CAPE Caribbean Studies IA - Family

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"l I#$%!%u%!o#$& T'e F"(!l) How does the family structure of students at Immaculate Conception High School affect their academic performance?

Acknowledgements Introduction Literature Re iew Research "ethodology $resentation of %ata Interpretation of 'indings %iscussion of 'indings Conclusion)Recommendations)Limitations +i,liography Appendices 1 2 ! # & 1# 1( 2* 22 2-

I would like to show my gratitude ,y thanking e eryone who aided. in the compilation and completion of this research/ 0specially to my teacher. "s/ "urphy who has ,een most patient and understanding. my mother for encouraging me and ensuring that my needs were met in relation to this research and 1od. who strengthened me throughout/ I also must show appreciation to the respondents. ,ecause without them this research would not ,e possi,le/

P-o.le( S%"%e(e#% /0o1 doe$ %'e 2"(!l) $%-u %u-e o2 $%ude#%$ "% I((" ul"%e Co# e3%!o# 0!4' S 'ool "22e % %'e!- " "de(! 3e-2o-("# e56 B" 74-ou#d 2he researcher has o,ser ed that students at Immaculate Conception High School are from arying familiar structures. and that most students from 3uclear family structures perform e4ceptionally well in comparison to many of those from 04tended and Single5$arent family structures who perform at a a erage le el/ As a result. the researcher took the initiati e to conduct research to decipher whether or not this is indeed factual. since it is an area of great concern. and the findings will ,e ,eneficial to not only the researcher. ,ut also the school6s administration. who is ery concerned a,out the academic well ,eing of their students/ It can ,e argued that this pro,lem is psychological in nature and as a result respondents might ,e reluctant to participate. in addition to the fact that the researcher is not an e4pert and might misinterpret what the respondents actually mean/ 2his pro,lem implies that there is a definite correlation ,etween family structure and a child6s education. and as such. parents ought to pay more attention/ Pu-3o$e o2 Re$e"- ' 2he purpose of this in estigation is to ascertain whether or not these o,ser ations are factual. and to see how great an impact the family structure has on children6s academic a,ilities/

S%"%e(e#% o2 P-o.le( It is indeed e ident that there is a correlation ,etween the family structure and a child6s academic performance/ Howe er. one needs to ascertain the e4tent to which the family structure poses a pro,lem to a child6s academic well,eing/ 2his research aims to pro ide answers to the following research 7uestions8 9hat are the arying familiar structures present at Immaculate? How do the students perform academically? 9hy do some students perform e4ceptionally well. while others underperform? 9hat is the family structure with the highest and lowest a erages of academic performance?

Edu "%!o#"l V"lue o2 Re$e"- ' 2he alue of this research will ,enefit 1uidance Counselors6 in the school on how to help and assistant students who are underperforming in their academics/ It will also help to inform parents and other family mem,ers a,out the impact they ha e on their children6s academic well,eing/ 2his research can generate further studies ,y the rele ant authorities and)or academic groups to not :ust focus on Immaculate ,ut all high schools island wide/

De2!#!%!o# o2 *e) Te-($

A "de(! Pe-2o-("# e5 refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks gi en to them ,y their teachers/ A22e %5 to act on; produce an effect or change E8%e#ded 2"(!l) 5A family that includes three or more generations. normally. that would include grandparents. their sons or daughters. and their children. as opposed to a <nuclear family.< which is only a married couple and their offspring/ F"(!l)5 A social institution which em,odies the alued ideas and ,eliefs that society has a,out how children should ,e reared and sociali=ed and how human reproduction should take place F"(!l) S%-u %u-e5 2he organi=ational framework that determines family mem,ership. and the functions and hierarchical position of family mem,ers I#$%".!l!%)5 im,alance8 a lack of ,alance or state of dise7uili,rium Med!o -e5 ordinariness as a conse7uence of ,eing a erage and not outstanding

Nu le"- F"(!l)5 A nuclear family is a family group consisting of a father and mother and their children. who share li ing 7uarters. S!#4le&P"-e#% F"(!l)5 A family in which only one parent is present to care for the children. can ,e either mother or father So !"l I#$%!%u%!o#5 A socially appro ed system of alues. norms. and roles that e4ists to accomplish specific societal goals. S%".!l!%)5 constancy8 the 7uality of ,eing enduring and free from change or ariation U#de-3e-2o-("# e5 Achie ement of a lower standard than re7uired

