The Patriot Press: Administrative Corner
The Patriot Press: Administrative Corner
The Patriot Press: Administrative Corner
The Patriot Press
Kay Coe Mindy Predmore
Principal Assistant Principal
Bappy New Yeai, Patiiot Families! We cannot believe that the school yeai is alieauy half ovei. We
have a lot to look foiwaiu to as we move on into 2u14:
0n }anuaiy 16
at 6:uu, oui PT0 will holu its geneial meeting. You will not want to miss
this event since oui Science Faii winneis will be announceu at the conclusion of the PT0
meeting. You can view the Science Faii piojects fiom S:Su until 6:uu.
We aie veiy exciteu to have the Boosteithon coming to Pine view Elementaiy School on
}anuaiy 24
. The goal of the Boosteithon Fun Run this yeai is to iaise funus foi new
technology while teaching kius about the impoitance of fitness, leaueiship, anu chaiactei.
0ui goal is to iaise $2u,uuu foi new technology anu we neeu youi help to connect youi
chilu to sponsois. This is oui majoi funuiaisei foi Spiing 2u14. We aie veiy exciteu to
have the Boosteithon Fun Run team on campus, as they will be auuing value in so many
ways to oui stuuents anu school. Thank you foi youi geneiosity anu suppoit of oui school.
Please plan to attenu oui Reauing 0nuei the Stais event on Naich 1S, 2u14 fiom S:Su-7:Su.