Morris Slip PRA 2002

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15 OCTOBER 1992

Slip length in a dilute gas

David L. Morris

of Physics, San Jose State


San Jose, California 95192 01-06

Lawrence Hannon

IBM Scientific Center, 1530 Pagemill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304

L. Garcia

of Physics, San Jose State

San Jose, California 95192 010-6 (Received 24 February 1992)


We study the phenomenon of slip length using molecular dynamics and direct simulation Monte Carlo simulations of a dilute gas. Our work extends the range of Knudsen numbers that have been previously studied. In a recent paper, Bhattacharya and Lie [Phys. Rev. 43, 761 (1991)] suggest a logarithmic dependence of slip length on Knudsen number. By a simple redefinition of the mean free path, we obtain good agreement between simulation results and Maxwell theory for slip length. The anomalies seen by Bhattacharya and Lie appear to be due to their definition of the mean free path.

PACS number(s}: 47.45.6x

The velocity profile of a fluid very close to a wall (within a few mean free paths) exhibits a phenomenon known as slip. The velocity of the fluid v(x) near the wall does not equal the wall's velocity even if the wall is perfectly thermalizing. A similar phenomenon, called jump, also occurs for temperature. The existence of velocity slip was first predicted by Maxwell [1]. Its effect is important in microscopic flows (e.g. , flow between the write head and the platter on a hard disk) and in rarefied gas flows (e.g., very-high-altitude flight). In this short paper we address the question: Is slip a strictly local effect or does it depend on the entire flow field'7 Physical intuition suggest the former but recent computer experiments indi-

a -=1. 15 is the slip coefficient [5]. From basic kinetic theory we know that the mean free path A, z, in a hard-sphere gas is




where p is the Quid density, and m and d are the mass and diameter of the particles, respectively. ChapmanEnskog theory gives us the following expression for the viscosity g of a hard-sphere gas:


', pA, ,

2~k~ T



cate the latter [2,3). %e define the slip length Ias the distance inside the wall at which the (extrapolated) fluid velocity would equal the wall's velocity [4]. The slip length may be written as

T is the temperature

and k~ is Boltzmann's



v(x =0) (dv/dx ) o


For particles with extended potentials, the definition of the mean free path is problematic. Cercignani suggests the following operational definition for the mean free path [6]:



with the wall located at length l,* is defined as


The dimensionless



I, I*=


L is the characteristic length in the problem. In this work we investigate how I, varies with Knudsen number for planar Couette and Poiseuille flow. The Knudsen number is a dimensionless parameter defined as



, L


where A, is the mean free path. Maxwell theory predicts that the slip length is related to the mean free path as

l,*=a Kn,


Notice that A, is defined in terms of the viscosity. We define the hard-sphere and viscous Knudsen numbers as Knl, =kz/L and Kn, =A, /L, respectively. For a hardsphere gas at equilibrium, the two definitions of mean free path are equivalent [7). Far from equilibrium they differ, since A, includes boundary effects. The two definitions of the mean free path A, I, and A, are functions of density, the latter also depends on temperature. %'e computed the mean free path using the fluid density and temperature as measured near the wall. Using the average density and temperature instead had little effect on the results from our runs. We measured slip length in two flow geometries. In planar Couette flow a fluid is confined between walls




The American Physical Society




the walls moving in opposite directions with velocity are located at x =+L/2. By conventional hydrodynamics [8], the steady-state velocity profile is



~ B&L




o MD
o MD




In planar Poiseuille flow, a fluid between stationary walls is acted on by an external force in a direction parallel to the walls; the velocity profile is








0. 1


0. 001


0. 1
Knudsen number (H S )

Note that by measuring the curvature of the profile we may obtain the viscosity of the fiuid [9]. Since the phenomenon of slip occurs on a scale of only a few mean free paths, it is difficult to measure experiIn this respect, computer simulations are a mentally. useful tool for this problem. The two commonly used algorithms are molecular dynamics [10] (MD) and directsimulation Monte Carlo [11] (DSMC). We simulated the flow of argon using both methods. In MD we used the Lennard-Jones potential (effective diameter o =3.405 A); in DSMC we used the variable hard-sphere potential [12]. Results from the two simulation methods for similar runs were in very close agreement. The system consisted of 1000 atoms enclosed in a rectangular box of size L X A, where A is the cross-sectional area. The distance between the walls was constant at L =30o, while the cross section varied from A =81o. to 40000&v . The boundaries in the y and z directions were periodic and the boundaries in the x direction were thermal walls. When a particle reaches a thermal wa11, the particle's velocity is reset randomly from the biased with distribution temperature Maxwell-Boltzmann


* I, vs hard-sphere (HS) Knudsen number Knh. The closed circles are from the Ref. [3]. The open circles and squares are our molecular-dynamics Poiseuille and Couette data, respectively. The cross-hatched circles and squares are our DSMC Poiseuille and Couette data, respectively. The solid line is given by (4) with a=1. 15; this linear relation appears as a curve in this graph due to the sernilog scale.

