Vit Ece 5th Year Syllabus
Vit Ece 5th Year Syllabus
Vit Ece 5th Year Syllabus
1. VLSI System Design 2. Computer Organization and Architecture 3. Digital Signal Processing 4. Microcontroller and Applications 5. Digital Communication 6. Control Systems 7. English for Engineers-2
VLSI System Design 3.00 ECE103 Digital Logic Design / ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
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Objectives : To illustrate the basic concepts of modern VLSI circuit design. Describe the fundamental principles underlying digital design using CMOS logic and analyze the performance characteristics of these digital circuits. Discuss the basic concepts of Verilog HDL and use it to describe combinational and sequential circuits HDL at different abstraction levels. Design the synthesizable digital sub-system components using Verilog HDL. Verify that a design meets its functionality, timing constraints, both manually and through the use of computer-aided design tools. Develop problem-solving skills in order to be able to successfully approach a digital design project of medium to high complexity in the final semester. Expected Outcome : 1. apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the design, and analysis and modeling of digital integrated circuits. 2. design and analyze the performance (Speed, Power) of CMOS digital integrated circuits for different design specifications. 3. identify and interpret the design towards realizing digital IC design. 4. describe digital design using a hardware description language. 5. design and conduct experiments in digital design using Verilog HDL and able to illustrate the outcome of the design. 6. use modern EDA tools to simulate and synthesize the digital designs. CMOS Logic Design Unit 1 Introduction to VLSI Design. Review of MOS Transistor Theory: nMOS, pMOS Enhancement Transistor, ideal I-V characteristics, C-V characteristics, Non-ideal I-V effects. CMOS logic: Basic gates, Complex Gates, Multiplexer and Flip-flop. Circuit characterization and performance estimation Unit 2 DC transfer Characteristics of CMOS inverter, Circuit characterization and performance estimation: Delay estimation, Logical effort and Transistor Sizing. Power Dissipation: Static & Dynamic Power Dissipation. Stick Diagram and Layout Techniques Unit 3 CMOS nwell, pwell process, stick diagram for Boolean functions using euler theorem. Layout basics and techniques for Inverter, NAND and NOR gate. Introduction to Timing Analysis Unit 4 Introduction to Static timing analysis. Setup Time, Hold Time. Calculation of critical path, slack, setup and hold time violations.
Sub-System Design Unit 5 Arithmetic Circuits in CMOS VLSI. Design of Adders (RCA, CSA, CLA), Multipliers (both signed and Unsigned Booth, Baugh wooley), Barrel shifter. Textbooks 1. Neil H Weste, Harris, A Banerjee, CMOS VLSI Design, 3/e, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2006. 2. John P. Uyemura, CMOS Logic Circuit Design , Springer International Edition.2005.
Reference Books 1. Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, Prentice Hall India, 2nd Ed, 2002. 2. S. Ramachandran, Digital VLSI Systems Design, Springer, 2007. Mode of Evaluation : CAT- I & II, Quiz, Lab based Assignments/Mini-project, Term End Examination.