2he researcher6s topic is one which is of great concern to others. and as such e4tensi e research has ,een carried out. pro iding the researcher with a profusion of documents and articles to ,etter support the topic/ 2hree of these sources were utili=ed to assist with the research/ Schneider. Atte,erry. and >wens ?2**!@. comments on the relationship ,etween family structures and the outcome of the child/ 2his ery detailed research paper indicates e4plicitly that there is indeed a fundamental connection ,etween family structure and a child6s educational outcome/ AAs early as age three. children6s a,ility to adapt to classroom routines appears to ,e influenced to some degree ,y the marital situation of their parents/B 2he research paper also states that AA family structure can constrain the a aila,ility of economic and social resources such as parents6 a,ility to spend time with their child. ,e in ol ed in educational acti ities. and e4pend monetary resources that can promote positi e educational outcomes and well5,eing/B 2his impacts the research positi ely as it is e4plicitly connects family structure to academic performance. and pro ides su,stantial information for the researcher. to make a conclusion/

2he article A2oo many single5 parentsB pu,lished on Sunday April 1*. 2*11 implies that one of the main reasons for the society6s current state in terms of low academic performance of students and their ,ad ,eha ior occurred as a result of too many single parents/ Hill ?2*11@. states Athe pro,lem stems from the a,sence of a nuclear family. which he says is critical for the early stages

of a childCs de elopment/B 2he article also mentions that A"any single5parent households face specific social and economic challenges for ,oth the parent and the childrenB/ A,out D! per cent of all Eamaican households are female headed/ 'emale5headed households. according to 2**2 data from the $lanning Institute of Eamaica. also ha e a larger num,er of children and adult females. ,ut ha e a lower per capita consumption than those headed ,y males/ 2his article pro ides the researcher with statistical information to further pro e the hypothesis/ Howe er the article also limits their study to single5parent families as ,eing the main cause of mediocre or unsatisfactory academic performance neglecting the e4tended family structure/

2he article entitled AReid e4amines Eamaica6s poor CS0C resultsB pu,lished on 9ednesday 'e,ruary 2-rd 2*11. ,lames to a large e4tent. the current familiar structures for the island6s underperformance in the regional e4aminations/ Reid ?2*11@ indicates that Athe factors impacting student performance are di erse and interrelated/ 2hese include8 Limited parental support and the impact of socio5economic status8 A range of socio5economic factors inclusi e of parental support and in ol ement impact student performance/B $arentsC socio5economic status can ,e considered an important factor which affects not only cogniti e function. ,ut also academic performance/ Reid also draws on statistics to further pro e his account. in addition to e idence from Samms5 Faughn ?2**D@/ Reid6s article takes the researchers in estigation to a higher le el ,y pro iding a wider ariety of reasons in addition to a more in depth analysis of how one6s family structure affects academic performance. not only the direct impact ,ut also the indirect/

> er the period of two months 'e,ruary to April 2*12. data necessary for this research was ac7uired ia document analysis and ,y sur eying methods of administering 7uestionnaires and conducting an inter iew/ %ocument analysis was done ,y the re iew of newspaper articles in the %aily 1leaner on the correlation ,etween family structure and children6s educational outcome/ Administration of 7uestionnaires commenced o er the period of "arch !th to (th 2*12. to a sample population of thirty ?-*@ students. fi e ?!@ from each year group. e4cepting Gth form where fi e?!@ 7uestionnaires were distri,uted ,etween twelfth and thirteenth grade. ,y means of the systematic random sampling method/ 2he 7uestionnaire consisted of fifteen easily interpreted 7uestions. ,oth open5ended and closed5ended/ 2he 7uestionnaire6s structure has ,een designed to allow or to facilitate unpro,lematic interpretation for the researcher as well as for respondents/ It ensures anonymity and confidentiality of information within the sample group and aids in the pro ision of answers to the research 7uestions/ A face to face inter iew was conducted with the %ean of Academic studies of the Immaculate Conception High School. "rs/ "cCook on 9ednesday "arch #th 2*12 at 18-* p/m/ 2he inter iew lasted appro4imately twenty minutes and included si4 open5 ended 7uestions/ 2hese sources pro ide an in depth analysis and understanding of the pro,lem stated/

10 to 13 14 to 17 18 & Over




A4e d!$%-!.u%!o# o2 -e$3o#de#%$

'igure 1/

18% 16% 14% 12% Percentage of respondents 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grades students belong 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 13th Grade

