Meridians Organs Symptoms

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LUNG MERIDIAN (Lu) YIN: The lung represents the bronchi, the immune system (protection from infections), allergies and the skin. Psychologically it stands for communication problems. Localization The Lung meridian is the "Master of the Respiration", therefore its acupuncture points are used for illness of the lung, the respiratory system and the heart. Its eleven points begin in the third intercostal space. The meridian runs on the inside of the arm over the thumb to its terminal point on the exterior of the thumb (In the EAV model this point represents the lymphatic system, which is not in accordance with the meridians as laid down in TCM!). Symptoms The lung meridian also represents the oxygen content of the body, is associated with the skin and shows reactions if allergies and heavy metal toxicity are present. The Lung meridian controls the exterior of body and all the Yin-Meridians. It reacts most sensitive to harmful external influences (such as wind). Discords of the lung normally relate to a lack of Yin. The Lung meridian has a close relationship with the meridians of the heart and circulatory system. It runs through the diaphragm and connects with the Large Intestines in the abdomen. The meridians of Lung and Large Intestine traditionally form a Yin-Yang pair. A disturbance in the thorax (the lungs) can cause a disturbance in the abdomen (in Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Bladder, Pancreas) and in the pelvis area (Intestines, Kidneys, Prostate) and vice versa.

Possible disease symptoms: 1 2 3 Allergy (visible in the EMG BIOGRAPH readings as stagnations/blockages) Oxygen deficiency Heavy metal toxicity (amalgam, chemicals, vaccinations)

4 5 6 7

Disturbances in the abdomen (stomach, liver) Disturbances in the pelvis area (intestines, kidney) Skin Allergic skin problems

The Lung meridian governs the respiration and skin. People with too much worry and concern often show energy deficiencies in the Lung meridian.

Most allergic skin problems are related with liver and lung function. The physician should also consider infectious foci such as teeth. When dental amalgam overload (mercury toxicity) is present, the Lung meridian responds with energy deficiency. Energy deficiency in Lu / Li / TW, eventually in combination with weak Ki readings, often is a sign of dental fillings with mercury toxicity. Frequently Lu or LI show a blockage when provocation tests are carried out. (see flow chart Dr. Doepp). Hypofunction of the Lu relates to pain in the wrists, elbows and shoulders, as well as in the back and in the thorax. Lu 9 is the master point for illnesses of the vascular system, i.e. arteriosclerosis. Standardsubstances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Ermsech Kps allergies, immune weakness Measuring point = Lu 11 The Lung meridian is the meridian of the humility Negative emotions: contempt distain scorn haughtiness intolerance prejudice Affirmative emotions: I am humble I am tolerant I am modest

Note: Lung & Large Intestine meridians are partners in the Metal element.

Large Intestine Meridian - LI - YANG

LI indicates disturbances of bowel movements and of the lymphatic system of the intestines. It often points to toxicity build up in the intestines (toxins, heavy metals etc.). A psychological correlation is avoiding connections and fear of loss. Localization The LI meridian connects 20 points. It begins at the nail corner of the index finger (side of the thumb), runs along the top of the arm to the shoulder joint (Li 16) and over the lateral neck and the lower jaw to the lateral side of the nose. The Large Intestine meridian represents teeth and jaws, skin and mucous membranes. Symptoms The LI represents the quality of its mucous membranes, its intestinal flora and bowel movements, but also infections, toxicity and focus formation of teeth. In the large intestine billions of microorganisms live in symbiosis. Their metabolism must be supplied with energy. Disturbances of LI are frequently connected with a chronically pathogenic microflora (caused by fermentation of food in the intestines) and/or dysbiosis (altered intestinal flora). Underlying causes are often a disturbance of the acid/alkaline balance of the body, medications (antibiotics, laxatives), wrong diet and food allergies, environmental toxins and psychological stress. Stimulating Li 11 with the Pain-box has a harmonizing and immune-strengthening effect. A dysbiosis of the large intestines can adversely affect Gallbladder and Liver.