Study of VLSI CAD Tools (Working environment, Introduction to Linux and vi editor, Cadence Virtuoso ADE with Spectre simuulator/Mentor graphics Design Architect with Eldo simulator) Applying MOS I-V equations and small-signal models to MOS circuits Analyzing switching characteristics and power consumption of the inverter Analyzing and designing complex CMOS gates for speed Designing an inverter chain to drive off-chip loads Physical Design of Analog and Digital cells (layout, DRC,LVS, RCX, Post-layout simulation) D FF setup and hold timing analysis
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Objectives: To demonstrate the application of discrete mathematics, Boolean algebra, and simple digital design to the field of computers and computer architecture. To describe the functioning of the control unit and look at the different implementations of the control unit (hardwired and microprogrammed) Recognize and analyze the basics of hierarchical memory and virtual memory. To describe I/O system and its interconnection with CPU and memory. To expose the learners the different architectural and organizational design issues that can affect the performance of a computer such as Instruction Sets design, Pipelining, RISC architecture, and Superscalar architecture. Recognize and illustrate parallel architectures and interconnection networks Expected Outcome: The knowledge of how previous engineering science curricula have been applied in the field of computers and computer architecture. The ability to perform basic computer system component designs, defines an instruction set architecture and assembly language for the computer system, analyze the performance of the computer and identify a range of performance enhancements. An ability to engage in lifelong learning of the computing system performance and architecture evolution. A knowledge of contemporary issues related to the architecture, design, implementation and use of Computers. Unit I Computing Systems- An Introduction Definitions - Organization and Architecture, Structure and Functional blocks, Bus interconnection, designing for Performance, Structure of IAS computer. Unit II Central Processing Unit Register organization, Arithmetic and Logic Unit- numbering systems, Integer Representation, Integer Arithmetic Addition , 2s Complement subtraction, Multiplication and division, Floating point Representation and Arithmetic Instruction set, Addressing modes, Data path implementation, Register Transfer Notation (RTN), Abstract RTN, and Concrete RTN, Control Unit - Hardwired control unit and Micro instruction, sequencing and execution. Unit III Memory System & I/O Organization Semiconductor RAM memories-Internal organization of Memory Chips, SRAM, DRAM, Read-Only memories-ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Secondary storage- magnetic disk, optical memory. Cache Memories-Mapping Function-Direct, Set Associative, (Replacement algorithms), Performance consideration-Interleaving, Hit Rate and Miss Penalty. Virtual memory - Address translation, Paging and segmentation.
Unit IV I/O Organization Interfacing I/O Devices with CPU- Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven I/O, DMA controlled I/O OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT Overview, Scheduling-FCFS, SJF, Priority, Mutual exclusion, Memory management. Unit V Computing System Performance and Architecture Evolution Von-Neumann vs. Harvard architectures, Instruction Cycle- Fetch, Decode, Execute Decode, Moores law, RISC -Instruction execution Characteristics, use of a large register file, compilerbased registers optimization, pipelining and Pipeline hazards, No. of Pipeline stage, Performance consideration .Instruction level parallelism-overview, Design issues, Super Scalar Processors, VLIW. Unit VI Multiprocessors Processor level parallelism-Dependency, Flynn taxonomy, Memory organization for Multiprocessors system, Symmetric Multiprocessor, Cache Coherence and The MESI Protocol. Textbooks: 1. Computer Organization and Architecture - William Stallings Sixth Edition, Pearson/PHI 2003. 2. Computer Systems Architecture - M.Moris Mano, IIIrd Edition, Pearson/PHI 2003. Reference Book: 1. Computer Organization and Design-the hardware/software interface -David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Third edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009. Mode of Evaluation Carl Hamacher,Text Hwang and Briggs Harold Stone CAT- I & II, Quiz, Assignments, Term End Examination.
