V Diet Workouts
V Diet Workouts
V Diet Workouts
people using the Velocity Diet: 1. The Beginner Program -- se this program if you!re new to weight training or ha"e been out of the gym for a few years. #. The $ntermediate Program -- This program is for those with two or three years of consistent lifting e%perience. &. The 'd"anced Program -- The ad"anced program is for those who!"e been training with weights consistently for at least the last three years. (ach program consists of two phases: Phase $: This is the e%ercise program you!ll use during the #)-day V-Diet. Phase $$: This is the program you!ll use during the two-week transition phase of the diet. The programs are designed for be used three times per week: *onday+ ,ednesday and -riday+ or Tuesday+ Thursday and .aturday. /ust pick the one that best fits your e%perience le"el. 01n your 2off2 days you will still take your 3(P' walk.4 The Beginner Program PHASE I: V-Diet, 4 Wee ! 5oading: se the hea"iest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets. Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form. *onday '1 Pulldown with supinated grip 0palms facing you4 for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds '# Deadlift for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds '& Decline dumbbell bench press for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds and repeat '1-'& fi"e more times Two sets of side plank hold for &8 seconds on each side 3ote: ,hen you see '1+ '#+ '& etc. that means you perform one set of the '1 e%ercise+ then one set of the '# e%ercise after resting+ and finally the '& e%ercise. 'fter a rest+ you perform all three e%ercises again for the re9uired number of sets. $n the *onday workout abo"e+ you do a set of pulldowns+ rest &8 seconds+ a set of deadlifts+ rest &8 seconds+ then a set of decline dumbbell bench presses. 'fter another &8 second rest you repeat those e%ercises fi"e times. 't the end of the workout+ you perform the side plank holds. $f you see B1+ B#+ B& etc. that means you perform that circuit of e%ercises after you!re completely finished with the 2'2 mo"ements.
,ednesday '1 .tanding alternating dumbbell shoulder press for : reps 7est &; seconds '# 'lternating re"erse lunge for : reps 7est &; seconds '& 1ne-arm dumbbell row for : reps 7est &; seconds and repeat '1-'& twice more B1 1"erhead dumbbell triceps e%tension for : reps 7est &; seconds B# .tanding dumbbell hammer curl for : reps 7est &; seconds B& Bodyweight s9uat for 1; reps 7est &; seconds and repeat B1-B& twice more Two sets of plank hold for 6; seconds -riday '1 Dumbbell 7omanian deadlift for ) reps 7est &8 seconds '# Push-up for ) reps 7est &8 seconds '& ,ide-grip pulldown for ) reps 7est &8 seconds and repeat '1-'& twice more B1 .tanding dumbbell side raise for ) reps 7est &8 seconds B# Bent o"er dumbbell row for ) reps 7est &8 seconds B& 7e"erse crunch for ) reps 7est &8 seconds B6 .tep-ups for ) reps on each leg 7est :8 seconds and repeat B1-B6 twice more
Pha!e I Progre!!ion (ach week you!re going to make the workout a little tougher by adding a circuit+ resting less+ or adding a rep. <ere!s how to progress in the beginner program: *onday: 'dd one circuit to each workout. .o by week 6 you!ll perform = circuits of '1-'&. $ncrease the side plank hold by 18 seconds with each workout. ,ednesday: Decrease each rest period by ; seconds. .o by week 6 you!ll rest only #8 seconds between each e%ercise. $ncrease the plank hold by 18 seconds with each workout. -riday: 'dd one repetition to each set. .o by week 6 you!ll perform 11 reps for each e%ercise. PHASE II: Tran!ition, " Wee ! 's you transition off the V-Diet+ you!ll use this modified training program. 5oading: se the hea"iest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets. Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form. *onday > sets of pulldown with pronated grip 0palms facing away from you4 for ; reps 7est &8 seconds between each set > sets of dumbbell 7omanian deadlift for ; reps 7est &8 seconds between each set > sets of dumbbell bench press for ; reps 7est &8 seconds between each set # sets of side plank hold for :8 seconds 7est 6; seconds between each set 3ote: These are straight sets. ?ou!ll perform all > sets of pulldowns for e%ample before mo"ing on to the dumbbell 7omanian deadlifts.
