PH.D Ordinance
PH.D Ordinance
PH.D Ordinance
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2.7 Candidates who have qualified UGC / CSIR (JRF) Examination / SLET / NET / GATE / or who are teacher fellowship holders /M. Phil Degree holders who had got admission in their M.Phil programme through Common Entrance Test, shall be exempted from Entrance Test for Ph.D. However, they would be required to go through RDC. 2.8 The Registration of Ph.D. students shall be done after successful completion of his/her Course Work. 2.9 After the last date of registration if there are more than 15% of total seats of Ph. D. in any Department/subject vacant or not filled due to any reason, the post Entrance Test admission procedure laid down above will be followed again before 31st January of next year. The Registration of these Ph.D. students must be done before 31st January of the following year. 2.10 Change in the Title of the thesis shall be possible with the approval of the Vice Chancellor after recommendations from the RDC. 2.11 The candidate shall submit detailed progress report to the University at the end of every semester duly approved by the Guide. Only after the Guide's approval regarding the satisfactory progress of the work, the candidate would be allowed to continue his/her research in the next semester. O. Ph. D. 03 Entrance Test 3.1 The Entrance Test shall have the following four components: a) Research Methodology (weightage 30%) b) Functional English Language (weightage 15%) c) Functional Knowledge of Computer (weightage 15%) d) Respective Subject Content (weightage 40%) 3.2 The nature of the Test shall be MCQ type. 3.3 The component (a) shall have questions on testing containing (i) analytical ability, (ii) reasoning ability (iii) research aptitude and (iv) research related information. Each sub-component shall have equal weightage. 3.4 Questions in components (b) and (c) shall pertain to functional skills aiming at testing the basic knowledge of the candidate. 3.5 Component (d) shall be based on the syllabi of core courses /papers studied at Masters Level in the concerned subject. O. Ph. D. 04 Course Work 4.1 All admitted students shall undergo a course work for one semester in the concerned Department. 4.2 The course work shall be treated as pre Ph.D. preparation and must include a course on research methodology which should include quantitative methods and computer applications and reviewing of the literature in the relevant field. 4.3 The HoD of the respective departments shall prepare the time table for the Course Work, teaching, continuous evaluation and internal tests, and shall conduct the same. 4.4 The Semester End Examination of the Course Work shall be conducted by the University. The passing standard in the Course Work shall be 50%. 4.5 After completion of the Course Work by the student, the Department shall issue a certificate indicating that the student has completed the Course Work and he/she is qualified for writing the Dissertation. .
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O. Ph. D. 05 Eligibility for Guideship: 5.1 The prospective guides shall apply to the University for recognition as Ph.D. guides, subject to the approval of the subject expert. The candidate for the guideship shall be eligible for application as per the following requirements: (a) He/She be a P.G. recongised teacher of the University with a Ph.D. degree. and (b) he/she has at least four years of teaching experience at the P.G. Level after PG Recognition or eight years of U.G. experience [Note: One who is directly recruited in the University Department through a duly constituted Selection Committee shall be deemed to be a recognized Post Graduate Teacher], and (c) he/she has at least five research publications in indexed/ISBN/ISSN numbered journals of national/international level in relevant subject. 5.2 Notwithstanding anything contained above (O.Ph.D.-5.1), for the Faculty of Medicine, a teacher to be recognized for the Ph.D. degree shall have not less than 15 years of teaching and research experience after his/her post-graduate qualification and shall have not less than 10 years post-graduate teaching experience. 5.3 The guideship shall be approved by the Subject Expert who would be appointed by the Vice Chancellor from the list of Subject Experts. The subject expert based on his/her evaluation of the five research papers (mentioned in 5.1-(c)) and other research output submitted by the candidate shall recommend eligibility for guideship. Regarding the research publications and other research output by the candidate, the opinion of the Subject Expert shall be considered as final in deciding the guideship. The research publications shall be sent to the Subject Expert for his/her written opinion in advance and it shall be placed before the competent University Bodies (Board of University Teaching and Syndicate) and the Vice Chancellor for their approval. 