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Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) Installation Guide Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) Installation Guide

Transparent Authentication (Clientless Single Sign on) Cyberoam introduces Clientless Single Sign On as a Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS). With Single Sign On authentication, user automatically logs on to the Cyberoam when logs on to Windows through his windows username and password. Hence, eliminating the need of multiple logins and username & passwords. But, Clientless Single Sign On not only eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords Windows and Cyberoam, it also eliminates the installation of SSO clients on each workstation. Hence, delivering high ease-of-use to end-users, higher levels of security in addition to lowering operational costs involved in client installation. Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) CTA Suite consists of CTA Agent It monitors user authentication request coming on the domain controller and sends information to the Collector for Cyberoam authentication. CTA Collector It collects the user authentication request from multiple agents, processes the request and sends to Cyberoam for authentication. How does Cyberoam CTA Agent work? User Authentication Information Collection Process 1. User tries to log on to the Active Directory Domain Controller from any workstation in LAN. Domain Controller tries to authenticate user credentials. 2. This authentication process is captured and communicated to CTA Collector over default port 5566 by CTA Agent real time. 3. CTA Collector registers user in the Local database and communicates user information to Cyberoam over the default port 6060 4. Cyberoam queries Active Directory to determine users group membership and registers user in Cyberoam database Based on data from CTA Agent, Cyberoam queries AD server to determine group membership and based on which access is granted or denied. Users logged into a workstation directly i.e. locally but not logged into the domain will not be authenticated and are considered as Unauthenticated or Guest user. For users that are not logged into the domain, the HTTP Login screen prompting for a manual login will be displayed for further authentication. Follow the below given steps to download and install CTAS v Step 1: Download CTA Suite Download CTA Suite (CTASuite.exe) from http://www.cyberoam.com/cyberoamclients.html and install CTA Suite on Active Directory Domain controller by following the on-screen instructions. Administrative right is required to install CTA Suite.

Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) Installation Guide

Step 2. Select Installation folder. Click Next to install at default location or click Browse to select a folder to change the location and then click Next.

Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) Installation Guide

Step 3. Select Startup Menu folder. Click Next for default location or click Browse to select a folder and then click Next.

Step 4. Select appropriate option to create desktop icon to launch CTAS and click Next.

Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) Installation Guide

Step 5. Click Install to install CTAS at specified location or click Back to change location.

Step 6. Select type of setup. Select CTA Agent if you want to monitor user authentication request coming on the domain controller and sends information to the Collector for Cyberoam authentication. Select CTA Collector if you just want to collect the user authentication request from multiple agents, processes the request and sends to Cyberoam for authentication. Select SSO Suite to install both the above components.

Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) Installation Guide

Step 7. Specify username and password for the user for which you want to launch the service. This user must have Administrative right for the machine on which you are installing CTAS.

Step 8. Once the installation is completed successfully, below given screen will be displayed.

Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) Installation Guide

Step 9. Check for Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite tab from Start > All Programs. If installed successfully, Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite tab will be added.

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