Serial File

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Q. Difference between Serial file and indexed sequential file. Serial File 1.

In a serial file the records are stored in no particular order or logical order and hence the serial file is equivalent to an unorder sequence. . In serial file system, retrieve a single record the whole file needs to be read from the beginning to the end. !. Searching process is very slow. ". An example of a serial file is an non# computerised shopping list. $. Serial files can be stored on tape, disc or in memory. Indexed Sequential File 1. In an Indexed Sequential file system, the records are stored sequentially with an index. A separate table is kept of the indexes which are pointers into the tables. . In this system, individual records to be retrieved without having to search the entire set of data. !. Searching process is very fast. ". A company may store details about its employees as an indexed sequential file. $. An indexed sequential file can only be stored on a random access device eg magnetic disc, %&.

COAXIAL CABLE Material used for Coaxial Cable: - Copper core cable shielded by Air gap - Co-axial cable (sharing the same axis or center) consists of an outer and inner part with the outer part used as a protection from electrical interference while the inner part carries the electric signal Technology: - uses electromagnetic field technology to carry the signal - coax cable uses electricity, electric signals (electrons) to transfer data - copper core of the coaxial cable carries an analog signal Advantages of Coaxial Cable: - coaxial cables can be used near metallic objects without loss of power - protects the signal from having interference with an electromagnetic source such as electronic devices around - coaxial cable easily fits on the input jack of the receiver and no problems with kinks ses and A!!lications of Coaxial Cable: - carry telephone and data signals - distribution of cable television signals from Cable ! provider companies - Coaxial cable is used to transmit radio fre"uency signals - connect radio transmitters to the antenna - connect radio signal receiver to the antenna - connecting home, office, business computer network - #A$ (local area network) internet connections

- %A$ (wide area network) internet connections ----------------"IBE#$O%TIC CABLE &aterial used for 'iber-optic cable( - thin hollow fiber glass made of silica Technology: - fiber of thin hollow silica glass is used as a small pipe to transmit light particles containing signals and data information between the two ends of the fiber - fiber-optics cable uses light (photons) to transfer data - optical fibre carries a digital signal Advantages of "iber O!tic Cable: - flexibility of the cable (however, kinks distort the signal) - transparent properties of fiber optic cable - can be transmitted over longer distances with minimal or no losses - allows data to be transferred at higher bandwidths - can be curved around a corner during installation but can not be bent (signal distortion) - data transmission through the strands of fiber optic glass is faster ses and A!!lications of "iber$o!tic cables: - fiber-optic communication companies, - fiber optic cable tv distribution to houses and businesses - used to carry telephone, television, and data signals within a wider band of fre"uencies

)* %hat is the +ifference between encoder and multiplexer, An encoder refers to a device that is used to change a signal or data into a code* %hereas a &ultiplexer or mux is a device which performs multiplexing or it takes information from more than one*** +ecoder-demultiplexer A logic circuit, usually an integrated circuit, that is capable of setting one of its .n output lines active, i*e* at logic ), in response to an n-bit binary code present at its input* 'or an n-bit device, .n distinct elements of a code can be input* A decoder-demultiplexer may be considered as a switch that directs data from a timeshared data bus to one of several possible outputs under the control of a select signal, which is normally digital/ the select signal indicates which of the outputs is to be connected to the input (see diagram)* 0ndividual data channels may be recovered from a time-division multiplexed input bus provided that the scanning of the select signal is made synchronous with that of of the multiplexer* he input to and outputs from a decoder-demultiplexer may be in digital or analog form* .* An encoder refers to a device that is used to change a signal or data into a code* %hereas a &ultiplexer or mux is a device which performs multiplexing or it takes information from more than one channels and outputs into a single channel* hus a multiplexer is basically a kind of encoder where its function is to combine multiple inputs into one output* A decoder takes n inputs and produces .1n outputs* An encoder takes .1n inputs and produces n outputs* A multiplexer selects one line from many lines* he inverse of selection is distribution* A demux essentially transmits data from one line line to .1n possible output lines* he output line is determined by n select lines* 0n short, a multiplexer selects an input line, a demultiplexer selects an output line* he differences between these two circuits is subtle, as far as 0 can tell* A demux simply selects an output line, nothing more* 0t2s a glorified switch* A decoder takes n inputs, and uses those inputs to determine which of the .1n output lines is high* his is the difference, 0 think* A decoder is designed to simply keep one line high* A demux is designed to set one output e"ual to the input (whether it be high, low, or a changing signal)*

he differences can be summed as(-

&e'ulti!lexer ) data input +efinition .1n outputs 0t has n inputs .1n outputs
0t has n control inputs


Characteristic 4everse of

Connects the data input to the data output &ultiplexer

3elects one of the .1n outputs by decoding the binary value on the basis of n inputs 5ncoder

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