PV A Critiques
PV A Critiques
PV A Critiques
email barry.brook@ntu.edu.au
Paper submitted August 30, 2001; revised manuscript accepted Sep-
tember 19, 2001.
Conservation Biology
Volume 16, No. 1, February 2002
Brook et al. Critiques of PVA Ask Wrong Questions
algorithms have a narrow scope (reserve design) and use
only occurrence data (in space). Habitat models and gap
analysis ignore demographic data on population struc-
ture, dynamics, and trends. Rule-based and score-based
methods have limited scope (species ranking or prioriti-
zation) but can use PVA results (e.g., Red List). Estimat-
ing extinction probability from sighting data is retro-
spective, running the risk that the species is already
extinct), and uses only occurrence data (in time). Land-
scape indices such as fractal dimension ignore demo-
graphic data and have questionable relevance to viability
of species. Ecosystem-based methods are vague, not
well-developed, and not transparent.
Although each of these methods is useful for particular
objectives, none can be considered a replacement for
PVA because none uses all available information, most
cannot assess management or impact scenarios, and many
do not incorporate uncertainties. Although we agree that
we should use whatever works, it is the responsibility of
the users of other tools or methodologies to subject them
to at least the level of scrutiny PVA has been subject to be-
fore they are recommended as alternatives.
Although it is often true that even the best available
science may be unable to provide the level of predict-
ability and accuracy we might wish (Ellner et al. 2002),
it is better to use whatever guidance scientific evidence
has to offer than to dispense with it simply because it is
not as precise as we might wish. The latter alternative
throws away knowledge. A final decision on how and
when to act to protect or conserve a species always de-
pends on human judgment. But we believe that PVA
should not be ignored when it helps to set priorities, en-
sures the internal consistency of arguments, and elimi-
nates semantic ambiguities that plague subjective and in-
tuitive interpretations of evidence. Population viability
analyses are applied in a wide variety of contexts, and
numerical precision in forecasts is important in just
some cases ( Burgman & Possingham 2000). In many
cases the value of a PVA is determined by the clarity it
brings to a problem, and predictive reliability is rela-
tively unimportant. Blanket advice that PVAs should be
dropped will risk throwing the heuristic baby out with
the numerical bath water.
The results of a PVA are just one factor in any social
and political decision-making context and should be a
necessary precursor to good judgment. We advocate cau-
tious interpretation of predictions, conditioned on their
reliability, and contend that in the absence of any better
alternative, the heuristic advantages of PVA, together
with its (admittedly limited) predictive reliability, make
it by far the best conservation management tool we have.
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