Rewrite The Following Sentences Without Changing The Original Meaning. Use The Given Words or Continue The Sentence. Verbal Tenses

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USE THE GIVEN WORDS OR CONTINUE THE SENTENCE. VERBAL TENSES. 1.- Simon finished the game. Then he went out. After finishing the game, Simon went out. After Simon had finished the game, he went out. 2.- When did you start learning English? How long have you been learning English? 3.- I haven t seen ohn for ages. Its ages since I last saw John. !.- She started studying "ren#h three years ago. She has been studying rench for three years. $.- I havent eaten so mu#h s%aghetti sin#e I was in &ome. !he last time I ate so much s"aghetti was when I was in #ome. '.- It(s years sin#e we #leaned the )a#* room. $e haven%t cleaned the bac& room for years. +.- ,e finished his dinner and then he went to )ed. $hen he had finished his dinner, he went to bed. -.- I last saw a red s.uirrel when I was 1$ years old. I haven%t seen a s'uirrel since I was () years old. /.- I(ll )e in the middle of my tennis game tomorrow at '011 2%laying3 I*ll be "laying tennis tomorrow at +,--. 11.- I(ll finish my edu#ation )efore I turn 31.2)y the time3 .y the time I*m /- I will have finished my education. 11- This will )e my first time in 4ondon. 2never3 I have never been to 0ondon. 12.- We(ve de#ided to meet for lun#h at one o(#lo#* 2going to3 $e are going to meet for lunch at one o*cloc&. $e are meeting for lunch at one o*cloc&. 13.- ,ave you got any e5%erien#e in a#ting? 2ever3 Have you ever acted? 1!.- I(ll finish the %o6e#t )efore 7ugust. 2)y3 .y August I*ll have finished the "ro1ect. 1$.- She(s going to rest )etween two and four o(#lo#*. 2at 30113 At /,-- she will be resting. 1'.- 8ur guests arrived during dinner. 2while3 2ur guests arrived while we were having dinner.

1+.- What are your %lans for ne5t summer? 2do3 $hat are you going to do ne3t summer? 1-.- She left only a few minutes ago. 26ust3 She has 1ust left. 1/.- The last time I saw Susan was at 9hristmas. I havent seen Susan since 4hristmas. 21.- :it#h waited at the #af; for an hour. ,e left )efore <elly arrived. 5itch left the caf6 because 7elly hadn*t arrived. 21.- <ate started to %lay tennis a year ago.2for3 7ate has been "laying tennis for a year. 22.- Tina forgot her glasses= so she #ouldn(t wat#h the film. !ina couldn%t watch the film because she had forgotten her glasses. 23.- Tom saw >?ladiator@ last wee*. ,e saw it again yesterday. 2twi#e3 !om has seen 89ladiator8 twice. 2!.- Will this )e your first tri% a)road? 2ever3 Have you ever been abroad? 2$.- Aoe )ought the 9B= then she realised it was the wrong one. :oe realised the 4; was the wrong one after she had bought it. 2'.- Ce#*y finished university three months ago. She is still lo*ing for a 6o). .ec&y has been loo&ing for a 1ob for three months.

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