FIG. 1. Dimensionless

slip length

Using the viscous definition for mean free path, we find that the slip length is accurately given by Maxwell theory for the entire range of Knudsen numbers (see Fig. 2). A least-squares fit of the data gives the value a=0. 97 for the slip coefficients; for just the low-Knudsen-number data (Kn, 05) we obtain the slightly higher value of a = 1.04. Given an estimated relative error in A, ofabout 10%, the data are in reasonable agreement with theory. There remains the question of why the two definitions of mean free path give similar results at low Knudsen number but differ dramatically when the separation between the walls is small. Maxwell theory was originally formulated for the semi-infinite geometry, i.e., a fluid bounded by a single wall. It should not be surprising that the theory needs some modification when there is a second boundary nearby. The hard-sphere definition for the mean free path only


T=450 K.
For the Poiseuille runs, the systems were subjected to an acceleration field of magnitude g=2. 27X10' cm/s in MD runs and g 2. 27 X 10' cm/s in the DSMC runs. For Couette flow, the thermal wall moved in opposite directions with speeds of +4. 36X 10 cm/s. The effective viscosity was obtained from the shear stress Pat the thermal wall. The shear stress was calculated as the net change of momentum of particles at the walls per unit per unit time. The effective viscosity is


computed from

P.y = nXp .



In the Poiseuille runs, the effective viscosity was a1so computed from the velocity profile [see Eq. (9)] and the two methods gave similar values. Bhattacharya and Lie [2,3] reported that for large Knudsen number 05) they observed a significant reduction in the expected slip length. Their analysis employed the simple, hard-sphere definition for the mean free path. Using Knh, we reproduce their results in both Couette and Poiseuille fiow (see Fig. 1). They suggested that the slip coefficient may vary as I,* ~ln( Kni, ). Our runs extend the range of Knudsen number to lower values, and we find good agreement with Eq. (4) for





0. 1
0. 1

C Pois.

C Couette






0. 7

Knudsen number (Vise. )

* Dimensionless slip length I, vs viscous Knudsen details. for number Kn, . See Fig. 1 caption

FIG. 2.

depends on the density and the particle diameter. On the other hand, the viscous mean free path also depends on the distance between the walls, since the e6'ective viscosity decreases with increasing Knudsen number [4]. Heuristically, the viscous mean free path is the effective distance traveled by a particle between collisions with parti-


cles or walls. It would be interesting to develop this point of view along more rigorous lines.

The authors wish to thank D. BaganofF, Wm. Feireisen, and B. Alder for helpful discussions. This work was supported in part by a CSU Research Award.

[1] J. C. Maxwell, Philos. Trans. Soc. London 170, 231 (1867). [2) D. K. Bhattacharya and G. C. Lie, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 897 (1989). [3] D. K. Bhattacharya and G. C. Lie, Phys. Rev. 43, 761 (1991). [4] W. G. Vincenti and C. H. Kruger, Introduction to Physical
Gas Dynamics (Krieger, Malabar, 1965). [5] D. R. Willis, Phys. Fluids 5, 127 (1962); S. Ziering, ibid 6, 993 (1963). [6] C. Cercignani, Mathematical Methods in Kinetic Theory (Plenum, New York, 1969). [7] Actually they differ by a small multiplicative constant: ~p /A, =16/5m =-1.02.

[8] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanics (Pergamon, Oxford, 1959). [9] L. Hannon, G. C. Lie, and E. Clementi, Phys. Lett. A 119, 174 (1986). [10] M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation of Liquids (Clarendon, Oxford, 1987). [11]G. A. Bird, Molecular Gas Dynamics (Clarendon, Oxford, 1976). [12] G. A. Bird, in Rarefted Gas Dynamics: Technical Papers from the 12th International Symposium, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series (AIAANew York, 1980), Vol. 74, Part 1, p. 239.

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