Possible disease symptoms: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sinusitis, tooth illnesses, infected teeth Pains from repetitive strain injury (RSI); shoulder and elbow pain (such as tennis elbow) Rheumatic joint pains Pulmonary and bronchial dysfunction Functional disorders of the stomach (hypoacidity, hyperacidity) Illnesses of the abdomen Bronchitis, colds with fever Functional disturbances of the pancreas Skin diseases, prostatitis

10 Uterus problems, infected teeth, Pharyngitis 11 Rhinitis, constipation

Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Mycocydal Kps (grapefruit seed extract) shows Candida and Intestinal dysbiosis. Shii-Take Amp shows Candida and Intestinal dysbiosis. Measuring point = Li 1

Large Intestine - the meridian of self-esteem Negative emotion: Guilt Affirmative emotions: I am inherently pure and good I am worthy to be loved.


The stomach represents the production of digestive juices (stomach acid). Energy surplus reflects too much acid. Psychologically: I am annoyed. Localization The Stomach meridian connects 45 points. It begins at the forehead, runs down to the corner of the jaw and ascends from there to the eye, at whose edge he runs again downward, over the cheek to the thorax, the belly, along the front exterior of the leg down over the back of the foot to end at the second toe.

Symptoms Above all the stomach indicates acid and enzyme production. In addition, tooth and immune system problems are expressed. Often a connection exists between infectious foci in the head and a hypo-function of the stomach meridian. The stomach meridian affects and expresses the nose as well as the ears, the gums of the upper jaw and the related teeth.

Possible disease symptoms: Sinusitis Tooth illnesses Trigeminal neuralgia Facial palsy Malfunctioning of thyroid and parathyroid Illnesses of the female breast Irritation (psychological) Neurasthenia Depression Lymphatic malfunctions Illnesses located in the thighs and affecting the skin along the stomach meridian Varicose veins Joint problems affecting knees and ankles Disturbances of blood circulation in the legs and feet Tonsillitis

Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Alkala N Kps Alkaline agents Swedish bitter hypo acidity hypo acidity hypo acidity Measuring point = M 45

Stomach - the meridian of content and calmness Negative emotions: Disgust Disappointment Bitterness Greed Emptiness Privation Nausea Hunger Affirmation: I am content I am calm

Note: Stomach & Spleen meridians are partners in the Earth element.
SPLEEN-PANCREAS MERIDIAN (SP) YIN Spleen-Pancreas represents the composition of the blood and the lymphatic fluid as well as their toxin and waste loads, particularly waste in form of proteins. It is impaired by stress, by all kinds of waves and radiation (geopathic stress) and by toxins. Psychologically: pondering over problems, obsession with thoughts. Localization The meridian connects 21 points. It begins at the internal side of the large toe, runs from there over the middle of the foot, branches out, runs along the inside of the thigh upward to the abdominal cavity to the spleen, along the stomach and ends on the thorax with Point SP21. SP is responsible (together with St) for the absorption, assimilation, transformation and transportation of the food. SP regulates the water distribution, nourishes the muscles and affects the connective tissue. A chronically poorly energized SP has a negative effect on the heart!

Symptoms The right SP reflects insulin secretion and its irregularities, and the left SP shows the excretory function of the pancreas (enzyme secretion and its deficiencies). It also reflects how toxins and radiation affect SP. Infections in the head area (tonsillitis) and problems with the thyroid and parathyroid also impair the energy of SP. Radiation exposure, such as geopathic stress in form of electromagnetic radiation and electro-smog should be considered and checked. Simultaneous hypo-function of SP and Lv (sometimes also GB) very often are an indication of a toxic overload (heavy metal toxicity, exposure to chemical poisons such as glues, paints, solvents and wood sealers). Disturbances within SP are caused by excess or lack of emotions, by too much thinking, pondering, worrying, by stress, poor nutrition and by external pathogens. When a significant or strong energy deficit persists over a longer period of time within SP, it is advisable to energize the meridian at SP 21 with Pain-box in addition to the whole body treatment with PERTH-System.