,ednesday & sets of re"erse lunge for ) reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of one-arm dumbbell row for ) reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of narrow hand position push-up for ) reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of step-ups for ) reps with each leg 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of dumbbell side raise for ) reps 7est &8 seconds between each set # sets of plank hold for >; seconds 7est 6; seconds between each set -riday & sets of push press for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of pulldown with palms-up grip for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of dumbbell bench press for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of re"erse crunch for 1# reps 7est &8 seconds between each set & sets of bodyweight s9uats for #8 reps 7est 6; seconds between each set The Intermediate Program PHASE I: V-Diet, 4 Wee ! 5oading: se the hea"iest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets. Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.
*onday '1 ,ide-grip pull-up for & reps 7est &8 seconds '# Deadlift for & reps 7est &8 seconds '& Dip for & reps 7est &8 seconds and repeat '1-'& si% more times # sets of side plank hold for 6; seconds on each side 3ote: ,hen you see '1+ '#+ '& etc. that means you perform one set of the '1 e%ercise+ then one set of the '# e%ercise after resting+ and finally the '& e%ercise. 'fter a rest+ you perform all three e%ercises again for the re9uired number of sets. $n the *onday workout abo"e+ you do a set of pull-ups+ rest &8 seconds+ a set of deadlifts+ rest &8 seconds+ then a set of dips. 'fter another &8 second rest you repeat those e%ercises si% times. 't the end of the workout+ you perform the side plank holds. $f you see B1+ B#+ B& etc. that means you perform that circuit of e%ercises after you!re completely finished with the 2'2 mo"ements. ,ednesday '1 .tanding alternating dumbbell shoulder press for 6 reps 7est &; seconds '# 'lternating forward lunge for 6 reps 7est &; seconds '& 1ne-arm dumbbell row for 6 reps 7est &; seconds and repeat '1-'& three more times B1 1"erhead dumbbell triceps e%tension for 6 reps 7est &; seconds B# .tanding dumbbell hammer curl for 6 reps 7est &; seconds B& -ront s9uat for 6 reps 7est &; seconds and repeat B1-B& three more times # sets of plank hold for :8 seconds -riday '1 Dumbbell 7omanian deadlift for ) reps 7est &8 seconds
'# Bench press for ) reps 7est &8 seconds '& @hin-up for ) reps 7est &8 seconds and repeat '1-'& three more times B1 .tanding dumbbell side raise for ) reps 7est &8 seconds B# Bent o"er barbell row for ) reps 7est &8 seconds B& 7e"erse crunch for ) reps 7est &8 seconds B6 7e"erse lunge for ) reps on each leg 7est :8 seconds and repeat B1-B6 three more times Pha!e I Progre!!ion (ach week you!ll make the workout harder by adding a circuit+ resting less+ or adding a repetition. <ere!s how to progress in the intermediate program: *onday: 'dd one circuit to each workout. .o by week 6 you!ll perform 18 circuits of '1-'&. $ncrease the side plank hold by 18 seconds with each workout. ,ednesday: Decrease each rest period by ; seconds. .o by week 6 you!ll rest only #8 seconds between each e%ercise. $ncrease the plank hold by 18 seconds with each workout. -riday: 'dd one repetition to each set. .o by week 6 you!ll perform 11 reps for each e%ercise. PHASE II: Tran!ition, " Wee ! 's you transition off the V-Diet+ you!ll use the training program below. 5oading: se the hea"iest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets. Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form. *onday ) sets of medium grip pull-up for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds between each set ) sets of sumo deadlift for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds between each set ) sets of barbell bench press for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds between each set
# sets of side plank hold for >; seconds 7est 6; seconds between each set 3ote: These are straight sets. -or e%ample+ you!ll perform all ) sets of pull-ups before mo"ing on to the sumo deadlifts. ,ednesday 6 sets of re"erse lunge for > reps with each leg 7est 6; seconds between each set 6 sets of bent o"er barbell row with palms-up grip for > reps 7est 6; seconds between each set 6 sets of feet-ele"ated narrow hand position push-up for > reps 7est 6; seconds between each set 6 sets of good morning for > reps 7est 6; seconds between each set # sets of plank hold for =8 seconds 7est 6; seconds between each set -riday & sets of dumbbell 7omanian deadlift for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of hammer curl with o"erhead press for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of push-up for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of re"erse crunch for 1# reps 7est &8 seconds between each set # sets of back s9uat for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set The Ad#an$ed Program PHASE I: V-Diet, 4 Wee ! 5oading: se the hea"iest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets. Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.
