Sverre Fehnx
Sverre Fehnx
Sverre Fehnx
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Sverre Fehn
Announcement of Sverre Fehn of Norway as the 1997 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate ...about Sverre Fehn Citation from the ury Fact Summary ! Sverre Fehn Chrono"o#y of Se"ecte$ %orks Photo &a""eries of Sverre Fehn's %ork 1997 Pritzker Prize Ceremony (e"$ at &u##enheim )useum *i"bao+ S,ain Procee$in#s at the Ceremony for Sverre Fehn -he Para$o. of Sverre Fehn
An essay by A$a Louise ("e+ Pritzker uror+ Author an$ Architecture Critic for the Wall Street Journal
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carve$ out by the oste$a" &"acier at the mouth of the F3aer"an$ F3or$. -he museum is the center of a ,anorama forme$ by the stee, mountainsi$es an$ the f3or$ with the #"acier on to,. A secon$ ,ro3ect+ the Aukrust )useum+ ce"ebrates the work of a famous Norwe#ian ,ainter?writer+ name$ @3e"" Aukrust. *oth of these ,ro3ects were ,rece$e$ by another ,ro3ect ca""e$ the (e$mark Cathe$ra" )useum in (amar+ Norway+ which was com,"ete$ in 1979. -he "atter is the site of an ear"y fourteenth century manor house an$ bisho,ric. Fehn bui"t in an$ aroun$ the ruins to ,reserve this historic site. (e has $esi#ne$ numerous ,rivate resi$ences+ a home for the e"$er"y+ the ins,iration for which he cre$its )ies van $er Aohe+ an$ many other ty,es of bui"$in#s. 1ne of the more controversia" is the en"ar#ement of the Nationa" -heatre of Co,enha#en+ where critics have hai"e$ the $esi#n as havin# 4...the ma#nificent s,aciousness of cathe$ra"!"ike character.4 *i"" Lacy+ e.ecutive $irector of the Pritzker Prize+ 2uote$ further from the forma" citation which states+ 4;schewin# the c"ever+ the nove" an$ the sensationa"+ Fehn has ,ursue$ his version of twentieth century mo$ernism stea$i"y an$ ,atient"y for the ,ast fifty years. %ith one carefu""y $esi#ne$ ,ro3ect after another+ he has $is,"aye$ a virtuosity an$ creativity that now ranks him amon# the "ea$in# architects of the wor"$.4 Lacy+ who is an architect himse"f an$ ,resi$ent of the State Bniversity of New Cork at Purchase+ a$$e$ his own comment+ 4Fehn's architecture is ,oetic+ thou#htfu"+ even sentimenta" !! bo"$ an$ at the same time humb"e. Not since Louis @ahn has an architect been so enthra""e$ with materia"s an$ their architectura" conse2uences.4 Fehn was one of the ,ost %or"$ %ar // #eneration of architects who emer#e$ from the Architectura" Schoo" of 1s"o+ receivin# his $i,"oma in 19D9. At that time+ Finnish architect A"var Aa"to was a stron# inf"uence on ;uro,ean architecture+ an$ in ,articu"ar+ Arne @orsmo+ one of Norway's "ea$in# architects. @orsmo became a #reat frien$ an$ mentor to Sverre Fehn now "ives in a house $esi#ne$ by @orsmo. -he ,rize ,resentation ceremony moves to $ifferent "ocations aroun$ the wor"$ each year+ ,ayin# homa#e to historic an$ contem,orary architecture. -his year+ the awar$ wi"" be #iven in the near"y com,"ete$ &u##enheim )useum *i"bao in the *as2ue Country of northern S,ain on Satur$ay+ )ay 71. 