Justinian Obituary
Justinian Obituary
Justinian Obituary
Justinian was born to Sabbatius and Vigilantia in the small town of Tauresium in the Byzantine Empire. He spoke Latin, and in his early years, Justinians uncle Justin brought him to Constantinople to receive an education. Justin also helped Justinian advance in the Army. At age 66, he became emperor of Byzantium. He was in this position from 527 to 565. Theodora was his beautiful wife. Justinian will be remembered for his many accomplishments as emperor. He always had a yearning for a powerful and for a successful empire. He was willing to do anything to achieve his goals; from fighting, to extreme taxation, to hiring the best people to build the largest and most spectacular church the world has ever seen. Justinian first begins to reclaim western territories. To obtain the glory that the ancient Roman Empire had, Justinian conquered areas like North Africa, Asia Minor, and even Rome itself, expanding the empire through successful military campaign. He even went so far as to conquer the Tzani people; people who were never previously in the Roman Empire. Justinian was also an avid believer in the Eastern Orthodox Christian church. To honor this religion, Justinian used tax money to build up buildings, stamp out pagan beliefs, adultery, prostitution, Jews, and other things going against his church. Furthermore, Isadorus and Anthemius, two professors, were hired to create a large church, called the Hagia Sophia. With 100 crews of 100 people, Justinian managed to finish this creation in only 6 years, outdoing, as he states, even King Soloman himself. When people opposed his ways, Justinian exhibited great military strength and confidence. In January of 532, normally divided common-folk came together at the Hippodrome to rebel against Justinians choice to raise taxes to help the empire. This became known as the Nika Riots. Instead of fleeing Constantinople, Justinian held his ground. He killed 30,000 rioters in the Hippodrome to silent the voice that wanted to take down all of his precious work. After these riots, he then proceeded to rebuild Constantinople. Justinian also helped Constantinople maintain a good economy. Agriculture was really good and trade was able to occur in far away places. Moreover, Justinian was able to increase tax revenues. Probably the most lasting impact Justinian had was his code. This code of laws, called Corpus Juris Civilis, or Justinians Code, was a collection of all Roman laws. This included laws passed by Roman assemblies, or decreed by Roman emperors, as well as the legal writings of Roman judges and a handbook for students. This will go on to change the world forever, for great governments will model their laws after Justinians. Justinians throne will be given to Justin II.