3G Answer

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1. Please mention & Explain 3 type of WCDMA Power Control. Answer: 1.

Open Loop Power Control To adjust UE default/Initial TX power. 2. Close Loop Power Control--Inner Loop To Adjust UE Power base on SIR Calculation. 3. Close Loop Power Control--Close loop To Adjust SIR Value in Cell level base on BLER Measurement. 2. What is different between 2G GSM and 3G WCDMA? Answer: 2G Using FDMA TDD (User Located in a frequency which devided by time) 3G WCDMA is development of 2G Technology which using CDMA multiple access technology. In CDMA user using same frequency but devided by Code. 3. How many is 3G WCDMA Chip Rate? Answer: 3.84 Mchip/Second 4. What is 3G WCDMA Orthogonal Code? Answer: Those are 2 code, where sum of Multiply result = 0 It is used to separated data between user. 5. What are 4 resources in 3G WCDMA? Answer: Code/Power/IuB/CE 6. What is formula to measure HSDPA throughput in 3G? And where is HSDPA SF located? Answer: (Chip Rate/SF)*Modulation Type * Code Number It is on SF16 7. What is different between QPSK/16QAM/64QAM? Answer: QPSK is a modulation which represent symbol in 2 bit 16QAM is a modulation which represent symbol in 4 bit 64 QAM is a modulation which represent symbol in 6 bit 8. How to deactivate HSDPA in 3G WCDMA Cell? Answer: With script DEA UCELLHSDPA, cellid=xxxx; 9. What is event that triggers Ec/No degradation? Explain detailed. Answer: Hi User Number Cell Overload Coverage Problem (Overshoot and low Signal Level) Installation problem (VSWR/Swap Sector) 10. What is the function of UL/DL cell load admission control? Answer: Admission Control To ensure system stability and service quality. UL is to ensure acceptable noise base on RTWP DL is to ensure enough power capacity base on DL Total TCP. 11. What is 3G cell breathing? Answer: It is 3G Coverage adjustment by 3G Cell, base on existing cell load and cell load target 3G Cell Coverage become smaller when cell get reduce power command due to existing cell load reach overload threshold..Vice versa 12. What is event that triggers cell breathing? Explain detailed. Answer: Cell Load When Cell Load > CellOverRunThd = Reduce Power When Cell Load < CellOverRunThd = Increase Power 13. How many Handover type in 3G WCDMA? What is it and explain detailed? Answer: Handover type: Soft handover/ Softer Handover/ Hard handover Soft handover is handover between 3G Same carrier cells/different NodeB where UE has more than 1 radio link. Softer handover is handover between 3G Same carrier cells/Same NodeB where UE has more than 1 radio link.

Hard handover is 3G to other frequency (2G GSM, 2G DCS, 2nd Carrier) Handover. Where UE Only has 1 Radio Link at the same time.

14. What is the bad effect of high level Detected neighbor (DN) in Soft handover activity? Answer: It will cause interference. Due to high RSCP neighbor but not created relation. It will not handover to DN, then drop due to dragging. In othe 15. What is the function of event 1A and Event 1B? Answer: Event 1A is soft handover event for adding a monitoring cell (MN) to be Active Set (AS) Event 1B is soft handover event for remove an Active set (AS) cell from Active Set List become a monitoring neighbor (MN) 16. What happen if I put event 1A range with too big value? Why if too small? Answer: If too Big, means many Cells become pass active set filter (Include bad RF quality Cell). Then drop become increase if too Small, means few cells can pass the active set filter. It will cause few active set. It will cause hard handover and drop service. 17. What is the function of event 2D and Event 2F? Answer: Compress Mode is an event where UTRAN give command to UE for measure other frequency (Second carrier or 2G) 2D and 2F used for compress mode trigger/release threshold. 2D is an event when UE RSCP/Ec.No below 2D Threshold, then he will trigger compress mode. 2F is an event when UE RSCP/Ec.No above 2F Threshold, then he will stop compress mode. 18. What happen if I put event 2D range with too big value? Answer: It will make faster compress mode triggered, then attempt 3G to 2G handover increase. Probably 2G congest become increase. 19. What happen if I put event 2D and event 2F at close value? Answer: It will cause ping pong start/stop compress mode. Due to fluctuative RSCP/Ec.No value. It should have 4 db Space, so it will not cause ping pong event which can congested IuB signalling (control plan) capacity. It also can make bad accessibility and retainability