8esi#ne$ by 19:9 Pritzker Laureate Frank &ehry+ the bui"$in# is sche$u"e$ to be com,"ete$ for a forma" o,enin# in 1ctober. /t has a"rea$y been hai"e$ by @in# uan Car"os of S,ain as+ 4...the best bui"$in# of the twentieth century.4 -his is the secon$ consecutive year that the ,rize ceremony has been he"$ in a construction site. Last year+ it was ,resente$ to S,anish architect osE Aafae" )oneo at the unfinishe$ &etty Center+ $esi#ne$ by yet another Pritzker Laureate who receive$ the awar$ in 19:D+ Aichar$ )eier. -he ,ur,ose of the Pritzker Architecture Prize is to honor annua""y a "ivin# architect whose bui"t work $emonstrates a combination of those 2ua"ities of ta"ent+ vision an$ commitment+ which has ,ro$uce$ consistent an$ si#nificant contributions to humanity an$ the bui"t environment throu#h the art of architecture. -he $istin#uishe$ 3ury that se"ecte$ Sverre Fehn as the 1997 Laureate consists of its foun$in# chairman+ . Carter *rown+ $irector emeritus of the Nationa" &a""ery of Art+ an$ chairman of the B.S. Commission of Fine ArtsF an$ a",habetica""y+ &iovanni A#ne""i+ chairman of Fiat from -orino+ /ta"yF Char"es Correa+ architect of *ombay+ /n$iaF A$a Louise ("e+ author an$ architectura" critic of New CorkF -oshio Nakamura+ architectura" writer?e$itor of -okyo+ a,anF or#e Si"vetti+ chairman+ $e,artment of architecture+ (arvar$ Bniversity #ra$uate schoo" of $esi#nF an$ 3uror emeritus+ Lor$ Aothschi"$+ chairman of the Nationa" (erita#e )emoria"
Fun$ of &reat *ritain an$ former"y the chairman of that country's Nationa" &a""ery of Art. /n a$$ition to the Laureates a"rea$y mentione$+ Phi"i, ohnson was the first in 1979. -he "ate Luis *arra#an of )e.ico was name$ in 19:6. -he "ate ames Stir"in# of &reat *ritain was e"ecte$ in 19:1+ @evin Aoche in 19:0+ /eoh )in# Pei in 19:7. (ans (o""ein of Austria was the 19:9 Laureate. &ottfrie$ *oehm of &ermany receive$ the ,rize in 19:<. @enzo -an#e was the first a,anese architect to receive the ,rize in 19:7F Fumihiko )aki was the secon$ from a,an in 1997F an$ -a$ao An$o the thir$ in 1999. A"$o Aossi of /ta"y was honore$ in 1996. Aobert =enturi receive$ the honor in 1991+ an$ A"varo Siza of Portu#a" in 1990. Christian $e Portzam,arc of France was e"ecte$ Pritzker Laureate in 199D. -wo were name$ to ce"ebrate the tenth anniversary of the ,rize in 19::> the "ate &or$on *unshaft of the Bnite$ States an$ 1scar Niemeyer of *razi". -he fie"$ of architecture was chosen by the Pritzker fami"y because of their keen interest in bui"$in# $ue to their invo"vement with $eve"o,in# the (yatt (ote"s aroun$ the wor"$. Architecture was a"so a creative en$eavor not inc"u$e$ in the Nobe" Prizes. -he ,roce$ures were mo$e"e$ after the Nobe"s+ with the fina" se"ection bein# ma$e by the internationa" 3ury with a"" $e"iberations an$ votin# in secret. Nominations are continuous from year to year with over 966 nominees from more than forty countries bein# consi$ere$ each year.
Pritzker Architecture Prize Ceremony %as (e"$ at the Construction Site of -he &u##enheim )useum *i"bao+ S,ain
1n )ay 71+ 1997+ the construction site of the &u##enheim )useum *i"bao in the city of *i"bao in the *as2ue Country of northern S,ain+ was the venue for the ,resentation of the 1997 Pritzker Architecture Prize to Sverre Fehn of Norway. -he ,rize has been ,resente$ annua""y to a "ivin# architect each year since 1979 when it was estab"ishe$ by -he (yatt Foun$ation of Chica#o. -he "ocation for the honor was a,,ro,riate+ not on"y as an homa#e to S,ain+ the native country of "ast year's Laureate+ Aafae" )oneo+ but a"so because+ for the secon$ consecutive year+ the ceremony is bein# he"$ in 4work!in! ,ro#ress4 by a ,revious Pritzker Laureate. -his year+ it is a bui"$in# $esi#ne$ by Frank &ehry+ who receive$ the awar$ in 19:9. -he 199< ,resentation to Aafae" )oneo was ma$e in the unfinishe$ &etty Center in Los An#e"es+ a com,"e. $esi#ne$ by 19:D Pritzker Laureate Aichar$ )eier. 4%e are $e"i#hte$ that the &u##enheim invite$ us to their e.citin# new museum site+ not on"y because it was $esi#ne$ by a Pritzker Laureate+4 e.,"aine$ ay A. Pritzker+ ,resi$ent of -he (yatt Foun$ation+ 4but because the &u##enheim )useum name is so c"ose"y associate$ with im,ortant architecture !! the famous New Cork "an$mark by Frank L"oy$ %ri#ht. %e are in effect ,ayin# homa#e to his accom,"ishments as we"". 