CE54 Domestic+Heating+Sizing+Method
CE54 Domestic+Heating+Sizing+Method
CE54 Domestic+Heating+Sizing+Method
Complete sections 1 to 8 by filling in the shaded boxes from actual measurements and red-bordered boxes from the tables. The unshaded boxes should be filled by calculation. Assess the shape of the dwelling. (i) For simple rectangular dwelling, use the worksheet alone.
(ii) For small extensions, conservatories or loft conversions heated by the boiler, use the worksheet and add on radiator outputs in section 8. (iii) More complicated shapes should be divided into rectangular boxes and separate worksheets completed for each.
Section 1
Take internal measurements (in metres) of the overall length, width, and room height. The width is generally taken across the front of the dwelling and the length is a front-to-back measurement. Also note the type of dwelling, the number of floors (excluding any loft conversion), and the number of external walls along length and width. A 'top flat' means one where there is another flat below but not above; a 'mid flat' means one with another flat above and below; a 'bottom flat' means one with another flat above but not below.
For later use (in section 5), count the number of open fireplaces with a chimney (count 1 for each). In addition, count the number of closed but ventilated chimneys (count 12 for each), open-fronted gas fires in a fireplace (count 12 for each), and open-flue appliances (count 12 for each). Select the type of external wall by date of build, if known; otherwise by construction type (table 3).
Section 2
Calculate total external wall area (including windows) in square metres. Count the number of length external walls along the length measurement and the number of width walls along the width measurement; e.g. a semi-detached will have only one external wall along its length but two along its width. The wall is not regarded as external where any extensions join the main dwelling. Where there is a single-storey extension on a two-storey house then take half the wall area as external. The whole wall
is still regarded as external when it is attached to an unheated garage. Note that the sum of the widths and lengths of external walls gives an exposed perimeter value, which is used later in section 4. Multiply the total floor area by 0.9 to give the 'maximum window area', which is used in section 3.
Section 3
First calculate the total floor area. Multiply the total floor area by the window factor for the type of property (taken from table 1) then add the window constant (taken from table 1). This gives an estimate of the window area without the need for extra measurements. If this window area is greater than the maximum window area (calculated in section 2),
use the maximum window area instead. Multiply the window area by the window U-value (taken from table 2) to calculate the window heat loss "A". The wall heat loss "B" is calculated from the total external wall area (section 2) minus the window area, multiplied by the wall U-value taken from table 3.
Section 4
Multiply the area of the lowest floor (NOT the total floor area) by the roof U-value to calculate the roof heat loss "C". For a mid flat or bottom flat the roof heat loss will be zero. The floor heat loss "D" depends on both the floor area and the exposed perimeter
(calculated in section 2). Divide the floor area by the exposed perimeter and use this value in table 6 to select a floor U-value depending on whether the floor is a suspended, solid, or insulated type. For a top flat or mid flat the floor heat loss will be zero.
Section 5
Using the total floor area, calculate the volume of the dwelling. Copy the number of open chimneys from section 1, counted as explained there.
Section 6
Add boxes "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" to give a total "F". Multiply the total by the location factor from table 5 to give the overall external heat losses "G" in watts. The location factor includes an allowance for design temperatures,
intermittent heating, pipe losses, and a partial allowance for thermal bridging and inter-floor gaps.
Section 7
If adjacent properties are heated to the same standard, the heat loss through the shared building elements is usually small and can be ignored. However, there may be prolonged periods during which an adjacent property remains unheated. The party heat loss is calculated here so that it can be taken into account in the heating system design method, if required. Detached dwellings have no party walls, so the party heat losses are zero. Semi-detached dwellings typically have one party wall, and mid-terraced dwellings normally have two
party walls. For a mid flat or bottom flat, there are also party losses through the ceiling. For a top flat or mid flat, there are also party losses through the floor. To calculate the party heat losses, note the number of boundary walls of each length and width that are NOT external walls. Party wall, ceiling and floor U-values are given in table 7. Add boxes "H", I", J" and "K" to give a total then multiply by 10.6 to give the total party heat loss "L" in Watts.