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Objectives: To recognize linear time-invariant (LTI) discrete-time systems To find frequency response of LTI system, find zeros and poles in discrete-time LTI system To design IIR filters using impulse invariance, design FIR filters using windowing To apply FFT to Communication Systems To implement certain DSP algorithms on Digital Signal Processors Obtain a knowledge and ability to use the appropriate tools(Digital Signal Processors) to build DSP systems for real time problems Expected Outcome 1. Able to describe and interpret the basic elements of digital Signal processing. 2. Design and solve the specific analysis using Discrete Fourier transform, Z-transform on given input signals 3. Ability to design and implement filter like operations within the real time constraints. 4. Ability to design a typical digital Signal processing for specific application in real time. 5. Ability to Contribute Signal processing tasks in interdisciplinary projects like automotive systems, Communication , Biomedical, space, defence, Multimedia and virtual reality etc., 6. Able to solve real time signal processing issues by identifying finite word length effect and performance improvement by properly selecting components to full fil the required features. Unit I Review of Discrete -Time Systems discrete time signals and systems- Linear convolution and correlation Basic principles of ztransform - z-transform definition region of convergence properties of ROC (Region Of Convergence)and its significance in signals and system analysis. Pole- Zero map- System realization through block-diagram representation and system inter connection. Recursive Nonrecursive filters. Unit II Fast Fourier Transforms Frequency response- DTFT estimation by DFT Inverse DTFT estimation by DFT Frequency domain sampling- Sampling rate conversion- Aperodic correlation estimation-Cepstrum processing- Band limited discrete time signals- Phase and group delay- Frequency analysis of signals using DFT-FFT Algorithm-Radix-2 FFT algorithms. Unit III Theory and Design of Digital IIR Filter Review of design techniques for analog low pass filter(Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations), frequency transformation, Properties of IIR filter-Constant group delay and zero phase filters - IIR filter design Different methods of IIR filter Design (Bilinear and Impulse Invariant Techniques)- Spectral transformation of Digital filters. Unit IV Theory and Design of Digital FIR Filters Design characteristics of FIR filters with linear- phase Frequency response of linear phase FIR filters Design of FIR filters using window functions(Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Blackmann, and Kaiser)- Comparison of design methods of FIR filters.
Unit V Implementation of Discrete time systems Structure for the realization discrete time systems- Structure for FIR systems- Direct form, Cascade, frequency sampling and Lattice structures and polyphase realization- Structure for IIR systems- Direct, Cascade, Parallel, Lattice and Lattice ladder. Unit VI Digital Signal Processors General-purpose digital signal processors - Fixed point and floating point DSP- Finite word length effect-MAC, filter operation in different DSP architecture- typical implementation of DSP algorithms (FFT and filter implementation). Textbooks: 1. J. G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis and D.Sharma, Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Pearson Education, 2006. 2. S.K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 3rd edition, TMH, 2006 3. Emmanuel C.Ifeachor, Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2001. Reference Books: 1. EMMANUEL C.Ifeachor, Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2001. 2. Oppenhiem V.A.V and Schaffer R.W, Discrete time Signal Processing, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2002. 3. Lawrence R Rabiner and Bernard Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, PHI 1992. 4. Andreas Antoniou, Digital Signal Processing, TMH, 2006. 5. Roberto Cristi, Modern Digital Signal Processing, Thomson Brooks, 2004. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination Digital Signal Processing Lab
I. Matlab based Exercise: 1. Waveform generator a) Periodic signals b) Auto correlation function and Periodicity Measurement 2. Analog to Digital Filter Design through Transformation - order window Estimation 3. Digital Filter Realization Techniques a) Design of Low Pass /High pass filter using Matlab Programming b) Design of Band Pass Filter using Matlab Programming 4. ECG signal analysis using FIR Filtering through SPtool 5. Speech signal analysis using IIR filtering through SPtool 6. BASS & TREBLE CONTROL OF AN MUSIC USING FIR FILTER (USING SIMULINK & CCS along with TEXAS Processor in Real Time) 7. SNR measurement a) Quantization noise verification b) Fixed Vs Floating point studies
II. DSP Processor Based Experiments Processor Details- Architecture Information 1. Processor Basic functions ALU, MAC, shifter (ASM) Bit reversal ( 8 bit and 16 bit) 2. a) Linear and circular convolution -Using C coding b) Correlation studies (Auto and Cross correlation) - Using C coding 3. FFT Implementation using DIT (using C Coding) 4. Design of FIR filter to smoothen the sharp transition of ECG signal 5. Design of IIR filter for processing speech signals 6. Real time signal acquisition using DSK6713 through function generator 7. Real time Music signal Analysis using IIR filter