4 Accor$in# to . Carter *rown+ the 3ury chairman of the Pritzker Architecture Prize+ 4*y movin# the ceremony aroun$ the wor"$ to sites of architectura" si#nificance each year+ the aims of the Pritzker Prize are serve$ above an$ beyon$ the ,rimary ,ur,ose of sin#"in# out one architect each year for the honor. Last year an$ this year+ by usin# works that are sti"" un$er construction+ we are "ookin# to the future of architecture. /n other
years at other "ocations such as =ersai""es+ Pra#ue Cast"e an$ the -o$ai!3i *u$$hist -em,"e in a,an + we were ,ayin# homa#e to architects an$ bui"$ers from history. A"" of this attention he",s focus the ,ub"ic's awareness on #reat architecture an$ what it can mean to ,eo,"e's "ives.4 -he &u##enheim )useum *i"bao o,ene$ officia""y "ater in the year. -homas @rens+ $irector of the So"omon A. &u##enheim Foun$ation which oversees three other museums as we""> the So"omon A. &u##enheim )useum an$ &u##enheim )useum So(o in New Cork+ an$ the Pe##y &u##enheim Co""ection in =enice+ /ta"y+ sai$> 4-he &u##enheim )useum *i"bao is the resu"t of a uni2ue co""aboration between our foun$ation an$ the *as2ue &overnment. /t wi"" be $evote$ to American an$ ;uro,ean 06th century art+ e.ten$in# the &u##enheim's efforts to brin# its co""ections an$ ,ro#rammin# to au$iences aroun$ the wor"$.4 Accor$in# to the *as2ue &overnment )inister of Cu"ture+ ). @armen &armen$ia+ 4-his new museum symbo"izes our commitment to enhancin# *i"bao's economic stan$in# an$ visibi"ity as a cu"tura" center. /t wi"" be a ma3or e"ement in a com,rehensive urban re$eve"o,ment ,ro#ram an$ architectura" renaissance un$erway in *i"bao.4 -he 5166 mi""ion ,ro3ect has been fu""y fun$e$ by the *as2ue &overnment which wi"" make annua" contributions to the o,eratin# bu$#et. Some of the many other ,ro3ects in ,ro#ress are as fo""ows> Sir Norman Foster $esi#ne$ a new subway systemF the "ate ames Stir"in#+ another Pritzker Laureate of 19:1+ $esi#ne$ a rai"way stationF Cesar Pe""i has ,ro,ose$ a waterfront re$eve"o,mentF an$ Santia#o Ca"atrava $esi#ne$ a new bri$#e over the river ne.t to the &u##enheim+ an$ is workin# on a new air,ort. Never "osin# the focus of honorin# the "ivin# Laureates of the Pritzker Prize+ each of the ceremony "ocations has ,rovi$e$ its own uni2ue si#nificance. =ersai""es is wor"$ famous as Frances most "avish ,a"ace an$ #ar$ens+ ,ossib"y the #reatest monument to abso"ute monarchy an$ the cu"mination of French c"assicismF Co"umbus+ /n$iana boasts the #reatest concentration of bui"$in#s by architects of wor"$ renown of any other community of com,arab"e size. -o$ai!3i *u$$hist -em,"e is the wor"$'s o"$est an$ "ar#est woo$en structure. /n Pra#ue+ the 1:th century 4cast"e!in!air4 that has serve$ as the Czech seat of #overnment is the crownin# #"ory of a city that has ,reserve$ its architectura" herita#e over many centuries. /n Fort %orth+ the "ate Louis @ahn+ architect of the @imbe"" Art )useum was ,raise$ ,osthumous"y. A"" of the ,revious sites have simi"ar attributes.