5.4 A Teacher recognized as a Guide by the University, in case of his/her transfer to some other University, shall be able to guide the candidate registered under him/her till the date of his/her transfer. However, on being transferred back to the University again, he/she shall have to apply for guideship again. 5.5 The number of seats for Ph.D. shall be decided well in advance and notified on the University website or in the advertisement. 5.6 The Syndicate, at any time on the recommendation of the Board of University Teaching (BUT), shall be empowered to withdraw the guideship of a recognised teacher. The BUT can make such a recommendation on the ground of: (a) moral turpitude, and / or (b) plagiarism, and / or (c) any act harming the interest of the University. 5.7 A recognized guide shall not be allowed to register a candidate for Ph.D., if the researcher is blood related/closely related to him/her. 5.8 The maximum number of candidates to be enrolled for PhD Research under the supervising teachers at a given point of time for different cadres shall be as follows: Professor : 08 students Reader/Associate Professor: 07 students
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Lecturer/Assistant Professor: 05 students *However, for the Principals who are recognized guides working in the scale of Professor shall be able to enroll (08) students and those Principals who are recognized guides working in the scale of Reader shall be able to enroll (07) students. O. Ph. D. 06 Duration, Submission, Evaluation and Assessment Methods for Ph.D. Dissertation: 6.1 Upon successful completion of the course work for one semester, the Ph. D. Scholar shall undertake research work for at least four terms before submitting the synopsis (i.e., one semester of course work plus four semesters of Ph.D. research work). A research student, who has submitted synopsis of his /her thesis, shall submit his/her thesis within one year. If he/she fails to submit within the aforesaid period, he/she shall pay fresh fees for examination. However, no resubmission of the synopsis shall be needed in such cases. 6.2 Prior to submission of the thesis, the students shall make a pre- Ph. D. presentation in the Department that shall be open to all faculty members and research students, for getting feedback and comments, which may be suitably incorporated into the draft thesis under the guidance of the supervisor. 6.3 The Ph. D. candidates shall publish one research paper in a refereed journal before the submission of the thesis for adjudication, and produce the evidence for the same in the form of acceptance letter or the reprint. 6.4 The candidate shall submit the thesis in four copies and two CDs in PDF format along with the abstract. The minimum time limit for submission shall be 2 years from the date of registration and maximum 7 years from the date of registration. The candidate shall have to pay fees for all the semesters of his/her tenure of research. 6.5 After seven years of stipulated registration, if a candidate applies for extension of time-limit for submission of thesis, the Vice Chancellor shall consider such applications as special cases and take decision accordingly. A candidate while applying for extension must specify within which time-limit he/she would be able to submit his/her thesis. He/she shall have to pay fees per semester for the extended period. 6.6 The thesis, produced by the Ph. D. student and submitted to the University, shall be evaluated by at least two experts, out of which at least one shall be from outside the State. 6.7 Each candidate shall state with certificate by the supervisor that the work is based on the discovery of new facts by the candidate or of new relations of facts observed by others and that the work contributes to the general advancement of knowledge and it is his/her original research work. 6.8 In cases wherein the Ph.D. candidate has completed four semesters after his/her registration under a recognized teacher who leaves the University or is unavailable for this purpose, another internal referee shall be appointed for this purpose by the Vice Chancellor. If such an appointment is not possible, then candidate shall be at liberty to submit his/her thesis independently. 6.9 Every thesis shall be examined by three referees (one internal and two external referees, out of which one shall be from outside the State) Referees shall be appointed in the manner indicated below: (a) The Guide shall suggest to the Board of Studies, and Academic Council, a penal of six referees, preferably 3 from outside the State. However, no
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referee shall be from the Saurashtra University area. The referees should be Ph.D. and recognized Research Supervisor/Guides of the concerned University/Institution. The Vice Chancellor shall select two external referees from the panel submitted to him. The Vice Chancellor shall also appoint the External Referee for the Viva-Voce Examination in the same case. In case of refusal by any External Referee, the Vice Chancellor shall appoint another Referee. (b) In the event of the difference of opinion in evaluation between the two External Referees, the Vice Chancellor shall appoint a third External Referee for this purpose. If, afterwards, majority of external referees reports are negative, then the candidate shall be rejected for the award of the Ph. D. Degree. In case of revision, the candidate shall resubmit his/her work after incorporating revisions suggested. External Referee shall examine the revision at the time of viva-voce examination. The candidate shall not be declared eligible for the degree unless all the examiners unanimously declare him/her eligible for the degree. 6.10 On receipt of the satisfactory evaluation reports from external and internal referees the Ph.D. students shall undergo a viva-voce examination. One external referee and concerned guide/ supervisor shall conduct the viva-voce examination. The venue of the viva-voce examination shall be at the concerned University Department. In case, there is no University Department, the venue will be decided by the University. The candidate shall make a presentation and face an open defense of his work where all interested can participate. The open defense shall be notified by the concerned supervisor in advance. It shall take place either in the Department or at a place decided by the University in case of a subject not having University Department. 6.11 Every examiner shall submit his/her report as per Annexure-I. O.Ph.D. 07: A candidate shall not be permitted to submit a thesis for which a Degree has been conferred in this or in any other University. O.Ph.D. 08: For highly specialized courses, if there is an eminent scholar working in a Research Institute, he/she may be recognized by the Vice Chancellor in the same and interdisciplinary subject as a Ph.D. supervisor/guide. O. Ph.D. 09: A Ph.D. thesis that has been rejected earlier may be resubmitted after revision, subject to the payment of the evaluation and term fees. A thesis required to be revised should be resubmitted within not more than two years, failing in which the candidate shall be required to go in for re-registration. The revised thesis shall be sent to the same referee. However, in the event of refusal by the original referee, another referee shall be appointed. O. Ph.D. 10: Limit on Number of Students for Guidance A Research Supervisor/Guide for Ph. D. Degree shall not at any one time guide more than Eight (8) Ph.D. students or the limits stipulated in 5.8 above. O.Ph.D. 11: Following the successful completion of the evaluation process and announcement of the award of Ph.D.Degree, the University shall submit a soft copy of the Ph.D. thesis to the UGC within a period of thirty days, for hosting the same in IFLIBNET, accessible to all institutions/ universities.
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Along with the Degree, the University shall also issue a Certificate stating the fact to the effect that the Ph.D. Degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of the UGC (Minimum standards and procedure for award of Ph.D. degree) Regulations 2009. O. Ph.D. 12: Fee structure decided by the University and any change in fee structure from time to time shall be applicable. With effect of these amended ordinances, previous Ph.D. ordinances 74 to 80 and existing O.Ph.D. 1 to 17 as well as P.G. rules 31 to 38 stand repealed. ANNEXURE 1: SPECIFICATIONS FOR DISSERTATION Candidate submitting thesis for the University degree are required to follow the rules noted below regarding the size, style and binding of the thesis. Only in special cases in which the Head of the Institution is satisfied, there may be relaxation in compliance. 1. Every candidate shall submit four copies of his/her thesis along with three soft copies in PDF format. 2. The copies shall be bound in accordance with the following specifications. 1. Save thesis in MS Word (6.0 version or more) format and/or in PDF copy 2. Save thesis using a file name in the pattern Author.doc where author is the surname of the author. 3. A4 size paper (210 by 297 mm.) for the thesis, select A4 size page set up for the PDF also. 4. Provide title in Times New Roman, 14 point along with authors name and required details. 5. Use Times New Roman font, 12 size for the main text, in single column and 1.5 line spacing. Paragraph heading and subheadings have to be displayed properly (in bold). 6. Set the margins as follows. Top : 1 inch Bottom: 1 inch Left: 1.5 inch Right: 1 inch 7. Page numbers at the bottom of each page, centered on the width. 8. Set everything justified. 9. Print figures and tables interspersed with text and place them as near the point of mention as possible. Add descriptors to tables and figures. 10. Use International SI (System of Units). If other units are used, provide approximate conversion, factors for SI units. 11. If the thesis is in Gujarati or any other language other than English, use True Type Font (TTF). 12. No ornamental bordering of the sides is permitted. 13. No dedication page in dissertation is permitted.
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(A) COURSE CONTENT OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY COMPONENT The main objective is to assess the research capabilities of the candidates. Therefore the test is aimed at assessing research aptitude. They are expected to possess and exhibit cognitive abilities. Cognitive abilities include comprehension, analysis, evaluation, understanding the structure of arguments and deductive reasoning. Candidates are expected to possess general awareness and knowledge regarding sources of information and basic quantitative techniques employed in research. Following are the broad components to be tested: I. Research Aptitude i. Research : meaning, characteristics and types ii. Step of research iii. Method of research iv. Research Ethics v. Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference and symposium vi. Thesis writing: its characteristics and format. vii. Nature of research problem: theoretical research, experimental research, case study, survey II. Reading Comprehension A passage to be set with questions to be answered III. Library Resources and Communication i. Different types of data and their sources ii. Survey of literature iii. Sources of information iv. Bibliography v. Communication: Nature, characteristics, types, barriers and effective report writing and communication. IV. Reasoning (Including Mathematical) i. Number series; letter series; codes ii. Relationships; classification V. Logical Reasoning i. Understanding the structure of arguments ii. Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning iii. Verbal analogies: Word analogy Applied analogy iv. Verbal classification v. Reasoning Logical Diagrams : Simple diagrammatic relationship, multidiagrammatic Relationship vi. Venn diagram; Analytical Reasoning VI. Data Interpretation i. Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data ii. Quantitative and qualitative data iii. Graphical representation and mapping of data VII. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) i. ICT : meaning, advantages, disadvantages and uses ii. General abbreviations and terminology iii. Basics of internet and e-mailing VIII. Basic Statistical Techniques i. Uni-variate Analysis : Mean, Mode, Median, Standard Deviation
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ii. Bivariate / Multivariate analysis: Correlation, Regression iii. Probability and Probability distributions IX. Higher Education System: Governance, Polity and Administration i. Structure of the institution of higher learning and research in India ii. Formal and distance education iii. State and Private domain of higher education iv. Professional/ technical and general education v. Governance, polity and administration vi. Educational commissions and higher education policy X Educational Methodology i. Teaching : Nature, objectives, characteristic and basic requirements ii. Learners characteristics iii. Factors affecting teaching iv. Method of teaching v. Teaching aids vi. Evaluation systems (B). COURSE CONTENT OF FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE (There shall be 5 MCQs to test Vocabulary (5 marks) and 10 MCQs to test Grammar Skills (10 marks) Parts of Speech and their Usages i. Nouns ii. Verbs iii. Adjectives iv. Adverbs v. Prepositions vi. Conjunctions vii. Interjections viii. Pronouns ix. Articles x. Demonstratives Words and Word-formation Processes i. Prefixes ii. Suffixes iii. Infixes iv. Inflections v. Derivation processes (from one category to another) Elements of Sentence (SVOCA) i. Subject ii. Verb iii. Object iv. Complement v. Adverbial Types of Sentence and its Structure i. Declarative sentences ii. Interrogative sentences iii. Imperative sentences iv. Exclamatory sentences; also, v. Simple sentence vi. Compound sentence vii. Complex sentence
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Usages of Tenses in English i. Present tense (Simple, Progressive and Perfective aspects) ii. Past tense(Simple, Progressive and Perfective aspects) iii. Expression of futurity Active and Passive Voice Direct and Indirect Speech
(C). COURSE CONTENT FOR FUNCTIONAL KNOWLEDGE OF COMPUTER (All three components shall have equal weightage) 1. Computer Fundamentals i. Basics of Computer: Block structure of a computer, characteristics of computers, generation of computers, classification of computers ii. Types of Computers: Mainframe computer, Mini and Desktop computers, Laptop, Personal Digital Assistant, Networked computers in terms of capacity, speed, cost and end users utility iii. Computer Performance: Parameters that affect computers performance - CPU execution speed, Clock speed, RAM size, Cache, Disc capacity etc. iv. Character Codes: ASCII, EBCDIC 2. Elements of a Computer Processing System i. Processor: Understanding some of the functions of the CPU in terms of