Possible disease symptoms: Insufficient intake of liquid and nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, which can be caused by digestive disorders. Insufficient lymphatic drainage. Because of the close relationship between the pancreas and spleen the spleen belongs to the lymph-organs the SP meridian reflects this problem. Trigeminal neuralgia, mouth ulcers Tooth illnesses (periodontitis, all inflammatory illnesses of the gums and the mucous membranes of the mouth), skin diseases Sinusitis, dysfunction of thyroid and parathyroid Illnesses of the chest, dysbiosis of small and large intestine Disturbances of the external genital organs of men and women, eczema Disturbances in knee and ankle joints, parostitis, dysfunction of the hypophysis Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Phosetamin Filmtablets Wob/Phlogenzym (or other enzymes) Blood cleansing SP weakness SP weakness

Measuring point = SP 1 Spleen-Pancreas - the meridian of confidence Negative emotion: Realistic fears of the future Affirmation: I believe and trust in my future. I feel safe. My future is safe

Heart Meridian (H) Yin:

The Heart meridian stands for the blood vessels (Arteries), for the oxygen supply of the body and for emotional pressure and stress (accepting or rejecting people). Localization The heart - meridian has nine points and starts underneath the axilla fold at the external side of the chest muscle. Here the H1 surfaces. H runs along the inside of the upper arm and the lower arm, over the wrist to end at the inner fingernail corner of the little finger. Symptoms The heart meridian reacts to its oxygen supply and metabolic situation and therefore displays the energy of the heart muscle.

Possible disease symptoms: Heart complaints Unrest, fear, pronounced grief Laryngitis Concentration disturbances Neurasthenia Neuralgias of the shoulder and arm Epigastric pain Upper wisdom teeth Sleeplessness

The H - meridian is the highest control system for the relationship of and all happenings in body, mind and spirit. The H Meridian prevails in the pulse and the blood circulation. The energy of the heart goes into the tip of the tongue. The tip of the tongue point is assigned to the heart meridian. The area behind the tip of the tongue relates to the lung. The center of the tongue relates to spleen and stomach; both sides of the tongue are liver and gallbladder; the base of the tongue corresponds to the meridian of the kidney.

Psychological problems, caused by constant grief and fear cause a hypo-function on the H meridian on the right side. Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH CO enzyme Q10 L-Carnitin Measuring point = H 9

Heart is the meridian of forgiveness Negative emotions: Anger Annoyance Rage Affirmative emotions: I love I forgive My heart is forgiving

Note: Heart & Small Intestine meridians are partners in the Fire element.


The SI represents not only the mucous membrane of the small intestines, but also the mucous membranes of the nose and the throat area. Here is also the impact zone of food allergies. Important for the health of the mucous membranes is a physiological flora consisting of friendly bacteria rather than fungi and parasites. Psychologically SI relates to digesting emotional and mental demands and pressures. Localization The small intestine - meridian connects 19 points. It possesses the power of transformation" uptake of food and converting it into energy. SI has particular effects on mucous membranes and is especially important for most of the illnesses having a strong nervous component, such as rheumatic complaints, toothache and illnesses of the abdomen. SI starts at the exterior of the little finger, runs along the outside of the arm to the shoulder blade, then in a zigzag line to the neck, the cheek and ends at the ear.

Symptoms The Small Intestine meridian represents the mucous membranes and in particular its bacteria population. It has a close relationship with the sinuses. Billions of organisms live in symbiosis in the small intestine, their metabolism requires energy. Disturbances of SI are often connected to a chronically pathogenic microflora caused by fermentation of the food in the intestine and dysbiosis (altered intestinal flora). The original cause are often a disturbed acidalkaline balance of the body, medications such as antibiotics and laxatives, poor nutrition, environmental toxicity and psychological pressure. A dysbiosis of the SI can cause chronic disturbances of the ears such as Tinnitus.