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Objectives: Describe the architecture of 8051 microcontroller and ARM processor Develop assembly program for 8051 and ARM processor Apply the instruction set of 8051 and ARM microcontroller to get effective programs Design system in block level using microcontroller, memory devices, buses and other peripheral devices Solve real life problem using microcontroller based systems Expected Outcome: 1. Describe the architectures of processors 2. Develop Assembly program applying Digital logic and mathematics using 8051 and ARM instruction set 3. Develop ALP with minimum instructions and memory. 4. Analyze and evaluate the given program in terms of code size and computational time 5. Design microcontroller based system within realistic constraint like user specification, availability of components etc 6. Solve real life problem and construct a complete system as a solution 7. To integrate and build a working model using the laboratory components and IDE tools. Unit I Introduction 5 hours Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Architectures [8085,8086] Intel MCS-51 family features 8051 -organization and architecture. Unit II Programming with 8051 10 hours 8051 instruction set, addressing modes, conditional instructions, I/O Programming, Arithmetic logic instructions, single bit instructions, interrupt handling, programming counters, timers and Stack. Unit III MCS51 and external Interfaces 8 hours User interface keyboard , LCD, LED, Real world interface - ADC, DAC, SENSORS Communication interface. Unit IV C programming with 8051 8 hours I/O Programming, Timers/counters, Serial Communication, Interrupt, User Interfaces- LCD, Keypad, LED and communication interfaces [RS232]. Unit V ARM processor core based microcontrollers Need for RISC Processor-ARM processor fundamentals, ARM core based controller [LPC214X], IO ports, ADC/DAC, Timers. 14 hours
Textbooks Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems (Using assembly and C) Pearson education/ Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
Reference Books 1. Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth J., Microcontrollers: Architecture implementation and Programming, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. 2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ARM Developers Guide. 3. User mannual of ARM Controllers LPC214X. 4. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and interfacing: programming and hardware, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd edition, 2007. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
Microcontroller and Applications Lab List of Experiments Programming 8051 Micro controller using ASM and C, and implementation in flash 8051 microcontroller. 1. Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions [Assembly] 2. Program using constructs(Sorting an array) [Assembly] 3. Programming using Ports [Assembly and C] 4. Delay generation using Timer[Assembly and C] 5. Programming Interrupts [Assembly and C] 6. Implementation of standard UART communication.(using hyper terminal) [Assembly and C] 7. Interfacing LCD Display. [Assembly and C] 8. Interfacing with Keypad[Assembly and C] 9. Programming ADC/DAC [Assembly and C] 10. Interfacing with stepper motor. [Assembly and C] PROTEUS Simulation 11. Pulse Width Modulation. [Assembly and C] Programming ARM Micro controller using ASM and C using simulator. 11.Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions[Assembly] 12.GPIO programming in ARM microcontroller. [ C Programming] 13.Timers prograaming in ARM Microcontroller. [C Programming]
PROTEUS Simulation
Digital Communication
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Prerequisite: ECE203 Modulation Techniques Objectives: Describe the basic concept of Digital Communication using Functional Block Diagram Analyze the performance of different types of encoding schemes such as Temporal Waveform Coding and power spectral density of different signaling schemes. Analyze the performance of digital modulation and demodulation techniques and identify suitable modulation and demodulation technique for different applications based on bandwidth, data-rate and bit error rate. Illustrate the role of ISI in base band reception techniques and show the working of Correlation Receiver and Matched Filter. Illustrate Spread Spectrum Techniques and Multiple Access Techniques. Expected Outcome: 1. Explain the basics of Digital Communication systems. 2. Classify the different type of encoding schemes and derive the power spectral density of different signaling schemes. 3. Justify the role of Digital Modulation and Demodulation techniques in different application. Unit I Communication System Communication Systems - Digital Communication Systems Functionality of Blocks, Medium classification, Performance Measure; Geometric representation of Signals, Bandwidth, Mathematical Models of Communication Channel. Unit II Baseband Formatting Techniques Overview of Sampling, Quantization Uniform and Non-uniform (A-law & -law), Encoding Techniques for Analog Sources - Temporal waveform encoding, Spectral waveform encoding, Model-based/ Parametric encoding, Comparison of speech encoding techniques. Classification of line codes, characteristics and power spectra of line codes. Unit III Baseband Reception Techniques Noise in Communication Systems; Receiving Filter Correlation type, Matched Filter type; Equalizing Filter - Signal and system design for ISI elimination, Eye Pattern analysis. Unit IV Bandpass Signal Transmission And Reception Memory less modulation methods BASK, BFSK, BPSK, DPSK and QPSK; Representation and Spectral Characteristics; Error performance Coherent and Non-coherent detection systems; Non Linear Modulation Methods with memory CPFSK, MSK and GMSK. Unit V Spread Spectrum Techniques Introduction Generation of PN Sequences Properties of PN Sequences Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopped Spectrum. Unit VI Multiple Access Techniques Introduction TDM/TDMA FDM/FDMA CDMA SDMA - OFDM/OFDMA.