Ye"- 4-ou3$ !# 1'! ' -e$3o#de#%$ .elo#4 'igure 2

90% 80% 70% 60% Percentage of 50% Respondents 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Excellent Good S atis actor! "ot #ell $%elo# 60%& Excellent Good Satis actor! "ot 'ell $%elo# 60%&


A9e-"4e Pe-2o-("# e o2 Re$3o#de#%$

(i)*re 3+

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% Percentage of Respondents 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Reasons of respondents ,el/ ro- a-il! #hen !o* receive #or0 !o* do not *nderstand .alanced ,o-e li e (a-il! E nco*ra)e-ent ,i)hl! -otivated )oals and drea-s "at*ral .rilliance

Re"$o#$ 2o- ,ood %o E8 elle#% A "de(! Pe-2o-("# e

(i)*re 4+
100% 90% 80% 70% Percentage of 60% respondentswho 50% selected these 40% responses 30% 20% 10% 0%

1ac0 o St*d!in)

,i)h S tress 1evel

2n%alanced ,o-e li e

"o hel/ received ro- a-il! #hen !o* receive #or0 !o* do not *nderstand 1ac0 o a-il! enco*ra)e-ent


M"!# -e"$o#$ 2o- -e$3o#de#%$ S"%!$2" %o-) %o No% +ell A "de(! 3e-2o-("# e: 'igure !/
60% 50% 40% Percentage of 30% Respondents 20% 10% 0% "*clear Extended Family structure Sin)le34arent Other

F"(!l) S%-u %u-e %o 1'! ' -e$3o#de#%$ .elo#4 'igure G/

5 ES "O



A-e (";o- 2" %o-$ 3-e$e#% !# %'e 'ou$e'old %'"% $%o3$ )ou 2-o( do!#4 1o-75 'igure #/

,e#e-"l Re$3o#$e$ .) -e$3o#de#%$ 1'o $ele %ed )e$< %'e-e "-e (";o- 2" %o-$ 1!%'!# %'e!'ou$e'old %'"% !#%e-2e-e$ 1!%' %'e!- $ 'ool 1o-7
"oise level is too hi)h6 too -an! /ersons #ithin ho*sehold 7oo -an! activities 8onstant anno!ance and %other ro- a-il! -e-%ers ,avin) to ta0e care o )rand/arents ,avin) to ta0e care o !o*n)er si%lin) and hel/ -other #ith her school #or0 7o do all the chores or all o -! si%lin)s


40% 30% 20% Percentage of respondents 10% 0% 9)nore the /ro%le-s and do the #or0 (or)et the school #or0 and #orr! Go to a riends ho*se and )et the #or0 done Give */ on ever!thin) 4ra! a%o*t it

Methods used to respondents to manage their work when problems arise within the home

0o1 -e$3o#de#%$ ("#"4e 1o-7 1'e# 3-o.le($ "-!$e 1!%'!# %'e 'o(e 'igure &/
70% 60% 50% Percentage of respondents 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% "ot O ten :e)*larl! "ever "ot O ten :e)*larl! "ever

Frequency of problems occuring within the home

0o1 o2%e# 3-o.le($ o u- 1!%'!# -e$3o#de#%$ 'ou$e'old 'igure (/

Percentage of Respondents

70+0% 60+0% 50+0% 40+0% 30+0% 20+0% 10+0% 0+0%

Reponses from parents

U$u"l -e$3o#$e 2-o( 3"-e#%$ 2o- lo1 " "de(! 3e-2o-("# e 'igure 1*/

Gettin) 8o--ended 7old to do %etter

:eceivin) a )i t <cade-ics are *s*all! lo# 0%

"othin)6 its #hat;s ex/ected

23% 47%

20% 10%

Re$3o#$e$ 2-o( 2"(!l) 2o- '!4' " "de(! 3e-2o-("# e 'igure 11/

5 es "o

Re$3o#de#%$ 9!e1 o# 2"(!l) $%-u %u-e "22e %!#4 %'e!- 4-"de$ 'igure 12/

60% 50% 40% Percentage of Respondents 30% 20% 10% 0% =other (ather .oth 4arents Grand/arents Other

Providers within household

M"!# 3-o9!de- 1!%'!# %'e 'ou$e'old 'igure 1-/

60% 50% 40% Percentage of 30% Respondents 20% 10% 0% =other (ather .oth /arents Grand/arents Other