Possible disease symptoms Sinusitis, tooth illnesses, infections of teeth Pains from repetitive strain injury (RSI); shoulder and elbow pain Rheumatic disorders Pulmonary and bronchial dysfunction Functional disturbances of the stomach (hypo- and/or hyperacidity) Bronchitis, illnesses of the abdomens Recurrent feverish illnesses Disturbances of the pancreas Skin diseases, Prostatitis Disturbances of the Uterus Tinnitus, dental foci Ear infections, - pain

Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Mycocidal Kps (Grapefruit concentrate.) SI dysbiosis Shii-Take Amp SI dysbiosis Measuring point SI 1 Candida, Candida,

Small intestine is the meridian of joy Negative emotions: Sadness Grief Suffering Affirmative emotions: I am full of joy Life is great


The bladder meridian connects 67 points. B represents the entire pelvic area including prostate, uterus, testicles and ovaries and therefore also the sexuality. The vital energy or life-force Qi (Chi) develops to a large extent in B. Psychologically: Resisting change, basic negative attitude. Localization The bladder - meridian is the longest of all meridians with a multiplicity of parallel points. B expresses all flowing body fluids. The meridian starts at the angle of the eye socket, at the base of the nose and runs over the forehead to the neck. Here B separates into two parallel branches, which run downwards on both sides of the spine, and then along the dorsal side of the thigh, reuniting at point B 54 located at the back of the knee. Now it runs along the calf to the outside of the foot ending on the exterior (outside) of the small toe with B67.


Symptoms If we study the Bladder meridian it becomes clear that infections in the head, in the sinuses and eyes can lead to dysfunctions of the bladder and visa versa. Both, eye infections and chronic cystitis, can be treated by reversing the cause the weakness of energy in the Bladder meridian. The same applies to complaints of the spine, lumbago & sciatica and headaches.


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) a close connection exists between the bladder and the kidney meridian. Therefore the bladder meridian has a special relationship with the pelvic area including the sexual organs. Disturbances of prostate, womb, ovaries and tubes can affect both meridians and K) and visa versa. Possible disease symptoms: Eye diseases Problems with the spine Ear problems Lumbago & sciatica Headaches Sexual organ dysfunctions Sinusitis Chronic cystitis Haemorrhoids


An energy blockade of the Bladder meridian can indicate: Example: A physician measuring a patient with a Prostate carcinoma with the BIOGRAPH diagnoses extremely low energy and low energy supply of the Bladder meridian. The diagnoses show that since 25 years an in-grown tooth has drawn all energy from the bladder meridian. The overall energy level of the patients is further compromised by dental fillings containing mercury. Both foci or causes must be eliminated first, before the symptom prostate carcinoma can be successfully treated. Left: Right: I hate my partner, I hate my occupation.

Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Prostagutt forte Drg (male Patient) Dysurgal N drops (male) Trisequens (female Patient) Estraderm patch (female Pat.) Evening Primrose Oil (female Pat.) Melbrosia Kps (female Pat.) Linseed oil Kps (female Pat.) Measuring point = B 67 Prostate Hyperplasia Irritated bladder General lack of hormones Menopausal Estrogen deficiency Mild Estrogen deficiency Slight Estrogen deficiency (Menopuse) Menopausal Yin-weakness

Bladder - Meridian of peace and the harmony


Negative emotions: Restlessness Impatience Frustration

Affirmative emotions: I am peaceful I am balanced All differences and conflicts in my inside are cleared I found my equilibrium

Note: Bladder & Kidney meridians are partners in the Water element. KIDNEY MERIDIAN (K) YIN:

The kidneys are responsible for excretion, but in addition also for the muscles (including their cramping) as well as for the connective tissue. Consequence of energetic disturbances can be kidney stones. The psychological influence is willfulness and stubbornness. Localization The Kidney - Meridian connects 27 Yin points and has a crucial effect on the adrenal function and the circulatory system. The K1 is located at the center on the sole of the foot. From here K runs to the inside of the foot, continues to rise to the ankle, along the inside of the leg over the belly and chest and ends under the collar-bone. Symptoms Energy deficiency of the Kidney meridian is often caused by a history of inflammations due to insufficient drinking and/or overheating of the body in sport or work. Hyperfunction shows as cramping and tendency to form kidney stones. Illnesses of the spinal column are also often related to energetic impairment of the


