Landsliding of The South Coast Railway

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The document discusses a major landslide along the South Coast Railway near Coalcliff, NSW, Australia that was actively moving. A hydrogeological study was conducted and a gravity drainage system incorporating deep wells and interceptor drains was installed to reduce landslide risk.

Artesian piezometric pressures within the underlying Stanwell Park Claystone provided the destabilizing mechanism, in association with the residual strength of the claystone being exceeded.

Detailed groundwater analyses were conducted using 3D finite difference modeling of layered media to determine permeability values that matched measured piezometric conditions and evaluate well layout options to reduce piezometric pressures by 20%.


Andrew R. Leventhal 1, Peter C. Stone 2 and David Christie 3

ABSTRACT A major landslide has influenced a 300 metre length of the South Coast Railway track for the past fifty years. The landslide was intermittently active and an eductor dewatering system and its predecessor, a dewatering main, operated at the site since the early 1970s. Operational difficulties and high maintenance costs led to the consideration of alternative systems to reduce the risk of instability at the site. Major landsliding which occurred along other sections of the South Coast Railway, resulted from significant and long duration rainfall events during the La Nina occurrence of the late 1980s. This exacerbated the situation. The landslide at Coalcliff encompassed a volume 650,000m3 of colluvium overlying remnants of the Stanwell Park Claystone, with a slide surface occurring at a dip of only 2 degrees towards the Tasman Sea. The railway track straddled the scarp of the slide. Artesian piezometric pressures within the Stanwell Park Claystone provide the de-stabilising mechanism in association with a residual strength condition of the claystone. Significant interconnection of piezometric pressures within the rockmass was observed during site testing, which also included downhole micro-flow testing. The identification of these high piezometric pressures and the recognition of their interconnection within the rockmass, led to the development of a gravity drainage system which incorporated deep wells and directionally-drilled interceptor drains, with an outfall through the cliffline above the Tasman Sea. The details of the investigation process and the subsequent hydrogeological model, and the philosophy of the gravity operated de-watering system are presented herein. INTRODUCTION The site is known as the Coalcliff Slip. This study area relates to a coastal terrace and side-fill embankment, situated beneath the South Coast Railway (SCR) - part of the Illawarra Line - several hundred metres north of Coalcliff Station and nominally between chn 58.450km and 58.900km south of Sydney. The SCR serves as the main rail link between Sydney and Wollongong/Nowra to the south. The site extends from the base of the Illawarra Escarpment, which is to the west and uphill of the UP (towards Sydney) line, thence across Lawrence Hargrave Drive which is to the east of the DN (away from Sydney) line. The site continues eastward to a cliffline above the Tasman Sea, South Pacific Ocean. Instability in this area has been recorded since late last century (1888), and investigated in some detail over the past 25 years. An eductor dewatering system and its predecessor, a dewatering main, operated at the site from the early 1970s. Operational difficulties and high maintenance costs led the State Rail Authority of NSW (SRA) to consider alternative systems to achieve a low risk of instability. The tasks described herein relate to: the hydrogeological study of the area; the development of the deepwell gravity drainage system to reduce the risk of instability; and the implementation of the system. SITE DESCRIPTION Site Features The site is located north of Coalcliff station, as shown on Figure 1. The study area is an approximately 150m wide coastal terrace area covered by a layer of colluvium of varying thickness. This terrace is bounded on the west by the base of the slopes of the Illawarra escarpment and the eastern limit is a 40m high coastal cliff face.
1. 2. 3. Andrew Leventhal, GHD-LongMac Pty Ltd, 36 Oxley Street (PO Box 940), Crows Nest, NSW, 2065, Australia Peter Stone, GHD-LongMac Pty Ltd, 36 Oxley Street (PO Box 940), Crows Nest, NSW, 2065, Australia David Christie, Railway Services Australia, RSA Technical Services Group, Sydenham, NSW, 2044, Australia

