Let Us Pray SG
Let Us Pray SG
Let Us Pray SG
Why Pray? R. C. Sproul 1. How does Sproul answer his first question, If God is sovereign, why pray at all? 2. In the John Calvin quote he gives several reasons why it is important for us to call upon God in prayer. List some of the reasons given by Calvin. 3. What is Gods purpose and how is it accomplished when He says, Come. Speak to Me. Make your requests known to Me? 4. Sproul states prayer is multidimensional. How does he explain this concept? 5. On page 4 there is expressed a way that Gods sovereignty should positively affect our prayer life. What is it? 6. Why should we not draw the conclusion that our sin is ultimately Gods responsibility and that our confession is an accusation of guilt against God Himself? 7. What key concept is being expressed when he makes the distinction between the questions Does prayer change Gods mind? and Does prayer change things? 8. The book of Jonah tells us that God repented of the judgment He had planned for the people of Nineveh (Jonah 3:10). Since Scripture teaches (Malachi 3:6, Numbers 23:19, I Samuel 15:29) and the Short Catechism #4 states God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in his being, wisdom power holiness justice goodness and truth, how can Jonah 3:10 be reconciled with the immutability of God? 9. How is the concept of The mind of God does not change explained in the context of Gods sovereign will and prayer? 10. In what specific ways does the book of Job show Gods immediate intervention and how God works through human agents? 1
11. The statement is made freedom always means freedom within limits. How is this explained? Could you give your own examples of this? 12. What does prayer most often change? 13. The Jonathan Edwards quote gives two reasons why God requires prayer. What are the two reasons?
Prayer as Worship John MacArthur 1. What distinction is observed between Jesus private and public prayers? 2. The Lords Prayer is called The Disciples Prayer by MacArthur. Why? What are some of the characteristics of The Disciples Prayer? 3. What are the key elements that show the parallelism between prayer and worship? What conclusions does MacArthur make from this? 4. It is stated we live in an era of self-focused, subjective, felt-needs-oriented religion. Some have called this therapeutic Christianity. How does this perspective reshape and define our prayers? 5. Redefining prayer to not anything else but asking has what consequences? 6. Describe the nature of a truly faithful prayer. 7. How is every aspect of prayer an act of worship? 8. How is the Godward focus expressed in Jesus model prayer? 9. What is the purpose of all legitimate prayer? List some ways we take the Lords name in vain in our prayers. 10. What was the preoccupation of Jeremiahs heart in his prayer in Jeremiah 32:16-23? 2
11. What was the starting point of Daniels prayer, what then followed, and how does he conclude his prayer? 12. There is a most amazing attribute about Jonahs prayer from the belly of the fish. What is it? MacArthur now presents three truths that remind us our prayers are supposed to be expressions of worship. They are: Gods Paternity, Gods Priority, and Gods Program. 13. The Lords Prayer starts with the basis for our boldness in prayer, which is Gods paternity. What does this Father-child relationship not diminish? What should this be a reminder of?
14. Since we are Gods true children, how may we go to God in prayer? (p. 21) 15. What is implied in the fact that we pray to God as our heavenly Father? 16. From the A. W. Pink quote, what does he believe is the primary purpose of prayer? 17. What are some of the implications of the expression in the Lords Prayer of Hallowed be Your name? 18. When we pray Father, hallowed be Your name, for what are we expressing a desire? 19. What is the ultimate purpose of every prayer we offer? 20 What ought we to be more concerned for than our own prosperity, our own comfort, our own agenda or any other self-centered desire? How is this done? 21. What filter should every request we make in our prayers be run through? 22. What does it mean to pray Your kingdom come with sincerity? 23. What are the qualifiers to our requests in prayer? 24. What should our prayers reflect? 3
God-Centered Prayer John Piper 1. Piper makes the comparison between our lives and the Lords Prayer. Explain this comparison.
