Old School Gazette 1
Old School Gazette 1
Old School Gazette 1
This Old-School Gazette gives you all the statistics you need to pit goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, ogres and orcs against your players. Also, there are 6 new OSRIC compatible magic items associated with these common foes. So enjoy this first Old-School Gazette and look forward to many more! Issue 2 of the Old-School Gazette will contain 4 brand-new OSRIC compatible monsters and 4 new magic items associated with these enemies. The below two paragraphs are a legal disclaimer thats not only important, but contains useful information for a change, so dont skip reading it just because of the legalese: This product uses the OSRICTM System (Oldschool System Reference and Index CompilationTM). The OSRICTM system text may be found at http://www.knights-nknaves.com/osric. The OSRICTM text is copyright of Stuart Marshall. OSRICTM and Old School Reference and Index CompilationTM, are trademarks of Stuart Marshall and Matthew Finch and may be used only in accordance with the OSRICTM license. This product is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. Some of you may be unaware of OSRICTM. Go and download the product from the above link and then come back. As you can see from the above, OSRICTM is a freely available, OGL role-playing system that pays homage to the style of role-playing games we grew up playing. The Old-School Gazette is designed to support the OSRICTM system by releasing compatible material, not only to players and Game Masters, but to other publishers as well. Were very excited to start the Old-School Gazette. We plan on featuring monsters, magic items, spells, and anything else you can think of relating to old-school gaming via the OSRIC system. Have any ideas? Send an e-mail to josephbrowning@gmail.com and let us know your thoughts!
SIZE: Small MOVE: 60 ft. ARMOR CLASS: 6 HIT DICE: 1d8-1 (minimum 1hp) ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE: By weapon (usually 1d6) SPECIAL ATTACKS: None SPECIAL DEFENSES: None MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard RARITY: Uncommon NO. ENCOUNTERED: 40-400 LAIR PROBABILITY: 40% TREASURE: Individual: 3-18 sp; In Lair 1-12k cp (20%), 1-6k sp (30%), 1-4k ep (10%), 1-6 gems (25%), 1-3 Jewelry (20%), 2 magic items or maps (10%) INTELLIGENCE: Low to average ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil LEVEL/X.P.: 1 / 10 + 1/hp General information: Goblin tribes, with the tribes being clans. Each tribe has a chief fight one another for prestige society is divided into further subdivided into and these chiefs often and gain. It is said that
there is a goblin king to whom all tribes have sworn fealty, but given the feuding common between tribes this is believed to be false. Being bullied by bigger, stronger creatures has taught goblins to exploit what few advantages they have: sheer numbers and malicious ingenuity. The concept of a fair fight is meaningless in their society. They favor ambushes, overwhelming odds, dirty tricks, and any other edge they can devise. However, goblins have a poor grasp of greater military strategy and are cowardly by nature, tending to flee the field if a battle turns against them. With proper supervision, though, they can implement reasonably complex plans, and in such circumstances their numbers can be a deadly advantage. The number appearing shown above is for a single clan. Goblins are nocturnal, and have 60 darkvision but suffer a -1 penalty from their attack rolls in any light equivalent to full daylight or brighter. Goblins are typically armed with shortswords, spears, or slings. A group of 40 or more of these creatures will contain leaders with a full hit die, and a chief is even more powerful. 25% of all goblin encounters include goblin cavalry, mounted on worgs and, if encountered, one tenth of the goblins will be riders. There will also be an equal number of worgs without riders acting as reserve mounts or independently. Worgs are commonly (60% of the time) encountered in goblin lairs, numbering roughly a tenth of the total number of goblins. Goblins hate dwarfs and gnomes and will usually attack these foes first if given a choice of targets. They are miners of fair aptitude, but dislike work and will much prefer to capture slaves to do any heavy labor. Languages: Goblins speak their own tongue, their alignment tongue, and the languages of orcs, kobolds and hobgoblins. Physical description: A goblin stands 3 to 4 feet tall and weighs 40 to 45 pounds. Its eyes are usually dull and glazed, varying in color from red to lemon yellow. A goblins skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red; usually all members of a single tribe are about the same color. Goblins wear clothing of dark leather, tending toward drab, soiled-looking colors. They generally live to the age of approximately 50 years. Variants: There are no known goblin variants, although the nilbog is considered by some scholars to be a true goblin variant.