The Coalcliff Slide

Figure 1: Oblique lowlevel aerial photograph of the Coalcliff Slide site taken from the south. Coalcliff Station is near the centre of the photograph with the site situated on the straight stretch of track to the north of the cross-over on the far side of the station. (December 1992) The track is located in the upslope section of the terrace adjacent to the steeper escarpment base slopes and Lawrence Hargrave Drive is situated midway between the track and cliff line. Residential development is confined largely to the area directly to the north-east of Coalcliff station at the southern limit of the study area. Slope angles at the escarpment base to the west of the track are typically 25 whereas to the east ground slopes in the terrace area range between 5-10. Adjacent to the coastal cliff, the local ground slopes increase dramatically due to active erosion taking place in this area. The UP side of the track consists of claystone cuttings and extensive colluvial slopes of the Illawarra Escarpment. In the slip area, the DN side of the track consists of a side-fill up to 6m high for 220m track length, to the south of which is a flat works and stockpile area which was created by filling. General Geology The area is underlain by the Clifton Subgroup within the Narrabeen Group and the typical stratigraphy is presented within Figure 2. The two units of immediate relevance to the site are the Bulgo Sandstone, the base of which is exposed typically 10m above track level, and the Stanwell Park Claystone which is present in cuttings along the track and which underlies the general terrace area. The topography of the area is strongly controlled by underlying geology with the sandstone forming the steep slopes whilst the claystone underlies the terrace. The surface morphology and thickness of the overlying colluvium throughout the area has been modified in the geological past by natural slope degradation towards the Tasman Sea. Underground coal mining of the Bulli Seam occurred to the west of the site in the Coal Cliff Mine at depths of about 105m below track level. Significant extraction occurred only to the west of the railway and main coal extraction is no closer than 120m. Mining was suspended in 1991, though dewatering pumps were maintained as part of the surface water pollution control for the Illawarra Coke Works at the pit top. No evidence was observed to indicate that drawdown of groundwater near the surface had resulted from this pumping, which was at depth and isolated in its nature. However, the pump well has been re-bored in the past due to lateral shearing at depth.

GEOTECHNICAL SETTING Site History The South Coast Railway in this area was constructed in about 1887. It was initially situated along the alignment of the current Lawrence Hargrave Drive. However, in 1920 this alignment was changed to its present upslope location, due mainly to grade issues but also no doubt due to slip problems closer to the ocean. As far back as the work by Shellshear (1890), instability in the area has been observed - although at that time it was believed to be restricted to the previous alignment of the railway. Slip movement has been experienced periodically at the site since at least 1950 (which was a large rainfall year). The slip was initially studied in detail in 1974 when extensive tension cracking and slip scarp features were mapped along the UP side section of track, with such features assumed to have been initiated as part of the heavy rainfall of that period. A comprehensive study (SRA, 1982) accurately defined the head scarp of the slip feature and various stabilisation options were investigated for the subsequent electrification works which occurred in 1984. Landslide Features The head scarp of the slip extended along the double track for about 320m and affected 7 overhead wiring structure (OHWS) positions. The extent of the slip was defined on the basis of inclinometer and vertical OHWS movement since 1984, as well as the location of tension cracks or scarp features identified during the 1974 investigation. The head scarp of the slide conveniently occurred between the UP and DN tracks over the length of affected track. The slip had an east-west dimension of up to 150m (being the width of the terrace) and north-south maximum dimension of 600m (adjacent to the cliff line). The basal plane of the slide occurred at the interface of the colluvium and underlying claystone remnants of the Stanwell Park Claystone. Clearly this represented an ancient slide surface which has been associated with the loss of colluvium into the Tasman Sea in a recent geological timeframe. The basal plane dips towards the coast at 2 at the type-section, which is mid-length of the slide. The slide surface rapidly reached a depth of about 15m in the main body of the slide. The landform between the track and the coastal cliffline is of a hummocky nature. This is particularly apparent along the roadway of Lawrence Hargrave Drive. This is thought to reflect internal movement within the large, flat dipping, earth slide. HYDROGEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION The latest hydrogeological investigation involved the drilling at 8 locations (15 testholes) in late 1992 and early 1993 for:  Geotechnical drilling of a type-section and long-section, to supplement previous borehole information.  Hydrogeological testing using packers (20 tests) during borehole advancement.  Flowmeter testing using an Oyo downhole micro-flowmeter, to determine the points of entry of ground water into 8 boreholes under both artesian and pump induced flow conditions.  Installation of multi-level pneumatic and standpipe piezometers to measure groundwater heads within the colluvium and rock mass (including installation under artesian conditions) at 8 locations with 21 sensors. At each location, at least one pneumatic piezometer was installed within proximity of the anticipated failure surface.  Installation of inclinometer casing (6 locations). The bottom length of the inclinometers were perforated and covered with geotextile sock to act as standpipes at 5 locations. The essential features of the hydrogeology are presented on Figure 2. The important aspects as they impact upon the stability of the site are:  Piezometric pressures measured on the inferred failure surface are very high. These pressures produce piezometric head levels 4m above ground level at the toe of the DN side embankment.  Piezometric pressures at depth within the rock mass below the failure surface are higher than those measured at the failure surface. Upward hydraulic gradients are therefore present.  A strong hydraulic and pressure connection was recorded during the fieldwork between boreholes over distances of 40m. This implies significant hydraulic connections within the rock mass.