2. What differences are pointed out between the two halves of the Lords Prayer?
3. How does praying the first three petitions of the Lords Prayer enrich and enlarge our lives? 4. When we pray for forgiveness, what two reasons are given why we can expect it? 5. In Matthew 6:9 Jesus tells us to address God in two ways. What are they and what does this tell us? 6. Though we may be tempted to think the second half of the Lords Prayer is more about us, how does Piper explain the whole prayer is about God? 7. Which petition is the main point of the prayer? 8. What is it we often fail to see that causes us to lose our divine equilibrium in life and what can result from that failure?
Hallowing Gods Name Joel R. Beeke 1. Joel Beeke expresses the idea that the name of a person and his character or behavior can be linked. What is true of human names is infinitely true of Gods name. What are some of the characteristics included in the names for God that we find in Scripture?
2. What reasons are given for only calling upon the name of God with the deepest reverence?
3. What is the proper starting point for all true prayer and what are the implications of this?
4. When reading Psalm 145 what are some of the phrases used to express its theme of praise and worship? 5. The author refers to the indicative and imperative form of verbs. Why does he say the imperative form is used? 6. In the first petition Hallowed be Thy name, what three things are we asking God to grant us?
7. The question is asked, How can we rightly know God? How is this answered? 8. How does God the Father honor His name by honoring His Son? 9. Name some paradoxes displayed at Calvary. 10. Describe how the phrase Hallowed be Thy name is an evangelistic and missionary prayer. 11. How has philosophical pluralism affected Christians today? Give some examples you have observed. 12. Explain how John 4:24 should be interpreted as it pertains to worship. 13. When we magnify or glorify Gods name do we add significance to Him? Why or why not? 14. The statement is made Contemporary worship focuses on us and our feelings. Scripture teaches us a very different way to worship God. From Scripture how is this worship described? 15. When praying for someones salvation, what is of utmost importance? 16. Describe how you should hallow God in your thoughts, words, and actions. 17. Though Christians are delivered from the penalty and power of sin, we still struggle against sins indwelling presence until the day of our glorification. When we fall into sin, what opportunities does this afford unbelievers?
18. To hallow Gods name we must be conformed to the will of God. Gods will is that His holiness be acknowledged, adored, and honored by us. How can this be displayed in our prayers? 19. Since by nature, it is impossible for us to align our will to Gods how is this accomplished?
Praying in Jesus Name Steven Lawson 1. Steven Lawson begins this chapter by expressing several characteristics of prayer. What are they? 2. What insights do you gain from the analysis of using God in our prayers as nothing more than a mere cosmic genie in a bottle? 3. According to todays church growth ideas, name some obstacles of the disciples first church plant. What did they have? 4. The question is asked, How could the disciples possibly perform greater work than Jesus? What answer is given? 5. Christ assures his disciples that they will prosper in ministry because I go to the Father. What are the two reasons Christ gave his disciples that He would more fully demonstrate His power from heaven than when He was on earth? 6. In Matthew 7:7, explain the significance of each verb being in the present tense. 7. When Jesus says, that will I do, what is at stake? 8. Jesus adds an all-important qualifying phrase in My name. What are some implications of access in Jesus name? 9. How does Ephesians 2:18 answer the question, when I pray do I pray to the Father, Son or Holy Spirit? 10. Our prayers should be consistent with the divine attributes. Explain how these divine attributes should shape our prayers. 6
11. For what should we never pray? 12. According to the phrase in My Name, what is the chief purpose of God in the world? How does God accomplish this? 13. Lawson states: there must be one chief motive and overarching purpose in prayer, and that is Soli Deo Gloria. What is the wrong assumption many people make about prayer? Describe some of the features of the actual goal of prayer? 14. How does God the Father receive glory through the Son? 15. What does the spiritual discipline of prayer require? 16. What prerequisite must be met for our prayers to be answered? 17. What was the point made by G. Campbell Morgan about prayer?