Caregivers within household

M"!# C"-e4!9e- 1!%'!# %'e 'ou$e'old 'igure 1D/

Percentage of Respondents

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Persons who help with homework

Person who usually helps respondents with homework at home 'igure 1!/

B-!e2 De$ -!3%!o# o2 2"(!l) 'ou$e'old .) -e$3o#de#%$ 0"-(o#!ou$ 'ou$e'old 1'e-e e9e-)o#e 4e%$ "lo#4 F-e=ue#% 2!4'%$ "#d d!$"4-ee(e#%$ 3-e$e#% 1!%'!# %'e 'ou$e'old Huiet and calm household where e eryone gets along Lack of communication within the household

Re$3e %2ul 'ou$e'old 1'e-e e9e-)o#e 'el3$ e" ' o%'e2a,le 2/

I#%e-9!e1 1!%' De"# o2 A "de(! S%ud!e$ "rs/ "cCook has ,een the %ean of Academic Studies at Immaculate Conception High School for four years and throughout her tenure she has fulfilled her :o, re7uirements/ %uring the inter iew arious reasons were discussed to ascertain how the family structure affected the academic performance of students. and while it is indeed e ident that family structure is important in a child6s academic well5,eing. "rs/ "cCook clearly indicated that that was not the main reason at Immaculate/ Instead she made reference to the fact that students do not feel challenged ,y their school work and as a result underperform/ She recommends that parents need to ensure that they play a more integral role within the education process of their children. as learning starts from the home and children do need guidance. in order not to de iate/

All thirty ?-*@ 7uestionnaire respondents are current students of Immaculate Conception High School. arying in age from ten to o er eighteen ?1* I 1&J@ according to 'igure 1/ Students from grades se en to thirteen were chosen at random to complete this 7uestionnaire and this in shown in 'igure 2/ 9ith regards to the fifteen 7uestions asked ,y the 7uestionnaire. there was a multiplicity of responses recei ed/ 'igure - indicates that more than se enty percent of respondents perform at a A1oodB ?#*5#(K@ academic le el/ 9hile 'igures D and ! illustrate the arying reasons for students academic performance/ 2he researcher is a,le to reali=e that many of the students who underperform indicate that there is a lack of encouragement. as well as no help recei ed from family mem,ers when they do not understand. in addition to their lack of studying/ Since these three aria,les all ha e the same result in can ,e interpreted that they are interrelated and somehow causes the child to lose focus/ 'igure G represents the structural di isions of respondents6 families/ 2he two most popular family types present at Immaculate are8 2he 3uclear and Single5 $arent families/ 9hen respondents were asked. if there were any ma:or factors in their household that pre ented them from doing their school work the ma:ority ,eing &*K responded 3o. there were none/ 2he remaining 2*K indicating that Les there are ma:or factors responded ,y using the answers in figure #/ 2a,le 1 indicates the responses recei ed from students. who agreed that ma:or factors were indeed present in the home which interrupted their work/

'igures & and ( are interrelated. most respondents indicated that pro,lems within the household do not occur fre7uently. howe er when they do they usually ignore it and continue their work/ As indicated ,y figures 1* and 11. the general responses from family mem,ers when the child underperforms is usually that of a talk. ,ut when the child does e4cellently the ma:ority of parents commend them/ 2his does pro e that most parents are indeed in ol ed in their child6s learning process and take a keen interest/ "ore than si4ty percent of the respondents are of the opinion that the family structure does not affect their academic performance. this is according to figure 12/ Some reasons ,eing8 I ha e li ed in the same family structure all my life. and I ha e maintained good grades. my mother plays ,oth roles and pro ides help where necessary. A student determines their own success the family structure is only a guide/ 2he remaining thirty5three percent do ,elie e that the family structure affects their performance. ,ut did not indicate reasons/ As indicated ,y figures 1- and 1D the "others are the main pro iders as well as caregi ers within the household. it is indeed e ident that the mother6s in most scenarios here ha e to take on dou,le roles. as the main pro iders as well as caregi ers/ In figure 1! it is fair to argue that a ma:ority of the students recei e no additional help with homework at home. as a ma:ority of the parents. usually the mothers are preoccupied with other things/ "ost of the respondents are forced to complete their tasks without help/ 'igure 1G is a representation of the most population responses recei ed from respondents of their typical home life. from arying family structures/ 2he fi e most popular responses are as follows8 Lack of communication within the household. Huiet and calm household where e eryone gets along. Harmonious household where e eryone gets along. fre7uent fights and

disagreements present within the household and Respectful household where e eryone helps each other/ 2his re eals that no two households are the same/