Section 8
If the heat generator is a regular or system boiler (not a combi), copy the party loss from box "L" in section 7 into box "L" here and select a hot water allowance of 2000W (or 3000W if there is an unusually large hot water demand). If the heat generator is a combi boiler, copy the party loss from box "L" in section 7 into box "L" here and select a hot water allowance of zero in "M". For any other type of heat generator (e.g. micro-CHP or heat pump), refer to the relevant heating system design method to see whether party heat loss and hot water allowance should be included and fill boxes "L" and "M" accordingly. In some cases party losses may be omitted if there is a satisfactory auxiliary heating system. If no guidance is available from a relevant heating system design method then proceed as above for a regular boiler. Copy the larger of box "L" and "M into box "N". Copy box "G" from Section 6 into box "G" here. Copy the results from any separate worksheets for extensions, additional blocks, roomin-roof or conservatory into boxes "P" and "Q"; for other small extensions or loft conversions simply add the radiator output (in Watts) into box "P" or "Q".
Add box "N" plus "G" plus 400 (thermal bridging) plus "P" plus "Q", divide the total by 1000 and record the heat required in kW in box "T". For a boiler, a minimum size of 8kW is recommended, so enter the higher of box "T" or 8kW into box "V". This result includes all necessary factors and no further additions should be made. Choose the boiler that has a design output closest but above the calculated output; eg, if a heat output of 11.6kW is required install a 12kW unit. In the case of a combi boiler an output of at least 24kW will usually be required to provide satisfactory instantaneous water heating, so the worksheet result "V" should only be used if it is higher. For other heat generators (eg, micro-CHP, heat pumps) the building fabric and ventilation heat loss in"G" can be used to derive a basic design heat loss (with no allowances for intermittent heating or pipe heat loss). This is useful as a starting point for heating system design procedures for other heat generators. To calculate the basic design heat loss, copy "G" and add "P", "Q", and 400 then divide the total by 1150. Record the result in box "U".
Property information Name and address of property Worksheet completed by You can download a PDF replacement sheet for printing from energysavingtrust.org.uk/housing
1. Describe property and take three measurements (in metres) Property type Length Width m m Property location Room height (floor to ceiling) Number of floors m External wall type (table 3) Roof type and insulation depth (table 4) Floor type and insulation depth (table 6) Window type (table 2) No. of open chimneys
2. Calculate total external wall area (including windows) and exposed perimeter (see section 3 and section 4) Length
x x x x
= + = = = + =
Area of lowest floor m2 and constant (table1)
Exposed perimeter
Room height
No. of floors
x x x
No. of floors
= =
3. Calculate the heat losses from windows and external walls Length Width
estimated window area
Window area
Window U-value (table2)
Total external wall area
4. Calculate the roof and floor heat losses Area of lowest floor
Window area
= x x . . x
Roof U-value table 4 Exposed perimeter
= + A = B +
Wall heat loss (W/K) Roof heat loss (W/K)
= =
Floor heat loss (W/K)
x x
0.76 40
= =
+ +
Chimney air flow rate
= =
6. Sum the external surface and ventilation heat losses (see table 5)
7. Calculate any heat loss to adjacent properties (party heat losses), if required (see table 7) Length Width
No. of floors
x x
Party ceiling losses are calculated for mid flats and bottom flats only. For other properties enter zero. Lowest floor area (section 3) Party floor losses are calculated for mid flats and top flats only. For other properties enter zero. Party losses for extension (W/K)
= =
Room height
Extension or additonal block
x x x
Party loss
= = = =
8. Calculate required heat output (in kW) (see section 7) Hot water allowance (2000, 3000, or 0) Are party losses included? Enter yes or no Larger of L or M
Room-in-roof or conservatory
Larger of T or 8 kW
.. 1000 = =
