World History Timeline - Ancient Israel
World History Timeline - Ancient Israel
World History Timeline - Ancient Israel
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The Civilization of Ancient Israel The religion of Ancient Israel helped lay the spiritual foundations for western civilization.
An Overview of Ancient Israel A New Religion: Monostheism A New Ethics: The Ten Commandments The Kingdom of Ancient Israel A Prophetic Tradition Losing a Homeland
The Ancient Israelites settled the land of Canaan sometime between 1300 and 1100 BC. They traced their descent to a nomadic clan chief called Abram, several centuries before, who had migrated to Canaan from Mesopotamia. His descendants had then migrated on to Egypt. Here, according to their ancestral records, they had been mstreated and enslaved, before escaping en masse and moving back up to Canaan. A New Religion: Monostheism The Israelites brought with them a unique cultural facet, monotheism. For the first time in history, as far as we know, a religion had appeared which concerned the worship of only one god. By implication, this god was the universal God, the One who controlled all things. The only possible rival to the Israelite claim to have the first monotheistic religion in world history is found in the reforms of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Akhenaton (died c.1335 BC). These have often been interpreted to have promoted the worship of the Sun god as the one God. However the information on these reforms is patchy, and it may have been as much a political revolution to undercut the power of the traditional priests as it was a religious one. In any case, it barely outlasted Akhenaton's death. A New Ethics: The Ten Commandments The Israelite religion was not just unique at that time in recognizing a single god. It also promoted an ethical system which required high standards of behaviour from the people. In short, they were required to treat each other - including women and foreigners - with respect and consideration. An elaborate code of law would build up over time, constructed around ideas of fairness and justice. At the heart of this code lay the Ten Commandments, which have formed the foundation of Jewish and Christian ethics ever since. The Kingdom of Ancient Israel Initially, the Israelites formed a loose confederation of twelve tribes. National leaders, called judges, emerged from time to time to deal with particular crises. However, by 1000 BC the Israelites had established a kingdom, under their famous king, David. He and his son, Solomon, established their capital at Jerusalem, which also became the chief centre of the Israelite religion after Solomon built the only permitted temple there. The kingdom shortly divided into two halves, and, thus weakened, the Israelites fell victim to the great powers of the region. The northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC, and the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonians in 586 BC. A Prophetic Tradition During this period of division and decline, the Israelites developed a tradition of prophecy whereby a