SIZE: Medium MOVE: 90 ft. ARMOR CLASS: 5 HIT DICE: 1d8+1 ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE: By weapon (usually 1d8) SPECIAL ATTACKS: None SPECIAL DEFENSES: None MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard RARITY: Uncommon NO. ENCOUNTERED: 10-200 LAIR PROBABILITY: 25% TREASURE: Individual: 3-24 cp, 2-8 gp; In Lair: 1-8k cp (20%), 1-12k sp (15%), 1-8k ep (15%), 1-6k gp (50%), 3-18 gems (80%), 1-6 jewelry (25%), 2 magic items plus 1 potion (15%) INTELLIGENCE: Average ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil LEVEL/X.P.: 2 / 30 + 1/hp General Information: Hobgoblin society is divided into tribes, with the tribes being further subdivided into clans. The number appearing shown above is for a single clan. Hobgoblins have 60 Darkvision, and do not suffer any penalties for fighting in daylight making their homes both above and below ground with equal frequency. They are typically armed with swords, morningstars, spears, and/or composite bows. A group of 20 or more goblins may contain leaders who fight as gnolls or even bugbears, and a chief is even more powerful. Hobgoblins sometimes have a tribal standard with them which causes them to fight at +1 on attack and morale rolls - but only if the hobgoblins are within 60 ft. of the standard. They are miners of fair aptitude, but dislike work and will much prefer to capture slaves to do any heavy labor. Hobgoblins have a strong grasp of strategy and tactics and are capable of carrying out sophisticated battle plans. Under the leadership of a skilled strategist or tactician, their discipline can prove a deciding factor. Hobgoblins hate elves and attack them first, in preference to other opponents. Languages: Hobgoblins speak hobgoblin, their alignment tongue, and the languages of goblins and orcs. Physical Description: Hobgoblins are larger cousins of goblins. Hobgoblins hair color ranges from dark reddish-brown to dark gray. They have dark orange or red-orange skin. Large males have blue or red noses. Hobgoblins eyes are yellowish or dark brown, while their teeth are yellow. Their garments tend to be brightly colored, often blood red with black-tinted leather. Their weaponry is kept polished and in good repair. They generally live to the age of 60 years.
SIZE: Small MOVE: 60 ft. ARMOR CLASS: 7 HIT DICE: 1d4 ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE: By weapon (usually 1d4) SPECIAL ATTACKS: None SPECIAL DEFENSES: None MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard RARITY: Uncommon NO. ENCOUNTERED: 40-400 LAIR PROBABILITY: 40% TREASURE: Individual: 3-24 cp; In Lair: 1-4k cp (25%), 1-3k sp (20%), 10-40 (50%) INTELLIGENCE: Low to average ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil LEVEL/X.P.: 1 / 5 + 1/hp General Information: Kobold society is divided into tribes, with the tribes being further subdivided into clans. The number appearing shown above is for a single clan. Like goblins, kobolds are nocturnal, and have 60 darkvision but suffer a -1 penalty from their attack rolls in any light equivalent to full daylight or brighter. Kobolds like to attack with overwhelming oddsat least two to oneor trickery; should the odds fall below this threshold, they usually flee. However, they attack gnomes on sight if their numbers are equal. They begin a fight by throwing missile weapons, closing only when they can see that their foes have been weakened. Whenever they can, kobolds set up ambushes near trapped areas. Kobolds are typically armed with spiked wooden clubs, axes, javelins and spears. A group of 40 or more of these creatures may contain leaders who fight as goblins or even orcs, and a chief is even more powerful. If encountered in their lair or in any large settlement, there will be (in addition to the male kobolds) a number of females equal to 50% of the number encountered and young equal to 1/10th the number encountered. For example, if 200 kobolds are in their lair, an additional 100 females and 20 children are also present. Kobolds hate gnomes, halflings and small faeries such as pixies, nixies and brownies, and will usually attack these foes first if given a choice of targets. They are miners of fair aptitude, but dislike work and will much prefer to capture slaves to do any heavy labor. Languages: Kobolds speak their own tongue, their alignment tongue, and the language of Goblins. They generally live to the age of approximately 130 years. Physical Description: Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. A kobolds scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is nonprehensile. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange. A kobold is 2-1/2 to 3 feet tall and weighs 35 to 45 pounds. Kobolds speak with a voice that sounds like that of a yapping dog.