(e has no bui"t works in the Bnite$ States+ but is not a tota" stran#er since he has been a #uest "ecturer at -he Coo,er Bnion in New Cork CityF Cranbrook Aca$emy of Arts in *"oomfie"$ (i""s+ )ichi#anF the )assachusetts /nstitute of -echno"o#y in Cambri$#e+ )assachusetts a"" in 19:6. (e has a"so "ecture$ at (arvar$+ Corne""+ an$ Ca"e. (is work was e.hibite$ at the )useum of )o$ern Art in 19<:+ an$ at the Architecture Association of )innea,o"is in 19:7. (e receive$ internationa" attention for his Norwe#ian Pavi"ion at the %or"$ ;.hibition in *russe"s+ *e"#ium in 199:+ an$ a#ain in 19<0 for his Nor$ic Pavi"ion at the =enice *ienna"e. 1therwise+ most of his works are in Norway+ with some in Swe$en an$ 8enmark as we"". (e has won commissions for other structures in /ta"y+ France an$ Sau$i Arabia+ but none of the "atter have yet been bui"t. %hen aske$ what is the most im,ortant ,art of his architecture+ Fehn has re,"ie$ that it is above a""+ the construction+ be it woo$ or concrete+ an$ harmony+ rhythm+ an$ honesty in the use of those materia"s. (e ca""s the act of bui"$in# bruta"+ an$ e"aborates+ when / bui"$ on a site in nature that is tota""y uns,oi"e$+ it is a fi#ht+ an attack by our cu"ture on nature. /n this confrontation+ / strive to make a bui"$in# that wi"" make ,eo,"e more aware of the beauty of the settin#+ an$ when "ookin# at the bui"$in# in the settin#+ a ho,e for a new consciousness to see the beauty there as we"". Fehn consi$ers "i#ht another materia" of construction. An$ nowhere is this more evi$ent that in the =enice *ienna"e Nor$ic Pavi"ion. -he bui"$in# consists of concrete bearin# wa""s+ with a two!way concrete c"ear!s,an roof with o,enin#s for tree trunks where necessary. -he bui"$in# is "itera""y bui"t aroun$ #rowin# trees. -he "eafy branches of the trees+ an$ the $esi#n of the roof beams to $iffuse the "i#ht from the sun+ ,rovi$es the interior e.hibition s,ace with a soft "i#ht that has been characterize$ as Nor$ic. Fehn+ at 70+ was one of the ,ost %or"$ %ar // #eneration of architects who emer#e$ from the Architectura" Schoo" of 1s"o+ receivin# his $i,"oma in 19D9. At that time+ Finnish architect A"var Aa"to was a stron# inf"uence on ;uro,ean architecture+ an$ in ,articu"ar+ Arne @orsmo+ one of Norway's "ea$in# architects who became a #reat frien$ an$ mentor to Sverre Fehn. Fehn now "ives in a house $esi#ne$ by @orsmo. @orsmo+ who bui"t Norway's ,avi"ion at the 1977 e.,osition in Paris+ trave"e$ e.tensive"y an$ knew most of the wor"$s "ea$in# architects of the time. (e intro$uce$ Fehn to many of them+ inc"u$in# ean ProuvE. Fehn worke$ for ProuvE ,art of the time+ an$ it was throu#h ProuvE that he met Le Corbusier. /t was whi"e workin# for ProuvE+ that Fehn $iscovere$ the artistic use of materia"s an$ construction so characteristic of the French tra$ition from the ;iffe" -ower to &othic cathe$ra"s. Fehn+ a"on# with Norber#!Schu"z+ &run#+ )3e"va an$ =ester"i$+ a"" other Norwe#ian architects of the same #eneration+ an$ orn Btzon Gthe 8anish architect who "ater #aine$ fame for the Sy$ney 1,era (ouse+ Austra"iaH forme$ an or#anization which was the Norwe#ian branch of C/A) G/nternationa" Con#ress of )o$ern ArchitectureH+ ca""e$ PA&1N GPro#ressive Architects &rou, 1s"o NorwayH that ha$ a ,rofoun$ inf"uence+ creatin# architecture which ha$ a firm foun$ation in the )o$ern )ovement+ but was e.,resse$ in terms of the materia"s an$ "an#ua#e of their own re#ion an$ time. /t was fortuitous that Fehn receive$ the French State Scho"arshi, which a""owe$ him to "ive in Paris in 1997 an$ 199D. /n reminiscin# about that ,erio$+ Fehn reca""s that it was his #eneration that $istance$ itse"f from Le Corbusier an$ his urbanistic wor"$.
