Questionnaire - Jeans Suresh.....
Questionnaire - Jeans Suresh.....
Questionnaire - Jeans Suresh.....
I conducting survey on Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Jeans I would be grateful to you, if you give honest and sincere response and me to achieve the purpose of my research. I thank you for valuable time that you give me and co-operate in this survey study.
2. If no, would you like to purchase in near future? [ ] Yes [ ] No 3. How often do you buy jeans? [ ] More than 6 month [ ] Once a month [ ] 1-3 month [ ] 4-6 month 4. How often do you wear jeans? [ ] Always [ ] Sometime [ ] On special occasion [ ] Other 5. How much would you spend on a purchase of jeans? [ ] Rs. 500 to Rs.1000 [ ] Rs. 1000 to Rs.1500 [ ] Rs.1500 to Rs.2000 [ ] More than Rs.2000
6. Rate the following factor that influence your purchase decision making for jeans? [1= most important 5= least important] Factor Style Price Brand Promotion Availability Quality Reliability Advertising Store location Other 1 2 3 4 5
7. Rate the style of jeans? [1= most important 5= least important] Factors Conservative Casual Stylish Unique Luxury Classic Adventurous Fashionable Independent 1 2 3 4 5
8. For selected jeans because of? [ ] status [ ] life style [ ] sophisticated product [ ] other 9. Who promote to you purchase jeans? [ ] Family member [ ] Relative [ ] Friend [ ] Other 10. From which sources you come to know about jeans? [Multiple tick allow] [ ] News paper [ ] Hording [ ] Magazine [ ] Television [ ] Advertisement [ ] Showroom banner [ ] Friends [ ] Other 11. Please scale the following table. Factors It is very easy for me to choose a jean among many brands. I have resources (I.e. time & money) to buy a jean. I will buy jean in near future. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
12. Jeans are available various designs in the market? Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Neutral [ ] Disagree [ ] strongly disagree [ ] 13. Do you give the preference of companys product by seeing companys advertisement of that product? Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Neutral [ ] Disagree [ ] strongly disagree [ ] 14. For which specific occasion you purchase Jeans. [ ] On festival [ ] On Marriage [ ] On Birthday [ ] Other
15. When you are most likely to buy jeans? [ ] As a replacement for existing jeans [ ] Whenever there is a sale on [ ] On impulse [ ] When my clothes size change [ ] For a holiday [ ] Special occasion [ ] For a new season [ ] Whenever a new style is launched 16. What do you think of people who wear jeans? [ ] Gentleman [ ] People belonging high society [ ] Status symbol [ ] other 17. Where would you go to buy jeans? [ ] shop [ ] Discount shop [ ] Online [ ] Other 18. Will you recommend this product to your friend, relative in future? [ ] Yes [ ] No 19. Please name your top 3 brand of jeans? ______________ ______________ ________________
Personal information Name: _______________________ Age : __________ Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female Occupation: [ ] Student [ ] Banker Annual Income: [ ] >50000 [ ] 50000-100000 [ ] Businessman [ ] Other
[ ] 100000-300000 [ ] More than 300000 Email- ID: ____________________ Contact No. : _________________