Cambridge Placement Test

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The document discusses the Cambridge Placement Test, which is an online adaptive test to assess English language proficiency levels. It provides immediate results and placement recommendations.

The Cambridge Placement Test is an online test that evaluates English reading, writing, and listening skills. It assigns test-takers a score from 0-100 that corresponds to CEFR levels ranging from below A1 to C2.

The test adapts based on the test-taker's responses, making subsequent questions easier or harder to quickly determine their English level. It provides results immediately in the form of a score and CEFR placement recommendation.

Demo test A demo test is available at The token for this site is DEMCPTE1.

This gives a short demonstration of the test, but it is not adaptive and does not give a score.

Cambridge Placement Test

Introduction The Cambridge Placement Test is an online adaptive test of general English, testing the skills of eading/!se of English and "istening. #t has been designed to be short and fle$ible to meet the needs of users who want to place English language learners at all levels of the Common European %ramework of eference for "anguages &CE% ' from Pre(A)(C*. The test is available on demand and takes a ma$imum of +, minutes. Adaptive testing The test is adaptive, which means that as the candidate progresses through the test, each item is chosen on the basis of the candidate-s response to the previous item. As a result, the test becomes progressivel. easier or more difficult until a consistent level of abilit. is achieved, and the candidate-s level of English can be identified. This also means that each test taken is virtuall. uni/ue, helping to ensure integrit. of test results. Results esults are reported instantl. as an overall score on a scale of ,(),,, indicating the CE% level from Pre(A) 0 C*. Score 1,(),, 34(51 6,(37 7,(41 *,(+1 ),()1 ,(1 CEFR level C* &2aster.' C) &Effective proficienc.' 8* &9antage' 8) &Threshold' A* &:a.stage' A) &8reakthrough' Pre(A)

The Candidate Test eport %orm also indicates the Cambridge E;<" tests available at each level. The Test eport %orm can be printed at the end of the test b. the Test Administrator or, if the Administrator chooses, it can be viewed and printed b. the candidate. Bene its o t!e Cambridge Placement Test or t!e customer The Cambridge Placement Test is user(friendl. and fle$ible to administer and offers the following features: <nline ordering *7/3 <nline administration with no need for software installation <n demand with immediate results Adaptive so fast and the same test can be used for all levels ;ecure 0 large encr.pted item bank, which is regularl. refreshed, means a uni/ue test for each candidate

All items pretested Customised branding is possible.

Bene its o t!e Cambridge Placement Test or t!e candidate The Cambridge Placement Test is user(friendl. for the candidate and offers the following features: %ast &appro$. +, minutes' Can choose to take a tutorial before the test Can access on(screen help at an. time 2odern design and interface Can see timer and progress bar Adaptive so /uestions are at an appropriate level #mmediate results. Tec!nical re"uirements Minimum Processor A2 %ree hard drive space ;creen resolution <perating s.stem #nternet connection #nternet E$plorer Adobe Acrobat= Adobe %lash Bava untime Environment <ther Pentium= ## 74, 2>? *46 28 * @8 ),*7 $ 365 :indows= *,,, Pro 4)* kbps v6 v6 v 1., v4 ;ound card and headphones Recommended Pentium ### 5,, 2>? 4)* 28 7 @8 )*5, $ ),*7 :indows AP Pro or later ) 2bps v3 v 6 or later v ),., or later v6 ;ound card and headphones

Demo test A demo test is available at

The token for this site is DEMCPTE1. This gives a short demonstration of the test, but it is not adaptive and does not give a score.

Ensuring t!e tec!nical re"uirements are met

Cambridge Placement Test is a real-time online adaptive test. As a result, the performance of the test will depend on the internet connection speed and available bandwidth at the time the test is taken. Factors such as the number of concurrent internet users on a network, other internet services running, and local I P performance will also impact on the test performance. To make the technical checking of !our hardware and software as "uick and effortless as possible, a diagnostic tool and bandwidth checker have been developed. These should be used on the computers where the tests will be taken, whilst connected to the internet. # $iagnostic Tool% # &andwidth Checker% The minimum technical re"uirements and instructions for configuring Internet '(plorer are given below. There are three tasks in total% Trusted ites, Pop-up &locker and Allowing access to local clipboard ) each task should be performed on ever! PC which will be used for the Cambridge Placement Test. An interactive demo test which simulates the test-taking e(perience is available. This site can also be used to check computers are correctl! set up to deliver a live test. The demo test is not adaptive, nor is a result provided on completion of the test. # The token for this site is $'*CPT'+. This token can be used repeatedl!.