SIZE: Large MOVE: 90 ft. ARMOR CLASS: 5 HIT DICE: 4d8+1 ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE: 1d10 or by weapon SPECIAL ATTACKS: None SPECIAL DEFENSES: None MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard RARITY: Common NO. ENCOUNTERED: 2-20 LAIR PROBABILITY: 25% TREASURE: Individual: 20-80 gp; In Lair: 1-8k cp (50%), 1-6,k sp (25%), 1-4k ep (25%), 1-3k gp (25%), 1-6 gems (80%), 2-8 potions (40%), 1 magic weapon or armor (10%) INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil LEVEL/X.P.: 3 / 110 + 4/hp General information: Ogres can be found in almost any terrain and Ogre society is divided into bands. The number appearing shown above is for a single band. Ogres have 60 darkvision, and do not suffer any penalties for fighting in daylight. Ogres are typically armed with huge swords, clubs or axes. A group of
these creatures may contain leaders who fight as Trolls, and a chief is even more powerful. If encountered in their lair, there will be at least one ogre leader with maximum hit points attacking at almost twice a normal ogres hit dice and doing +2 to damage. Ogres are often found in company with Orcs, sometimes dwelling in the same lairs. Ogres are fond of taking captives for ransom, torture, enslavement, or food. There is a 30% chance that an Ogre lair will contain prisoners. Languages: Ogres speak ogre, their alignment tongue, and the languages of orcs, trolls, and stone giants. Physical description: Adult ogres stand 9 to 10 feet tall and weigh 600 to 650 pounds. Their skin color ranges from dull yellow to dull brown and they typically possess dark hair. Their clothing consists of poorly cured furs and hides, which add to their naturally repellent odor. For monsters of low intelligence they pay particular care in the maintenance of their equipment. Ogres generally live at least 90 years. Variants: There are aquatic ogres, called merrow, which dwell in freshwater lakes and rivers. Instead of huges swords, clubs or axes, merrow prefer to use spears or tridents.
SIZE: Medium MOVE: 90 ft. ARMOR CLASS: 6 HIT DICE: 1d8 ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE: By weapon (usually 1d8) SPECIAL ATTACKS: None SPECIAL DEFENSES: None MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard RARITY: Common NO. ENCOUNTERED: 40-400 LAIR PROBABILITY: 40% TREASURE: Individual: 2-12 ep; In Lair: 1-8k cp (45%), 1-4k sp (65%), 1-4k ep (10%), 2-40 gems (75%), 2-8 potions (40%) INTELLIGENCE: Low to average ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil LEVEL/X.P.: 1 / 10 + 1/hp General information: Orcish society is divided into tribes, with the tribes being further subdivided into clans. The number appearing shown above is for a single clan. If orcs from two different clans are sharing physical space, they will all be of the same tribe for orcs are quarrelsome and territorial. Orcs prefer to dwell in places where sunlight is rare or dim but they will venture into full sunlight when necessary. Like goblins, orcs are
typically nocturnal, have 60 darkvision, and suffer a -1 penalty from their attack rolls in any light equivalent to full daylight or brighter. Orcs are typically armed with axes in combination with bows or spears. A group of these creatures may contain leaders who fight as hobgoblins or even gnolls, and a chief is even more powerful. If encountered in their lair or in any large settlement (3 times more likely to be underground than on the surface), there will be (in addition to the male orcs) a number of females equal to half the male population. There will also be as many children as there are males. Orcs are fecund and there are significantly more males born than females. For example, if 200 male orcs are in their lair, an additional 100 females and 100 children are also present. Orcs hate elves and will usually attack these foes first if given a choice of targets. They are miners of fair
aptitude, but dislike work and much prefer to capture slaves to do any heavy labor. Languages: Orcs speak their own tongue, their alignment tongue, and the languages of goblins, hobgoblins and ogres Physical description: An orcs hair is usually dark brown or black. It has porcine ears, reddish eyes, and a pinkish snout. Orcs prefer wearing vivid colors that many humans would consider unpleasant, such as blood red, mustard yellow, yellow-green, and deep purple. Their equipment is dirty and unkempt. An adult male orc is a little over 6 feet tall and weighs about 210 pounds. Orcs generally live to the age of 40. Variants: Although not a true variant, half-orcs, are the result of orcs breeding with humans and other monstrous species such as goblins and hobgoblins. As orcs hate elves, there are no orc-elf half-orcs.
