Factors For Success Powerful Brand Image:HCL Has A Strong Brand Image in India and Abroad
Factors For Success Powerful Brand Image:HCL Has A Strong Brand Image in India and Abroad
Factors For Success Powerful Brand Image:HCL Has A Strong Brand Image in India and Abroad
HCL is a leading global technology and I" #irm! It comprises two companies listed in India$ namely HCL "echnologies and HCL In#osystems! Its range o# o##erings span product engineering$ technology and application ser%ices$ B&'$ in#rastructure ser%ices$ I" hardware$ systems integration$ and the distribution o# technology and telecom products! "he HCL team comprises o%er ()$))) pro#essionals o# di%erse nationalities$ operating out o# 1* countries! HCL has global partnerships with se%eral leading +ortune 1))) #irms$ including leading I" and "echnology #irms! HCL "echnologies HCL "echnologies was #ormed as a separate company in 199,! In -))*.) $the company reported re%enues o# /01 919 million and had a work#orce o# -9$9,2 employees as on (1 3arch -)) !HCL "echnologies o##ers ser%ices in &roduct 4ngineering and "echnology 0er%ices$Custom 5pplications and &ackage Implementation$ I" In#rastructure 3anagement and B&'! HCL In#osystems HCL In#osystems operates in #our broad segments 6 I" Hardware$"echnology 0er%ices$ 0ystems Integration$ and 7istribution o# "echnology and "elecom &roducts! HCL in the /8 HCL entered the /8 in the year 1997!Howe%er$ till the year -)))$the company did not ha%e signi#icant presence in the /8 until -))1$when HCL acti%ely started #ocusing on the /8 market! Currently$the company operates through three o##ices and two deli%ery centres in the /8! HCL pro%ides the #ollowing three ser%ices in the /89 : 5pplication de%elopment : In#rastructure management : Business process outsourcing In 'ctober -))1$ HCL entered into a strategic alliance with British "elecom (B") to o##er B&' ser%ices through B";s ,)).seat 5pollo Contact Centre at Bel#ast$<orthern Ireland (/8)!HCL ac=uired a 9) per cent e=uity stake in 5pollo Contact Centre with B" holding the remaining 1) per cent! "his was a landmark e%ent$making HCL the #irst Indian I" company to establish an o%erseas B&' business! 5 success#ul conclusion o# this >oint %enture was achie%ed in -)),.)* through an ac=uisition o# the remaining 1) per cent stake!"his aptly demonstrated HCL?s ability to create %alue #rom car%e.outs!Currently$ its Bel#ast centre has -))) employees! "he centre has recorded a re%enue growth o# -)) per cent o%er the period -))1.)*! HCL in the /8 is #ocussing on #i%e industry %erticals . Banking and +inancial 0er%ices$ Li#e 0ciences$@etail$"elecom$ and Hi.technology! In the year -)))$HCL;s /8 operations contributed to around .7 per cent o# the company;s total re%enue! Howe%er$the share o# /8 has now increased to around -* per cent!HCL;s /8 operations generated re%enue o# /01 --* million in the year -))*.) !5t$ present$ it has -$ *) #ull time employees in the /8! Factors for Success Powerful Brand Image 9HCL has a strong brand image in India and abroad! It has in%ested in building a brand recall in the minds o# its customers through ad%ertising and =ualityproducts!HCL brand image coupled with its strong customer relationship and cutting.edge solutions ha%e helped the company in creating %alue #or its clients! It has collaborated with many companies whose products and solutions are in line with its business segments$such as <okia in telecom$ 537 in hi.tech solutions to pro%ide better
customer ser%ices!Brand image was le%eraged by HCL to win some big contracts in the /8 market! Experienced Team 'ne key di##erentiator that helps HCL to stand apart #rom its peers in the /8 has been its superior human resource =uality!"he /8 team carried with it a rich and di%ersi#ied eAperience! "his ensured a thorough understanding o# client re=uirements! "he company also lays special emphasis on de%eloping the skills o# its employees! It pro%ides regular training to its employees #or de%eloping their skills!"he eAperience and sound domain knowledge e=uips employees with an in.depth understanding o# problems and helps in pro%iding =uality inputs that lead to better =uality solutions #or its customers! Blended Solutions HCL has been able to o##er its di##erent ser%ices under one umbrella!"here is a synergy between the di##erent operations o# the company! It is among the #ew companies that pro%ide support ser%ices to its clients through its o##ice located in Ireland! "he company le%erages its support operations in Ireland and in India to pro%ide %aluable support solutions to its clients! It pro%ides support solutions #or its 4uropean clients through its Ireland centre due to local skill presence!"hecentre trans#ers its low.end #unctions to its sister operations in India$thus #reeing its resources to concentrate on high.end #unctions! Focus on Key Business Areas "he company has #ocussed on #i%e ma>or %ertical markets . Banking and +inancial 0er%ices$ Li#e0ciences$ @etail$ "elecom$ and Hi.technology! "hese %erticals #orm the core operational strength o# the company! It has concentrated in these %erticals$ which ha%e in return #acilitated the company to be a strong niche player in these %erticals! In the /8$the company pro%ides solutions to its %arious clients in banking and #inancial ser%ices$ which include the insurance sector (55 Insurance 0er%ice)$the retail sector (70B International &lc) and the telecom sector (British "elecom)! Global Strategy "he company has established subsidiaries across the globe to sustain growth! It has set up subsidiaries in the /05$ Capan$the /8 and 5ustralia etc!which aided in penetrating the global market! "he company belie%es in the philosophy o# Dthink global and act local?! Its global deli%ery system is based on the strength o# its local employees$who understand the geography o# its subsidiary and pro%ide ser%ices in collaboration with its technological competence! Future Plans "he company has plans to target public sector pro>ects to #uel #uture growth!HCL pro%ides large.scale employment in the /8 market! It is the largest Indian employer in <orthern Ireland (/8)! "his has led to impro%ed relations with the /8 Bo%ernment! "he company aims to le%erage its harmonious relationship with the go%ernment and target ma>or go%ernment pro>ects! "he company is also e%aluating certain sectors$ which would be ha%ing high growth in the coming #uture! 0ome upcoming segments identi#ied by the company are media$ publishing and utilities! It has plans to target these segments with a
priority to establish itsel# as a lead ser%ice pro%ider! 5s the company has a strong position in its con%entional market$ these plans will enable the company to propel itsel# #or some eAponential growth!