Introduction To Astrophysics 2
Introduction To Astrophysics 2
Introduction To Astrophysics 2
Here we learn more about available types of astronomical data in order from easy to di cult.
We can usually measure small angles 1 much better than large angles say 45 . We nd accuracies of Optical Radio 0.00001 0.00000001 best best Very Long Baseline Interferometry VLBI limited by spacecraft limited by properties of ray detectors
X ray ray
200 1
1 radian 57 3
The Earth is a pretty good gyroscope so its axis points a constant direction in inertial space the North Celestial Pole NCP. Declination or DEC is measured from 90 at that pole to 90 at the South Celestial Pole. The longitude like coordinate is called right ascension or RA and is measured confusingly in hours 24h 360 . The zero point is at the vernal equinox where the Sun is in the sky at the beginning of Spring also called the rst point of Ares. RA increases in number in the direction the sky moves as the Earth turns. That is a xed telescope sees increasing RA positions with time 1 hour RA per hour of sidereal time. One peculiarity is that objects at rest on sky have RA Dec which vary very gradually with time because of the Earths precession. This occurs because the spin axis of the earth is not aligned with the Earth Sun orbital plane.
23.5 23.5
nv ect
If the earth was a sphere this would not a ect the Earths spin axis there would be no coupling but tides and rotation distort the earth so it feels a net torque from the gravity of the sun moon. This torque makes the polar axis direction to NCP precess with a period of 26 000 years.
Every 26 000 years the RA goes through a big loop and DEC changes by 23 5 . Positions of objects in the sky change by tens of arcseconds per year. This is easily detectable as we can measure the angle to 10 3 arcsec.
Coordinates quoted for objects are therefore refered to a particular date or standard epoch to remove e ects of precession. Standards are B1950 going out of use J2000 coming in Here the B and J refer to technicalities of the model while 1950 and 2000 are the reference dates typically noon on January 1 of the date.
Galactic Coordinates l b
The equator of the galactic coordinate system is the galactic plane the Milky Way. l the longitude coordinate is zero in the direction of the Galactic Center. b the galactic latitude goes from 90 at the North Galactic Pole NGP down to 90 at the SGP. 12
is ok when is not small but for small separations it becomes inaccurate angles pile up around cos 1. In that case use the construction
^ r1 (1/2)
(1/2) |^ r1 - ^ r2|
which yields
tan 1 2
jr jr
1 1
rj rj
2 2
analogy with the de nition of radians the unit of solid angle the steradian measures the area on the unit sphere that the object covers. Since a sphere has area 4r there are 4 steradians in the whole sky. The corresponding number of square degrees is
1 cm 2
distance D
You can see that if the source emits isotropically same in all directions the relation between ux F and total luminosity L erg s is L F 4D
1 2
Ideally Flux would be the total energy emitted but in practice we measure di erent wavelength bands with di erent instruments or detectors. In such cases we label it by a letter telling which band e.g. V visual and it then means energy per area per time arriving in that band. The most common bands are U ultraviolet B blue V visual R red I J K infrared.
100 Transparency (%) 80 60 40 20 0 3000 4000 5000 6000 A Wavelength
Light Transmission Through UBV Filters. This graph shows the wavelength ranges
Band U B V R I J K Central Wavelength 3650 A 4400 A 5500 A 7000 A 9000 A 1.25 2.2 E ective width de ned 680 2400 A 980 A 890 A 2200A A 0.38 48 by area under curve log f erg cm 2 s 1 1 4.37 4.18 4.42 4.76 5.08 5.48 6.40 for m 0
over which the standardized U B and V lters are transparent to light. The U lter is transparent to the near ultraviolet. The B lter is transparent from about 380 to 550 nm and the V lter is transparent from about 500 to 650 nm.
Note that 1000 A 100 nm 0.1. We write F F F etc. for in band uxes. When we need a word for real total energy we say bolometric so
To interpret the last line in the above table we need to know about the magnitude scale. 15
2 5 log F
2 5 log F constant
Once we decide on magnitude for one star all others are determined. Since stars have di erent colors well learn why later we must compare them in a speci c color band i.e. look at them through lters as shown in 2.2.1. The naked eye is esentially a V lter. Thus like uxes magnitudes are written with a subscript indicating band m m etc. Sometimes this is written just V B etc. The zero point constant derives historically from the ancient Greeks who named some bright stars as being of the rst magnitude what we would now call V 0
Arcturus Boo V 0 06 B V 1 23 Vega Lyr V 0 04 B V 0 0 Capella Aur V 0 8 B V 0 79 Note that larger magnitude means dimmer Betelgeuse Ori V 0 8 B V 1 85 Aldebaran Tau V 0 85 B V 1 53 16
Larger color di erence means redder color. With good eyes and a dark sky not Cambridge you can see stars down to V 6. How much energy do we receive from Betelgeuse in the V band From the previous table for V 0
4 42
3 4 10 10
0 40 8
erg 1 6 10 cm s
6 2
You can see that the general relation for any band X e.g. X
FX 10
CX W 10 X
where CX is the bands log f for mX 0 WX is its e ective width and mX is the apparant magnitude of the object in question. Incidentally since 10 0 398 is pretty close to e 0 367 magni tudes are not too di erent from e folds. This is useful for calculating small magnitude di erences in your head e.g.