*onday '1 ,ide-grip pull-up for & reps 7est &8 seconds '# 1"erhead s9uat for & reps 7est &8 seconds '& Dip for & reps 7est &8 seconds and repeat '1-'& si% more times Two sets of side plank hold for :8 seconds on each side 3ote: 's an ad"anced gym goer+ you probably know this+ but here!s a 9uick re"iew. Those '1+ '#+ '& designations mean that you perform one set of the '1 e%ercise+ then one set of the '# e%ercise after resting+ and finally the '& e%ercise. 'fter one more rest+ you perform all three e%ercises again for the re9uired number of sets. $n the *onday workout abo"e+ you do a set of pull-ups+ rest &8 seconds+ a set of o"erhead s9uats+ rest &8 seconds+ then a set of dips. 'fter another &8 second rest you repeat those e%ercises si% times. 't the end of the workout+ you perform the side plank holds. $f you see B1+ B#+ B& etc. that means you perform that circuit of e%ercises after you!re completely finished with the 2'2 mo"ements. ,ednesday '1 Dumbbell shoulder press with forward lunge for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds 3ote: This is a combo lift -- two e%ercises performed together. Press the dumbbells o"erhead as you lunge forward. 5ower the dumbbells as you return to the start position. '# Dumbbell hang clean for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds '& 1ne-arm dumbbell row for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds and repeat '1-'& three more times B1 @lose-grip bench press for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds B# .tanding barbell curl for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds B& -ront s9uat for 6 reps 7est &8 seconds and repeat B1-B& three more times Two sets of plank hold for =8 seconds
-riday '1 Power clean for : reps 7est 68 seconds '# @lap push-up for : reps 7est 68 seconds '& @hin-up for : reps 7est 68 seconds and repeat '1-'& three more times B1 .tanding dumbbell side raise for : reps 7est 68 seconds B# Bent o"er barbell row for : reps 7est 68 seconds B& 7e"erse crunch on slant board for : reps 7est 68 seconds B6 7e"erse lunge with hammer curl for : reps on each side 7est :8 seconds and repeat B1-B6 three more times Pha!e I Progre!!ion (ach week you!ll make the workout harder by adding a circuit+ resting less+ or adding a repetition. <ere!s how to progress in the ad"anced program: *onday: 'dd one circuit to each workout. .o by week 6 you!ll perform 18 circuits of '1-'&. $ncrease the side plank hold by 18 seconds with each workout. ,ednesday: 'dd one repetition to each set. .o by week 6 you!ll perform > reps for each e%ercise. $ncrease the plank hold by 18 seconds with each workout. -riday: Decrease each rest period by ; seconds. .o by week 6 you!ll rest #; seconds between each e%ercise. PHASE II: Tran!ition, " Wee ! 's you transition off the V-Diet+ you!ll use the training program below. 5oading: se the hea"iest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets. Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form. *onday ) sets of chin-up for & reps 7est &8 seconds between each set
) sets of power clean for & reps 7est &8 seconds between each set ) sets of push press for & reps 7est &8 seconds between each set # sets of side plank hold for =8s 7est 6; seconds between each set 3ote that unlike the pre"ious phase+ these are straight sets. ?ou!ll perform all ) sets of chins for e%ample before mo"ing to the power cleans. ,ednesday 6 sets of forward lunge with hammer curl for > reps with each leg 7est 6; seconds between each set 6 sets of dip for > reps 7est 6; seconds between each set 6 sets of bent o"er row for > reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of front s9uat for : reps & sets of good morning for : reps 7est 6; seconds between each set # sets of plank hold for 1#8 seconds 7est 6; seconds between each set -riday 6 sets of dumbbell 7omanian deadlift for 18 reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of neutral-grip dumbbell shoulder press for 18 reps 7est 6; seconds between each set 6 sets of wide-grip pull-up for ) reps 7est :8 seconds between each set 6 sets of feet-ele"ated push-up for 1# reps 7est 6; seconds between each set & sets of back s9uat for 18 reps 7est :8 seconds between each set # sets of re"erse crunch on slant board for 1# reps 7est &8 seconds between each set