Kidney and Bladder meridian. The Kidneys control the bones of the entire body and the development of bone marrow. Via the bone marrow the Kidney meridian is connected to the brain. The brain function is under the direct influence of the kidneys. The Kidney meridian also influences the concentration of not-flowing body fluids, such as the cellular water and the synovia (fluids secreted in the joints). Therefore also the direct connection to rheumatic processes and diseases. The kidneys control the reproductive system in woman and man. Disturbances of the prostate, ovaries, uterus or tubes can be due to energy deficiency of the Bladder and/or Kidney Meridian. A tooth acting as a focus due to fillings containing mercury (Amalgam), can cause disturbances in shoulders and neck, in the joints, the spine and in the urogenital system. Patients, whose organisms are not able to excrete mercury, store the toxin in the central nervous system (Triple Warmer), in the Kidneys and/or in the skin (Lymph). According to TCM the ears are the entrance to the kidneys. Chronic ear problems are connected to kidney disturbances; acute ear problems are however mostly connected to disturbances of liver and/or gallbladder. Patients whose feet are repeatedly cold over a long period of time in particular children will as a result have a weakened kidney function and often require eyeglasses early in life. Visual acuity (eyes) is directly connected with the kidney function. Most people (not due to age related farsightedness) wearing eyeglasses already at a young age have had a history of kidney weakness, which was not immediately treated and therefore not completely healed. Fear can cause an energetic weakness of the kidney and vice versa, a disturbed kidney function can be the cause of fear. Possible disease symptoms: Past inflammatory processes Lower spine problems (in particular the loins) Weak bones Bone marrow disturbances Brain (loss of memory) Rheumatic diseases Eyes, reduced eyesight Prostate Uterus dysfunction Fallopian tubes Ears (chronic ear infection)

Forgetfulness Fear Kidney stones


Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Furosemid 20 Tablets Aldactone 50 Tablets Measuring point = renal edemas renal edemas N 1 projected to the toe

Kidney meridian of sexual confidence

Negative emotions: Sexual indecisiveness

Affirmative emotions: I feel sexually safe My sexual forces are balanced


The Pericardium as the Master of the Heart stands for the cardio-vascular system, not only representing blood pressure ad blood circulation (warmth of hands and feet) but also a persons positive affirmation of life. The libido is closely linked with this affirmation. Psychologically it reflects "perceiving Life as Pressure". Localization The Pericardium-Meridian starts lateral of the nipples at P 1, runs along the lower edge of the shoulder to the inner upper arm and then in a rather straight line along the lower arm to the wrist (P 7). From here it continues over the palm of the hand to of the inner corner of the nail of the middle finger and ends at the fingertip under the nail (P 9). Symptoms The Pericardium readings are an indicator for blood pressure irregularities , blood circulation, blood flow and velocity. It also reflects sexual energy. The Pericardium shields the heart from disease-causing external influences, in particular from negative emotions, such as sorrow and fright. The Pericardium runs downward trough the diaphragm into the abdomen and is connects there with middle and lower parts of the Triple Warmer.

Possible disease symptoms Malfunctioning of the heart Feeling of pressure in the chest Pain in the thorax Spasms Raynaud syndrome Disturbance of the tongue Thorax pain and pain along the Meridian Fever Problems with blood circulation, angina pectoris Peripheral vascular disease Gastritis Inflammations, swellings Feeling hot, sweating of the hands Hiatus hernia Psychological disturbances Manic excitement Being in a state of delirium Lack of joy


Standard substances BIOGRAPH CO-enzyme Q10 L-Carnitin Measuring Point





= P9

Pericardium Meridian = meridian of relaxation, generosity and renunciation Negative emotions: Regret Sexual tension Jealousy Stubbornness

Affirmative emotions: To let go of the past. I am relaxed, my body is relaxed. I am generous

Note: Circulation-Sex (Pericardium) & Triple Warmer meridians are partners in the Fire element. Triple Warmer Meridian (TW) Yang:
The Triple Warmer embodies all hormone glands and their psychological and physiological control. Hormones activate the metabolic rate and thereby produce "energetic power". Psychologically the Triple Warmer reflects impatience and intense activity.