Table 1: Property type (window factor and constant) Detached Semi-detached Mid terrace Top flat Mid flat Bottom flat Table 2: Window U-values Double glazed fitted in 2002 or later Double glazed wood/PVC fitted before 2002 Double glazed metal fitted before 2002 Single glazed wood/pvc Single glazed metal Table 3: Wall U-values. Select on year built, if known. If not known select on construction type. Built 2003 or later Built 1983 - 2002 Solid wall 220mm Unfilled cavity wall Filled cavity wall 0.35 0.45 2.10 1.60 0.60 Window factor 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.086 0.086 0.086 Window constant 8.2 8.2 8.2 5.7 5.7 5.7
Table 4: Roof U-values. For a middle flat (another flat above and below) or bottom floor flat use a U-value of zero. Otherwise choose insulation thickness from below. Pitched, Pitched, Pitched, Pitched, Pitched, none 50mm (2") 100mm (4") 150mm (6") 200mm (8") or more 2.30 1.50 0.40 0.29 0.20 0.35 0.70 2.30
Flat roof built 1983 or later Flat roof, 25mm (1'') or more Flat roof, none Table 5: Location factor North England and the English Midlands Northern Ireland Scotland South East England and Wales South West England
B. Extension and loft conversions Use worksheet and add on radiators sizes in section 8
Table 6: Floor U-values. For a top flat or mid flat use a U-value of zero. Otherwise calculate floor area external perimeter and lookup the U-value by floor type and insulation thickness. Floor type and insulation thickness Suspended, 25mm (1") or less W/m2/K 1.41 1.08 0.98 0.90 0.84 0.73 0.66 0.44 0.27 0.16 Solid, Suspended or 25mm (1") solid, more or less than 25mm (1") W/m2/K 1.87 1.69 1.52 1.38 1.27 1.09 0.96 0.62 0.38 0.22 W/m2/K 0.63 0.67 0.67 0.66 0.64 0.60 0.56 0.41 0.27 0.17
Area exposed perimeter (m) 1 or less Over 1 and up to 1.5 Over 1.5 and up to 2 Over 2 and up to 2.5 Over 2.5 and up to 3 Over 3 and up to 4 Over 4 and up to 5 Over 5 and up to 10 Over 10 and up to 20 Over 20
Table 7: Additional U-values for party loss Party wall (brick 215mm) Party ceiling Party floor 1.33 1.02 1.02
Further information The Energy Saving Trust provides technical guidance and solutions to help UK housing professionals design, build and refurbish to high levels of energy efficiency in domestic newbuild and renovation. They are made available through the provision of training seminars, downloadable guides, online tools and a dedicated helpline. For more information visit energysavingtrust.org.uk/housing
Further reading A complete list of Energy Saving Trust housing professionals guidance can be found in Energy Efficiency is best practice (CE279). To download this, and to browse all available Energy Saving Trust publications, visit energysavingtrust.org.uk/housing/publications The following publications may also be of interest: Domestic heating by oil boiler systems (CE29) Domestic heating by gas boiler systems (CE30) Central heating system specifications (CHeSS) (CE31)
We have a new online boiler sizing tool called Domestic heating sizing wizard. See energysavingtrust.org.uk/housing for more information.
Energy Saving Trust 21 Dartmouth Street, London SW1H 9BP Tel 0845 120 7799 bestpractice@est.org.uk energysavingtrust.org.uk/housing
CE54 Energy Saving Trust December 2003. Revised May 2010. E&EO Printed on Revive 75 Silk which contains 75% recycled fibre.
This publication (including any drawings forming part of it) is intended for general guidance only and not as a substitute for the application of professional expertise. Anyone using this publication (including any drawings forming part of it) must make their own assessment of the suitability of its content (whether for their own purposes or those of any client or customer), and the Energy Saving Trust cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or other liability resulting from such use. So far as the Energy Saving Trust is aware, the information presented in this publication was correct and current at time of last revision. To ensure you have the most up-to-date version, please visit our website: energysavingtrust.org.uk/housing. The contents of this publication may be superseded by statutory requirements or technical advances which arise after the date of publication. It is your responsibility to check latest developments. All technical information was produced by BRE on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust.