Kickass Copywriting Notes

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1. Appeal to their most selfish desires! 2. You are in copywriting to make someone else rich. 3.

Have the gun in the head mentality to every copy a. You dont experiment b. You do not get creative with your words c. You make your message as clear as humanly possible d. And you stick to proven salesmanship 4. Heres the philosophy you need to follow: a. Dont toy with your own life your life depends on the success of your ad Be clear, sincere, and make your case b. Every statement must pass the so what test c. Get in bed with your customer talk to your target customer, understand their worries, their pain pick up that damn phone and walk over to their side, listening to them pour out their deepest desires, pains, worries d. It is all about HER needs. Appeal to their selfish needs i. Greed I want to be healthier, sexier and more respected ii. A better deal and you can have it for half of what everyone else has to pay iii. Sex , love and intimacy you want to feel her soft erotic body curl into a ball, exposing the pink juicy vagina in front of your lips iv. Health prevent illnesses, you get another shot at being young and happy again no more pain in the joints v. Self-improvement people are tired, overwhelmed, depressed and constantly unfulfilled you need to throw them some hope peppered with possibility vi. Fear fear of losing out NOT the fear of dying when it comes to smoking it is NOT being good looking enoughI take all the risk away from you you get to be part of an exclusive group of outstanding individuals you can call your friends and make millions as others who laughed and mocked you scramble to survive vii. Respect No one gets the respect they desire we are all misunderstood, called names and pushed around. viii. Pleasure people live in the world of constant pleasure they want to feel good about themselves they want to feel their problems fade away like yesterdays news they want to indulge, spend and immerse themselves in pure ecstasy ix. And it is really all about YOU e. Have sympathy for their natural skepticism they dont believe you, and why should they? You never suffered like they did, you were never wronged, picked on and pushed around you never lost as much as they did even if you did, their problems are MUCH, much worst. Does it sound too good to be true? I thought so myself when I first discovered it. But what convinced me was (proof) undeletable proof

f. Find a parade and get in front of it never create demand instead feed an existing hunger people already know what they want and they reveal it every single day your job is simply to convince them that you can help them do what they already have a mind to do a better, faster and smarter way g. Romance the HELL out of them Connect with them be the Don Juan of selling seduce them make them fall in love with you and your products in the most childish way possible show them the possibility of a beautiful future together make all their worries and their pain seem like yesterdays news ignite the PASSION in their heart PASSION is the one thing we all gravitate towards that mission in LIFE h. Steal, spy and swipe find out what your competition is doing, read their stuff, find out what lists are they mailing to copy their sales techniques Start a swipe file of the great ads from all your competitors GO OUT AND EAT THEIR LUNCH i. Make your copy a greased slide. It starts with a hook right from the beginning, rushes the reader in a giddy pace that leaves the blood rushing to his head, until he reaches at the close breathless and so excited he cannot wait to get his money out and buy your product i. Every point you make is an emotionally logical step in the exact direction you want your reader to go and that direction ALWAYS leads to action you want the sale you want them to give you their details so that you can sell them some more j. Study GREAT advertising 5. Lazy mans way to your first world-class ad a. Record a winning sales pitch b. Have the tape transcribed. Arrange each sentence in a logical order c. Turn it into a letter 6. How to find the head-turning hook that reels them in Be the very thing your prospect reads today that gets his adrenaline pumping! a. FORCE your client to read your ad b. Heres how you do it step by step i. Research all the best materials on the product to get a feel the eye popping detail about your business/product or service ii. You are hungry for 1. Human interest tidbits a. Unusual b. Provocative c. Titillating d. Intriguing 2. Ask for personal stories about the product or service 3. Wait a minute you did WHAT? Or you GOT to be kidding me! iii. SEX!

c. People dont get to meet interesting people, go to interesting places or do interesting things they need your ad to do that for them 7. The more you TELL, the more you SELL a. People dont care about the length of the copy if it is about THEM b. Targeted detail use details to relate to the right people c. Reason Why Copy Explain everything you have to say d. Write like you talk and have personality be the guy everyone likes to listen to e. Have personality let him know that you are on his side, that you have hopes, dreams, desires and needs just like him f. Romance him as you will be with a love g. Tell him the COLD HARD truth h. Never talk down to your customers i. Consider your personality as the SECRET weapon to your copy 8. Killer Headlines a. Must deliver i. News ii. A spectacular benefit iii. Arose such burning curiosity they cannot continue with their live until they read your message b. Speak to the person! c. E.g. Sneaky Facebook Software Delivers Up To 1,394% Returns On Your Facebook Ads 9. Compelling Reason Why a. Tell me why you are telling me what you are telling me b. If then If you love getting insane returns on your Facebook ads with little OR no work, then this is the ONE sneaky software you need to have in your Facebook advertising toolbox. c. State your case I stumbled upon a software that did the job except it cost a BOMB money that not everyone marketer who is just starting out has d. Give them a reason to buy from you right away I am writing this to you because I know you have been out there looking for the magic bullet and you havent found it e. Heres what it is ABOUT f. Heres how you can order this now! you need to satisfy a mans soul, heart, brain and his bank accountin the minds of his friends, lovers, neighbors and spouse i. Dont tell him its a bargain show him in a way he can easily repeat and convince his wife. ii. Give him the spec, in a memorable story that he can leave his buddies breathe-less iii. Keep telling your story but always bring it back to your customer tell her why this purchase makes sense why it will help her get what

he most desires why it is exactly what shes has been waiting for her entire life iv.

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