calculations, logical control and immediate access memory ii. Storage Devices and Media: Compare the main types of memory storage devices in terms of speed, cost and capacity such as: diskette, zip disk, data cartridge, CD Rom, internal external hard disk, Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Disk iii. Input- devices: Various input devices: Mouse, Keyboard, Trackball, Scanner, Touch Pad, Light Pen, Joy Stick, Digital Camera and Microphone, etc. iv. Output devices: Printers, Plotter and Speaker, VDU etc. v. Input Output Devices: Touch Screens vi. Memory: Understand different type of memory (RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash RAM etc.], Measuring computer memory (Bit, Byte, KB etc.) 3. Software i. Types of Software: System software, Application software ii. Operating System Software: Functions of OS and brief introduction of some OS. Batch, multi-programming, time sharing, multiprocessing, PC operating system, network operating system, on-line and real time operating system iii. Application Software: Common Application software such as: Word processing, Spreadsheet, Database, Web browsing, Desktop publishing iv. Programming paradigms and Languages: classification, machine code, assembly language, programming paradigms and higher level languages
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Date: / / 20 To, The Registrar, Saurashtra University, Rajkot- 360005. Sub: - Acceptance to act as Referee for assessment of Ph. D. Thesis of Mr./Miss/Mrs.________________________ Sir, I have the honour to intimate to you, my acceptance of the invitation of the Syndicate communicated in your letter No. P.G./ /Ph.D. / / dated.. The candidate is not related to me. I shall endeavor to submit my report in Three Months along with the Thesis, Yours faithfully, ________________ (Signature) Name: Designation: * Address for the dispatch of thesis should be communicated to this office. The term relative includes the following: Wife, Husband, Son, Daughter, Grandson, Granddaughter, Brother, Sister, Son in Law, Daughter in Law.
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To, The Deputy Registrar (P.G.) Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005. Date: From, ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 1. Name of the Candidate:________________________________________ 2. Subject: ____________________________________________________ 3. Title of the Thesis: ____________________________________________ PART-I DETAILED EVALUATION (Kindly adjudicate the thesis under the following three heads: Quality, Originality and Presentation and grade each of them on a scale of 0-5 where: 5 stands for Excellent 4 stands for Very good 3 stands for Good 2 stands for satisfactory 1 stands for poor 0 stands for Inferior (A) QUALITY: 1. Introduction to the work 2. Review of literature 3. Scope of the work 4. Technical soundness 5. Problem statement 6. Content of thesis 7. Timeliness of work 8. Contribution to the field 9. Conclusions drawn 10. Scope for further research in the field (B) ORIGINALITY: 11. Formulation of the problem and hypotheses 12. Adequacy of data and their analysis 13. Original contribution 14. Importance of the original contributions (C) PRESENTATION: 15. Clear explanation of the work 16. Sufficient details of the methods/techniques adopted 17. Justification of the work done 18. Clarity and unambiguity of the language ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
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19. Clarity of objectives 20. Freedom from redundant/irrelevant material and errors Total Score out of 100 ( sum of score from 1 to 20)
( ( (
) ) )
(Score in Words)
PART II A DETAILED REPORT) (Kindly enclose a detailed report on a separate sheet of paper in addition to the above proforma. A detailed report on the strengths and weaknesses of the thesis is most essential)
PART-III FINAL RECOMMENDATION mark in the box) It is my considered opinion that: (Please put A) B) C) D) The thesis be accepted for the award of Ph.D. degree in its present form. The thesis may be accepted after due corrections. The thesis be revised and resubmitted. The thesis be rejected.
Note: The thesis can be accepted for the award of Ph.D. Degree only if the candidate secures 50% or more points in Part-I followed by the Detailed Evaluation in Part-II.
(Issued as per UGC Regulation 2009) This is to certify that Ms. / Mr. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------has successfully completed the stipulated Course Work designed by this Department necessary for beginning work on her / his Dissertation. It is further certified that she / he has successfully cleared the Semester-end Examination designed to test candidates on their Course Work. She / He can now proceed towards working on the Dissertation.
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