MAQTU' Hadith
MAQTU' Hadith
MAQTU' Hadith
d. Technically: it refers to sayings and actions attributed to the successors or followers, regardless of whether they have continuous chain of narrators or no. 1 n another word it !eans anything narrated by the successor the!selves or referred bac" to the!.# There are two types of !aqtu hadith:$ o Maqtu qauli %The words and sayings that were narrated by the successors or followers. %&'a!ple: Muha!!ad bn (ireen said )This "nowledge is deen, so be careful who you ta"e your deen fro!*, the word of !a! Mali" )Leave that deeds that you do in private that you would not want other people to "now in the open*+, and n the words of ,asan -l%.asri on perfor!ing the prayer behind !ubtadi or innovator of religious teaching, he said: )perfor! prayer behind hi!, the bidah /innovation0 is his responsibility, not yours*1. o Maqtu fili %The actions that were done and practiced by the successor or followers.
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-bdullah, s!ail 2 -bdul Manas, (hayuthy. ntroduction to the (ciences of ,adith, p.3$. http:44www."ala!!4.oo"s45o5%6Master67eference.pdf 3 bid 4 bid 5 -bdullah, s!ail 2 -bdul Manas, (hayuthy. ntroduction to the (ciences of ,adith, p.3$.
%&'a!ple: narrated by brahi! ibn Muha!!ad ibn Muntasir )8henever it was ti!e for prayer, Masruq would lower his curtain and lead his fa!ily in prayer*. 9alue of Maqtu hadith: t is characteri;ed as authentic, agreeable, or wea" based on its te't and narrative chain. t is not the word of the co!panions or the prophet hi!self /s.a.w0 t has only few <udicial value and proof which were attributed to the leading figures a!ong the successors who !et the leading co!panions, such as: (aid bin Musayyib, al% (habi, al%=a"ha , Masruq. 8ell%"nown collections of Maqtu hadith> 1. Musannaf Abi Shaybah 2. Musannaf Abd Al-Razzaq 3. Tafsir Al-Tabari and tafsir Ibnu Abi Hatim 4. Al-Mu atta !f Imam Mali" #!ntains 2$% maqtu& ahadith $
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-bdullah, s!ail 2 -bdul Manas, (hayuthy. ntroduction to the (ciences of ,adith, p.3$%3+. bid., p.3+ 8 http:44www.studying%isla!.org4articlete't.asp'?id@1$#1
1. -bdullah, s!ail 2 -bdul Manas, (hayuthy. /#AA30. Intr!du#ti!n t! th' S#i'n#'s !f Hadith /$rd ed0. Malaysia: BM Crint. #. The Master 7eference. 7etrieved -pril 1, #A1$, fro! http:44www."ala!!4.oo"s45o5%6Master67eference.pdf $. 7ashid ,ai, Muha!!ad. .asics of ,adith. 7etrieved -pril 1, #A1$, fro! http:44www.studying%isla!.org4articlete't.asp'?id@1$#1