Textbooks: Simon Haykin, Digital Communication, John Wiley, 2009. Reference Books 1. John.G. Proakis, Fundamentals of Communication Systems, Pearson Education, 2006. 2. Amitabha Bhattacharya, Digital Communications, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 3. Herbert Taub & Donald L Schilling Principles of Communication Systems (3rd Edition) Tata McGraw Hill, 2008. 4. Digital Communications by John Proakis, Masoud Salehi , 5th edition McGraw-Hill; - 2007. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination. Digital Communication Lab
List of Experiments: 1. Comparative Study of Pulse Code Modulation and Differential Pulse Code Modulation. 2. Comparative study of Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta modulation. 3. Simulation of Band Pass Signal Transmission and Reception Amplitude Shift Keying Frequency Shift Keying Phase Shift Keying.
4. Performance Analysis of Band Pass Signal Transmission and Reception Amplitude Shift Keying Frequency Shift Keying Phase Shift Keying. 5. Implementation of Amplitude Shift Keying 6. Implementation of Frequency Shift Keying 7. Implementation of Phase Shift Keying. 8. Time Division Multiplexing: PLL (CD 4046) based synch, clock and data extraction 9. Generation of PN Sequences 10. Simulation of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 11. Simulation of Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum 12. Study of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA 13. Study of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
LTPC 3024
Topresentaclearexpositionoftheclassicalmethodsofcontrol engineering,physical Systemmodeling,andbasicprinciplesoffrequencyandtimedomain designtechniques. Toteachthepracticalcontrolsystemdesignwithrealisticsystem specifications. Toprovideknowledgeofstatevariablemodelsandfundamental notionsofstatefeedbackdesign. Expected Onthecompletionofthiscoursethestudentwillbeableto: Outcome: Calculatethetransferfunctionfromtheblockdiagram Determinethestabilityoflinearsystems DesignPIDcontrollersfromdesignspecifications Applyfrequencydomainmethodstodeterminestability Formulatestatespacemodels Designcontrollersusingthepoleplacementmethod UnitI Systemsandtheirrepresentations: Basic elements in control systems open loop & closed loop Transfer functions of mechanical, electrical, thermal and analogous systems. Block diagramreductionandsignalflow graphs.ControlSystemComponents: DCServomotorACServomotorSynchroSteppermotor. UnitII TimeResponseAnalysis: Timeresponse Timedomainspecifications Typesoftestinputs Iand IIordersystemresponseSteadystateerror,errorconstants,generalized errorcoefficientIntroductiontoP,PI,PIDcontrollersStabilityconcept anddefinition,CharacteristicequationLocationofpolesRouthHurwitz criterionRootlocustechniques:construction. UnitIII FrequencyResponseAnalysisandDesign BodeplotsPolarplot Nyquiststabilitycriterion Correlationbetween frequencydomainandtimedomainspecificationsstabilityanalysisusing frequencyresponsemethods. UnitIV CompensatorandControllerDesign: Realizationofbasiccompensators,cascadecompensationintimedomain and frequency domain, feed back compensation Design of lag, lead, lag lead series compensator (using Bode plot) Design of P, PI and PID controllersinfrequencydomain. UnitV StateSpaceAnalysis: Stateequation Solutions Realization ControllabilityObservability StatespacetotransferfunctionconversionPoleplacement. Textbooks 1.NormanS.Nise,ControlSystemEngg,JohnWiley&Sons,4thEdition, 2004 ReferenceBooks 1. SmarajitGhosh,ControlSystems(TheoryAndApplications),