Tec!nical support
If !ou have an! "ueries regarding the Cambridge Placement Test, please contact Cambridge ' ,- .elpdesk. Email: ESOL elpdes!" Tel: /00 +112 332445 #a$: /00 +112 33261+ %ddress: Cambridge ' ,- .elpdesk 7niversit! of Cambridge ' ,- '(aminations + .ills 8oad, Cambridge, C&+ 1'7, 79 Opening ho&rs: :;.2:<+5.:: =79 time>

Tec!nical re"uirements or PCs

Minimum Processor A2 %ree hard drive space ;creen resolution <perating s.stem #nternet connection #nternet E$plorer Adobe Acrobat= Adobe %lash Bava untime Environment <ther Pentium= ## 74, 2>? *46 28 * @8 ),*7 $ 365 :indows= *,,, Pro 4)* kbps v6 v6 v 1., v4 ;ound card and headphones Recommended Pentium ### 5,, 2>? 4)* 28 7 @8 )*5, $ ),*7 :indows AP Pro or later ) 2bps v3 v 6 or later v ),., or later v6 ;ound card and headphones

#t!er actors a ecting per ormance The Cambridge Placement Test is a real-time online test. As a result, its performance depends on factors such as internet connection speed, available bandwidth, the number of concurrent internet users on a network, other internet services which are running, and local I P capacit!. Applications $ou can do%nload ?ou can download the latest version of Adobe Flash Pla!er from%

?ou can download the latest version of @ava 8untime 'nvironment from%

Con iguring Internet E&plorer ' on Candidate PCs

If Internet '(plorer 5 is not configured correctl! for Cambridge Placement Test, !ou ma! encounter problems such as the following%
The test does not start when Candidates enter their tokens. #nternet E$plorer displa.s a securit. message referring to a local clipboard. #nternet E$plorer displa.s pop(up blocker messages and scripting warnings.

To avoid such problems, follow the steps below. If !ou use Internet '(plorer 6 and have problems, similar steps ma! help.

Ma(e Cambridge Placement Test a trusted site

). *. +. #n #nternet E$plorer 3, open the Tools menu and choose #nternet <ptions. <n the ;ecurit. tab, click the DTrusted sitesE icon and then the ;ites button. #n the DAdd this :eb site to the ?oneE field, one of the following addresses: on PCs that will use the Administration website:
on PCs that will use the Candidate website:
7. 4. 6. 3. Click the Add button. Click the Close button. #f the Fefault "evel button is enabled, click it. :ith DTrusted sitesE still selected, move the slider in the lower part of the #nternet <ptions bo$ to the 2edium("ow position. &The setting applies onl. to the websites in .our Trusted ;ites securit. ?one.' Click the <G button.


Ad)ust t!e Pop*+p Bloc(er setting

). *. +. #n #nternet E$plorer 3, open the Tools menu and choose #nternet <ptions. <n the Privac. tab, in the Pop(!p 8locker section, click ;ettings. #n the DAddress of website to allowE field, one of the following addresses: on PCs that will use the Administration website:
on PCs that will use the Candidate website:
7. 4. Click the Close button. Click the <G button.

Allo% access to t!e local clipboard

,n Candidate PCs, the Cambridge Placement Test needs to be able to clear the local clipboard to help prevent Candidates cop!ing and printing "uestions. =The following procedure applies onl! to sites in the Trusted ites Aone.>
). *. +. 7. 4. 6. <n Candidate PCs, in #nternet E$plorer 3, open the Tools menu and choose #nternet <ptions. <n the ;ecurit. tab, select Trusted ;ites and click the Custom "evel button. ;croll down to the ;cripting section &near the bottom'. !nder DAllow Programmatic clipboard accessE, select Enable. &#n #nternet E$plorer 6, this option is called DAllow paste operations via scriptE.' Click the <G button. Click the <G button again.

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