Sap Security Resume 2
Sap Security Resume 2
Sap Security Resume 2
Having 3+ years of experience in SAP R/3 as a Security Consultant, Aggressive with a positive attitude towards the wor !
Recognised for reliability and getting the Job done through persistence and strong work ethic.
Experience: Presently wor ing for "#C "nfo#ech "ndia Pvt $td as a Security Consultant fro% Aug &'(() to till date! *or ed for +ascon ,lo-al $i%ited as an Associate Security consultant fro% .ov &'((/ to 0uly &'(()!
4 SAP R/3 5!633, 3CC/!(! 4 *indows '(((/'((3, 8P/.#! 4 7racle )i/:i! 4 +S 7ffice '((3! 4 ;irsa!
4 4 4 4
"#C "nfo#ech "ndia Pvt $td! "#C group A2,& '(() to till date SAP Security Consultant
"#C group has a diversified presence in Cigarettes, Hotels, Paper-oards = Specialty Papers, Pac aging, Agri>1usiness, and Pac aged ?oods = Confectionery, 1randed
Apparel, ,reeting Cards and other ?+C, products! *hile "#C is an outstanding %ar et leader in its traditional -usinesses of Cigarettes, Hotels, and Paper-oards! "#C group has expands his -usiness al%ost in 3urope, the 2nited States and Asia Pacific, 9en%ar , "reland serving custo%ers across 5' countries!
Responsibilities: Identifying potential SOD issues before assigning new roles to the user Giving fire call access and extending fire call access !"#$%. Running daily background &obs for virsa violations. 'eriodical checking daily firefighter ID logs. #naly(e the user proble)s by using S*+,- S*I.. /reating new user accounts and user groups .aintaining user )aster records and ter)inating the users /reating roles and assign roles to the users. Restrict table access through authori(ation groups. #ssign authori(ation groups to users. 'assword resetting and reactivation of users. /reating derived and co)posite roles with proper approvals. Role )odifications based on proper approvals Role )aintenances and creating transport re0uest for roles. 1ffectively analy(ed trace files and tracked )issing authori(ation for user2s access proble)s and inserted )issing authori(ations )anually. .ass user .aintenance. /hecking the /o)posite roles and "IR1/#33 assign)ent to the users. .onitoring and )anaging user sessions
4 4 4 4
+ascon ,lo-al $i%ited! .i on "nc! .ov '((/ to 0uly '(()! SAP Security Consultant.
.i on is involved in a -road spectru% of -usinesses centered on speciali<ations in i%aging products, precision e@uip%ent, and instru%ents! .i onAs efforts to provide the ind of products and technologies that will exceed its custo%ersA expectations are already achieving i%pressive results! .i onAs i%aging -usiness and its co%%it%ent to providing professional photographers and consu%ers with world> class products re%ains central to the co%panyAs efforts! .i on is also the leading innovator of precision optical lens and i%aging devices! .i on industrial inspection and %easuring syste%s!
Responsibilities: *ser creation and user ter)ination. locking and unlocking users. /reating and assign roles to the users. /reating and )aintaining users in /*# syste) /reating derived and co)posite roles with proper approvals. Role )aintenances and creating transport re0uest for roles. 1ffectively analy(ed trace files and tracked )issed authori(ation for user access proble)s and inserted )issing authori(ations )anually. .ass user .aintainence. #naly(e the user proble)s by using S*+,- S*I.. .onitoring the syste) logs. .onitoring the user overview. .onitoring the 4ackground &obs. .onitoring the lock entries. 'repared )onthly- 5eekly and Daily syste) perfor)ance reports.
Areas of
"nstallation of R/3 5!633,and SAP ,2" on *indows with data-ase oracle! Bnowledge on SAP R/3 Architecture! Bnowledge on central user ad%inistration! ,iving fire call access and extending fire call accessC;?A#D, Periodical chec ing daily firefighter "9 logs, 3ffectively analy<ed trace files and trac ed %issing authori<ations for user access pro-le%s and inserted %issing authori<ations %anually, #ransported the generated roles and profiles using SAP transport %anage%ent syste%! Creating users and ter%inating users, loc ing and unloc ing the users and Reactivation the 2sers and Password reset, +ass user %aintenances! Analy<ing the 2ser Access Pro-le%s using S2E3 and S2"+! Creating and Assigning Roles and Authori<ations to the users, 9eriving the derived roles fro% existing roles, Role %aintainence and Role #ransportation, Creating authori<ation groups! Configured transport do%ain controller, Configuration of routes and layers, creating
and +aintain R?C destinations, transporting the change re@uest and roles using S#+S! Analy<ed wor load analysis, %onitoring the wor process, +onitor loc entries and %onitoring -ac ground Fo-s Creation of clients and defining Client Settings, perfor%ing Client copies li e $ocal client copy and Re%ote client copy