Seeking Gods Will in Prayer W. Robert Godfrey 1. Why could Hezekiahs second prayer be seen to be an incorrect way to pray? 2. Besides Hezekiahs sickness, what other concerns drive his prayer? 3. How does Hezekiah use Sennacherib to reason with God in his prayers? 4. Hezekiah shows the very heart of faith. How does he do it? 5. From Psalm 34, how could Hezekiah claim righteousness as he prayed? 6. Because we understand the covenant of grace even more deeply and fully than Hezekiah did, how does this affect our prayers? 7. What is at the very heart of Hezekiahs prayer? 8. Explain what Hezekiahs prayer challenges us to do in our prayers.
9. What is the pinnacle of prayer? What are some implications of this? 10. The statement is made If we are to pray that way effectively, we need to do as Hezekiah did. What is recommended?
Prayer and the Sovereignty of God Richard D. Phillips 1. What does Open Theism maintain? 2. Under this view, why should we pray? 3. What were the two contrasting responses to the Minneapolis bridge collapse? 4. Pauls writings are noted for emphasizing two features, what are they? 5. What Scriptural examples were given that should give us sufficient reason to view prayer and Gods sovereignty as fully compatible? 6. Even though God is sovereign, what are some of the reasons given for praying? 7. What are the results of the belief that man contributes anything good to his salvation? 8. What spiritual resources in salvation are we unable to create? 9. Why should Christians be profoundly grateful that prayer does not change Gods will? 10. The question is asked, Do our prayers change things? How is this answered? 11. Explain the example given of prayer changing things regarding Garys salvation. 12. Why is Christs exaltation an encouragement to us in our prayers? 13. How are we assured of unfailing access to the Father in our prayers?
14. What story in the Bible speaks of the great privilege of access and favor that is ours in prayer? What must we be careful to do as we appear before God in prayer?
Christian Prayer Hywel Jones 1. Hywel Jones claims there is progression in revelation recognized in the relationship between the Testaments that is structured by continuity and contrast. What subject has received considerable attention in this regard over the last decade? How so? What subject does he think needs to be investigated in this way? 2. What statement did our Lord make on the eve of His Passion that should not be passed over but noted and weighed? 3. What are the two variations in meaning of the three different verbs used for the word ask? 4. The disciples would be asking the Father in His name but their condition of limited knowledge and the time in which they lived precluded their doing so. How was this pointed out to them? 5. How does the phrase A little while when used with Christs disciples differ from when he used it with the Jews in John 7:32-26? 6. Describe some features of the phrase In that day that Jesus used. 7. What else was bound up in the phrase That day in addition to the accomplishment of redemption by the Son? 8. After the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, why are such questions as Where is Jesus? Why isnt He with us? Wouldnt it be better if He were? Where has He gone? Where is heaven? Why has He gone there? What is He doing there? Why doesnt He reveal God visibly, politically, territorially? not asked? 9. Even atheists and agnostics show proof that they are made in the image of God. Describe this proof as set forth in non-Christian prayer.
10. What is the difference between pre-Christian prayer and non-Christian prayer? 11. What adjustment of focus must be made occasionally especially in connection with those Psalms in which Gods judgment of His and His peoples foes is earnestly sought? 12. What were some of the objections raised by Owen, Dabney and Miller to how the Lords Prayer should be used and regarded? 13. List some comments by Calvin (pages 115, 116) on the Lords Prayer. 14. What are some of the implications of Christian prayer that stem from praying to God as Father in the name of Jesus? 15. Who are the two advocates and what are their complimentary ministries that are marks of Christian prayer? Three areas of praying in the Spirit are mentioned. They are that it is Trinitarian in shape, universal in scope, and childlike in spirit. 16. What is meant by Trinitarian in shape? 17. What is meant by universal in scope? 18. What is meant by childlike in spirit? What are some thoughts that flow from this concept? 19. What did Jesus assure his disciples by the means of two mini-parables?