04 1
0 03 mag e
0 03
1 0 03 1 03
So a di erence of 0.03 mag is about a 3 ux di erence and so forth. Another useful fact if you like decibels is that 1 mag 4 dB. Therefore e.g. 2.5 mag 10 dB factor of 10 in intensity.
m M 5 log 10Dpc M 5 log D 5 the 2.5 on log ux becomes a 5 on log distance. The quantity m M 5 log D 5
is called the distance modulus. You should now be able to derive the relation between absolute magnitude M and physical luminosity L in a given color band for an object. These are properties of the object not of its distance. If we know L or M for an object then measurement of m gives D the distance. A standard candle is a hoped for class of objects which has a luminosity absolute mag which can be determined easily without knowing its distance. Notice that color di erences e.g. B V are independent of distance and are equal to M M e.g. Here are the masses absolute magnitudes and so called spectral types of stars on the main sequence well learn more about this later. Spectral type O B A F G K M Typical Mass units of M 40 6 2 1.5 1.0 0.7 0.3 M 5 8 1 1 2.0 3.4 5.1 7.3 11.8 The Sun is a G star at 10 pc it would be barely visible m 5 1.
2.2.4 Spectra
Atoms in a gas can emit light at speci ed frequencies called spectral lines. They can also absorb light at these frequencies. Whether they on balance emit or absorb depends on their temperature ionization density etc. So a spectrum might look like 18
emission lines
"Continuum level" absorption lines 0
The units of f are ergs per cm collecting area per s per wavelength. This is the same f that we previously saw in the UVB magnitude table.
vt velocity v
o z vr in nonrelativistic limit o o c Between successive emissions of crests time intervals c the emit ter moves a distance v c while the wave moves a distance so v c v c
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 v c
position now
Lab Observed
blue 0 red
ii proper motion Here we observe motion of object in plane of the sky over time sometimes a very long time. We get vt v sin from the rate of change of position on the sky if we know the distance to the object. We generally do know the distance from parallax measurements q.v. because we can only see proper motions for nearby stars. E.g. to see appreciable motion say 100 century given that the typical velocity of a star is 10 km s we can only measure vt for stars within distances 2 kpc about one fth the distance to the center of the galaxy.
We can do better with VLBI radio techniques using masers an as tronomical analog to a laser because 1 we can determine angles more accurately and 2 maser velocities are larger than veloci ties of nearby stars. This has been used to get the distance to the galactic center.
ii triangulation again okay for Venus Moon. Taken with radar it leads to measurements of the AU.
Angles p are small 100 and the distance D R p. If R 1 AU and p is measured in seconds of arc then D comes out in parsecs. 1 pc distance at which 1 AU subtends 1 arcsec 3 086 10 cm.
iv inverse square law and standard candles If you know that a certain object has luminosity L e.g. by look ing at similar objects near you L in erg sec or watts then the distance of that object is given from its observed ux
L 4D
This method works well for Cepheids variable stars whose variability period obtained from long time observations is related to L. Thus we use the measured period to infer L and combine L with the observed brightness to get D. RR Lyrae stars another kind of variable star and Tully Fisher galaxies in which the galaxys luminosity is inferred from its rotational velocity are used in a similar way. Note that extinction the absorption of light by intervening material can cause problems. v angular sizes of standard rods Same idea as iv nd a distant object that is the same as a nearby one for which you know the size. If the nearby object has a true size L and the distant object has angular size then
vi Hubble law galaxies and beyond
Use the concept that the Universe is expanding. If the Hubble law has been calibrated for you this involves getting measurements of distances of objects by independent means then a radial velocity measurement leads to the distance from
vr HoD
where vr is the Doppler velocity and Ho 50 100 km s pc . This is usually written Ho 100 h km s pc where h 0 5 1.0. But note that peculiar velocities and gravitational redshifts might cause problems.
1 1 1 1
Note that the use of method vi gives an uncertainty of a factor 2 in the distance scale This is a real problem for astrophysics. Ho is not well known because of the di culty in determining distances to distant galaxies from methods iv and v.