Primavera S-Curve Development P6

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Say Bye to Excel.

Get Accurate S-Curve & Monthly Progress in Primavera within 6 Sim le ste s
As of my knowledge I can say 90 % of the planners are not including resource on their schedule. They are comparing the performance & progress of the project based on planned weightage & actual weightage. The parameter selection for weightage shall be arying organi!ation to organi!ation. In some cases" this weightage alue shall be cost. #ithout inclusion of all the resources in acti ity we can$t get cur es % histograms. It is the general complaint placed in front of &rima era '.0 and higher ersions that this updated ersions are not good for ()*ur e. To get the planned & actual alues of () *ur e as well as +istogram we ha e to feed data again in ,-cel. I am sure that this software is not that much bad to us. I ha e some solution. .ust in simple /) steps you can get ()*ur e. +ere I am going to e-plain that simple /)steps and we shall get () cur e based on weightage. (imple 0undamental (teps are1 (tep 21 *reate a new resource 34esource Type ))) 5abor6. 7on$t use the material resource type. (tep 81 Assign this newly created resource to all the acti ities of your project. (tep 91 :iew )))*olumn ))) ;nits )))<udgeted 5abor ;nits & Actual 5abor ;nits 3Add to the list6 3There is no column for <udgeted =aterial ;nits & Actual =aterial ;nits. That$s why I recommended you to choose 5abor type resource6 (tep >1 Assign the planned weightage alue in <udgeted 5abor ;nits cell. (tep '1 After updating the project you will find the Actual #eightage in Actual 5abor ;nits *olumn. (tep /1 Through 4esource ;sage &rofile you will find ()*ur e &.(1 If you are not proficient in software" during (tep 8 the ?uestion may arise 3@ my godAA I ha e 2000$s of acti ities in my project. +ow can I assign the resources one by oneB It$s really +ercules job to me. @.C cool I ha e some short cuts for you. .. :iew ))*olumn ))) 5ist )))4esources 3Add to 5ist6. Dow you ha e added one new column. Eou know that F*trl keyG for multiple selection and F(hift key Ffor 0rom ) To selection. Dow you are going to use F(hift keyG method

(elect the first cell keep on pressing the shift key scroll down and select the last cell of the resource column and click one more time by mouse. Dow the dialog bo- will appear and select and assign the newly created resource. It$ will be applied in ' seconds to all the acti ities of your project. Eou know that 0ill cell option will be inacti e for resource assignment. That$s why we ha e to go for alternate method. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )
Still we cant say Gud Bye to Excel..for presentation we have to take data into excel only to compare plannned Vs Actual s-curve. Is there any way to print s-curve directly from -!. "r. Arvinder# $ah...$ou can %et curves in two ways# &ne is %o to 'rackin% "ode throu%h dirctories# select the current active pro(ect.$ou will find histo%ram ) curve ) *oth depends on your profile settin%s. 'hen another one is use resource rofile option. +urin% print preview# do some pa%e setup--, options---, Select rofile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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