Unit 3 - Lessons - 31-36 (Pp. 174-183)

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Lesson 31: I Can Perform Simple Instructions

Target Skills: Listening Comprehension: Listen to and perform simple instructions Grammar: Write simple sentences on context Phonics and Word Recognition: Match sounds to their corresponding letters/letter patterns diphthongs (e.g., cow, house) Spelling and Vocabulary: Begin to see that some words mean the same (synonyms) Reading Comprehension: Sequence information from a procedural text read Objective: Listen to and perform simple instructions Subject Matter: Story: Museum Tour by Rose Ann B. Pamintuan Materials: Value Focus: Procedure: Pre-Assessment: (Refer to LM, p. 330, Lets Try) Key to Correction: I. 1.-3. See LM for instruction II. 4. hot warm 5. small little III.7.-10. See LM for instruction Motivation: Ask the pupils to form their lines according to the following: height (shortest to tallest) date of birth rst letter of name month of birthday number of siblings Ask: Have you experienced lining up while waiting for a bus/jeep/tricycle? Is it important to line up? Why or why not? Presentation: Unlocking of Difculties: Do as directed in each word. 1. museum (Show a picture or explain that it is a place where things are displayed.) 2. bus (Show a picture.) 3. fall in line by twos (Demonstrate.) 4. exhibit (Use context clues.) 174 charts, pictures, coloring materials, pair of scissors, glue Order

6. happy glad

Example: The pupils will see the exhibit. They are not allowed to take pictures of the display. Motivation: Ask: Have you experienced riding a bus? If yes, where did you go? How did you feel? If no, would you like to ride a bus? Why or why not? Do you line up before you ride a bus or jeep? Why? Who rode a bus in our story? Where did they go? Did they line up? Read Along: (Refer to LM, p. 331, Lets Aim) Comprehension Questions: (Refer to LM, p. 332, Lets Answer) Practice Skills: These are examples of simple commands/requests. Have the pupils role-play the following: Fall in line by twos. Watch your step. Do not stand while the bus is moving. Do not open the window. Put your trash in the trash bag. Do not touch the exhibit. Say: Lets practice listening and following simple instructions in this song. Shakey, Shakey Song You put your right thumb in. You put your right thumb out. You put your right thumb in and shake it all around. Do the shakey, shakey and turn around. Thats what its all about. *left thumb *right hip *left Application: Tell the pupils to practice listening and following simple instructions. Agreement: Have the pupils do the activity on LM, p. 333. *right shoulder *left hip *foot *left shoulder *right foot *body


Lesson 32: I Can Do Things

Objective: Sequence information from a procedural text read Subject Matter: Sequencing Information from a Procedural Text Materials: Value Focus: Procedure: Review: Say: In our story yesterday, what was the name of the teacher? (Nora) With what letter does Nora begin? Lets practice writing Nn. (in the air, seatmates back, armchair) Lets write the big N rst; then small n. Lets say the sound of Nn. Here are other N words. Read and give their beginning sound. nut name not Nanay neck nose near number nine night charts, pictures, drawing/coloring materials, pair of scissors, glue Order

Give other N words. Motivation: Explain: The following pictures show some of your rights as a child. When we say right of a child, it means you as a child should have it. The grown up should give it to you.

Say: Lets talk about the pictures. (Refer to LM, p. 334, Get Set) *Rights of Child 1. You have the right to be born. 2. You have the right to a name, and this should be ofcially recognized by the government. You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country). 3. You have the right to live with your parent(s), unless it is bad for you. You have the right to live with a family who cares for you. 4. You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs. Your parents should help you decide what is right and wrong, and what is best for you. 5. You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isnt harmful to others. 6. You have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live, and to have your basic needs met. You should not be disadvantaged so that you cant do many of the things other kids can do. 7. You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can. 8. You have the right to play and rest.