)ies van $er Aohe was a stron# inf"uence on Fehn. )y 1kern (ome for the ;"$er"y was ins,ire$ by him+ says Fehn. As a teacher+ Fehn te""s his stu$ents they shou"$ be more re"a.e$ about co,yin# the thin#s they "ike in $esi#n. (e e"aborates+ / haven't actua""y seen many of Frank L"oy$ %ri#ht's bui"$in#s+ but on a tri, to Ca"ifornia+ / saw severa" of his sma""er houses that / was fami"iar with from books. /t was "ike wan$erin# from ,oem to ,oem. An$ so his inf"uence on me is acknow"e$#e$ a"on# with those that inf"uence$ him+ inc"u$in# the a,anese. %hen he returne$ to Norway after his two years in France+ Fehn estab"ishe$ his own architectura" ,ractice which he has maintaine$ ever since. -he fo""owin# architects assist Fehn> @nut Aasen+ ;i"ef *3or#e+ Per 1"af F3e"$+ -ore @"even+ *3orn Larsen+ -ru"s 1vrum+ on!@are Schu"tz+ -om %ike+ -homas %i""och+ *ruce *er#en$orf+ (enrik (i""e+ an$ ;rvin Stran$sko#en. Fehn's work has a"ways been $escribe$ as havin# a ,oetic 2ua"ity. /n fact+ an interview in the &erman ma#azine+ "er Architekt G9?9DH+ is hea$"ine$ Sverre Fehn> A Poet of the strai#ht "ine. /n that interview+ Fehn sai$+ Anytime you write a ,oem+ you nee$ to fin$ the ba"ance between your thou#hts an$ your "an#ua#e. Nothin# shou"$ $isturb the essence of the i$ea. /t is the same with architecture. %hoever cannot ,ut his ,oetic i$eas into a bui"t structure has no architecture basics. Structure is the core of architecture+ an$ it cannot be e.,resse$ in numbers. /t is the ori#ina" ,art of the story an architect can te"" about "ife an$ ,eo,"e. 1ne of Fehn's first bui"$in#s+ the (an$icraft )useum at Li""ehammer in 1997+ tru"y e.,resse$ this new $irection in the country's architecture. Accor$in# to Fehn+ however+ van$a"ism an$ care"essness have taken their to"" on this ,ro3ect. -he year before+ in 1990+ Fehn marrie$ /n#ri$ Lober# Pettersen. /n 19<6+ they ce"ebrate$ the birth of a son+ &uy+ who has stu$ie$ architecture+ but is concentratin# on vi$eo ,ro$uctions about his fathers works at the ,resent time. 1990 was the same year that Fehn went to )orocco to stu$y North Aftrican ,rimitive architecture. Fehn re,orte$ at the time+ / $iscover+ an$ / am what / $iscover. -o$ay+ when one visits French )orocco to stu$y ,rimitive architecture+ it is not a voya#e to $iscover new thin#s. 1ne reco#nizes. (e went on to $escribe the reco#nition of e"ements of Frank L"oy$ %ri#ht's house in -a"iesinF )ies van $er Aohe's wa""sF Le Corbusier's terraces an$ roof. Fehn e.,"ains that he $iscovere$ bui"t rea"ities in )orocco+ not abstract forms+ an$ it was this rea"ization that "e$ to his conc"usion that architecture is essentia""y the art of %uil ing+ i.e. construction+ which in turn "e$ to his mono#ra,h with Per 1"af F3e"$( )he )hought of *onstruction' /n that book+ Fehn is 2uote$ as sayin#+ -he use of a #iven materia" shou"$ never ha,,en by choice or ca"cu"ation+ but on"y throu#h intuition an$ $esire. Fehn has sai$ in numerous interviews+ For me+ there is no architecture without construction. %e work with our a",habet materia"s such as woo$+ concrete+ bricks with them+ we write a story which is inse,arab"e from the structure. An$ the structure is su,,orte$ by the ,oetic i$ea. Perha,s the most ,oetic+ accor$in# to Fehn+ is the i$ea that man has a ,ossib"e "ife after $eath. -his i$ea seems to have $riven some of the #reatest architectura" achievements+ from the ,yrami$s to &othic cathe$ra"s. Fehn has been carryin# on this ,oetic i$ea with his own $esi#ns for churches an$ museums. )ost recent"y+ his &"acier )useum+ the Aukrust )useum+ an$ the archae"o#ica" museum at (amar e.hibit his tota" commitment to form an$ materia"s+ but at the same time+ a""ow his free e.,"oration of new horizons in $esi#n.