Localization The TW connects 23 points and begins at the outside corner of the nail of the ring finger, runs over the back of the hand, along the dorsal side of the lower arm upward to the shoulder, to the neck, it circles the ear, runs to the lateral edge of the brows and ends outside of the auditory canal underneath the cheek bone in the small pit of TW 23. Symptoms The "body-warming" hormone glands such as the thyroid can suffer from hyper- or hypo-function. The TW also shows toxic disturbances by mercury toxicity (dental amalgam). Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees the TW as link between the various organs responsible for th e bodys water balance. These include above all the lung, spleen and kidneys, but also the small intestines and the bladder. The TW therefore adjusts respiration, digestion and elimination. The TW consists of three parts Upper, Middle and Lower Warmer. The Upper Warmer left P, H and Lu. Disturbances are manifested as fevers, shivers, headaches, sore throat etc...

The Middle Warmer links LI, SI, St and SP. It represents the transformation of solid foods and liquids into nutrients. This is achieved by the activity of the stomach and the spleen. Problems in the middle TW can manifest as constipation, stomach pain, intestinal atony, nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst and tiredness. The Lower Warmer left K, B, GB and Lv. It reflects the function of liver and kidneys. Dysfunctional changes in this area can have a negative effect on the blood as well as the entire Yin. TW disturbances can manifest themselves as pain in the dorsal side of the hand, tennis elbow, stiffness of the shoulder with limitation of movement, pain along the jaws and cheeks, conjunctivitis, deafness, tinnitus, headache (often left-sided). (Right-sided headache relate to the Liver and Gallbladder meridian). Significant energetic imbalances between the upper meridians measured at the hands and lower meridians measured at the feet, (see: BIOGRAPH correlation of meridians graph) can be balanced via the TW. Energy deficiencies of the Lu and LI in combination with deficiency in the TW can reflect dental amalgam incompatibility.


Possible disease symptoms: Hyper- and hypo-function of glands Fever Shivers Headache Sore throats Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH L-Thyroxin 50 g Tablets with suspicion of Hypothyroidism Novothyral Tablets with suspicion of Hypothyroidism Parkelp Tbl with suspicion of lack of iodine Trisequens (fem. Patient) with general lack of hormones Estraderm patch (fem. Patient) with menopausal Estrogen deficiency Melbrosia Kps (fem. Patient) with slight Estrogen deficiency Flax seed oil Capsules (fem. Patient) with slight Yin weakness Measuring Point = TW 1 TRIPLE WARMER Meridian of hope Negative emotions: Depression Despair Grief, sorrow Hopelessness Loneliness Isolation Seclusion Affirmative emotions: I am feeling elated and vibrant. I am full of hope.


The bile detoxifies and eases the burden on the body. In the head, this has an influence on the brain, the eyes as well as the ears. Psychologically the gallbladder is connected to rage and anger. Localization The Gallbladder-Meridian connects 44 points. It starts lateral of the corner of the eye, moves in a zigzag line over the temple and skull, along the side of the neck and the lateral torso down to the abdomen. GB then continues along the exterior of the leg and the foot and reaches its termination on the outside corner of the nail of the fourth toe (GB 44). Symptoms The Gallbladder is easily irritated psychologically, as can be demonstrated by ultrasound examination. It also is closely related to eye problems, migraine and tinnitus. Disturbances of the GB and the bile ducts are frequently the primary cause of many chronic health problems such as migraine, headache, eye diseases, ear and nose problems, such as sinusitis. Toxins such as heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, insecticides, food additives, colours and preservatives, as well as viruses (hepatitis and herpes), have a tendency to accumulate in the bile.