Presentation: Say: One of your rights is the right to play. Today, we will make a toy called a pinwheel. (Refer to LM, p. 335, Lets Aim) Using the Language Experience Approach (LEA), guide the pupils in doing the activity. Demonstrate each step and let the pupils follow. Note: LEA brings together oral language, writing, reading, and art, building the orallanguage capacity of the pupils and developing their ability to distinguish print. It extends the learners creativity in storytelling through writing and develops a sense of authorship. It helps learners understand that what they think and say can be written and that their thoughts and language are valued. It ultimately provides reading material that is predictable and readable because it uses the learners natural language. The LEA Lesson Plan Sequence: 1. Begin with an experience that the pupils have shared together. This will serve as the motivating activity. 2. Create written prompts (possibly including pictures or artwork) that relate to the activity to generate oral responses from the pupils. 3. Present each prompt to the pupils and record pupil responses on a whiteboard or chart paper. The scribe could also be an aide, parent, or more experienced pupil. 4. Ask pupils to read the responses / writing aloud. 5. Extensions for this lesson could include having the pupils write their own text and then read what was written. This option serves as a step toward helping pupils become independent readers of what other people have written. 6. Publish the text as a book for the classroom library and / or individual pupils reading material. Practice Exercise (2nd Day): Say: Now, we will recall the steps in making the pinwheel. I will show you the pictures of the steps. (The pictures are rearranged.) Tell me what it shows and I will write your answer on the board. Write exactly the pupils answers. Do not make changes or corrections. After all the steps are described, ask the pupils / class to arrange the pictures in correct order by writing numbers 1 to 6. Say: Now lets read the steps in the correct order. Application: Let the pupils make a mini-book of How to Make a Pinwheel. On each page they will draw and copy the steps from the board. Evaluation: Let each group show / report to the class their mini-book.


Lesson 33: I Can Write

Objectives: Begin to see that some words mean the same (synonyms) Write simple sentences on context Subject Matter: Rap: Different by Rose Ann B. Pamintuan Synonyms Materials: Value Focus: Procedure: Review: Say: Lets review some of the rights of a child. Choose a picture and say something about it. Show the pictures and let pupils tell something about them. Motivation: Ask: Are you a Filipino? What do you think are the characteristics of a Filipino? Let the class complete the following concept map. charts, pictures of Filipinos Equality


Presentation: Unlocking of Difculties: Unlock the following words as suggested: a. different (Show pictures illustrating different and the same.) b. size (Explain that size shows the bigness or smallness of persons / things.) c. shape (Explain that shape shows the roundness or thinness of persons / things.) Reciting the Rap: (Refer to LM, p. 336, Lets Recite)


Comprehension Questions: Read Different You are you; I am me. Different color, cant you see? You are you; I am me. Different size, let me see. You are you; I am me. Different shape, Oh! I see. From the North or from the South; From the West or from the East Boy or girl; young or old, We are diffrent yet the same And theres one thing Ill tell you We are all Filipinos true. Ask How are you and I different in the rst part? Describe our color, size, and shape.

How are you and I different in the second part? We are different and yet there is one thing that is the same in us. What is the same in us? If we are all Filipinos, how shall we treat each other? If we are the same as Filipinos, what must we do to each other?

Practice Exercise: Say: Now, let us study the following lines. The word opposite the underlined word is its synonym. (Refer to LM, p. 336, Lets Aim) Let us study more synonyms. Generalization: Synonyms are words with the same meaning. Application: (Refer to LM, p. 337, We Can Do It) Evaluation: (Refer to LM, pp. 338-339, Measure My Learning)


Lesson 34: I Can Meet Friends

Objective: Match sounds to their corresponding letters/letter patterns diphthongs (e.g., cow, house) Subject Matter: Story: The Frowning Flower by Rose Ann B. Pamintuan Matching Sounds to their Corresponding Letters/Letter Patterns diphthongs /aw/ Materials: Value Focus: Procedure: Drill/Review: Ask the pupils to encircle the words with the diphthong /oi/ or /oy/. glow ball joy boy story soil blue star glue ow boil tall charts, pictures, ash cards Friendliness

Motivation: Say: Tell something about the two faces.