(is &"acier )useum has been hai"e$ as a ma3or "an$mark in contem,orary architecture. -he bui"$in# stan$s on the ,"ain carve$ out by the osste$a" &"acier at the mouth of the F3aer"an$ F3or$. -he museum is the center of a ,anorama forme$ by the stee, mountainsi$es an$ the f3or$ with the #"acier on to,. As you a,,roach the site by boat+ the white concrete of the museum seems to "ie as a rock on the mountain!si$e+ says Fehn. -he rocks that "ie on the hi""s of the Scan$inavian "an$sca,e have a"ways ha$ an attraction for me. -hese rocks were the ins,iration for bui"$in# in concrete. /n LArchitecture Au$our hui G<?97H+ the &"acier )useum is $escribe$ as fo""ows> two monumenta" stairways e.,ress the u,war$ movement towar$s the ,"ateau+ the entrance "ike a fissure between themF the interior "it by an o,enin# in the roofF the "i#ht fa$in# an$ $iminishin# as we ,enetrate further into the interiorF the s"o,e of the roof+ creatin# a fa"se ,ers,ective. -he concrete s"abs of the e.terior wa""s create a $ia"o#ue with the stee, c"iffs+ an$ the #reen trans"ucency of #"ass+ contrastin# with the heavy concrete+ echoes the ice!#reen remnants "eft by the ca"vin# of the #"acier. -he same ,ub"ication $escribe$ his (amar museum Ga"so known as the Cathe$ra" )useumH> a sus,en$e$ itinerary+ ma$e u, of ram,s or wi$er #a""eries+ overhan#in# the ruins an$ e.cavation. /t never interferes with the ancient an$ is a"ways offset or at a tan#ent to it. -his confrontation revea"s the story of ,assin# time+ the unchan#in# ,ursuit of its course+ the confrontation between new an$ o"$ is even more ,oetic in the sheets of #"ass that cover the irre#u"ar o,enin#s. Strict"y s,eakin#+ they have no function as thermic ,roofin#+ since the museum is o,en main"y in the summer. -hey are veneers+ over"a,,in# the o,enin#s "ike frames+ a $e"icate un$erscorin# sim,"y by settin# #"ass an$ stone to#ether in masterfu" fashion+ Sverre Fehn revea"s the #a, that the years have score$ into the me$ieva" wa"". Fehn's own notes reca""+ 1n"y by reincarnatin# the moment can we be#in a $ia"o#ue with the ,ast. -his thou#ht #ave him the coura#e to confront the me$ieva" wa""s with s"im concrete ,i""ars+ an$ to ,rotect the irre#u"ar o,enin#s in the ruins by sheets of reinforce$ #"ass+ to concea" in the "aminate$ woo$en constructions of the roof the fruits of contem,orary techno"o#y. -his he recor$e$ in a ma#azine artic"e in +,ggekunst+ G0?90H. /n the )useum of Aukrust in A"v$a"+ a "on# horizonta" concrete wa"" acts as a bor$er"ine. /t was create$ to house the works of the ,ainter+ @3e"" Aukrust+ a native of the re#ion. *ecause the area is sub3ect to ,erio$ic f"oo$s of the &"omma Aiver+ Fehn has ,"ace$ the museum on an embankment that becomes an is"an$ $urin# f"oo$ sta#es. -he "ayout of the bui"$in# is base$ on a wa"" s,ine. 1n one si$e of the wa"" is a service section+ on the other si$e+ the e.hibitions. -he service si$e is covere$ with a skin of tra$itiona" roofin# that s"o,es $own to #roun$ "eve". -he e.hibition si$e is ,enetrate$ by many win$ows. -he s,ine is contraste$ with woo$en co"umns+ which Fehn "ikens to the Norwe#ian forests+ an$ re"ates to Louis @ahn's i$ea that a structure has a s,atia" function. Fehn says+ /n this era+ ob3ects seem to have more im,ortance than ,eo,"e. -he materia" wor"$ kee,s increasin# in va"ue+ whi"e we no "on#er count on i$ea"s or re"i#ion. %e are in some ways+ $enyin# $eath by makin# museums for our ,ossessions+ those from our ,ast as we"" as the ,resent. /n 1971+ he became a ,rofessor of architecture at his a"ma mater in 1s"o+ where he tau#ht unti" 1997. /n a$$ition to the "ectures in the Bnite$ States+ Fehn has s,oken at the Architectura" Con#ress /mrata in Fin"an$ in 199DF =asa Bniversity+ Fin"an$+ 19<DF 8enmark's Architectura" Schoo" of Aarhus in 19<7 an$ 1976F the Stockho"m Architectura" Association in 19<7F the Bniversity of -ron$heim in 1976 an$ 1979F the /nternationa" Laboratory of Architecture I 8esi#n in Brbino+ /ta"y in 1979F at the &eoarchitectura" /nstitute+ *rest+ France in 1979F an$ at the Architectura" Association in Lon$on in 19:1 an$ 19:0. (e has a"so "ecture$ in Paris+ Stutt#ar$t+ &ermanyF *arce"ona+ S,ainF an$ Aome.