Psychological pressure and stress, such as anger, irritation, feelings of being annoyed and frustration weaken the flow of the energy in the gallbladder and bile, and also in the liver.


Possible disease symptoms: Disturbance in the cerebral blood supply in male patients Parotitis, stomatitis and mouth ulcers Tooth illnesses Tonsillitis Symptoms of the temporomandibular joint Cramps and stiffness of the neck (cervical spine) Pulmonary and bronchial illnesses Pain in shoulder-, hand- and finger-joints Eye problems Illnesses of the hip joints Diseases of the external genital organs of men Knee and ankle problems Dysfunctions caused by hyperacidity of the organism Depression

Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Bilibene Dragees - disturbances of bile flow Aar gamma 300 Capsules - high cholesterol Measuring point = GB 44

Gallbladder Meridian of admiration Negative emotions: Feeling angry, irritated and hot- tempered Rage Affirmative emotions: I am full of loving care for others. I am forgiving.

Note: Gallbladder & Liver meridians are partners in the Wood element. LIVER MERIDIAN (Lv) YIN:
The liver is the laboratory for the entire metabolism. It also represents the veins of the legs and haemorrhoids. Psychologically it is affected by grief, sorrow and by taking offence. Localization The Liver meridian connects 14 points and reflects the "Energy of the Personality". It starts on the dorsal side of the large toe (outside corner of the nail), runs over the back of the foot, the inside of the lower leg and then over the inside of the thigh, crossing the genital organs, up over the belly to the lateral rib cage. The liver ends closely under the nipple as Lv 14. Symptoms The liver metabolism and its toxin loads are often connected with low energy readings of the spleen-pancreas meridian. Hypofunction of the Liver meridian can influence the sinuses, the tonsils and also the corresponding teeth. In accordance with the TCM the eyes are the "windows" of the liver. The liver energy or Chi (Qi) flows to the eyes, and the liver is also responsible for pooling of blood.


If the liver pools the blood in the correct way, the powers of vision are good. Most eye problems are therefore treated via Lv- and the connected GBMeridian. According to TCM, both, liver and gallbladder are involved in planning and making a decision; having a vision is closely connected to our visual organ. Emotional people with a tendency to being hot tempered, to showing bad behaviour and inadequate self-control, can develop functional disturbances of the liver. The liver can have a negative impact on spleen and pancreas and as a result disturb the processes involved in digestion. In TCM, we call this Wood restricts Earth. The liver controls the lower abdomen, particularly the area of the Ovaries. Cramps, numbness and painful tendons are commonly connected with disturbances of the Liver meridian. Possible disease symptoms: Sinusitis Tooth illnesses Periodontitis Trigeminal neuralgia Functional disturbances of thyroid and parathyroid Illnesses of the breasts (mastitis, benign dysplasia and tumour formation) Diseases of gallbladder and bile ducts Illnesses the external genital organ of men and women Capillary bleedings Disturbances of the thigh area and skin Varicose veins in the area of the Vena Saphena Magna Fatigue syndromes Prostate disorders Disturbances of the uterus Muscle and tendon illnesses of the lower extremities Example: A female patient is suffering from chronic headache, menstrual irregularities and an inflammation of the right large toe, which does not heal. The measurement with the BIOGRAPH shows extremely low energy of the right Lv meridian. The meridian diagnoses points to scar tissue on the right hand side due to a Cesarean section. For seven years this disturbing scar had drained all energy from the liver meridian. With the help of energetic intervention (PERTH) the energy flows again. After 6 weeks all he above symptoms are gone.


Standard substances for testing with the BIOGRAPH Legalon Kapsuls weakness of liver functions Liv. 52 Tablets weakness of liver functions Measuring point = Lv 1 Liver - Meridian of happiness Negative emotions: Unhappiness Affirmative emotions: I am happy. I have luck. I am merry.

Note: Click on Pain Box to read about it on the website. Reference website:


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