20. What happen if I change QQualmin related to cell reselection value? Answer: it will change Intra reselection, Inter reselection, RAT Reselection threshold at that cell. Intra Frequency Reselection: Qqualmin+2(Ssintrasearch) Inter Frequency Reselection: Qqualmin+2(Ssintersearch) Inter RAT Reselection: Qqualmin+2(SsinterRAT) means: you Increase Qqualmin =You reduce cell service coverage and faster reselection threshold to other cells (2G, Same Carrier, 2nd carr means: you reduce Qqualmin =You increase cell service coverage and late reselection threshold to other cells (2G, Same Carrier, 2nd carrie 21. What happen if I put too high SSearchRAT value in 3G cell? Answer: It will faster to trigger 3G to 2G Reselection. It will make 2G more congest at busy hours time. 22. What happen if I change SSearchRat Value at 5 and SSintrasearch at 1? Answer: UE will reselect to 2G as first priority than same frequency 3G.

23. What are RRC and RAB? Explain detailed. Answer: RRC is a signaling and control protocol which make connection from UE to UTRAN which provides information transfer service to the NAS (N Every Service in 3G required RRC Connection Setup RAB is connection between Core and UE RAB consist of RB (Radio Bearer) and RL (Radio Link) 24. What is formula of Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) Answer: RRC Success Rate * RAB Success Rate

25. What is some case that cause bad RRC and RAB? Answer: Congestion (UL CE/DL CE/UL Power/ DL Power/Code/IuB) UU No reply TNL Fail RNL Fail Physical channel failure etc

26. What is Factor Table in IuB? What is the function? Answer: Factor table is a set of parameter which control service size in IuB But becarefully, smaller means slower. Allowed Size= Rest Available IuB Bandwidth * Parameter Set 27. There is 2 Algorithm in Admission control. Algorithm First and Second. What is it? Answer: Algorithm First is admission control base on Cell load Algorithm Second is admission control base on User Number 28. What is the different of UL and DL Admission Control? Answer: UL Admission Control is limit the Noise threshold in cell coverage. It is base on RTWP. DL Admission Control is to safe DL Cell Power Capacity. It is base on DL Totap TCP. 29. What is 3G Load Reshuffle (UCELLLDR)? Answer: Reshuffle is english word means: Adjust/ Change UCELLLDR (Load Reshuffle) is an algorithm to reduce cell load. 30. What is 3G Load Management (UCELLLDM)? Answer: UCELLLDM is a set of parameter which contain threshold to trigger/Release UCELLLDR and UCELLOLC

31. What are actions that available in 3G UCELLLDR? Answer: a)NOACT: No load reshuffling action is taken. b)INTERFREQLDHO: The inter-frequency load handover is performed. c)BERATERED: Channels are reconfigured for the BE service. d)QOSRENEGO: The renegotiation on the QoS of the uncontrollable real-time service is performed. e)CSINTERRATSHOULDBELDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover of the CS domain is performed. f)PSINTERRATSHOULDBELDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover of the PS domain is performed. g)AMRRATERED (AMR service rate decreasing): The setting of the TFC subset and the negotiation of the service rate can be performed for th h)MBMSDECPOWER (MBMS power limiting): The MBMS service is configured with the minimum power. i)CODEADJ (code tree reshuffling): The fragments of the downlink code tree are arranged. j)PSINTERRATSHOULDNOTBELDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load handover of the PS domain is performed.

32. What is your Action to improve 3G Call Drop? Explain your idea.. Answer: First, I will check Drivetest result. If it is poor coverage at outdoor, means indoor penetration will loss much. Then I will do site audit to ensure installation is "OK" and troubleshoot if found: Swap Sector/Too Big Downtilt value/Wrong antenna directio I will Check for Soft handover and IRAT Handover performance from KPI daily measurement. Bad SHO or IRATHO performance will cause Lo If IRAT HO is bad, there 2 posibility of troublemaker: A. Wrong 2G external defenition--Please correct it in 3G U2GEXTCELL B. Wrong neighbor relation defenition--Create for missing neighbor and delete Unnecessary relation. Neighbor audit include C. 2G Capacity (2G Cell TCH & PDTCH/BSC PCU already congested)--Propose for TRX or PCU upgrade or Half Rate adjust at 2

If no 3G cell anymore in front of problem 3G cell, then we can try to adjust Faster IRAT 2D/2F RSCP/Ec.No threshold. If Soft handover is bad due to target congested or rural area, then we can try to increase event 1A relative threshold and decrease event 1A If it is in high speed area (Toll Road), we can reduce event 1A trigger threshold to faster add MN to AS and increase Event 1B trigger time to etc.