PearsonEducation,2005 2. GrahamC.Goodwin,StefanF.Graebe,MarioE.Sagado,ControlSystem Design,Phi,2003 3. M.Gopal,DigitalControlAndStateVariableMethods,TataMcGraw Hill,2003. 4. RaoVDukkipatti,ControlSystems,NarosaPublications,2005 5. I.J.NagarthandM.Gopal,ControlSystemsEngineering,NewAge International,3rdEdn.,2004 6. M.Gopal,ControlSystemsPrinciplesAndDesign,TataMcGrawHill 3ndEdn.2002 7. K.Ogata,ModdernControlEngineering,PearsonEdition4thEd. 2005 8. BenjaminCKuo.AutomaticControlSystem.8thEdition,JohnWiley &Sons,2003. 9. R.C.DorfAndR.H.Bishop,ModernControlSystems(ExamplesAnd DesignProblems),PearsonEducation,2004 SessionalWrittenCAT I&II,Quizzes,Assignments/othertests FinalWrittenTermEndExamination Oct2011
EnglishforEngineersII CommonforIMSandIB.TechCourses Theory ENG102 VersionNo. CoursePrerequisites Objectives Students : Can write and prepare the necessary technical documents. Can face interview with confidence. Will be a better performer professionally. Tune up writing skills and prepare technical documents without errors. Enhance the students with strong writing and presentation skills. Theory 6hrs EnglishforEngineersII LTPC 2 0 2 ENG101
CourseDescription UnitNo.1 Profiling readers Context of Use Revising and editing - Error detection (grammatical and vocabulary) Drafts of Abstract and Executive Summary UnitNo.2 Revising and editing Proof reading symbols Writing Instructions Writing Memos. UnitNo.3 Preparing Questionnaires Writing Statements of Purpose Definitions, format and Sample Technical - Report writing UnitNo.4 Technical- Writing a Proposal Graphic information/ Transcoding (Use of graphs, tables, charts) Meeting Agenda, Minutes
UnitNo.5 Resume (Archival and Functional) Writing effective Applications (Emphasizing Education and Experience)
Thank You Letter and apology letters (after interviews or refusing a job offer) TextBooks Compiled and prepared by the English Division, SSL, VIT University References 1. Technical Communication Today Richard Johnson and Sheehan 2. Porter, Patricia A., and Margaret Grant. CommunicatingEffectivelyinEnglish:Oral CommunicationforNonNativeSpeakers. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1992. ISBN: 9780534172688. 3. Alley, Michael. TheCraftofScientificPresentations:CriticalStepstoSucceedand CriticalErrorstoAvoid. New York, NY: Springer, 2007. ISBN: 9780387955551. 4. Writing Resumes-Kilmet, Stephen. "The Resume," and "The Computerized Resume." In WritingforDesignProfessionals. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2006, pp. 127-129. ISBN: 0393731855. 5. Writing Cover Letters-Kilmet, Stephen. "Cover Letter," and "Enclosures and Attachments." In WritingforDesignProfessionals. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2006, pp. 128-129. ISBN: 0393731855. 6. Writing a Proposal "Standard Proposal for Funding." in WritingintheDisciplines. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publisher, 1995. ISBN: 0155025384. 7. 8. ModeofEvaluation Assignments/Seminars/CAT/Term-end