Poker SNG Cheat Sheet

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EARLY PHASE Basic Pre-Flop Play Hand Category Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5-

No Raise Button or Cut Raise Raise Raise Raise Fold

No Raise Any other Raise Raise Fold Fold Fold

Raise Any position Re-Raise Re-Raise Fold Fold Fold

M !!LE PHASE Correct hands to play pre-"lop Scenario Position Everyone Folds to you Small blind or Button 1 or 2 seats o Button Earlier "osition #ne or more lim$ers %ny "osition Someone Raises %ny "osition

#$B% Category 7 Category ! Category 5 Category 4 Category 3

#$BB to &BB Category 8 Category 7 Category ! Category 5 Category 4

Less than &BB Category 8 Category 8 Category 7 Category ! Category 5

B'BBLE PHASE Correct all-in pushes on the (u((le Your Position You)re the (iggest un"olded stac* Cut-o Category 8 Button or Small Blind Category 8 Correct calling o" an all-in as a ,ediu, stac* on the (u((le Pusher)s Stac* Si-e #$BB .BB &n t'e Big Blind Category 1 Category 2 %ny ot'er "osition Category 1 Category 1

An acti+e player has a (igger stac* Category 5 Category ! /BB Category 3 Category 2 0BB Category 4 Category 3 0BB Category ! Category 5 1BB Category 5 Category 4 1BB %ny 2 (ards Category !

Correct calling o" an all-in as a (ig or short stac* on the (u((le Pusher)s Stac* Si-e #$BB .BB /BB &n t'e Big Blind Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 %ny ot'er "osition Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2HREE HAN!E! Correct all-in pushes 3ith three players re,aining Your Position You)re the (iggest un"olded stac* Button or Small Blind Category 8

An acti+e player has a (igger stac* Category 7 1BB Category 8 Category ! 1BB Category 8 Category 7

Correct ti,es to call a push 3ith a ,ediu, stac*4 3ith three players re,aining E""ecti+e Stac* Si-e #$BB .BB /BB 0BB &n t'e Big Blind Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category ! %ny ot'er "osition Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Correct ti,es to call a push as (ig or s,all stac*4 3ith three players re,aining E""ecti+e Stac* Si-e #$BB .BB /BB 0BB &n t'e Big Blind Category 4 Category 5 Category ! Category 7 %ny ot'er "osition Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category ! HEA!S 'P Pre-"lop heads-up 53ith no raise "ro, your opponent6 E""ecti+e Stac* Si-e You)re the Button $-. BB %ny )*o Cards .-#1 BB Category 8 #1% BB Raise 3BB Category 8+ Call a RR Category 5+

You)re the Big Blind4 he li,ps %ny )*o Cards Category 7 Raise 4BB Category !+ Call a RR Category 4+

Pre-"lop heads-up 5a"ter a (utton raise "ro, your opponent6 E""ecti+e Stac* Si-e Reco,,endation $ - 17& BB Call *it' %ny )*o Cards 17& - 0 BB Call %ll in or Reraise %ll in *it' Category 7 0 - #1 BB Call %ll in or Reraise %ll in *it' Category ! #1% BB, -e Raises to 3BB or smaller .uadru$le t'e Raise *it' Category 5, Call *it' Category !-7 #1% BB, -e Raises to more t'an 3BB "us' %ll in *it' Category 5

Category #8 Category 18 Category <8 Category 08 Category &8 Category /8 Category >8 Category .8

AA4 99 ::4 A9s4 A9o4 ;; A:s4 A:o4 224 == A;s4 9:s4 ..4 >> A;o4 A2s4 A2o4 9:o4 9;s4 //4 && A=s-A1s4 9;o4 92s4 :;s4 :2s4 ;2s4 004 <<4 11 A=-A14 92o4 :;o4 :2o4 ;2o4 2=s4 =.s4 .>s4 >/s4 /&s4 &0s 9=s4 9=o4 9.s4 9.o4 :=s4 :.s4 ;=s4 2.s4 2=o4 =>s4 =.o4 ./s4 .>o4 >&s4 >/o4 /0s

Pot ?dds decisions 17&8# or better 18# or better #7&8# or better @#7&8# -

call *it' any t3o/ call *it' a category &+ call *it' a category 0+ call *it' a category <+

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