33. What is you action to improve CSSR (Call Setup Success Rate)? Explain your idea.. Answer: check for RRC and RAB performance, which is bad?RRC or RAB or Both? If found Congestion, then try to do 3G traffic share to reduce cell load (UCELLSELRESEL, UCELLINTRAFREQHO,UCELLINTERRATHOCOV,UCELL We can try to adjust UCELLLDR (Load Reshuffle), UCELLLDM (Load Management) and UCELLCAC (Admission Control) parameter to faster r ed If cell overshoot, then make sure correct downtilt (Using calculation) to make sure not too much downtilt which cause low level at indoor co We can adjust Qqualmin (Forbiden from operator), then it will faster traffic reselection to other 3G cells (InterFreq, IntraFreq, InterRAT). T We can adjust SHO 1A and 1B relative range and trigger time to faster load share to same frequency 3G neighbor We can adjust UCELLLDB for overload and Underload threshold. But becarefull, too big overload threshold will cause blank coverage spot. etc. 34. What is your action to improve SHO (Soft Handover) Success rate? Answer: Ensure SHO neighbor relation already created properly (bothway). You can use some map info tools to check it.

Ensure not too many neighbor relation also, due to un precission processing while RNC CPU overload (each HO type has 32 relation at maxim Set MaxRLNumber to 3, to ensure smooth handover. Too big MaxRLNumber value also not good, due to it will increase signalling load. Value Ensure target handover has no resources blocking (IuB/CE/Code/Power) Ensure source cell have not overshoot. This is to ensure cell coverage only till last neighbor only, if overshoot till uncreated neighbor area, th etc.

35. What is your action to improve HSDPA Throughput in 3G WCDMA? Answer: Ensure RF condition (RSCP,EcNo) is good. Then CQI should good also >25.. If not, then you should start RF Optimization We can activate HSDPA feature such as 16QAM and 64 QAM feature (NodeB and Cell Level)). Those are improvement throughput using diff We can increase HSDPA Code Number, but check first for code utilization. It will cause congestion if forget to monitor this resources. After all we should ensure Code, power, IuB and CE has Enough capacity. If has Congestion issue, then propose capacity upgrade. Check For Guarantee Bit Rate in RNC Level per Priority Level (Gold, Copper, Silver). Increase the value to make lower throughput bigger. But Activated Enhanced Cell Fach Feature, to safe more resources for dedicated user. etc.

ame frequency but devided by Code.

ch overload threshold..Vice versa

s 1 Radio Link at the same time.

DN, then drop due to dragging. In other word is "Missing Neighbor and Pillot Pollution"

itoring neighbor (MN)

d handover and drop service.

d carrier or 2G)

congest become increase.

ntrol plan) capacity.

o other cells (2G, Same Carrier, 2nd carrier). It can improve your KPI but make new problem to surrounding cells. other cells (2G, Same Carrier, 2nd carrier). It can make cells become overload and have bad KPI.

ormation transfer service to the NAS (Non Access Stratum).

the service rate can be performed for the AMR voice service.

Downtilt value/Wrong antenna direction. O or IRATHO performance will cause Low Retainability

cessary relation. Neighbor audit include 3G to 3G and 2G to 3G. or PCU upgrade or Half Rate adjust at 2G Cell.

c.No threshold. lative threshold and decrease event 1A trigger time to make it faster additional more 3G cell. AS and increase Event 1B trigger time to longer release a 3G Cell from AS to MN.

FREQHO,UCELLINTERRATHOCOV,UCELLINTERFREQHOCOV). If still congest, then propose for capacity upgrade. mission Control) parameter to faster r educe cell Load wntilt which cause low level at indoor coverage cells (InterFreq, IntraFreq, InterRAT). Then cell load become decrease. But make sure surrounding cells has no congestion issue.

eshold will cause blank coverage spot.

d (each HO type has 32 relation at maximum). e to it will increase signalling load. Value "1" also not good, due to it become hard handover, not Soft Handover anymore.

vershoot till uncreated neighbor area, then it will have SHO fail..

rt RF Optimization are improvement throughput using different modulation orget to monitor this resources. n propose capacity upgrade. e to make lower throughput bigger. But be carefully, don't do that while you have congestion issue.

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