'rom the information gathered the researcher was a,le to document that students at Immaculate Conception High School academic performance are not solely influenced ,y their family structures/ In fact. their family structures are 7uite insignificant where their school work is related/ 0ach familiar structure has within itself its own pro,lems. no one family structure is ,etter for academics than the other/ 2he single5 parent. nuclear and e4tended families which are the arying familiar structure present at the school. ha e ,een a,le to pro ide the children with ade7uate facilities and appropriate en ironments for them to carry out their school work/ 2his is according to the data recei ed from the 7uestionnaires/ 0 en though many ,elie e that the ideal familiar structure is the nuclear family. in terms of pro iding a child with ,alanced and a secure en ironment. it has ,een o,ser ed that with Immaculate students it is not always the case. according to their %ean of Academic studies/ 2hese students perform under whiche er circumstances they ha e to endure. after all many of them ha e highly moti ated goals and are ery determined that since they did not create their en ironments they ha e to work hard to change or impro e them/ 2he information recei ed from the secondary sources howe er. counteract this iew/ As they ha e clearly indicated that the structure of one6s family does indeed affect their academic outcome/ Howe er one must understand that this is not the only reason that a child6s academic outcome might ,e affected. and in these current times. these Auncon entional family structuresB as Schneider. Atte,erry. and >wens ?2**!@. puts it are pro ing themsel es to actually to ,eing

more sta,le than the nuclear family structures. despite the pro,lems they face/ 2he researcher has ,een a,le to decipher that at Immaculate the family structure of students does not affect their academic performance/


Although from arying familiar structures. age groups and ,ackgrounds/ It is indeed fair to argue that at Immaculate students academic performance is not to a great e4tent affected ,y their familiar structures/ Instead it is the student themsel es who is usually responsi,le for their performance/ Howe er one must keenly note that the parents or guardians role in the life of the student is to ensure that she has all she needs for school in terms of proper materials and e4tra help and support is recei ed when necessary/ $arents also need to ensure that they are in ol ed in their child6s school life. and make the ,est out of e ery situation e en though they may not ,e ideal/ Always encourage the children to do their ,est. as they want to ,e recogni=ed for their efforts/ 2he research was successful as the hypothesis AHow does the family structure of students of Immaculate Conception High School affect their academic performanceB was effecti ely tested/ As well as the fact that all research 7uestions were successfully answered/

2he researcher encountered 7uite a num,er of limitations while conducting this research. namely8 Research was restricted to a small sample due to financial constraints prohi,iting a mass production of printed 7uestionnaires and time to conduct e4tensi e inter iews. the word limit

pro ed to ,e a huge limitation as it minimi=ed the le el of details to ,e presented and some respondents neglected to answer 7uestions/

Re o((e#d"%!o#$
In these modern days when new family structures are e ol ing and are presenting themsel es as more sta,le and ,alanced than the traditional nuclear family. more researchers ought to e4plore these new structures and compare their impact on children6s academic well,eing to that of the nuclear family// Additionally. the "inistry of 0ducation should consider conducting research or assement to deduce why students underperform and methods of impro ing performance/


Atte,erry. A/ Schneider. +/ and >wens A/ ?2**!@/ Family Matters: family structure and child outcomes. Alfred $/ Sloan Centre on $arents. Children and 9ork/ 2he Mni ersity of Chicago and 3>RC/ Haralam,os. " and Hol,orn "/ ?2**&@ Sociology Themes and Perspective Seventh Edition/ Collins $u,lishing/ Hill. N/ ?2*11@ Too many single parents Referenced April 1*th. 2*11 from htt/>??@a-aica3

Reid. R/ ?2*11@ AReid e4amines Eamaica6s poor CS0C resultsB Referenced 'e,ruary 2-rd.2*11 from htt/>??@a-aica3)leaner+co-?)leaner?20110223?ne#s?ne#s1+ht-l


"rs/ "cCook as pre iously mentioned this inter iew is ,eing conducted. as a re7uirement for the Cari,,ean Studies Internal Assessment. to test the hypothesis A0o1 doe$ %'e 2"(!l) $%-u %u-e o2 $%ude#%$ "% I((" ul"%e Co# e3%!o# 0!4' S 'ool "22e % %'e!- " "de(! 3e-2o-("# e5B 2hank you for your time/

1/ How long ha e you ,een the %ean of Academic Studies at Immaculate? 2/ As %ean of Academic Studies what is it that you actually do? -/ 9hen Children get ,ad reports what is it that you usually do. do you call the
student or the parent) guardian first? 9hat do you think is the main factor for underperformance?

