................................................................................... 41
6.3.2. Productive Services ...................................................................................... 42
6.4. Projects ............................................................................................................. 44
7. Workshop Attendees ........................................................................................... 46
8. Glossary .............................................................................................................. 48

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