Cambridge Placement Test
Cambridge Placement Test
Cambridge Placement Test
This gives a short demonstration of the test, but it is not adaptive and does not give a score.
The Candidate Test eport %orm also indicates the Cambridge E;<" tests available at each level. The Test eport %orm can be printed at the end of the test b. the Test Administrator or, if the Administrator chooses, it can be viewed and printed b. the candidate. Bene its o t!e Cambridge Placement Test or t!e customer The Cambridge Placement Test is user(friendl. and fle$ible to administer and offers the following features: <nline ordering *7/3 <nline administration with no need for software installation <n demand with immediate results Adaptive so fast and the same test can be used for all levels ;ecure 0 large encr.pted item bank, which is regularl. refreshed, means a uni/ue test for each candidate
Bene its o t!e Cambridge Placement Test or t!e candidate The Cambridge Placement Test is user(friendl. for the candidate and offers the following features: %ast &appro$. +, minutes' Can choose to take a tutorial before the test Can access on(screen help at an. time 2odern design and interface Can see timer and progress bar Adaptive so /uestions are at an appropriate level #mmediate results. Tec!nical re"uirements Minimum Processor A2 %ree hard drive space ;creen resolution <perating s.stem #nternet connection #nternet E$plorer Adobe Acrobat= Adobe %lash Bava untime Environment <ther Pentium= ## 74, 2>? *46 28 * @8 ),*7 $ 365 :indows= *,,, Pro 4)* kbps v6 v6 v 1., v4 ;ound card and headphones Recommended Pentium ### 5,, 2>? 4)* 28 7 @8 )*5, $ ),*7 :indows AP Pro or later ) 2bps v3 v 6 or later v ),., or later v6 ;ound card and headphones
The token for this site is DEMCPTE1. This gives a short demonstration of the test, but it is not adaptive and does not give a score.
Tec!nical support
If !ou have an! "ueries regarding the Cambridge Placement Test, please contact Cambridge ' ,- .elpdesk. Email: ESOL elpdes!" Tel: /00 +112 332445 #a$: /00 +112 33261+ %ddress: Cambridge ' ,- .elpdesk 7niversit! of Cambridge ' ,- '(aminations + .ills 8oad, Cambridge, C&+ 1'7, 79 Opening ho&rs: :;.2:<+5.:: =79 time>
#t!er actors a ecting per ormance The Cambridge Placement Test is a real-time online test. As a result, its performance depends on factors such as internet connection speed, available bandwidth, the number of concurrent internet users on a network, other internet services which are running, and local I P capacit!. Applications $ou can do%nload ?ou can download the latest version of Adobe Flash Pla!er from%
?ou can download the latest version of @ava 8untime 'nvironment from%
To avoid such problems, follow the steps below. If !ou use Internet '(plorer 6 and have problems, similar steps ma! help.
on PCs that will use the Candidate website:
7. 4. 6. 3. Click the Add button. Click the Close button. #f the Fefault "evel button is enabled, click it. :ith DTrusted sitesE still selected, move the slider in the lower part of the #nternet <ptions bo$ to the 2edium("ow position. &The setting applies onl. to the websites in .our Trusted ;ites securit. ?one.' Click the <G button.
on PCs that will use the Candidate website:
7. 4. Click the Close button. Click the <G button.