High inflow has been recorded by flowmeter profile testing at depth in boreholes located above and below the track. The rapid drop in piezometric pressure between boreholes east of the track on the type-section was inferred to indicate a leaky aquifer condition. Variable piezometric pressure was expected along this length of the failure surface associated with water flow from the rock mass into the failure surface. Movement of groundwater through the rock mass was indicated by the presence of iron-filled joints within the claystone exposed in the UP side cutting. The routine packer testing recorded results that ranged from 0.2 to 700 lugeons.

Figure 2: Hydrogeological Type-Section The response of piezometric pressures within the Coalcliff Slip to rainfall events and the correlation of these piezometric pressures with magnitude of movements were not developed specifically at this site. Nevertheless, correlation of the on-set of deep-seated landsliding with antecedent rainfall depth has been demonstrated for the SCR in general. Threshold triggers of 600mm antecedent rainfall depth over 3 month periods have been established for the Illawarra region within which the Coalcliff Slip is situated. Furthermore, the style of the landslide movements appear consistent with a stick-slip mechanism, whereby movement typically and predominantly occurs once threshold piezometric levels are exceeded. A background creep movement appears to be also present. BACK-ANALYSIS A back-analysis of the geotechnical model for the assumed failure mode was carried out using the Sarma method of analysis, as summarised on Figure 3. A range of shear strength values was examined for the weathered claystone band ( = 10 to 14) and a range of recorded and notional groundwater conditions were reviewed. The results allowed estimation of an admissible shear strength parameter consistent with the known movements. The magnitude of movement at the site, clearly, has been sufficient to generate residual shear strength conditions on the failure surface, hence the adoption of residual strength r values for analyses. For analysis purposes, a mid-range strength of r = 13 was adopted as the best estimate of residual strength. This strength is consistent with residual strength values measured elsewhere on the Illawarra for claystones of similar plasticity and fits the trends established by Lupini et al (1981). The results also fit the trends for claystones within similar geological environments (Leventhal & Stone, 1995).Based on the above, it was clear that the embankment and track would continue to be influenced by instability during extended wet weather and high groundwater conditions. Without remedial work, the site would continue to require regular maintenance and suffer periodic service disruptions. Trigger level events would be expected on a frequency determined in part on El Nino and La Nina cycles.

phi = 14deg

Factor of Safety (FOS)

phi = 12deg

phi = 10 deg Limiting Equilibrium FOS = 1.0

Probable range of residual shear strength on failure surface Best estimate of residual shear strength March 93 situation

March 98 situation

phi (colluvium) = 27deg

Highest recorded piezometric pressure

0.50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Average Pore Pressure, ru

Figure 3 : Coalcliff Slide sensitivity analysis REMEDIAL OPTIONS


The remedial options considered included: Subsurface drainage (pressure relieving vertical drains or pumped wells, deep slot drains, or drainage adit) to reduce pore pressures on the landslide failure surface. Soil nailing or anchoring of the tracks to produce structures independent of the landslide. Track isolation, through bridging or walling systems, which would support the track independently of the landslide. Track re-alignment to the west to remove the tracks from the footprint of the landslide. The do nothing option of track maintenance only, given that stick-slip movement had historically occurred fairly infrequently. However this strategy also required an on-going safety management plan, with fail-safe early warning systems connected to the signals, and acceptance of the periodic service disruption. This option thus carried a significant cost and political penalty.