D/ 9hen speaking to students a,out their grades. what is the main reason that they
say affects their performances?

!/ %o you ,elie e that a child6s family structure influences their academic


G/ 9hat would you say are the main roles of the family in relation to children?

their homework. correspond with their teachers. support your child in e ery way possi,le. and moti ate them to do their ,est at all times/


"y name is Eaa onne 2aylor/ I am a student of Immaculate Conception High School administering this 7uestionnaire to test the hypothesis8 A0o1 doe$ %'e 2"(!l) $%-u %u-e o2 $%ude#%$ "% I((" ul"%e Co# e3%!o# 0!4' S 'ool "22e % %'e!- " "de(! 3e-2o-("# e5 B Nindly assist me in gathering the data ,y answering all the 7uestions ,elow/ %> 3>2 write your name on any part of this 7uestionnaire/ 2hank you for your cooperation/ How in what age group do you fall? O P 1*51- O P1D51# O P 1& and > er

9hat grade are you in? O P 1rade # O P 1rade & O P 1rade ( O P 1rade 1* O P 1rade 11 O P 1rade 12 O P 1rade 1-


>n a erage how do you perform in school? O P 04cellently ?&*K51**K@ O P1ood?#*K5 #(K@ O P Satisfactorily ?G*K 5 G(K@ O P 3ot well ?,elow G*KP


9hat do you feel are the "AI3 reasons for your ?1ood to 04cellent@ school performance? ? you may select more than one response@ O P %isciplined Study Ha,its O P Highly moti ated goals and dreams O P 3atural +rilliance O P 'amily 0ncouragement O P +alanced Home Life O P Limited or 3o stress O P 'inancial Sta,ility of the family

O P Help from family when you get work you don6t understand ?includes immediate help and or paying for e4tra classes@ D,/ 9hat do you feel are the "AI3 reasons for your ?3ot well to Satisfactory@ school performance??you may select more than one response@ O O O O O O O P Lack of Studying P 3ot Caring P Lack of encouragement) moti ation from the family P Mn,alanced home life P High Stress le el P 'inancial insta,ility of the family P 3o help recei ed from family when you get work you do not understand ? includes immediate help and or e4tra lessons@ 9hat family structure are you from? O P 3uclear I "other. 'ather and Child) Children within the household O P 04tended5 "other. 'ather. Children. 1randparents. Aunts. Mncles and Cousins within the household/ O P Single5 $arent5 "other and Child only ) 'ather and Child only O P >ther ?please specify on lines ,elow@ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQ 9ithin your household are there ma:or factors that sometimes stop you from doing your work? O P Les O P 3o If answered yes please specify these factors on the lines pro ided/


D/ G,/

QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ !/ 9hen pro,lems arise within the home. how do you manage your school work? O P Ignore the pro,lems and do the work O P 'orget the School work and worry O P 1o to a friend6s house and get the work done O P 1i e up on e erything O P$ray a,out it How often do these pro,lems occur within the home? O P 3ot often O P Regularly O P 3e er 9hat is the usual response from the family for low academic performance ?if any@? O P 1rounding O3o t . cell phone. face,ook for a long time@ O P Scolding and ,eating from parent O P A talk with parents a,out why your performances are so low O P 3o response. they don6t seem to care O P 2he silent treatment O P "y academics are usually high so the responses are good 9hat is the usual response from the family for high academic performance ?if any@? O P 1etting commended) congratulated O P Recei ing a gift for doing well O P 3othing. it is what6s e4pected O P 2old to do ,etter O P "y academics are usually low so the responses are ,ad






1*/ 9ho is the main pro ider within the household? O P "other O P 'ather O P +oth "other and 'ather O P 1randparents O P >ther ?please specify@ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 11/ 9ho is the main care gi er within the household? O P"other O P 'ather O P +oth gi e e7ual care O P 1randparents O P >ther ?please specify@ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 12/ 9ho usually helps you with school work at home? O P "other O P 'ather O P 1randparent O P 3o one O P >ther ?please specify@ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 1-/ +riefly descri,e your family en ironment on the lines ,elow/ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ

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