New Magic Items: Below are 6 new magical items related to the monsters in this article. Grim Axe: When one orc chief kills another, his bones are taken and sculpted into an axe-like object. If any orc chief manages to collect 5 sculptures through their own or their tribes prowess, a gift is bestowed upon the chief and the tribe: a grim axe. All five sculptures merge into a single powerful axe composed entirely of magically hardened bone. A grim axe is a +2 axe, +3 vs. orcs and elves. It also grants its possessor a +1 to Strength, Constitution, and Charisma scores. However, if the chief who owns a grim axe is ever slain in combat, the axe slowly deteriorates, becoming only a +1 axe, +2 vs. orcs and elves after a period of one year. After two years it deteriorates further, becoming only a +1 axe vs. orcs and elves. Upon the third anniversary of the chiefs death, the grim axe crumbles to into two pounds of grim dust. Experience Point Value: 1,000 G. P. Value: 6,000. Grim Dust: When a grim axe crumbles it leaves behind grim dust. This dust is highly valued by necromancers as it can be used during the casting of animate dead to create ghouls, ghasts, or even wights. Like normal animated dead, the creatures created through the use of grim dust are faithfully loyal to their creator and obey his every command. A single use of grim dust weighs one pound and animates 2 undead (users choice) from the above list. Experience Point Value: 500 G. P. Value: 2,000. Kobolds Fingerbone: Even the weakest of natures creatures can provide useful minor magic items. The tenacious kobold shows this adage to be true, as every miner knows. A forefinger bone from a kobolds hand, if left in the center of a deadfall or at the bottom of a mine for a fortnight, provides the bearer a +5% bonus to any checks made concerning stonework, traps, or mining for one week. Only one kobolds fingerbone can be in effect at the same time per individual. Experience Point Value: 50 G. P. Value: 100. Morningstar of Pain: Upon the birth of a new son, a hobgoblin chief may be gifted this dire item by the gods. If the chief refuses to first use the morningstar to crush the head of his newborn son, it will be taken back and a curse will fall upon the tribe. But if the infant is killed, the morningstar of pain remains and forever will it drip with the gore of its first slain. A morningstar of pain is a +1 morningstar. The weapon inflicts terrible, shooting pains on any creature (including non-intelligent beings) it hits in melee will suffer a 4 penalty on attack rolls and a temporary loss of 2 dexterity points for 2-12 turns. A successful save vs. spells will resist the effect. Experience Point Value: 1,000 G. P. Value: 7,500. Ogres Tongue: One wouldnt think that anything useful ever came out of an ogres mouth but ogres tongue proves that idea incorrect. A freshly harvested tongue (not more than two days old before drying begins) is worth its weight in gold to the right buyers. Cut into small slices and dried only during the night over a months time, a normal ogres tongue magically transforms into a small protective. If eaten ogres tongue renders the eater mute for an hour, but it also provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws for two hours. Experience Point Value: 50 G. P. Value: 100. Spear of the Favorite: The spear of the favorite is a powerful goblin tribal item present in only the most successful tribes with centuries behind them. Such tribes gain the favor of their god and are gifted with the spear of the favorite. The spear is a +1 spear, +2 vs. dwarves and gnomes. It also allows its possessor to make an additional save against any illusion magic, if a first save is unsuccessful. Experience Point Value: 750 G. P. Value: 5,000.
This product uses the OSRICTM System (Oldschool System Reference and Index CompilationTM). The OSRICTMsystem text may be found at http://www.knights-n-knaves.com/osric. The OSRICTM text is copyright of Stuart Marshall. OSRICTM and Old School Reference and Index CompilationTM , are trademarks of Matthew Finch and Stuart Marshall and may be used only inaccordance with the OSRICTM license. This product is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.
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