The Concert of Prayer in the 18th Century: A Model for Praying Together Michael A. G. Haykin 1. How does Stephen J. Nichols explain Edwards statement God has been pleased to constitute prayer to be antecedent to the bestowment of mercy, and He is pleased to bestow mercy in consequence of prayer, as though He were prevailed upon by prayer?
2. What are some of the characteristics that prayer is designed to bring forth in those who have a proper frame of mind and heart? 3. Jonathan Edwards and Cotton Mather believed corporate prayer was vital for the expansion of Gods kingdom. How was this principle expounded in each mans life? 4. Summarize the three main parts of Edwards sermon The Humble Attempt. 5. What did Edwards believe were the results of the rejection of Puritan theology and the embracing of theologies shaped by the rationalistic worldview of the Enlightenment? 6. What is the essence of Edwards Humble Attempt as given on page 135? 7. In Andrew Fullers sermon The Nature and Importance of Walking by Faith what was he urging his hearers to do? 8. Sutcliff proposed that the churches of the association establish monthly prayer meetings for the outpouring of Gods Holy Spirit and the consequent revival of the churches of Great Britain. From the circular letter sent out from this gathering, what was stated as the grand object of the corporate prayer? 9. What were the four noteworthy points of this Prayer Call? 10. How does Edwards say Ezekiel 36:37 expresses the sole foundation for praying for revival? 11. In what two ways did God answer their prayers for the spread of the gospel to the most distant parts of the habitable globe? 12. As the copious showers of blessings which resulted from the Prayer Call of 1784 are given, how does this affect your view of corporate church prayer? Does your church have such a commitment to corporate prayer? 13. How did Fuller elaborate on his friend Sutcliffs statement I wish I had prayed more?
Effectual, Fervent Prayer Phil Johnson 1. In what must we always ground our prayers? 2. When Jesus tells us to pray in faith and not doubt, what ought this encourage us to do? 3. What is the positive and encouraging principle in James 5:16? 4. Why are Christians and Elijah considered righteous? 5. Describe the contrast between how Elijah called down fire and how he called down the rain. What does this show? Three characteristics of Elijahs prayer are examined. He prayed privately, passionately, and persistently. 6. In the section Elijah prayed privately, what character traits are established about Ahab? Who was the real wicked force behind the paganism in Israel during Ahabs reign? 7. How did Elijah illustrate what Jesus taught in Matthew 6:5-6 and what lessons does this teach us about prayer? 8. In the section Elijah prayed passionately, what was Elijahs posture in prayer before God and what does this teach us? 9. Describe the spiritual significance of Israels drought that Elijah saw. 10. In the section Elijah prayed persistently the statement is made: Just because God has made a promise does not mean we should not pray for what He promised. Why? 11. What reasons are given to substantiate the statement Gods delays always have good reasons? 12. Why did Elijah not grow discouraged or weary while praying and seeing no tangible sign of an answer to his prayer for rain? How have past incidents in his life strengthened his prayer life?
13. Describe Ahabs state after he had witnessed Elijahs miracles? 14. What is James saying about your prayer life? If you are not seeing answers to your prayers, what is the problem and what should you learn from that?
Prayer as Our Battle Cry R. Bruce Bickel 1. What is the battle cry of the church and what terms are used in Scripture to make clear its threefold description of Gods people? 2. Four questions are considered to help us understand the significance of the second petition of the Lords Prayer, Your kingdom come. How does the author answer the first question: What is the relationship between this petition and the one preceding it, Hallowed be Your name?
3. Describe how Gods Kingdom comes progressively to individuals. 4. In regard to the second question, Whose kingdom is here in view? in what sense must this kingdom be future? 5. How do the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory differ? 6. Name some features that show these kingdoms are joined together. 7. What are the three tremendous rallying implications of our Battle Cry given on pp. 169-170? 8. Describe how praying Your Kingdom come has a far-reaching impact. 9. What are some of the uses to which this Battle Cry can be applied?