Question 1: Provide the create table syntax to Create a Table Employee whose details are as below. Employee(EmployeeI ! "ast#ame! $irst#ame! %ddress! ate&ired' Ans: create Employee(EmployeeI int(('! "ast#ame varchar()*'!$irtst#ame varchar()*'! %ddress varchar(+*'! ate&ired date', Question 2: Provide the I#-E.T query to be used in Employee Table to /ill the etails. Ans: a' insert into Employee values (0!12u3her4ee1!1Preetha1!15angalore1!1067*67)*0)1', b' insert into Employee values ()!1-hu3la1!1-hivangi1!1Chennai1!1)67*67)*0)1', Question 3: 8hen we give -E"ECT 9 $.:2 E2P":;EE .&ow does it .espond< %ns: 8hen we type the following query of select * from employee it returns all the data present that is all the columns in employee table. In this case it shows the above values in the insert statement. Question 4: Create a Table C"IE#T whose details are as below. Client(ClientI ! "ast#ame! $irst#ame! 5alance! EmployeeI ' Ans: create Client(ClientI int(('! "ast#ame varchar()*'!$irtst#ame varchar()*'! 5alance /loat(0*'! EmployeeI int((', EmployeeID foreign key references Employee(EmployeeID ', Question 5: Provide the I#-E.T query to be used in C"IE#T Table to /ill the etails. Ans: insert into Client values (!lientID,"ast#ame,$irst#ame,%ddress, EmployeeId &alues
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Question 6: 8hen we give -E"ECT 9 $.:2 C"IE#T .&ow does it .espond< Ans: isplays all the attribues with its value Question 7: Choose the correct answer. The -=" command to create a table is: a. 2a3e Table b. %lter Table c. e/ine Table d. Create Table %ns: d. Question 8: Choose the correct answer. The .:P T%5"E statement: a. deletes the table structure only b. deletes the table structure along with the table data c. wor3s whether or not re/erential integrity constraints would be violated d. is not an -=" statement %ns: b. Question 9: 8hat are the di//erent data types available in -=" server< %ns: The di//erent data types are integer!number(p!d'!character(n'!varchar(n'! date! time! timestamp! smallint! /loat(n'!5inary. Question 10: 8hich is the subset o/ -=" commands used to manipulate :racle atabase structures! including tables< %ns: . DD"( Data Deifinition "anguage .
Question 11: 8hat operator per/orms pattern matching< %ns: "I>E operator Question 12: 8hat operator tests column /or the absence o/ data< %ns: I- #?"" operator
Question 13: 8hich command executes the contents o/ a speci/ied /ile< %ns: /)%0) or 1 command. Question 14: 8hat is the parameter substitution symbol used with I#-E.T I#T: command< %ns: 232 commonly known as ampersand operator. Question 15: 8hich command displays the -=" command in the -=" bu//er! and then executes it< %ns: .?# Question 16: 8hat are the wildcards used /or pattern matching< %ns: @ and A Question 17: -tate whether true or /alse. EBI-T-! -:2E! %#; are operators in -=". %ns: T.?E Question 18: -tate whether true or /alse. CD! EF! GD all denote the same operation. %ns: T.?E Question 19: 8hat are the privileges that can be granted on a table by a user to others< %ns: Insert, update, delete, select, references, inde4, e4ecute, alter, all Question 20: 8hat command is used to get bac3 the privileges o//ered by the H.%#T command< %ns: .EI:>E Question 21: 8hich system tables contain in/ormation on privileges granted and privileges obtained< %ns: 5/E06)%7680I&/69%DE, 5/E06)%7680I&/60E!D
Question 22: 8hich system table contains in/ormation on constraints on all the tables created< %ns: 5/E06!:#/)0%I#)/ Question 23: 8hat is the di//erence between T.?#C%TE and E"ETE commands< %ns: '.Delete is a D9" command and )runcate is a DD" command.
+.;here clause can be used with delete only. <.)=E Delete operation can be rolled back, )runcate operation cant be rolled back again that is it is a permanent delete.
Question 24: 8hat command is used to create a table by copying the structure o/ another table< %ns: . !0E%)E )%7"E .. %/ /E"E!) command
E4planation . )o copy only the structure, the ;=E0E clause of the /E"E!) command should contain a$%"/E statement as in the following. !0E%)E )%7"E #E;)%7"E %/ /E"E!) * $0:9 E>I/)I#?)%7"E ;=E0E '@+If the ;=E0E condition is true, then all the rows or rows satisfying the condition will be copied to the new table.