Presentation: Unlocking of Difculties: Demonstrate the meaning of the following words for easy understanding. a. frown b. shook hands Motivation: Ask: How are you feeling today? Who are happy / sad? Why are you happy / sad? Read Along: (Refer to LM, p. 340, Lets Aim) Comprehension Questions: (Refer to LM, p. 341) Let the pupils read the words with the diphthong /ow/ or /ou/. Ask: What is the sound of the underlined letters?


Generalization: /ow/ or /ou/ is also a diphthong. Practice Exercise: Let the pupils read more words with the diphthongs /ow/ or /ou/. (Refer to LM, p. 341, Lets Practice) Application: (Refer to LM, p. 341, I Can Do It) Evaluation: Ask the pupils to complete the following words with ou or ow. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. c __ __ h __ __ __ __ l h __ __ se r __ __ nd

Lesson 35: I Can Tell What Is Important

Target Skills: Listening Comprehension: Identify important details in expository text listened Grammar: Perform dialogues in a drama, mock interview, TV talk show, etc. Phonics and Word Recognition: Match sounds to their corresponding letters/letter patterns diphthongs (e.g., blow, ow) Spelling and Vocabulary: Recognize that some words have opposite meaning (antonyms) Reading Comprehension: Infer / predict outcomes Study Strategies: Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places, signs, and symbols Objective: Identify important details in expository text listened to Subject Matter: Short Paragraph: Scarecrow by Rose Ann B. Pamintuan Identifying Important Details in Expository Text Listened to Materials: Value Focus: Procedure: Pre-Assessment: (Refer to LM, pp. 342-344, Lets Try) charts, pictures Listening well


Key to Correction: A. 1. nches 2. cockatiels B. 3. brow 4. ow C. 5. day night 6. sad happy D. 7. She will study her lesson. 8. She will take a bath. E. 9. 5 10. 3 Drill/Review: Say: Lets read the following words with the diphthong /aw/: cow bow how mow now Motivation: Conduct a brainstorming activity. Say: This is a picture of a scarecrow. (Show a picture of a scarecrow.) What do you think is it for? Presentation: Unlocking of Difculties: Unlock the meaning of these words through pictures: a. b. c. d. e. hay trap elds crow sparrow (Show samples or picture of hay.) (Show sample or picture of a trap.) (Show picture of a eld.) (Show picture of a crow.) (Show picture of a sparrow.) plow owl fowl bowl howl out shout blouse gout house found hound pound stout round

Read Along: (Refer to LM, p. 345, Lets Aim) Ask the class to listen carefully as you read the short paragraph about scarecrows. Read the paragraph three times. During the rst time, the class will just listen. On the second time, the class will try to listen to the answer to the questions that will be shown later. On the third time, the class will review if their answers are correct. Guided Practice: Say: Now, lets answer the questions so you can identify the important details of the paragraph. (Refer to LM, p. 344, Lets Aim)


Application: Let the class listen and answer the questions that follow regarding crows. Say: Again, I will read the paragraph three times. (Refer to LM, p. 345, I Can Do It) Evaluation: Let the class listen and answer the questions that follow about sparrows. Say: Again, I will read the paragraph three times. (Refer to LM, p. 346, Measure My Learning)

Lesson 36: I Can Tell the Sound

Objective: Match sounds to their corresponding letters/letter patterns diphthongs (e.g., blow, ow) Subject Matter: Diphthongs /ow/ Materials: Procedure: Drill/Review: Read with the class the following words with diphthongs /ow/ as in cow. cow bow how now Motivation: Let the class recite the rhyme. (Refer to LM, p. 346, Get Set) Presentation: Ask the pupils to read the sentences on LM, p. 347, Lets Aim. Say: Lets read the words with the diphthong /ow/ as in crow. (Refer to LM, p. 347, Lets Aim) Generalization: /ow/ is also a diphthong. Independent Practice: (Refer to LM, p. 348, I Can Do It) Evaluation: (Refer to LM, p. 349, Measure My Learning) plow owl fowl howl prow brow chow vow allow meow wow down charts, pictures


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