DAILY PLAN - UNIT 4 (Good Friends)
DAILY PLAN - UNIT 4 (Good Friends)
DAILY PLAN - UNIT 4 (Good Friends)
Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends Topic : Good Friends Focus : Listening and Speaking Content Standard : upils !ill "e a"le to pronounce and speak confidently !ith the correct stress, rhythm and intonation Learning Standard : 1#1#$ %"le to listen to and en&oy simple stories '"&ecti(e %cti(ities: 1# Teacher sho!s a picture of a "oy and a girl to the pupils for them to guess# $# Teacher introduces the "oy as Tom and the girl as at and tells pupils that Tom and at are friends# +# Teacher reads the story and as the pupils listen# ,# Teacher highlights the initial and final sounds of -t- and -p- using the phonic sym"ols# .# upils say aloud !ord start !ith -t- and -p-, eg: tap,pie 5# 1ay 2 help you3 Thank you 4ou0re !elcome /# Teacher introduces polite re*uests0 sentences and response: : )y the end of the lesson, pupils should "e a"le to listen to the story of Tom and at and a"le to make polite re*uest#
Teaching aids : icture cards, LCD, Word cards Teaching and Learning Strategies: Thinking skills %dded (alue : Creati(ity
Day 2 Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends Topic : Good Friends Focus : 6eading Content Standard : upils !ill "e a"le to apply kno!ledge of sounds of letters to recogni7e !ords in linear and non8linear te9ts Learning Standard : $#1#$ %"le to recogni7e and articulate initials, medial and the final sounds in single sylla"le !ords !ithin gi(en conte9t: :a; s- -<- -t- -p:s; :a; :t; :p; '"&ecti(e : )y the end of the lesson, pupils should "e a"le to read to the story of Tom and at !ith the correct pronunciation of the initial and final sounds of the phonemes -p- and -t-# %cti(ities: =# Teacher does the action of the phonemes -p- and -t- to the pupils as they guess the sound ># Teacher reads the story sentence "y sentence and the pupils follo! 1?# upils read aloud the story as the teacher corrects their pronunciation 11# Teacher carry out @"lending acti(ityA acti(ity in groups# upils form !ords using Bs0, Ba0, Bt0, and Bp0 sounds# Teaching aids : Te9t"ook, alpha"et cards Teaching and Learning Strategies: Cinesthetic, 1astery Learning %dded (alue : Creati(ity
Day 3 Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends Topic : Good Friends Focus : Writing Content Standard : upils !ill "e a"le to form letters and !ords in neat legi"le print including cursi(e !riting# Learning Standard : +#1#$ %"le to copy and !rite in neat legi"le print : d; phrases '"&ecti(e : )y the end of the lesson, pupils should "e a"le to complete at least t!o sentences !ith guidance from the !ords gi(en# %cti(ities: 1# Teacher asks permissions "y using @1ay 2A ,@ Can 2A and @pleaseA # $# Teacher asks pupils to guess the key !ords used in asking permissions +# Teacher !rites the !ords on the !hite"oard and e9plains ho! and !hen to use the !ords in asking permissions ,# Teacher forms and !rites t!o sentences using the !ords on the !hite"oard .# Teacher asks pupils randomly to ask permissions orally /# upils complete the sentences in the acti(ity "ook !ith teachers0 guidance Teaching aids : Te9t"ook, %cti(ity "ook, Word cards Teaching and Learning Strategies: 1astery Learning %dded (alue : Creati(ity
Day 4 Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends Topic : Good Friends Focus : Language %rts Content Standard: upils !ill "e a"le to plan, organi7e and produce creati(e !orks for en&oyment Learning Standard: ,#+#$ %"le to take part !ith guidance in a performance "ased on: d; nursery rhymes '"&ecti(e %cti(ities: 1# Teacher recites the rhymes in the T) page 1/# $# ,# upils listen attenti(ely# upils discuss on the actions in groups class Teaching aids : Te9t"ook Teaching and Learning Strategies: Cinesthetic %dded (alue : Creati(ity +# Teacher recites the rhymes !ith actions and pupils follo!# .# Dach group performs the actions and recite the rhymes in front of the : )y the end of the lesson, pupils should "e a"le to read, memori7e and role play the story of Tom and at#