PREFERRED OPTION DESIGN The preferred option was that involving a DN-side subsurface drainage system incorporating deep wells with gravity discharge. These wells were installed to reduce piezometric pressures resulting from recharge above the failure surface and from within the underlying rock mass. A key element of the system was control of the maximum pressure head in the deep wells via the gravity discharge. This was to be achieved through the installation of a directionally drilled pipeline, which connects the wells at depth within the rock mass, and thereby limits the build up of piezometric pressure and provides stable discharge conditions. The pipeline then removes the collected groundwater by gravity drainage and discharges it to the Tasman Sea cliffline. Detailed groundwater analyses were conducted using 3D finite difference methods and layered media. The initial work concentrated on determining admissible permeability values, which simulated the measured artesian piezometric conditions. The model was then used, with various combinations of wells and their spacing, to derive a design layout based on a target reduction of 20% in the piezometric volume (e.g. ru) over the site. The estimated improved factor of safety was some 1.2, as indicated on Figure 3. Some details of the de-watering system are presented on Figure 4. The works involved the installation of 5 manholes and 23 wells, with basal depths of between 20m and 25m below ground surface. The manholes and wells were constructed in a line adjacent to the toe of the railway embankment and adjacent to the railway line through the Coalcliff Yard across the landslide footprint. This covered a distance of about 440 m with an average well spacing of 20 m. A 100m long drainage line, located perpendicularly in plan to the well line, conveys the collected groundwater to an outfall part way down the face of the cliffline. This system is driven by gravity, with no pump maintenance requirements. A tenet of the design was to adopt a bestestimate well spacing for construction, and to install additional in-between wells in the future, if required by monitored performance.

Figure 4: Drainage Well Details

PERFORMANCE OF THE DE-WATERING SYSTEM The works were started in March 1997 and completed before the end of that year. Some modifications to the design were undertaken over the period for practical and contractual purposes (e.g. the slotted steel casing used for well installation was left in place) but the main features were retained. Monitoring of available piezometers continued through to March 1998, but unfortunately, most of the inclinometers were destroyed during construction and are only now being replaced. The results of the limited piezometer monitoring showed an average reduction in pore pressures of 30kPa. The reduction measured at the toe of the railway embankment was about 50kPa (where initial pore pressures were 60kPa artesian), whilst the maximum reduction was 120kPa about 20m eastward of the embankment. The average pore pressure reduction equates to an improvement in FOS of 30% (FOS = 1.30 indicated) see Figure 3. No reactivation of movement at the head scarp has been observed, though it is noted that a La Nina part of the cycle has existed during that time. REFERENCES Leventhal AR & Stone PC (1995), Geotechnical design features deep cuttings and high embankments on the western margin of the Newcastle Coal Measures (F3-Sydney/Newcastle Freeway), Engineering Geology of the Newcastle-Gosford Region, Aust Geomechanics Soc LongMac Associates Pty Limited (1991), Geotechnical Study (Site 15), Coalcliff Area Chn 58400-59300, report prepared for State Rail Authority, ref BGT5171. LongMac Associates Pty Limited (1993) Hydrogeological Investigation of Coalcliff Slip, Site SC15, chn 58.600 km prepared for State Rail Authority of NSW, ref ZGT0471/15. Lupini JF, Skinner AE and Vaughan PR (1981), The drained residual strength of cohesive soils Geotechnique 31, No 2 Public Transport Commission of NSW, Ways & Works Branch (1974), Coalcliff Slip, report on geotechnical investigations into uptrack formation (58.741km) Illawarra Line. Shellshear W. (1890), On treatment of slips on the Illawarra railway at Stanwell Park, J. Proc. Royal Soc. NSW, 24, 1, 58-62. State Rail Authority of NSW (1982), Illawarra Electrification Project, geotechnical report and recommendations on stabilisation of the Coalcliff Slip (58.450-59.000km) with particular reference to Stage 1 of the Coalcliff Yard redevelopment"

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