Gov Syllabus

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Government 310L American Government 38970 Spring 2014 MWF 11-11:50 MEZ 1.

306 Course Description: This course provides an introduction to American politics. The course topics include an introduction to Americas constitutional foundations, the relationship between the mass public and politics (public opinion and participation), the role of intermediary organizations (interest groups, media, parties), and the function of institutions (Congress, Presidency, Courts). In addition to mastering a set of basic facts about American government, students will learn theories addressing big questions in American politics, and will explore critical assessments of the evidence brought to bear on these questions. Some of these topics will also be examined in the context of Texas politics. Prerequisites: None Professor: Bethany Albertson Office: Batts 4.124 Office Hours: Wednesday 1:30 4:30 Teaching Assistants: Huseyin Alptekin Office: Batts 1.118 Office Hours: M 3:30-5:00, F 12:30-2:00 Benjamin Hardee Office: Batts 1.118 Office Hours: M 12:30 3:30 Texts: American Politics Today, Core Edition, 3e. Bianco & Canon. Norton. Other readings will be made available on the course website on Canvas. One note of the supplemental reading: They are a mix of traditional political science and opinion pieces. Please note that opinion pieces are included because they apply ideas from political science to a contemporary issue in an interesting way.

Grading Policy: 4 in class exams (25% each). The exams are not cumulative. Exams will contain multiplechoice questions and/or identification of terms. Attendance will NOT be used for determining the final course grade. Extra Credit: I encourage students to learn more about politics by attending some of the many political events on campus, and offer extra credit for students who 1) attend the event and 2) write up a one page, double spaced report. The report should describe what youve learned at the event, and explain whether it complements or challenges anything youve learned so far in class. Eligible events: I will announce political events on campus that are eligible for this opportunity. If you hear about something happening on campus, great! Let me know in advance and I will announce it to the class. Political events that have not been announced to the entire class are NOT eligible as an extra credit opportunity. Events with a specific political agenda are eligible, and I do not restrict events on the basis of political content. Extra credit limit: Please attend as many events as youd like. However, each report is worth 2 points, and I limit extra credit points to 2 per exam. Grading: A AB+ B BC+ 93-100% 90-92% 87-89% 83-86% 80-82% 77-79% C CD+ D DF 73-76% 70-72% 67-69% 63-66% 60-62% Below 60%

Class Policies: Power Point Slides: Power Point slides will be posted on Canvas. Review Sheets: I'll post a review sheet for each chapter on Canvas. These are meant to help you focus your studies on the most important topics -- **WARNING** simply memorizing a short definition for each of the terms WILL NOT leave you prepared for the exam. Disability Accommodations: Students will disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 471-6259, If you require accommodation, it is your responsibility to bring your note to me EARLY in the semester so we can work our arrangements. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism, cheating, and other academic misconduct are serious violations of your contract as a student. Plagiarism is using someone elses language without quotations and attribution or using someone elses idea (even in different language) without

attribution. We expect that you will know and follow the University's policies on cheating and plagiarism. If you are unsure about the standards of academic integrity, it is your responsibility to ask the professor or the t.a. Any suspected cases of academic misconduct will be handled according to University regulations. A copy of the Universitys Honor Code can be found here: Make-up Policy: Full credit make-up exams will only be allowed for (1) University sanctioned events (verification required) (2) extraordinary circumstances (verification -- e.g., physician's note -- required) or (3) religious observances. Make-up exams are any exams taken before or after the scheduled exam time. Make-up exams requested for any other reason will be decided on a case by case basis, and will be subject to a 10% grade penalty. I do not approve make-up exams under any circumstances for vacations or early departure for breaks. Make-up exams will be given within one week of the exam and will be offered at only one time. If you know you are going to miss an exam, notify me as soon as possible BEFORE the exam no later than 14 days prior to the exam date. Students who miss exams without prior notification will face a 20% grade penalty, and will be given the chance to participate in the make-up ONLY if they contact me before the make-up administration. Emergency Evacuation Policy: In the event of a fire or other emergency, it may be necessary to evacuate a building rapidly. Upon the activation of a fire alarm or the announcement of an emergency in a university building, all occupants of the building are required to evacuate and assemble outside. Once evacuated, no one may re-enter the building without instruction to do so from the Austin Fire Department, University of Texas at Austin Police Department, or Fire Prevention Services office. Students should familiarize themselves with all the exit doors of each room and building they occupy at the university, and should remember that the nearest exit routes may not be the same as the way they typically enter buildings. Students requiring assistance in evacuation shall inform their instructors in writing during the first week of class. Faculty members must then provide this information to the Fire Prevention Services office by fax (512-232-2759), with "Attn. Mr. Roosevelt Easley" written in the subject line. Frequently asked questions: 1. Q: What should I call you? A: Please call me Professor Albertson. I go by my first name with graduate students and undergrads who have become research assistance, and use professor with all other undergraduates. I mention this because Ive learned that many undergrads find titles confusing, and default to hey when in doubt, use a title or ask! 2. Q: What are your pet peeves? A: Cheating on exams, talking in class. Course Schedule: January 13 January 15 January 17 January 20 January 22 Introduction, no reading Chapter 1, Understanding American Politics Chapter 1, Understanding American Politics No class, MLK Day Chapter 2, The Constitution and the Founding

January 24 January 27 January 29 January 31 February 3 February 5 February 7 February 10 February 12 February 14 February 17 February 19 February 21 February 24 February 26 February 28 March 3 March 5 March 7 Spring Break March 17 March 19 March 21 March 24 March 26 March 28 March 31 April 2 April 4 April 7 April 9 April 11 April 14

Chapter 2, The Constitution and the Founding Federalist Papers (10, 51, 78) Chapter 3, Federalism Rauch, Jonathan, A More Perfect Union: how the founding fathers would have handled gay marriage. Chapter 4, Civil Liberties Chapter 4, Civil Liberties & Review for exam Exam 1 Chapter 5, Public Opinion Chapter 5, Public Opinion Chapter 5, Public Opinion Bartels, Larry, Is Popular Rule Possible? Gladwell, Malcolm. Blink, The Warren Harding Error: Why we fall for tall, dark and handsome men. Chapter 6, The Media Chapter 6, The Media Chapter 7, Political Parties Chapter 7, Political Parties Hillygus & Shields, The Persuadable Voter chapter 3 Review Exam 2

Chapter 8, Elections Chapter 8, Elections Chapter 8, Elections Wattenberg, Martin P. Where Have All the Voters Gone?, The New Generation Gap. Olson, Mancur, The Logic of Collective Action, selections Chapter 9, Interest Groups Chapter 9, Interest Groups Chapter 10, Congress Prof out of town Chapter 10, Congress Mayhew, David R. Congress: The Electoral Connection, selections & Review Exam 3 Chapter 11, The Presidency

April 16 April 18 April 21 April 23 April 25 April 28 April 30 May 2

Chapter 11, The Presidency Samuel Kernell, Going Public, selections Chapter 12, The Bureaucracy Chapter 13, The Courts Chapter 13, The Courts Chapter 14, Civil Rights Lincoln, The Perpetuation of our Political Institutions King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail Exam 4

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