Analytic Learners: How Do I Know If My Child Is An Analytic Learner?
Analytic Learners: How Do I Know If My Child Is An Analytic Learner?
Analytic Learners: How Do I Know If My Child Is An Analytic Learner?
They are phontic readers and they prefer to work individually on activity sheets. They learn best when: information is presented in sequential steps, lessons are structured and teacherdirected, goals and aims are clear, requirements are spelled out.
Analytic Learners
Analytic learners plan and organize their work. They focus on details and are logical. They are phonetic readers and prefer to work individually on activity sheets. They learn best when: o information is presented in sequential steps o lessons are structured and teacher-directed o o goals are clear requirements are spelled out o o o
Analytic learners follow a more conventional pattern. They prefer to concentrate on a series of facts that move toward a gradual understanding of an overall concept. Having information introduced in a step-bystep approach enables children with analytic styles to learn best. Children who like to work sitting at a desk, under a bright light, and in quiet surroundings are likely to be analytic learners. They tend to concentrate for long stretches at a time without taking breaks or snacking, preferring to work alone on a single task until it is completed.
Analytic learners
Speak directly to the point, using clear understandable language Give directions in a step-by-step manner Use visual aids, e.g., written lists in addition to verbal directions Begin with the facts and move to a gradual understanding of the topic
An analytic person likes to learn things step-by-step, or sequentially. Sound familiar? If so, look over these characteristics to find out if these traits hit home, as well. Then you may want to capitalize on the study recommendations and improve your study skills. Are You a Sequential Learner?
An analytic or sequential learner may be more likely to respond to a problem with logic first, instead of emotion.
If you're a sequential learner, you may feel the need to understand each part of an algebra equation. You may be good with time management, and you probably get to school on time. You tend to remember names. Your notes may be divided and labeled. You categorize things a lot. You plan ahead.
You may get hung up on details when reading. You have to understand something before you move on. You might get frustrated easily with people who don't understand things as quickly as you do.
Analytic Style Study Tips Do you become frustrated when people assert opinions as facts? People who are very analytic learners might. Analytic learners like facts and they like learning things in sequential steps. They are also fortunate, because many of their preferred methods are used in traditional teaching. Teachers also enjoy giving tests that favor analytic learners, like true and false or multiple choice exams. Since your learning style is compatible with traditional teaching styles and you enjoy order, your biggest problem is getting frustrated. An analytic learner may benefit from the following:
Ask for clear rules. You need clarity. Without rules, you might feel lost. Don't get frustrated by opinions. Some students may offer opinions in class, especially the holistic learners who want to make comparisons! It is just their way of understanding, so don't let it bother you. Don't worry about not finishing a task. You may not want to move on to a new task if something (like a lack of supplies) interferes with your work. Try not to get hung up. Sometimes it's okay to move on and re-visit a project later. Don't worry if things don't seem logical. We don't make the rules sometimes. If you come across a rule that doesn't make sense, don't let it bother you to distraction. Group your information. Analytic learners are good at categorizing information. Go ahead and place your information into categories. It will help you recall the information when you need it. Sit in the front of the class, to avoid distractions. If you're annoyed by rowdy or talkative students in the back of the class, try to sit where you won't notice them. Don't worry about big concepts right away-give yourself time. If you're reading a book or chapter and you don't seem to be "getting the message," give it time. You may need to know all the details first, and then put them together. Take things step-by-step, but don't get hung up. If you're doing a math problem with an equation, don't get hung up if you don't understand a certain step. Take a leap of faith! Ask for specific goal. Analytic learners may feel the need to understand the specific goal before they can get into a project. Go ahead and ask for clear goals if you need them.
ANALYTICAL learner focuses on the parts that make up the big picture ANALYTICAL learner hears new information and tends to listen for specific details.
Getting the overall concept that the details describe may be sometimes difficult for the ANALYTICAL learner. In following directions, the ANALYST listens for details and may become particularly frustrated if instructions are repeated. Characteristics of the Analytical Learner Likes going step-by-step in a sequential order Typically self-motivated, logical, and focused Must be prepared and needs to know what to expect Pays close attention to details and specifics Can find the facts but may miss the main idea Often values facts over intuition and feelings Remembers specifics and prefers organization Prefers to finish one thing at a time Has a sense of fairness May prefer direct answers
Frustrations of the Analytical Learner Listening to a long explanation when all that is needed is a simple "yes" or "no" response Listening to an overview without knowing the steps involved Not understanding how an employer/instructor evaluates Not finishing one task before going on to the next Having opinions expressed as fact without evidence Not having an understanding of the purpose of the task Dealing with broad generalities and not having the specifics
Effective Approaches:
Information on equipment, facilities, skill levels Goal statements to drive performance improvement Studying videos, pros in action Professional instruction for specific critiques Analyzing different approaches Effective feedback: recognition for quality of her achievement andefficiency of process; support for achieving high goals
Repetition and drill Group discussion (she prefers the instructor's opinion) Written work which serves as a reporting mechanism to others; prefersto track own goals Dependency on the progress or approach of peers
LEFT (Analytic) Successive Hemispheric Style 1. Verbal 2. Responds to word meaning 3. Sequential 4. Processes information linearly 5. Responds to logic 6. Plans ahead 7. Recalls people's names 8. Speaks with few gestures 9. Punctual 10. Prefers formal study design 11. Prefers bright lights while studying
RIGHT (Global) Simultaneous Hemispheric Style 1. Visual 2. Responds to tone of voice 3. Random 4. Processes information in varied order 5. Responds to emotion 6. Impulsive 7. Recalls people's faces 8. Gestures when speaking 9. Less punctual 10. Prefers sound/music background while studying 11. Prefers frequent mobility while studying