As this announcement of Fehn bein# awar$e$ the 1997 Pritzker Architecture Prize is bein# ma$e+ a retros,ective e.hibition of Fehn's work is bein# rea$ie$ to o,en at the *asi"ica by Pa""a$io in =icenza+ /ta"y on A,ri" 1:. A new book on his architecture+ ,ub"ishe$ by ;"ecta of )i"an+ /ta"y+ is sche$u"e$ to be re"ease$ simu"taneous"y. (is internationa" outreach inc"u$es e.hibitions in France at the &a"erie $es *eau.!Arts in 19<9 an$ the /nternationa" Con#ress of )o$ern Architecture GC/A)H in 1990F in *razi" at the Sao Pau"o *ienna"e of Architecture in 1997F =asa Bniversity in Fin"an$ in 19<DF an$ in Norway at the )unch )useum+ 1s"o in 1977F &a""ery Pa""a$io+ 1s"o in 19:1 an$ at the *er#en Festiva" in 19:0. /n 1990+ he was inc"u$e$ in an e.hibition tit"e$ Five )asters of the North+ which toure$ (e"sinki+ Co,enha#en+ 1s"o+ Stockho"m+ Aeykavik+ )a$ri$ an$ *arce"ona. Pro3ects by Sverre Fehn were e.hibite$ in 1999 in Aome+ Na,"es+ )i"an an$ &otebor#+ Swe$en. (e a"so e.hibite$ at the *iena""es of =enice in 1990 an$ 199<. /n une of 1997+ the $istin#uishe$ French ,ub"ication+ LArchitecture Au$our hui( ,raise$ severa" of Fehn's ,ro3ects+ a$$in# that with his works+ mo$ern Norwe#ian architecture has #aine$ true artistic status. *esi$es his many museum ,ro3ects+ Fehn has bui"t a number of ,rivate resi$ences. (e $oes not be"ieve that his rooms shou"$ $ictate how ,eo,"e wi"" "ive there. (e e.,"ains that at the be#innin# of any ,ro3ect+ he has a $iscussion with the c"ient about what they want+ how they see the site. -hen / stu$y ma,s+ ,hoto#ra,hs an$ the to,o#ra,hy of the site+ he says+ an$ / mi#ht make a mo$e". 1n"y after my $ream of the bui"$in# has ha$ a chance to #row in my own min$+ $o / visit the site. /n 1991+ Fehn was the winner of a com,etition to bui"$ 096 ho"i$ay houses of various sizes an$ two #o"f courses in the area of Norrko,in#+ Swe$en+ an area where at one time there was a sma"" cast"e with beautifu" surroun$in#s ca""e$ )auritzber#. A further technica" re2uirement was+ says Fehn+ that we use non!tra$itiona" materia"s. /n this case+ that meant the wa""s wou"$ be ma$e of 16J c"ay an$ 96J straw+ a com,osition simi"ar to the mu$ houses of )orocco+ but in $ifferent ,ro,ortions. -he roof is bui"t as a vau"t with fine"y cut ,"ates which are notche$ an$ screwe$ to#ether. Lar#e #"ass wa""s at the rear of the house+ the atrium an$ even in ,arts of the interior make the house seem 2uite trans,arent. As a resu"t of this uni2ue bui"$in# materia"+ the house was $ubbe$ ;co house. Fehn has com,"ete$ numerous other resi$entia" ,ro3ects+ inc"u$in# a house at Ski+ the =i""a @iso+ the *rick (ouse+ the C. *o$ker house+ the A. *o$ker house+ the S,arre house+ the Bn$er"an$ house+ =i""a *usk an$ the Schreiner house. 1f the "atter+ the $istin#uishe$ writer an$ teacher @enneth Fram,ton ca""e$ it+ Fehn's homa#e to a, L!sha,e$ court formation+ yet the bu"k of the interna" vo"ume fa""s within a rectan#"e. An o,en timber framework surroun$s the basic ,rism on three si$es whi"e no a,anese features are "itera""y re,"icate$ save for the unhewn rock ,e$esta"s on which the ,erimeter co"umns take their bearin# the e.uberant $is,"ay of e.,ose$ timber 3oints cou"$ har$"y be c"oser to the architectonic s,irit of the shoin. 1ne of Fehn's "atest ,ro3ects is the en"ar#ement of the Nationa" -heatre of Co,eha#en in 8enmark which has been $escribe$ as havin# the ma#nificent s,aciousness of cathe$ra"!"ike character. /t is interestin# to note that "ike many other architects+ inc"u$in# ,revious Pritzker Laureate Frank &ehry+ Fehn invo"ves himse"f in the $esi#n of arts e.hibitions. For an e.hibition at (oviko$$en of five "ife!size$ c"ay so"$iers+ two horses an$ archers+ from the buria" #roun$s of the first em,eror of China+ Kuin Shihuan#+ Fehn $evise$ a uni2ue $is,"ay that #ave the fee"in# of the c"ay fi#ures as they were foun$ with thousan$s of others.
Fehn's ,"an conceive$ a hi#h mirror tower in the center of the e.hibit with its si$es ,ara""e" to the wa""s of the museum. -he wa""s too were mirrore$+ so that the ref"ections of the few fi#ures were en$"ess"y echoe$ back an$ forth+ creatin# the army of which they were once a ,art. As Fehn's work ,ro#resse$ over the years+ he became more sensitive to the 2ua"ity of the Nor$ic "i#ht+ as we"" as the re"ationshi, of bui"$in# to the site. )ore recent"y+ he has varie$ his a,,roach to $ifferent ,ro3ects+ with a$$e$ em,hasis on the choice of materia"s for construction+ a$$in# concrete an$ stee" to his ,a"ette of woo$ timbers. /n his most recent $esi#ns+ it seems he has unifie$ a"" that has #one before achievin# works that become a source of ins,iration for everyone. LLL
2he 3ritzker (rchitecture 3rize 4orld 4ide 4e" Site provides current information a"out the world5s most prestigious architecture award and its 6aureates.
Photos above an$ be"ow+ ri#ht an$ "eft> =arious views of the &"acier )useum+ F3aer"an$+ Norway. G19:9!91H
-he four ,hotos be"ow> =arious views of the Aukrust )useum+ A"v$a"+ Norway. G199D!997
A itional photos &a, %e vie#e %, clicking the follo#ing #e% locations! -he (e$mark Cathe$ra" )useum Gsi. viewsH -he C. *o$ker (ouse ! -he A. *o$ker (ouse ! -he Schreiner (ouse Nor$ic =i""a ! -he ;co (ouse ! =i""a *usk ! -he *rick (ouse Aoya" -heatre ;.tension+ Co,enha#en ! Church at North Ca,e ! !1kern (ome for the ;"$er"y! Norwe#ian Pavi"ion+ %or"$ ;.,o ! Nor$ic Pavi"ion ! =enice *ienna"e
Sverre Fehn
! -he Nor$ic =i""a ! -he ;co (ouse ! ! =i""a *usk ! -he *rick (ouse !
3hoto a"ove8 "elow8 and "elow right. 9illa 0usk8 0am"le8 *orway. :1# !-#.7
2hree photos directly "elow: 2he 0rick ;ouse8 0aerum8 *orway. :1# '7
! -he Nor$ic =i""a ! -he ;co (ouse ! ! =i""a *usk ! -he *rick (ouse !
3hoto a"ove8 "elow8 and "elow right. 9illa 0usk8 0am"le8 *orway. :1# !-#.7
*orway. :1#'3-'/7